University of Gothenburg
Picture of the School of Business, Economics and Law

As a student at our School you will receive an inter­nationally-accredited, competitive education closely linked to first-rate research. But there is more to it than that. We believe in an unlimited approach to education where multiple perspectives, international experience and close cooperation with members of industry and society at large, play important parts in the learning process. Moreover, our research and education are constantly developing to keep a high societal relevance and to make an impact that contributes to the sustainable development in its entirety.

Together we will prepare you to face challenges in a more open, fast-paced and increasingly complex world.

Per Cramér

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Video (00:49)
Welcome from Per

Welcome brochures

Are you admitted to one of our Master's programmes or the Bachelor's programme in Business and Economics? Below you find our welcome brochures where we have gathered all information you need to prepare for your studies at the School of Business, Economics and Law

A Triple Crown accredited business school

The School works successfully with continuous quality improvement within operations. As a result, the School is accredited by the most reputable international accreditations for business schools; EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. This triple crown accreditation is held by less than 1 per cent of the world's business schools and is valuable proof that our research, academics and collaborations maintain an internationally high quality- confirming that we are a strong business school, active in an international arena and continually developing in line with the requirements and changes around us.

The accreditations strengthen our brand and are in many cases a prerequisite for collaborations (e.g. student mobility) with the world's best business schools. They ensure that your education meets the demands of tomorrow and when venturing out into the job market, it can also be a plus to have studied at a school that boast internationally recognised quality.