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- Anna Grimby Ekman
Anna Grimby Ekman
School of Public Health and Community MedicineAbout Anna Grimby Ekman
Anna's main research interests are in the field of chronic pain, a common disease which in the new diagnostic code ICD-11 has it´s own code and is regarded as a disease in itself. In many projects, the focus is on epidemiology and statistical methods. Prediction of symptoms and treatment outcomes is also an important part of Anna's research areas, with application in chronic pain and infectious diseases.
More specific interests in the different areas are:
Research in pain and infectious diseases: - Epidemiological and registry-based research in the field of chronic, generalized pain, linked to sleep, stress, pain spread, pain locations and multimodal pain rehabilitation. - Projects in pain threshold measurement, both as treatment outcomes and method issues.
Biostatistics and epidemiology: - Analysis of ordinal data, logistic regression for repeated measurements - Causal inference, DAG, propensity scores - Prediction of complex outcomes, where the outcomes themselves are multidimensional. Bayesian and Machin Learning techniques are used for the selection of predictors and prediction models. - Analysis of right-censored variables, with repeated measurements over time. - Quantile regression to look at effect heterogeneity in exposures or treatments.
Anna is professor in health science statistics and an active researcher at the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, and leads the research group GothPain - Gothenburg Chronic Pain Research Group. Anna also leads the research group Biostatistics.
In 2010, Anna Grimby-Ekman defended a doctoral dissertation at the Institution of Medicine, in the field of pain epidemiology. Anna Grimby-Ekmans has continued with research in pain epidemiology and generalized pain, as well as statistical and epidemiological method problems in these areas.
Teaching in biostatistics and epidemiology basic level and for researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy since 1996. Anna also holds seminars and teaching in pain epidemiology.
Anna is a regular supervisor for degree projects in the medical program, as well as master's theses in Mathematical Statistics, both at the University of Gothenburg.
Anna is one of the assistant directors of studies for postgraduate education at the Department of Medicine.
Dissertation: Epidemiological aspects of musculoskeletal pain in the upper body. Analyzing common and recurrent binary outcomes, Sahlgrenska akademin, 2010.
Licentiate thesis: Sequential probability ratio tests when using play-the-winner allocation, Department of Statistics, University of Gothenburg, 1997
Using a Two-Steps Clustering and PCA Analysis for Stratified Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Care: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional
Ana M. Peiro, Jordi Barrachina, Monica Escorial, Isidro Aguado, Cesar Margarit, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Prevention of sickness absence through early identification and rehabilitation of at-risk patients with musculoskeletal disorders (PREVSAM): short term effects of a randomised controlled trial in primary
Annika Ekhammar, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Susanne Bernhardsson, Kristina Holmgren, Lena Bornhöft, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Maria E H Larsson
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2025 -
Gothenburg Breast reconstruction (GoBreast) II protocol: a Swedish partially randomised patient preference, superiority trial comparing autologous and implant-based breast
Emma Hansson, Jonas Löfstrand, Camilla Larsson, Alexandra Uusimaki, Karolina Svensson, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mikael Svensson, Anna Paganini
BMJ open - 2024 -
Measurement Error, Minimal Detectable Change, and Minimal Clinically Important Difference of the Short Form-36 Health Survey, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Pain Numeric Rating Scale in Patients With Chronic
Rode Grönkvist, Linda Vixner, Björn Äng, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Journal of Pain - 2024 -
Exploratory Rasch analysis of a Static-99R clinical cohort
Christian Baudin, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Thomas Nilsson, Märta Wallinius, Peter Andiné
PLOS ONE - 2024 -
Emma Varkey, Raquel Gottfridsson, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Anna Bjarnegård Sellius, Maria Östman, Paulin Andréll
Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications - 2024 -
The Swedish version of the pain self-efficacy questionnaire short form, PSEQ-2SV: Cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation in a population of patients with musculoskeletal
Annika Ekhammar, Patrik Numanovic, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Maria E H Larsson
Scandinavian journal of pain - 2024 -
Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Pain Treated With Tapentadol Versus Oxycodone/Naloxone and Its Determinants: A Real-World, Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study in
Ana M. Peiro, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Jordi Barrachina, Monica Escorial, Cesar Margarit, Carmen Selva-Sevilla, Manuel Geronimo-Pardo
Monitoring handgrip strength to motivate lifestyle choices for patients with diabetes type 2-a pragmatic randomised controlled
Lena Bornhoft, Susanne Bernhardsson, Lena Nordeman, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Maria Dottori, Maria E. H. Larsson
MediYoga compared to physiotherapy treatment as usual for patients with stress-related symptoms in primary care rehabilitation: A randomized controlled
Madeleine Bellfjord, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Maria E H Larsson
PLoS ONE - 2024 -
Do beta-blockers reduce negative intrusive thoughts and anxiety in cancer survivors? – An emulated
Carolina Ehrencrona, Ying Li, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind, Stefan Franzén, Anna Grimby-Ekman, David Bock
BMC Cancer - 2024 -
Long-term patient-reported back and shoulder function after delayed breast reconstruction with a latissimus dorsi flap: case-control cohort
Jonas Löfstrand, Anna Paganini, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mattias Lidén, Emma Hansson
The British journal of surgery - 2024 -
Can biofeedback training in combination with ergonomic information reduce pain among young adult computer users with neck and upper extremity symptoms?- A randomized controlled intervention
A. Lindegård, Anna Grimby-Ekman, J. Wahlström, Ewa Gustafsson
Applied Ergonomics - 2024 -
A multidisciplinary treatment focused on stress to reduce pain in persons with chronic widespread
Anna Bergenheim, Chan-Mei Ho, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Maria E H Larsson, Anna Larsson, Marie Persson, Sandra Weineland, Lena Margareta Nordeman
Melbourne: 11th Interdisciplinary congress on low back and pelvic girdle pain - 2023 -
Psychosocial resources predict frequent pain differently for men and women: A prospective cohort
Anke Samulowitz, Inger Haukenes, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Stefan Bergman, Gunnel Hensing
PLoS ONE - 2023 -
Components of primary care multimodal rehabilitation and their association with changes in sick leave: An observational
Yvonne Severinsson, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Kristina Holmgren, Lina Bunketorp Käll, Maria Dottori, Maria Eh Larsson
Work (Reading, Mass.) - 2023 -
Validation and reliability testing of the BREAST-Q expectations questionnaire in
Linn Weick, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Carolina Lunde, Emma Hansson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2023 -
General self-efficacy and social support in men and women with pain – irregular sex patterns of cross-sectional and longitudinal associations in a general population
Anke Samulowitz, Gunnel Hensing, Inger Haukenes, Stefan Bergman, Anna Grimby-Ekman
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2022 -
Stress, non-restorative sleep, and physical inactivity as risk factors for chronic pain in young adults: A cohort
Maja Lindell, Anna Grimby-Ekman
PLoS ONE - 2022 -
Texture Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Images Enables Phenotyping of Potentially Painful Annular
Stefanie Eriksson, Christian Waldenberg, Leif Torén, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Helena Brisby, Hanna Hebelka, Kerstin M Lagerstrand
Spine - 2022 -
App-based COVID-19 syndromic surveillance and prediction of hospital admissions in COVID Symptom Study
B. Kennedy, H. Fitipaldi, U. Hammar, M. Maziarz, N. Tsereteli, N. Oskolkov, G. Varotsis, C. A. Franks, D. Nguyen, L. Spiliopoulos, H. O. Adami, J. Bjork, S. Engblom, K. Fall, Anna Grimby-Ekman, J. E. Litton, M. Martinell, A. Oudin, T. Sjostrom, T. Timpka, C. H. Sudre, M. S. Graham, J. L. du Cadet, A. T. Chan, R. Davies, S. Ganesh, A. May, S. Ourselin, J. C. Pujol, S. Selvachandran, J. Wolf, T. D. Spector, C. J. Steves, M. F. Gomez, P. W. Franks, T. Fall
Nature Communications - 2022 -
Prediction models for planning health care resources. During the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic
Anna Grimby-Ekman, Ottmar Cronie, David Bock, Bo Palaszewski, Anna Norman Kjellström
2022 -
Multidimensional health changes after a multimodal pain rehabilitation program: a registry-based
Anna Grimby-Ekman, Malin Kim, N. Stankovic, C. Mannheimer
Pain Reports - 2021 -
Association between pre-stroke physical activity and mobility and walking ability in the early subacute phase: A registry-based
Malin Reinholdsson, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Hanna C Persson
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2021 -
Insomnia Symptoms and Chronic Pain among Patients Participating in a Pain Rehabilitation Program-A Registry
Josefine Lind, Paulin Andréll, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Journal of Clinical Medicine - 2021 -
Prevention of sickness absence through early identification and rehabilitation of at-risk patients with musculoskeletal pain (PREVSAM): a randomised controlled trial
Maria E H Larsson, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Kristina Holmgren, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Gunnel Hensing, Cecilia Björkelund, Stefan Bergman, Annika Ekhammar, M. Dottori, Susanne Bernhardsson
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2020 -
Pain intensity and pressure pain thresholds after a light dynamic physical load in patients with chronic neck-shoulder
Anna Grimby-Ekman, Christina Ahlstrand, B. Gerdle, B. Larsson, Helena Sandén
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2020 -
Altered relationship between anandamide and glutamate in circulation after 30 min of arm cycling: A comparison of chronic pain subject with healthy
N. Stensson, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Molecular Pain - 2019 -
Predictors of chronic pain intensity, spread and sensitivity in the general population: A two-year follow-up study from the swepain
Britt Larsson, Elena Dragioti, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Björn Gerdle, Jonas Björk
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2019 -
Longitudinal associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and stress-related exhaustion, depression, anxiety and sleep
Agneta Lindegård Andersson, Gunilla Wastensson, Emina Hadzibajramovic, Anna Grimby-Ekman
BMC public health - 2019 -
Factor structure and internal consistency of a Swedish version of the Pain Catastrophizing
Mike K Kemani, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Jesper Lundgren, Michael Sullivan, Mari Lundberg
Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica - 2019 -
Pain could negatively affect school grades - Swedish middle school students with low school grades most
Anna Grimby-Ekman, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Jonas Brisman, Mats Hagberg, Jeong-Lim Kim
PLoS ONE - 2018 -
Different DHEA-S levels and response patterns in individuals with chronic neck pain, compared to a pain free group – a pilot
Anna Grimby-Ekman, B. Ghafouri, Helena Sandén, B. Larsson, B. Gerdle
Pain medicine - 2017 -
Pain Sensitivity and its Relation to Spreading on the Body, Intensity, Frequency, and Duration of Pain A Cross-Sectional Population-based Study
B. Larsson, B. Gerdle, J. Bjork, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Clinical Journal of Pain - 2017 -
Texting on mobile phones and musculoskeletal disorders in young adults: A five-year cohort
Ewa Gustafsson, Sara Thomée, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mats Hagberg
Applied Ergonomics - 2017 -
Predicting participation in the population-based Swedish cardiopulmonary bio-image study (SCAPIS) using register
J. Bjork, Ulf Strömberg, Annika Rosengren, K. Toren, Björn Fagerberg, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Göran Bergström
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2017 -
The association between pain characteristics, pain catastrophizing and health care use - Baseline results from the SWEPAIN
Anna Jöud, Jonas Björk, Björn Gerdle, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Britt Larsson
Scandinavian journal of pain - 2017 -
Work ability is influenced by kinesiophobia among patients with persistent
Anna Grimby-Ekman, M. Lundberg
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2017 -
Opportunities for recovery at work and excellent work ability - a cross-sectional population study among young
Maria Boström, Judith K Sluiter, Mats Hagberg, Anna Grimby-Ekman
BMC Public Health - 2016 -
Caroline Feldthusen, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2016 -
Seasonal variations in fatigue in persons with rheumatoid arthritis: a longitudinal
Caroline Feldthusen, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2016 -
Experiences of work ability in young workers: an exploratory interview
Maria Boström, Kristina Holmgren, Judith K Sluiter, Mats Hagberg, Anna Grimby-Ekman
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health - 2016 -
Physical functioning and fall-related efficacy among community-dwelling elderly
Hadeel Halaweh, Carin Willén, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Ulla Svantesson
European Journal of Physiotherapy - 2016 -
Affective stress responses during leisure time: Validity evaluation of a modified version of the Stress-Energy
Emina Hadzibajramovic, Gunnar Ahlborg, C. Hakanson, Åsa Lundgren Nilsson, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2015 -
Comorbidities, intensity, frequency and duration of pain, daily functioning and health care seeking in local, regional, and widespread pain-a descriptive population-based survey
Anna Grimby-Ekman, B. Gerdle, J. Bjork, B. Larsson
Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2015 -
Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Community Dwelling
Hadeel Halaweh, Carin Willén, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Ulla Svantesson
Journal of clinical medicine research - 2015 -
Leisure time computer use and overweight development in young adults - a prospective
Sara Thomée, Lauren Lissner, Mats Hagberg, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Bmc Public Health - 2015 -
Internal construct validity of the stress-energy questionnaire in a working population, a cohort
Emina Hadzibajramovic, Gunnar Ahlborg, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Åsa Lundgren Nilsson
Bmc Public Health - 2015 -
Salivary cortisol in two professions: Daily cortisol profiles in school teachers and
O. Susoliakova, J. Smejkalova, M. Bicikova, D. Potuznikova, L. Hodacova, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Z. Fiala
Neuroendocrinology Letters - 2014 -
Validitets- och reliabilitetstestning av kortversioner av krav, kontroll, socialt stöd och effort-reward imbalance. Rapport från Arbets- och miljömedicin nr
Anna Stefan, Sara Thomée, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mats Eklöf, Mats Andrén, Mats Hagberg
2014 -
Variations of fatigue in persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis- a 1 year longitudinal
Caroline Feldthusen, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-eular.3502. Ann Rheum Dis - 2014 -
Timed Up & Go as a measure for longitudinal change in mobility after stroke - Postural Stroke Study in Gothenburg
Carina Ulla Persson, Anna Danielsson, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Per-Olof Hansson
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation - 2014 -
Responsiveness of a modified version of the postural assessment scale for stroke patients and longitudinal change in postural control after stroke- Postural Stroke Study in Gothenburg (POSTGOT)
Carina Ulla Persson, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Anna Danielsson, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Per-Olof Hansson
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation - 2013 -
Reliabilitetstestning av Purdue Pegboard®
Christina Ahlstrand, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Adnan Noor Baloch, Mats Hagberg
2012 -
Simple neck pain questions used in surveys, evaluated in relation to health outcomes: a cohort
Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mats Hagberg
BMC research notes - 2012 -
Pain-related fear: a critical review of the related
Mari Lundberg, Anna Grimby-Ekman, J Verbunt, M J Simmonds
Pain research and treatment - 2011 -
Dialogträning på
Mats Eklöf, Gunnar Ahlborg, Christina Grill, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Ewa Wikström, Anna Ekman
2011 -
Dialogträning på vårdarbetsplatser: En studie av interventionseffekter och -processer med användning av kvantitativ och kvalitativ
Mats Eklöf, Gunnar Ahlborg, Christina Grill, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Ewa Wikström, Anna Grimby-Ekman
2011 -
The work ability index and single-item question: associations with sick leave, symptoms, and health - a prospective study of women on long-term sick
Linda Åhlström, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mats Hagberg, Lotta Dellve
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health - 2010 -
Epidemiological aspects of musculoskeletal pain in the upper body. Analyzing common and recurrent binary
Anna Grimby-Ekman
2010 -
Supplementation with fatty acids influences the airway nitric oxide and inflammatory markers in patients with cystic
Christina Keen, Anna-Carin Olin, Susanne Eriksson, Anders Lindblad, Samar Basu, Christopher Beermann, Birgitta Strandvik, Anna Ekman
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition - 2010 -
"Pushing Oneself Too Hard": Performance-Based Self-Esteem as a Predictor of Sickness Presenteeism Among Young Adult Women and Men-A Cohort
Jesper Löve, Mats Eklöf, Mats Hagberg, Lotta Dellve, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Measures of work ability and association with sick leave, symptoms and health; a prospective study of female workers on long term sick
Linda Åhlström, Mats Hagberg, Lotta Dellve, Anna Grimby-Ekman
Scand J Work Environ Health - 2010 -
Reliabilitetstestning av Purdue Pegboard®
Christina Ahlstrand, Lotta Dellve, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Andreas Jonsson, Linda Åhlström, Mats Hagberg
2009 -
Analyzing musculoskeletal neck pain, measured as present pain and periods of pain, with three different regression models: a cohort
Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mats Hagberg, Eva M. Andersson
BMC Musculoskelet Disord - 2009 -
Analysis of the Stress-Energy Questionnaire using modern test theory – part I – a comparison with classical test
Åsa Lundgren Nilsson, Anders Pousette, Pernilla Larsman, Anna Ekman
The third international Rasch measurement conference, January, Perth, Western Australia - 2008 -
Analysis of the stress-energy questionnaire using classic test theory - part II, a comparison with modern test
Anders Pousette, Åsa Lundgren Nilsson, Pernilla Larsman, Anna Ekman
Paper presented at the Third International Rasch Measurement Conference, Perth, Western Australia, January 2008 - 2008 -
The association between whole body vibration exposure and musculoskeletal disorders in the Swedish work force is confounded by lifting and
Mats Hagberg, Lage Burström, Anna Ekman, Rebecka Vilhelmsson
Journal of Sound and Vibration - 2006 -
Normal nerve conduction velocity and vibrotactile perception thresholds in computer
Helena Sandén, Micael Edblom, Anna Ekman, Artur Tenenbaum, Gunnar B Wallin, Mats Hagberg
International archives of occupational and environmental health - 2005 -
Perceived muscular tension, emotional stress, psychological demands and physical load during VDU
Jens Wahlström, Agneta Lindegård Andersson, Gunnar Ahlborg, Mats Hagberg, Anna Ekman
International archives of occupational and environmental health - 2003 -
Nitric oxide (NO) in exhaled air after experimental ozone exposure in
Anna-Carin Olin, N Stenfors, Kjell Torén, A. Blomberg, R Helleday, M C Ledin, G Ljungkvist, Anna Ekman, T Sandström
Respiratory medicine - 2001 -
Increased nitric oxide in exhaled air after intake of a nitrate-rich
AC Olin, A Aldenbratt, Anna Ekman, Göran Ljungkvist, L Jungersten, K Alving, Kjell Torén
Respiratory medicine - 2001 -
Gender differences in musculoskeletal health of computer and mouse users in the Swedish
Anna Ekman, A Andersson, Mats Hagberg, E W Hjelm
Occupational medicine (Oxford, England) - 2000 -
Arbetsskadeincidens i äldreomsorgen. En studie av vårdbiträden och undersköterskor 1994-1998 inom privat och kommunal omsorg om äldre och
Lotta Dellve, Peter Allebeck, Mats Hagberg, Tommy H. Hansson, Birgitta Herloff, Katarina Karlberg, Monica Lagerström, A Lindén, Anna Ekman