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- Eva Angenete
Eva Angenete
Professor/ Chief Physician
Department of SurgeryAbout Eva Angenete
Associate professor of surgery
Research area
Colorectal cancer and anal cancer. Focus on surgical treatment, quality of life and health economy. Eva Angenete is a colorectal surgeon with focus on advanced colorectal cancer, anal cancer and minimally invasive methods. She has together with colleages introduced the new technique transanal TME in Sweden (a new method to perform low anastomoses in rectal cancer surgery using laparoscopic technique.
Research environment Eva Angenete worsk in a research group where all clinical studies are performed in a network of Scandinavian academig surgeons (SSORG - The Scandinavian Surgical Outcomes Research Group). She has been a part of the network since the beginning in 2009. The network consists of seven hospitals in Denmark and Sweden with a catchment area of 3 million. Many other hospitals participate in the studies. The goal is to reach expedient accrual, and thus have better control of confounders. Through well established routines an external validity is ascertained.
Background Colorectal cancer represents almost 10 % of all malignant tumours in seden and afflicts more than 6000 individuals yearly. Anal cancer is more uncommon with approximately 120 cases yearly in Sweden. During the last decade the local recurrences in colorectal cancer have decreased and survival has increased. This is probably due to improved diagnostics, surgical technique and additive treatments such as (chemo)radiotherapy. There is still room for improvement as the complication rate after surgical treatment is 26-35%. Many patients also have an impaired quality of life after treatment, which has been increasingly in focus in the last couple of years. The aim of this research program is to evaluate present methods, develop new techniques and identify patients in need of support or help prior, during and after treatment for colorectal and anal cancer. Our goal is to develop better care for a large patient group through detailed studies of surgical and oncological care and treatment.
Some current projects
- The anastomosis in colorectal surgery - ColoREG och ANASU During surgery for colorectal cancer an anastomosis is often performed between two bowel ends. A leakage in this anastomosis is a well known serious problem that occurs in 5-10% of all surgeries, and is more comman after rectal cancer surgery. Through studies of registries, smaller cohort studies and quality of life studies the group will identify risk factors, evaluate diagnostic tools and patient experiences.
- A temporary diverting stoma for patients with rectal cancer - the EASY and LIV studies To reduce the consequences of an anastomotic leakage the patient may have a diverting loopileostomy. Through several cohort studies the consequences of a loopileostomy itself have been evaluated, and a randomised Scandinavian study will explore the possibilities to have the loopileostomy removed earlier than the standard of often 12 weeks today. The aim is to reduce the total number of complications related to the surgery and the postoperative period.
- Complications related to colostomies - the Stoma-Const trial A permanent or temporary colostomy may be necessary for patients with colorectal and anal cancer. A well functioning colostomy may not affect quality of life, but the rate of complications is high. A common (20-70%) complication is parastomal hernia. Colostomy construction is studied in a randomised Scandinavian trial. A cohortstudy evaluating the best type of colostomy is presently underway. The aim is to reduce stoma related complications and to give each patient the perfect stoma.
- Quality of life in colorectal cancer - QoLiRECT och QoLiCOL After treatment for colorectal cancer there is an inherent risk of effects on bowel, urinary and sexual function. This may be due to additive treatments, surgical reconstructions or extensive surgery. Some studies indicate that bowel continuity is better than a permanent stoma, but this is contradicted by other studies. Two large longitudinal cohort studies evaluate quality of life at diagnosis and during 3-5 years after diagnosis. The primary aim is to identify areas of improvement and to describe the patients' experiences.
- Quality of life in patients with anal cancer - ANCA Anal cancer is often treated with chemoradiotherapy. Sometimes surgery is required due to insufficient response to treatment or due to recurrence. The group studies quality of life in patients with anal cancer with the aim to explore health related quality of life, identify problems and perform interventional studies.
- Safety climate in the operating room The safety climate and work environment in the operating room is of utmost important to excel in performance and provide the patient with the best care possible. We study the work enviroment and safety climate in the operating room with the aim to improve teamwork and the surgical results.
Research group members
Anette Wedin Carina Rosander Carolina Ehrencrona Elin Grybäck Elisabeth González Eva Haglind Hanna Nilsson Ingrid Höglund-Karlsson Jane Heath John Andersson Kajsa Holm Kira Bröndrum Kristoffer Derwinger Mattias Block Ulf Angerås
Current Ph-D students Main supervisor: Adiela Correa Marinez Aron Onerup Bodil Gessler Dan Asplund Jenifer Park Sofia Erestam Associate supervisor: Jacob Gehrman Mattias Prytz
Selected financial support: ALF FoU Västra Götaland Göteborgs Läkaresällskap Cancerfonden Svenska Läkaresällskapet HTA-anslag
Short-term outcomes from the 'Watch and Wait' (WoW) study: prospective cohort
Daniel Rydbeck, Najia Azhar, Lennart Blomqvist, Abbas Chabok, Joakim Folkesson, Anders Gerdin, Linda Hermus, Peter Matthiessen, Anna Martling, Per J. Nilsson, Eva Angenete
BJS OPEN - 2025 -
Suicide after colorectal cancer-a national population-based
Charlotta Larsson, Hanna de la Croix, Rode Grönkvist, Jennifer Park, Jacob Rosenberg, Viktor Tasselius, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
Colorectal Disease - 2024 -
Patient reported experiences of health care, quality of life and preoperative information in colon
Maria Reinwalds, Charlotta Larsson, Rode Grönkvist, Eva Angenete
Acta Oncologica - 2024 -
Assessment of cognitive function after surgery for colorectal cancer-a scoping
Carolina Ehrencrona, Rebecka Levenskog, Eva Angenete
BMJ Open - 2024 -
Long-Term Results After Laparoscopic Lavage for Perforated Diverticulitis Purulent Peritonitis in Sweden: A Population-Based Observational
Andreas Samuelsson, David Bock, Mattias Prytz, Carolina Ehrencrona, Anette Wedin, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
Annals of surgery open : perspectives of surgical history, education, and clinical approaches - 2024 -
Bowel Dysfunction After Colon Cancer Surgery: A Prospective, Longitudinal, Multicenter
Sofia Sandberg, Jennifer Park, Viktor Tasselius, Eva Angenete
Patient reported long-term side effects from treatment on urinary and sexual function in anal cancer survivors-3-and 6-year results from the Swedish national ANCA
Anna Axelsson, Mia Johansson, Eva Haglind, Ying Li, Per J. Nilsson, Eva Angenete
Minor impact of anastomotic leakage in anterior resection for rectal cancer on long-term male urinary and sexual
Martin Rutegard, Henrik Jutesten, Pamela Buchwald, Eva Angenete, Marie-Louise Lydrup
Developing a multivariable prediction model of global health-related quality of life in patients treated for rectal cancer: a prospective study in five
John Andersson, Eva Angenete, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Haglind
Total neoadjuvant treatment using short-course radiotherapy and four CAPOX cycles in locally advanced rectal cancer with high-risk criteria for recurrence: a Swedish nationwide cohort study
Bengt Glimelius, Tanweera Khan, Karin Adolfsson, Eva Angenete, Ake Berglund, Kristina Bonde, Nils Elander, Tone Fokstuen, Johan Haux, Israa Imam, Cecilia Lagerback, Ingrid Ljuslinder, Andrzej Piwowar, Marie Zajicova, PerJ. Nilsson
Do beta-blockers reduce negative intrusive thoughts and anxiety in cancer survivors? – An emulated
Carolina Ehrencrona, Ying Li, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind, Stefan Franzén, Anna Grimby-Ekman, David Bock
BMC Cancer - 2024 -
Long-term results of a short-term home-based pre- and postoperative exercise intervention on physical recovery after colorectal cancer surgery (PHYSSURG-C): a randomized clinical
Aron Onerup, Ying Li, Kevin Afshari, Eva Angenete, Hanna de la Croix, Carolina Ehrencrona, Anette Wedin, Eva Haglind
Colorectal Disease - 2024 -
Mortality and morbidity after colorectal cancer resection surgery in elderly patients: a retrospective population-based study in
Maria Normann, Niklas Ekerstad, Eva Angenete, Mattias Prytz
Complete response rates in rectal cancer: Temporal changes over a decade in a population-based nationwide
Sofieke J. D. Temmink, Anna Martling, Eva Angenete, Per J. Nilsson
EJSO - 2023 -
Survival in relation to time to start of curative treatment of colon cancer: A national register-based observational noninferiority
Daniel Rydbeck, David Bock, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete, Aron Onerup
Colorectal Disease - 2023 -
Salvage radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy: functional outcomes in the LAPPRO trial after 8-year
Stefan Carlsson, David Bock, Anna Lantz, Katarina Koss-Modig, Eva Angenete, Jonas Hugosson, Anders Bjartell, Gunnar Steineck, Peter Wiklund, Eva Haglind
Scandinavian journal of urology - 2023 -
Functional Outcomes of Emergency Surgery for Perforated Diverticulitis, Hinchey Grade
Andreas Samuelsson, David Bock, Mattias Prytz, Mattias Block, Carolina Ehrencrona, Anette Wedin, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
World Journal of Surgery - 2023 -
A type I interferon footprint in pre-operative biopsies is an independent biomarker that in combination with CD8(+) T cell quantification can improve the prediction of response to neoadjuvant treatment of rectal
Azar Rezapour, Daniel Rydbeck, Fabian Byvald, Viktor Tasselius, G. Danielsson, Eva Angenete, Ulf Yrlid
OncoImmunology - 2023 -
Patient reported long-term side effects on bowel function and anal pain in anal cancer survivors-3-and 6-year results from the Swedish national ANCA
Anna Axelsson, Mia Johansson, Eva Haglind, Ying Li, Per J. Nilsson, Eva Angenete
Long-term oncological outcomes for minimally invasive surgery versus open surgery for colon cancer-a population-based nationwide study with a non-inferiority
K. D. Jadid, Y. Cao, Josefin Petersson, A. Sjovall, Eva Angenete, P. Matthiessen
Colorectal Disease - 2023 -
The impact of the anastomotic configuration on low anterior resection syndrome 3 years after total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer: a national cohort
Sofia Sandberg, David Bock, M. L. Lydrup, Jennifer Park, M. Rutegard, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2023 -
Detection of magnetomotive ultrasound signals from human
T. Jansson, L. Jansson, A. Mousavi, L. Persson, Eva Angenete
Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine - 2023 -
Short term results in a population based study indicate advantage for laparoscopic colon cancer surgery versus
Josefin Petersson, P. Matthiessen, K. D. Jadid, David Bock, Eva Angenete
Scientific Reports - 2023 -
Effect of Short-Term Homebased Pre- and Postoperative Exercise on Recovery after Colorectal Cancer Surgery (PHYSSURG-C): A Randomized Clinical
Aron Onerup, John Andersson, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Carolina Ehrencrona, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Per-Anders Larsson, Hanna de la Croix, Anette Wedin, Eva Haglind
Annals of surgery - 2022 -
Are patients willing to take a more active role? Questionnaires to measure patients’ willingness to be
M. Gellerstedt, Jeanette Melin, V. Johansson, Eva Angenete
Patient Education and Counseling - 2022 -
Effect of comprehensive geriatric assessment for frail elderly patients operated for colorectal cancer-the colorectal cancer frailty study: study protocol for a randomized, controlled, multicentre
Maria Normann, Niklas Ekerstad, Eva Angenete, Mattias Prytz
Trials - 2022 -
Symptoms and diagnosis of local recurrence after rectal cancer
Sophia Waldenstedt, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
Acta Oncologica - 2022 -
High Risk of Low Anterior Resection Syndrome in Long-term Follow-up After Anastomotic Leakage in Anterior Resection for Rectal
H. Jutesten, P. L. Buchwald, Eva Angenete, M. Rutegard, M. L. Lydrup
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum - 2022 -
Anal cancer in Sweden 2015-2019. Implementation of guidelines, structural changes, national registry and early
A. Johnsson, D. Norman, Eva Angenete, N. Cavalli-Bjorkman, C. Lagerback, O. Leon, B. Lindh, M. L. Lydrup, M. P. Nilsson, M. Perman, C. Radu, B. Zackrisson
Acta Oncologica - 2022 -
Reply to Wei Zhang So, Ziting Wang, and Ho Yee Tiong's Letter to the Editor re: Anna Lantz, David Bock, Olof Akre, et al. Functional and Oncological Outcomes After Open Versus Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy for Localised Prostate Cancer: 8-Year Follow-up. Eur Urol
Anna Lantz, David Bock, Olof Akre, Eva Angenete, Anders Bjartell, Stefan Carlsson, Katarina Koss-Modig, Martin Nyberg, Karin Stinesen-Kollberg, Gunnar Steineck, Johan Stranne, Peter Wiklund, Eva Haglind
European urology - 2022 -
Intraoperative adverse events as a risk factor for local recurrence of rectal cancer after resection
Sophia Waldenstedt, David Bock, Eva Haglind, Björn Sjöberg, Eva Angenete
Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland - 2022 -
Patient-reported QoL in anal cancer survivors 3 and 6 years after treatment-results from the Swedish national ANCA
Anna Axelsson, Mia Johansson, David Bock, Eva Haglind, Hanna de la Croix, P. J. Nilsson, Eva Angenete
Supportive Care in Cancer - 2022 -
Preoperative Group Consultation Prior to Surgery for Colorectal Cancer-an Explorative Study of a New Patient Education
Sofie Walming, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Mattias Block, Hanna de la Croix, Anette Wedin, Eva Haglind
Journal of Cancer Education - 2022 -
Long term oncological outcomes for laparoscopic versus open surgery for rectal cancer - A population-based nationwide noninferiority
K. D. Jadid, Y. Cao, Josefin Petersson, Eva Angenete, P. Matthiessen
Colorectal Disease - 2022 -
Association between self-assessed preoperative level of physical activity and postoperative complications – An observational cohort analysis within a randomized controlled trial
Aron Onerup, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Eva Haglind
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2022 -
Scandinavian surveillance follow-up programmes in patients with malignant colorectal
Z. E. Asheer, T. Bisgaard, O. Mjaland, Eva Angenete, O. Bulut, K. L. Souzani
Danish Medical Journal - 2021 -
Online Communities as a Driver for Patient Empowerment: Systematic
V. Johansson, A. S. Islind, Tomas Lindroth, Eva Angenete, M. Gellerstedt
Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2021 -
Methods of Colostomy Construction: No Effect on Parastomal Hernia Rate: Results From Stoma-const-A Randomized Controlled
Adiela Correa-Marinez, David Bock, Sofia Erestam, Anette Engström, Peter Kälebo, Yousef Wirenfeldt Nielsen, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
National Center of Biotechnology Information - 2021 -
Functional and Oncological Outcomes After Open Versus Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy for Localised Prostate Cancer: 8-Year
Anna Lantz, David Bock, Olof Akre, Eva Angenete, Anders Bjartell, Stefan Carlsson, Katarina Koss-Modig, Martin Nyberg, Karin Stinesen-Kollberg, Gunnar Steineck, Johan Stranne, Peter Wiklund, Eva Haglind
European urology - 2021 -
Correspondence regarding ‘Delay to elective colorectal cancer surgery and implications for survival: A systematic review and
Aron Onerup, Daniel Rydbeck, David Bock, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2021 -
Predicting life with a permanent end colostomy: A prospective study on function, bother and
Sofia Sandberg, Dan Asplund, David Bock, Carolina Ehrencrona, Björn Ohlsson, Jennifer Park, Jacob Rosenberg, Kenneth Smedh, Sofie Walming, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2021 -
Laparoscopic lavage for perforated diverticulitis in the LapLav study: population-based registry
Andreas Samuelsson, David Bock, Mattias Prytz, Mattias Block, Carolina Ehrencrona, Anette Wedin, M Ahlstedt, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
The British journal of surgery - 2021 -
Collaboration in colorectal surgical
J. Rosenberg, Eva Angenete, T. Pinkney, A. Bhangu, Eva Haglind
Colorectal Disease - 2021 -
Younger age at onset of colorectal cancer is associated with increased patient's
Daniel Rydbeck, Dan Asplund, David Bock, Eva Haglind, Jennifer Park, J. Rosenberg, Sofie Walming, Eva Angenete
European Journal of Cancer - 2021 -
Plasma MMP-1 Expression as a Prognostic Factor in Colon
Andreas Jonsson, Peter Falk, Eva Angenete, C. Hjalmarsson, Marie-Lois Ivarsson
Journal of Surgical Research - 2021 -
Stoma-related complications: a report from the Stoma-Const randomized controlled
Adiela Correa-Marinez, David Bock, E. Carlsson, C. Petersen, Sofia Erestam, P. Kalebo, J. Rosenberg, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2021 -
The perceived benefit of intraoperative stress modifiers for surgeons: an experimental simulation study in
Sofia Erestam, David Bock, Annette Erichsen Andersson, Eva Haglind, Jennifer Park, Eva Angenete
Patient Safety in Surgery - 2021 -
Cryopreservation of Whole Tumor Biopsies from Rectal Cancer Patients Enable Phenotypic and In Vitro Functional Evaluation of Tumor-Infiltrating T
Frank Liang, Azar Rezapour, Peter Falk, Eva Angenete, Ulf Yrlid
Cancers - 2021 -
Comment on "Effects of Community-based Exercise Prehabilitation for Patients Scheduled for Colorectal Surgery With High Risk for Postoperative Complications: Results of a Randomized Clinical
Aron Onerup, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
Annals of Surgery - 2021 -
Biomarkers and cell-based models to predict the outcome of neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer
Aylin Alkan, Tobias Hofving, Eva Angenete, Ulf Yrlid
Biomarker Research - 2021 -
Postoperative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and oncological outcomes of rectal
O. Grahn, M. Lundin, M. L. Lydrup, Eva Angenete, M. Rutegard
BJS open - 2021 -
Individualized blended care for patients with colorectal cancer: the patient's view on informational
A. S. Islind, V. Johansson, H. V. Hult, P. Alsen, Emma Andreasson, Eva Angenete, M. Gellerstedt
Supportive Care in Cancer - 2021 -
Corrigendum to "Effects of a home-based exercise program on the insulin-like growth factor axis in patients operated for colorectal cancer in Sweden: Results from the randomised controlled trial PHYSSURG-C" Growth Hormone & IGF Research (2020)
Aron Onerup, Sven Egron Thörn, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Elin Grybäck Gillheimer, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson
Growth hormone & IGF research : official journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society - 2021 -
The use of ICD codes to identify IBD subtypes and phenotypes of the Montreal classification in the Swedish National Patient
S. Shrestha, O. Olén, C. Eriksson, H. Everhov, P. Myrelid, I. Visuri, J. F. Ludvigsson, I. Schoultz, S. Montgomery, M. C. Sachs, J. Halfvarson, M. Olsson, H. Hjortswang, J. Bengtsson, H. Strid, M. Andersson, S. J?ghult, M. Eberhardson, C. Nordenvall, J. Bj?rk, U. L. Fagerberg, M. Rejler, O. Grip, P. Karling, Mattias Block, Eva Angenete, A. Gustaysson
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2020 -
Urinary dysfunction in patients with rectal cancer: a prospective cohort
L. Karlsson, David Bock, Dan Asplund, B. Ohlsson, J. Rosenberg, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2020 -
Cost-effectiveness analysis of laparoscopic and open surgery in routine Swedish care for colorectal
Jacob Gehrman, Eva Angenete, Ingela Björholt, E. Lesén, Eva Haglind
Surgical Endoscopy - 2020 -
Cost analysis in a randomized trial of early closure of a temporary ileostomy after rectal resection for cancer (EASY
Jennifer Park, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Adiela Correa-Marinez, Anne K. Danielsen, Jacob Gehrman, Eva Haglind, Jens E Jansen, Stefan Skullman, Anette Wedin, Jacob Rosenberg
Surgical endoscopy - 2020 -
Low anterior resection syndrome in a Scandinavian population of patients with rectal cancer: a longitudinal follow-up within the QoLiRECT
Sofia Sandberg, Dan Asplund, T. Bisgaard, David Bock, Elisabeth Gonzalez, L. Karlsson, P. Matthiessen, B. Ohlsson, Jennifer Park, J. Rosenberg, S. Skullman, M. Sörensson, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2020 -
Do negative intrusive thoughts at diagnosis predict impaired quality of life, depressed mood and waking up with anxiety 3, 12 and 24 months after radical prostatectomy?–a longitudinal
David Bock, Eva Angenete, Dan Asplund, A. Bjartell, S. Carlsson, Jonas Hugosson, Karin Stinesen-Kollberg, A. Lantz, Hanna Nilsson, Mattias Prytz, Gunnar Steineck, T. Thorsteinsdottir, P. Wiklund, Eva Haglind
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2020 -
European Society of Coloproctology: guidelines for the management of diverticular disease of the
J. K. Schultz, N. Azhar, G. A. Binda, G. Barbara, S. Biondo, M. A. Boermester, A. Chabok, E. C. J. Consten, S. T. van Dijk, A. Johanssen, W. Kruis, D. Lambrichts, S. Post, F. Ris, T. A. Rockall, A. Samuelsson, S. Di Saverio, D. Tartaglia, A. Thorisson, D. C. Winter, W. Bemelman, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2020 -
The handling of the rectal stump does not affect severe morbidity after subtotal colectomy for ulcerative colitis: a retrospective cohort
Mathilda Lissel, S. Omidy, P. Myrelid, Mattias Block, Eva Angenete
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery - 2020 -
Chronic pain after reoperation of an inguinal hernia with Lichtenstein or laparoscopic repair following a primary Lichtenstein repair: A nationwide questionnaire
S. Oberg, K. Andresen, J. J. Baker, Eva Angenete, J. Rosenberg
American Journal of Surgery - 2020 -
Correction to: The effect of pre- and post-operative physical activity on recovery after colorectal cancer surgery (PHYSSURG-C): study protocol for a randomised controlled
Aron Onerup, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Elin Grybäck Gillheimer, Stefan Skullman, Sven Egron Thörn, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson
Trials - 2020 -
Associations between intraoperative factors and surgeons' self-assessed operative
Sofia Erestam, David Bock, Annette Erichsen Andersson, Anders Bjartell, Stefan Carlsson, Karin Stinesen-Kollberg, Daniel Sjoberg, Gunnar Steineck, Johan Stranne, Thordis Thorsteinsdottir, Stavros Tyritzis, Anna Wallerstedt Lantz, Peter Wiklund, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
Surgical endoscopy - 2020 -
Quality of life in patients with resectable rectal cancer during the first 24 months following
Sofie Walming, Dan Asplund, David Bock, Elisabeth Gonzalez, J. Rosenberg, K. Smedh, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2020 -
Increasing incidence of colorectal cancer among the younger population in
Josefin Petersson, David Bock, A. Martling, K. E. Smedby, Eva Angenete, D. Saraste
Bjs Open - 2020 -
Chronic pain after two laparoendoscopic inguinal hernia repairs compared with laparoendoscopic repair followed by the Lichtenstein repair: an international questionnaire
S. Öberg, K. Andresen, Hanna Nilsson, Eva Angenete, J. Rosenberg
Surgical Endoscopy - 2020 -
Effects of a home-based exercise program on the insulin-like growth factor axis in patients operated for colorectal cancer in Sweden: Results from the randomised controlled trial
Aron Onerup, Sven Egron Thörn, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Elin Grybäck Gillheimer, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson
Growth Hormone and IGF Research - 2020 -
Self-reported sexual dysfunction in patients with rectal
M. Sorensson, Dan Asplund, P. Matthiessen, J. Rosenberg, T. Hallgren, Carina Rosander, Elisabeth Gonzalez, David Bock, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2020 -
Agreement between patient reported outcomes and clinical reports after radical prostatectomy - a prospective longitudinal
David Bock, Eva Angenete, A. Bjartell, Jonas Hugosson, Gunnar Steineck, Sofie Walming, P. Wiklund, Eva Haglind
Bmc Urology - 2019 -
Self-assessed preoperative level of habitual physical activity predicted postoperative complications after colorectal cancer surgery: A prospective observational cohort
Aron Onerup, Eva Angenete, Pierre Bonfre, Mats Börjesson, Eva Haglind, Catrin Wessman, Hanna Nilsson
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2019 -
Bowel Obstruction and Ventral Hernia After Laparoscopic Versus Open Surgery for Rectal Cancer in A Randomized Trial (COLOR
Josefin Petersson, Thomas W Koedam, H Jaap Bonjer, John Andersson, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Miguel A Cuesta, Charlotte L Deijen, Alois Fürst, Antonio M Lacy, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Haglind
Annals of surgery - 2019 -
Functional outcomes from a randomized trial of early closure of temporary ileostomy after rectal excision for
C Keane, Jennifer Park, S Öberg, A Wedin, David Bock, G O'Grady, I Bissett, J Rosenberg, Eva Angenete
The British journal of surgery - 2019 -
The importance of surgery in colorectal cancer
Eva Angenete
The Lancet. Oncology - 2019 -
Long-term mucosal injury and repair in a murine model of pelvic
Dilip Malipatlolla, Piyush Patel, Fei Sjöberg, Sravani Devarakonda, Marie Kalm, Eva Angenete, Elinor Bexe-Lindskog, Rita Grander, Linda Persson, A. Stringer, Ulrica Wilderäng, John Swanpalmer, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Gunnar Steineck, Cecilia Bull
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
I Bissett, C Keane, J Park, D Bock, G O'Grady, S Öberg, J Rosenberg, Eva Angenete
The British journal of surgery - 2019 -
Quality of life in patients treated for anal carcinoma-a systematic literature
Anton Sterner, Kristoffer Derwinger, C. Staff, Hanna Nilsson, Eva Angenete
International Journal of Colorectal Disease - 2019 -
Health Economic Analysis of Open and Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Surgery for Prostate Cancer Within the Prospective Multicentre LAPPRO
A. Forsmark, Jacob Gehrman, Eva Angenete, A. Bjartell, I. Bjorholt, S. Carlsson, Jonas Hugosson, T. Marlow, Karin Stinesen-Kollberg, Johan Stranne, A. Wallerstedt, P. Wiklund, Ulrica Wilderäng, Eva Haglind
European Urology - 2018 -
The type of stoma mattersmorbidity in patients with obstructing colorectal
Adiela Correa-Marinez, J. Grenabo, David Bock, Anette Wedin, Eva Angenete
International Journal of Colorectal Disease - 2018 -
Two-year results of the randomized clinical trial DILALA comparing laparoscopic lavage with resection as treatment for perforated
A. Kohl, J. Rosenberg, David Bock, T. Bisgaard, S. Skullman, Anders Thornell, Jacob Gehrman, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
British Journal of Surgery - 2018 -
Patients with rectal cancer are satisfied with in-hospital communication despite insufficient information regarding treatment alternatives and potential
Sofie Walming, Dan Asplund, Mattias Block, David Bock, Elisabeth Gonzalez, Carina Rosander, J. Rosenberg, Eva Angenete
Acta Oncologica - 2018 -
Prognostic factors for return to work and work disability among colorectal cancer survivors; A systematic
C. M. den Bakker, J. R. Anema, Agnm Zaman, H. C. W. de Vet, L. Sharp, Eva Angenete, M. E. Allaix, R. H. J. Otten, J. A. F. Huirne, H. J. Bonjer, Agem de Boer, F. G. Schaafsma
PLoS ONE - 2018 -
Assessing health, quality of life and urogenital function in a sample of the Swedish general population: a cross-sectional
David Bock, Eva Angenete, Elisabeth Gonzales, Jane Heath, Eva Haglind
Bmj Open - 2018 -
Urogenital function 3 years after abdominoperineal excision for rectal
A. Ledebo, David Bock, Mattias Prytz, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2018 -
Complications and Morbidity associated with Loop Ileostomies in Patients with Ulcerative
Jennifer Park, Bodil Gessler, Mattias Block, Eva Angenete
Scandinavian journal of surgery : SJS : official organ for the Finnish Surgical Society and the Scandinavian Surgical Society - 2018 -
Timely access to care in the treatment of rectal cancer and the effect on quality of
Sofie Walming, Mattias Block, David Bock, Eva Angenete
Colorectal Disease - 2018 -
Quality of life in a randomized trial of early closure of temporary ileostomy after rectal resection for cancer (EASY
Jennifer Park, A. K. Danielsen, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Adiela Correa-Marinez, Eva Haglind, J. E. Jansen, S. Skullman, Anette Wedin, J. Rosenberg
British Journal of Surgery - 2018 -
Association between operative technique and intrusive thoughts on health-related Quality of Life 3 years after APE/ELAPE for rectal cancer: results from a national Swedish cohort with comparison with normative Swedish
Mattias Prytz, A. Ledebo, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Eva Haglind
Cancer Medicine - 2018 -
Risk of recurrence of sigmoid volvulus: a single-centre cohort
Anders Rosemar, Eva Angenete, N Johansson
Colorectal Disease - 2018 -
Substantial underreporting of anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer in the Swedish Colorectal Cancer
M. Rutegard, D. K. Hultberg, Eva Angenete, M. L. Lydrup
Acta Oncologica - 2017 -
Pretreatment quality of life in patients with rectal cancer is associated with intrusive thoughts and sense of
Dan Asplund, T. Bisgaard, David Bock, J. Burcharth, Elisabeth Gonzalez, Eva Haglind, Y. Kolev, P. Matthiessen, Carina Rosander, J. Rosenberg, K. Smedh, Eva Angenete
International Journal of Colorectal Disease - 2017 -
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal
D. K. Hultberg, Eva Angenete, M. L. Lydrup, J. Rutegard, P. Matthiessen, M. Rutegard
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2017 -
Habits and self-assessed quality of life, negative intrusive thoughts and depressed mood in patients with prostate cancer: a longitudinal
David Bock, Eva Angenete, A. Bjartell, S. Carlsson, Gunnar Steineck, Johan Stranne, T. Thorsteinsdottir, P. Wiklund, Eva Haglind
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2017 -
Changes in safety climate and teamwork in the operating room after implementation of a revised WHO checklist: a prospective interventional
Sofia Erestam, Eva Haglind, David Bock, Annette Erichsen Andersson, Eva Angenete
Patient Safety in Surgery - 2017 -
Laparoscopic lavage is superior to colon resection for perforated purulent diverticulitis-a
Eva Angenete, David Bock, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Haglind
International journal of colorectal disease - 2017 -
Early Closure of a Temporary Ileostomy in Patients With Rectal Cancer: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled
Anne K Danielsen, Jennifer Park, Jens E Jansen, David Bock, Stefan Skullman, Anette Wedin, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete, Jacob Rosenberg
Annals of surgery - 2017 -
Retrospective review of risk factors for surgical wound dehiscence and incisional
Sofie Walming, Eva Angenete, Mattias Block, David Bock, Bodil Gessler, Eva Haglind
Bmc Surgery - 2017 -
Health economic analysis of costs of laparoscopic and open surgery for rectal cancer within a randomized trial (COLOR
Jacob Gehrman, Ingela Björholt, Eva Angenete, John Andersson, Jaap Bonjer, Eva Haglind
Surgical Endoscopy - 2017 -
The effect of pre- and post-operative physical activity on recovery after colorectal cancer surgery (PHYSSURG-C): Study protocol for a randomised controlled
Aron Onerup, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Elin Grybäck Gillheimer, Stefan Skullman, Sven Egron Thörn, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson
Trials - 2017 -
Diagnosis, treatment, and consequences of anastomotic leakage in colorectal
Bodil Gessler, Olle Eriksson, Eva Angenete
International journal of colorectal disease - 2017 -
Reply to Letter: "Laparoscopic Lavage for Patients With Hinchey
Eva Angenete, Anders Thornell, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Haglind
Annals of surgery - 2017 -
Reply to Letter: "Laparoscopic Lavage Is Safe in the Short Term-But Long-term Results Must Be Awaited Before Implementation Into Surgical
Eva Angenete, Anders Thornell, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Haglind
Annals of surgery - 2017 -
Health economic analysis of laparoscopic lavage versus Hartmann's procedure for diverticulitis in the randomized DILALA
Jacob Gehrman, Eva Angenete, Ingela Björholt, David Bock, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Haglind
British Journal of Surgery - 2016 -
Physical activity before radical prostatectomy reduces sick leave after surgery - results from a prospective, non-randomized controlled clinical trial
Eva Angenete, Ulf Angerås, M Börjesson, Jan Ekelund, Martin Gellerstedt, Thordis Thorsteinsdottir, Gunnar Steineck, Eva Haglind
BMC urology - 2016 -
Is preoperative physical activity related to post-surgery recovery? A cohort study of patients with breast
Hanna Nilsson, Ulf Angerås, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Aron Onerup, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
BMJ open - 2016 -
Is preoperative physical activity related to post surgery recovery? A cohort study of colorectal cancer
Aron Onerup, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson, Eva Angenete
International Journal of Colorectal Disease - 2016 -
Stoma-related symptoms in patients operated for rectal cancer with abdominoperineal
Adiela Correa-Marinez, Elisabeth González, Kajsa Holm, David Bock, Mattias Prytz, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
International journal of colorectal disease - 2016 -
Risk factors for anastomotic dehiscence in colon cancer surgery-a population-based registry
Bodil Gessler, David Bock, Hans-Christian Pommergaard, Jakob Burcharth, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Angenete
International journal of colorectal disease - 2016 -
Laparoscopic Lavage Is Feasible and Safe for the Treatment of Perforated Diverticulitis With Purulent Peritonitis: The First Results From the Randomized Controlled Trial
Eva Angenete, Anders Thornell, Jakob Burcharth, Hans-Christian Pommergaard, Stefan Skullman, Thue Bisgaard, Per Jess, Zoltan Läckberg, Peter Matthiessen, Jane Heath, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Haglind
Annals of Surgery - 2016 -
Self-reported wellbeing and body image after abdominoperineal excision for rectal
Elisabeth Gonzalez, Kajsa Holm, B. Wennstrom, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
International Journal of Colorectal Disease - 2016 -
Extralevator Abdominoperineal Excision for Low Rectal Cancer-Extensive Surgery to be Used With Discretion Based on 3-Year Local Recurrence Results: A Registry-based, Observational National Cohort
Mattias Prytz, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Eva Haglind
Annals of surgery - 2016 -
The Surgical Teams' Perception of the Effects of a Routine Intraoperative
Eva Angenete, Sofia Erestam, Kristoffer Derwinger
World journal of surgery - 2016 -
Laparoscopic Lavage for Perforated Diverticulitis With Purulent Peritonitis: A Randomized
Anders Thornell, Eva Angenete, Thue Bisgaard, David Bock, Jakob Burcharth, Jane Heath, Hans-Christian Pommergaard, Jacob Rosenberg, Nikolaj Stilling, Stefan Skullman, Eva Haglind
Annals of internal medicine - 2016 -
The preoperative level of physical activity is associated to the postoperative recovery after elective cholecystectomy - A cohort
Aron Onerup, Ulf Angerås, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson, Eva Angenete
International Journal of Surgery - 2015 -
Persistent perineal morbidity is common following abdominoperineal excision for rectal
Dan Asplund, Mattias Prytz, David Bock, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
International journal of colorectal disease - 2015 -
A randomized trial of laparoscopic versus open surgery for rectal
H Jaap Bonjer, Charlotte L Deijen, Gabor A Abis, Miguel A Cuesta, Martijn H G M van der Pas, Elly S M de Lange-de Klerk, Antonio M Lacy, Willem A Bemelman, John Andersson, Eva Angenete, Jacob Rosenberg, Alois Fuerst, Eva Haglind, Göran Kurlberg
The New England journal of medicine - 2015 -
Translation of Questionnaires Measuring Health Related Quality of Life Is Not Standardized: A Literature Based Research
A. K. Danielsen, H. C. Pommergaard, J. Burcharth, Eva Angenete, J. Rosenberg
Plos One - 2015 -
Patient-reported genitourinary dysfunction after laparoscopic and open rectal cancer surgery in a randomized trial (COLOR
John Andersson, G Abis, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Angenete, Ulf Angerås, M A Cuesta, P Jess, J Rosenberg, H J Bonjer, Eva Haglind
The British journal of surgery - 2014 -
Self-reported quality of life and functional outcome in patients with rectal
Dan Asplund, Jane Heath, Elisabeth González, Jan Ekelund, Jacob Rosenberg, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
Danish medical journal - 2014 -
Stoma-Const - the technical aspects of stoma construction: study protocol for a randomised controlled
Adiela Correa-Marinez, Sofia Erestam, Eva Haglind, Jan Ekelund, Ulf Angerås, Jacob Rosenberg, Frederik Helgstrand, Eva Angenete
Trials - 2014 -
Self reported experience of sexual function and quality after abdominoperineal excision in a prospective
Eva Angenete, Dan Asplund, John Andersson, Eva Haglind
International journal of surgery - 2014 -
A temporary loop ileostomy affects renal
Bodil Gessler, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
International journal of colorectal disease - 2014 -
Extralevator abdominoperineal excision (ELAPE) for rectal cancer-short-term results from the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry. Selective use of ELAPE
Mattias Prytz, Eva Angenete, Jan Ekelund, Eva Haglind
International Journal of Colorectal Disease - 2014 -
Preoperative risk factors for anastomotic leakage after resection for colorectal cancer: a systematic review and
Hans-Christian Pommergaard, Bodil Gessler, Jakob Burcharth, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind, Jacob Rosenberg
Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland - 2014 -
Intestinal mucosal MMP-1 - a prognostic factor in colon
Marcus Langenskiöld, Marie-Louise Ivarsson, Lena Holmdahl, Peter Falk, Christina Kåbjörn-Gustafsson, Eva Angenete
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology - 2013 -
Health-related quality of life after laparoscopic and open surgery for rectal cancer in a randomized
J Andersson, Eva Angenete, Martin Gellerstedt, Ulf Angerås, P Jess, J Rosenberg, A Fürst, J Bonjer, Eva Haglind
The British journal of surgery - 2013 -
TGF-β1 promotes transition of mesothelial cells into fibroblast phenotype in response to peritoneal injury in a cell culture
Peter Falk, Eva Angenete, Maria Bergström, Marie-Louise Ivarsson
International journal of surgery (London, England) - 2013 -
No consensus on restrictions on physical activity to prevent incisional hernias after
H-C Pommergaard, J Burcharth, A Danielsen, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind, J Rosenberg
Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery - 2013 -
Reply to Stelzner et
Dan Asplund, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland - 2013 -
Ostomy function after abdominoperineal resection-a clinical and patient
Eva Angenete, Adiela Correa-Marinez, J Heath, E González, A Wedin, Mattias Prytz, Dan Asplund, Eva Haglind
International journal of colorectal disease - 2012 -
Stenting for colorectal cancer obstruction compared to surgery-a study of consecutive patients in a single
Eva Angenete, Dan Asplund, Maria Bergström, Per-Ola Park
International journal of colorectal disease - 2012 -
Abdominoperineal extralevator
Mattias Prytz, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
Danish medical journal - 2012 -
Loop ileostomies in colorectal cancer patients-morbidity and risk factors for
Bodil Gessler, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
The Journal of surgical research - 2012 -
Outcome of extralevator abdominoperineal excision compared with standard surgery. Results from a single
Dan Asplund, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland - 2012 -
Effect of laparoscopy on the risk of small-bowel obstruction: a population-based register
Eva Angenete, Anders Jacobsson, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Haglind
Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) - 2012 -
Evaluation of Effects on the Peritoneum After Intraperitoneal α-Radioimmunotherapy with
Elin Cederkrantz, Eva Angenete, Tom Bäck, Peter Falk, Börje Haraldsson, Marie-Louise Ivarsson, Holger Jensen, Sture Lindegren, Ragnar Hultborn, Lars Jacobsson
Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals - 2012 -
Perforated diverticulitis operated at Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Anders Thornell, Eva Angenete, Eva Haglind
Danish Medical Bulletin - 2011 -
Treatment of Acute Diverticulitis Laparoscopic Lavage vs. Resection (DILALA): study protocol for a randomised controlled
Anders Thornell, Eva Angenete, Elisabeth Gonzales, Jane Heath, Per Jess, Zoltan Lackberg, Henrik Ovesen, Jacob Rosenberg, Stefan Skullman, Eva Haglind
Trials - 2011 -
Early closure of temporary ileostomy--the EASY trial: protocol for a randomised controlled
Anne Kjaergaard Danielsen, Adiela Correa-Marinez, Eva Angenete, Stefan Skullmann, Eva Haglind, Jacob Rosenberg
BMJ open - 2011 -
[Scandinavian Surgical Outcomes Research Group (SSORG)--a new device for clinical
Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete, Jacob Rosenberg
Läkartidningen - 2011 -
Preoperative radiotherapy and extracellular matrix remodeling in rectal mucosa and tumour matrix metalloproteinases and plasminogen
Eva Angenete, Tom Öresland, Peter Falk, Michael Breimer, Ragnar Hultborn, Marie-Louise Ivarsson
Acta oncologica - 2009 -
Differential Prognostic Impact of uPA and PAI-1 in Colon and Rectal
Marcus Langenskiöld, Lena Holmdahl, Eva Angenete, Peter Falk, Svante Nordgren, Marie-Louise Ivarsson
Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine - 2009 -
Remodelling of extracellular matrix in rectal cancer and preoperative
Eva Angenete
2009 -
uPA and PAI-1 in rectal cancer--relationship to radiotherapy and clinical
Eva Angenete, Marcus Langenskiöld, Ingrid Palmgren, Peter Falk, Tom Öresland, Marie-Louise Ivarsson
The Journal of surgical research - 2009 -
Increased TGF-beta 1 protein expression in patients with advanced colorectal
Marcus Langenskiöld, Lena Holmdahl, Peter Falk, Eva Angenete, Marie-Louise Ivarsson
Journal of surgical oncology - 2008 -
Transforming growth factor beta-1 in rectal tumour, mucosa and plasma in relation to radiotherapy and clinical outcome in rectal cancer
Eva Angenete, Marcus Langenskiöld, Ingrid Palmgren, Peter Falk, Tom Öresland, Marie-Louise Ivarsson
Int J Colorectal Dis - 2007 -
Matrix metalloproteinases in rectal mucosa, tumour and plasma: response after preoperative
Eva Angenete, Marcus Langenskiöld, Peter Falk, Marie-Louise Ivarsson
International journal of colorectal disease - 2007