
Johan Lundin


Department of Applied IT, div CLIC
Visiting address
Forskningsgången 6
417 56 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 100
412 96 Göteborg

Assistant Head of Department

Department of Applied Information Technology
Visiting address
Forskningsgången 6
417 56 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 100
412 96 Göteborg

About Johan Lundin

Since 2018, he is full professor in Informatics at the department of applied IT, faculty of IT at University of Gothenburg. He holds a MSc in informatics (2000) and a Ph.D. in informatics (2005) from University of Gothenburg, Sweden. in 2012 Lundin was appointed associate professor in applied IT, at University of Gothenburg. In 2018 Johan was promoted to full professor in Informatics, with orientation towards learning, at the University of Gothenburg.

Johan is interested in how information technology changes the conditions and possibilities for learning and knowing. He explore the technology in action, conducting empirical and design oriented studies concerned with the analysis of how IT feature in social action and interaction. He researches the use of IT in educational practices, IT support for competence management at workplaces, and conduct design oriented research developing IT for learning and education. In particular he is interested in the use of mobile IT. His research have been conducted in close cooperation with several private and public organizations.

Johan has been engaged in teaching and supervision on bachelor, masters and research level since 2001. He has supervised bachelor, masters and PhDs theses. He regularly gives lectures to both academia and practitioners on his research.

In 2007 Johan was appointed as one of the members in the Linneaus Center for Research on Learning, Interaction, and Mediated Communication in Contemporary Society (LinCS) funded by the Swedish Research Council.

In 2008 Johan was asked to be part of coordinating a new university wide initiative on interactive learning - using IT and pedagogical methods to explore and enhance the possibilities for learning at University of Gothenburg.

In 2011 Johan was appointed head of the division of Learning, communication and IT at the department of applied IT.

In 2011 Johan was appointed as a board member of the teacher education board at University of Gothenburg.

In 2012 Johan was promoted to Associate Professor in applied information technology at University of Gothenburg.

In 2014 Johan was appointed as the project manager for the University of Gothenburg part of the collaborative project DigitaL - Learning in a digitalised region. A university cooperation research project between Univ. of Gothenburg and University West.

In 2016 Johan was appointed as a board member of the scientific board for the center for educational research and research on teaching.

In 2018 Johan was elected chairman of the board for the national graduate research school on the digitalisation of education - GRADE.

In 2018 Johan was promoted to Full Professor in Informatics with orientation towards learning at University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

In 2018 Johan was appointed as vice head of department with special responsibility for research and PhD education, at the department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg

In 2018 Johan was appointed Guest Professor at University West, Trollhättan, Sweden.

In 2020 was elected chairman of the board for the national graduate research school on the digitalization of teacher education - UP-GRADE.

PhD-students (finished):

  • Co-supervisor - Urban Carlén, A professional community goes online - a study of an online learning community in general medicine. Successfully defended thesis 2010-06-04. (Faculty opponent: Lars Svensson, University West). (with Berner Lindström).
  • Main supervisor - Martin Tallvid, 1:1 i klassrummet - analyser av en pedagogisk praktik i förändring. Successfully defended his thesis 2015-02-27. (Faculty opponent: Stefan Hrastinski, KTH Royal institute of technology). (with Berner Lindström).
  • Co-supervisor - Torbjörn Ott, From disturbing objects to infrastructure for learning. Successfully defended his thesis 2017-09-29. (Faculty opponent: Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Institute of Educational Technology, Open University, UK). (with Alexandra Weilenmann & Berner Lindström)
  • Main supervisor - Sofia Serholt, Child-Robot Interaction in Education. Successfully defended her thesis 2017-09-15. (Faculty opponent Amanda Sharkey, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK). (with Wolmet Barendregt).
  • Main supervisor - Marie Utterberg Modén. Successfully defended her thesis 2021-10-15. (Faculty opponent Prof Diana Laurillard, UCL, institute of education, UK). (with Berner Lindström and Martin Tallvid).
  • Co-supervisor - Masood Rangraz. Successfully defended his thesis 2022-11-11. (Faculty opponent Anita Miriamdotter, Linnaeus University, Sweden. (with Carsten Sørensen and Lars Svensson).
  • Co-supervisor - Adam Palmquist. Successfully defended his thesis 2023-02-03. (Faculty opponent Frode Guribye, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, Bergen University, Norway). (with Charlott Sellberg)
  • Main supervisor - Elin Ericsson. Successfully defended her thesis 2023-09-08. (Faculty opponent Ylva Lindberg, Jönköping University). (with Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi and Anders D. Olofsson).

PhD-students (ongoing)

  • Main supervisor - Erik Winerö (with Sofia Serholt). To be finished 2028
  • Main supervisor - Malin Pongolini, (with Urban Nuldén). To be finished in 2013 (Malin have paused her studies)

Projekt (ongoing):

  • The Missing Teacher In AI: Involving Teachers in Metadesign of AI to Ensure FAIRness

Considerations of algorithmic fairness in education are motivated by the growing number of students who are affected by algorithmic systems. A fair algorithm should not discriminate against individuals based on their membership in protected groups. However, what it means for an algorithm to discriminate and definitions of protected groups vary across applications and situations. Based on previous work on algorithmic fairness, we argue for an increased focus on situated fairness. This perspective addresses the difficulties and complexities of achieving fairness in algorithms and allows for teachers to compensate to ensure fairness in their practices. In this three - year project, we aim to develop new understanding of how to increase the agency of teachers concerning the design and use of artificial intelligence systems in education (AIEd) to ensure fairness. We will include secondary school teachers in formative design interventions to help them understand the risks of bias undermining the beneficial outcomes expected of AIEd.Our study will be focused on the potential impact of adaptive AI - based teaching materials. This type of application is intended to serve as a comprehensive resource for a course and integrates an intelligent tutoring system.Drawing upon activity theory and metadesign, formative interventions are seen as part of a learning process including both participatory analyses of the issues raised by the use of AIEd, and the design of solutions to adapt AI to accommodate local needs. This developmental approach is expected to facilitate the agency of teachers.The main outcomes of this project include contributions to the design of formative interventions for teachers and of guidelines for a situation-sensitive approach to fairness, which will take into account contextual and individual situations and specific technical configurations.

  • Graduate school - Learning, interacting, and knowing in a digitalised world - LIKED

The doctoral program LIKED – Learning, interacting, and knowing in a digitalised world, is a joint national venture involving nine Swedish universities. This doctoral program rests on the assumption that the digitalization of society results in challenges and opportunities for learning and education that call for transformations – from current to future practices. Digital technologies cannot merely be understood as providing access to new resources for learning, interacting, and knowing, it provides new dimensions. The ongoing digitalization processes in society creates a situation in which not only students but citizens at large need of competences for handling everyday life that differs from those in pre-digital times. LIKED will address issues in relation to how will the digitalization of society changes the conditions for teaching and learning in education at large, as activities intended to provide competences for handling everyday life in a digitalized society, how these competences can be described, analysed, and understood in terms of learning, interaction, and knowing in a digitalized world.LIKED will have the role of being a research environment of high scientific quality. The participating universities will collaborate to provide courses based on their expertise in the field, such as various research methods, different theoretical perspectives, analysis tools and design issues in research.

  • Graduate school - Digital technologies in teacher education - UP-GRADE

UPGRADE Research School – Teacher Education and the Digitalization of the School System, is a national research school with the following nine universities participating: Umeå University (host university), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, University of Gothenburg, University of Gävle, University of Halmstad, Jönköping University, Linnaeus University, Mid Sweden University, and University West.In Sweden, the importance of teacher education for the digitalization of the school system has been recognized since the early 1990s. However, recent studies show that one in three teacher students felt that the use of digital tools in their teacher education was low and almost half of the teacher students felt that the preparation for teaching with digital resources was inadequate. In the recently launched Swedish Action Plan for Digitalization of the School System (SkolDigiplan, 2019), teacher education is emphasized as crucial for preparing teachers to be able to use digital technology in meaningful ways in their professional activities.UPGRADE will have the role of being a research school and research environment with high scientific quality and participating universities will collaborate to provide courses based on their expertise. The collaboration will also include supervision of doctoral students and other activities.

  • Graduate school - Digital technologies in education - GRADE

A national “GRAduate school for Digital technologies in Education” - GRADE. One fundamental pillar of GRADE is the interdisciplinary approach. Applied IT, Curriculum studies, Education, Informatics, and Media technology are subject areas represented. GRADE will be conducted in cooperation between six Swedish universities; Umeå University ; University of Gothenburg; KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Mid Sweden University; University of Gävle; and University West Sweden. The role of GRADE is to provide a high quality research environment. Participating universities will cooperate in providing courses based on their expertise. This will imply that central issues with a bearing on the digitalization of education, namely school policy, teaching, learning, assessment and professional development will be researched from different perspectives and with different methodological approaches. The doctoral students will be admitted to third-cycle subject areas (disciplines) at the partnering universities and GRADE will provide a frame for courses, seminars, conferences, and supervision. It will be conducted both at campus and through different forms of communication-technologies. The long-term ambition of GRADE is a national center for research on digital technologies in education, with a bi-annual admission of doctoral students and a postdoctoral program.

Projects (completed):

  • AI and digital mathematics - new possibilities for teaching and learning

The purpose of this project is to, in close collaboration between active mathematics teachers in primary school, school leaders and researchers, improve the integration of mathematics teaching with digital teaching materials that use artificial intelligence (AI). The project aim to develop both new teaching methods that successfully use these tools for student learning, as well as models for teachers to develop such methods themselves as part of their everyday practice. The project will be carried out together with Hovåsskolan, City of Gothenburg and Kapareskolan, Development Unit, Kungsbacka Municipality.

  • DigitaL - Learning in a digital region

The ubiquitous use IT in our society has transformed how learning, training and knowledge management takes place in education, work and in everyday life. This digitization of learning at work is characterized by rapid technological development leading to new challenges and opportunities at multiple levels of practice. The resulting changes are many times unplanned and complex, and having unforeseen consequences on individual, organizational as well as societal levels. To understand as well as guide activities within such a context interdisciplinary research is necessary. The DigitaL-project is a collaboration between University West, University of Gothenburg and Region Västra Götaland. The purpose of the project is to establish a sustainable and internationally leading research environment with focus on learning in a digitized work life.Through an excellent research environment we intend to support regional actors to meet the challenges and the competence needs within the scope of the project, as well as be an arena for innovation and development within the project scope. The project is led by one project manager from each university: Lars Svensson (University West), Johan Lundin (University of Gothenburg)

  • Competence management systems in action – dealing with epistemologies in conflict

In this project we study the practice of dealing with information about staff competence. Increasingly competence, and consequently competence management, is proposed as strategically important in many organizations. In most organizations, some kind of IT-support is used for dealing with, and analyzing, information concerning the competence of the staff. Such systems are commonly termed “competence management systems” (CMS). These are used to make decisions about the organization's needs and development, but also in work with individual employees. For example, the systems come into use when organizations hire, fire, plan training, strategic planning. The project aims to create new knowledge about how systems for describing and analyzing competence are brought into use, and how the use structures the work practice. We also contribute to the knowledge of the skills required to understand, use and manage this type of systems, and the consequences of variations in use. Participating researchers are Johan Lundin (Project Manager), Lars Svensson, Ulrika Lundh Snis. The project is coordinated from the Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg.

  • Nudel

There is a lack of larger studies of how HE teachers employ IT in their everyday work. One interesting exeption is the repeated studies presented Kirkup and Kirkwood (2005) where four surveys (1995, 1997, 2000 and 2003) have been conducted with toturs at the Open University UK. These surveys paint a picture of HE teachers as quite engaged with IT in their everyday work and interaction with students. The most recent surveys shows how the use of e-mail in student interaction is larger than the use of telephone in most aspects of work, and larger than the use of letters in many. For example, when it comes to responding to student queries 91% of teachers at the Open University use e-mail. The project is ongoing and we have, so far, collected some 1800 answers from two Swedish universities. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the actual use of IT in teacher-student interaction, but we also include questions concerning the use of IT among HE teachers more generally. In the study we want to explore some hypotheses concerning the use of IT among HE teachers.

  • Students’ own IT use in higher education – possibilities and consequences. 2009 - 2014

The role that IT has played in teaching and instruction in higher education has until recently been a matter decided by teachers and institutions. For many of today’s students the laptop computer is an essential tool in education. Computers and the Internet are important means in retrieving and processing information, but also for producing educational materials. The increasing student-driven digitalization of higher education is to a large extent influencing lectures and other educational activities. The teacher’s influence over teaching and instruction is now challenged by the vast amount of resources that technology has made available to the students. Although the students’ own IT use in higher education may have some negative consequences, this project’s focus is on working towards making students’ IT into an asset in teaching and learning situations, rather than seeing it as a threat.

  • Kompetent agerande och gränsöverskridande kommunikation (Competent acting and communication in boundary practices). 2008 - 2010

Project funded by KKS (Knowledge Foundation). The projects will provide insight into how knowledge is produced in work within emerging boundary practices. It is, in such a context, crucial to explore what the implications are for workers that have to develop their competences and skills to adapt to change. In other words, what are the implications for learning in the new workplace? How do technological innovations interact with the conditions for individual and social learning? How is knowledge created, negotiated, and shared within evolving professions? Given the collaborative nature of co-production research, the results and benefits for academia and organizations are closely coupled. In exploring the research questions of the project we will gain knowledge about how competent acting evolves in emergent and knowledge intensive practices. These results can be framed and communicated through theoretical frameworks.

  • Comanwo - Competence Management in Network Organisations 2006-2008

The Comanwo-project deals with how it is possible to support work integrated learning with information technology. The project focus specifically on how small and medium sized companies can benefit from being part of a network. The project is EU funded and at Högskolan Väst.

  • Integrating Mobile Devices and Interactive Workspaces for Design Thinking 2005 - 2008

Two long-standing traditions in art and design education are the Idea Log and the studio critique. Project-based design courses feature interplay between individual idea creation and reflection, and group discussion, brainstorming and presentations. The Stanford-Sweden faculty team will perform research to support the fluid movement between individual and group design activity through an iDeas learning ecology comprised of three elements: the iDeas notebook, the iDeas blog, and the iDeas wall. The iDeas notebook retains the physical pen and paper of an Idea Log, while augmenting the traditional Idea Log with electronic capture. The iDeas blog extends the concept of shared electronic portfolios with automatic integration of the physical iDeas notebook sketches and digital photographs. The iDeas wall provides an interactive wall surface for students to collaboratively create content, and to present and share both iDeas content and other content. Evaluation of the use of the iDeas learning ecologies will be performed in two computer science courses at Stanford and in two masters level programs at the IT- university of Göteborg.

  • Mobilearn 2001-2004

The Mobilearn project constituted the main arena for my thesis work. The project focused on support for learning in interaction among colleagues at work. The research was guided by the belief that collaborative learning activities is crucial for becoming competent in relation to a practice, and by the conviction that there is potential in exploring this for purposes of designing organized methods of learning at work. Consequently this research aimed at contributing to our current comprehension of collaborative learning at work, and to how IT can be designed to support collaborative learning. The project focused on the research questions: - How can we design IT support for collaborative learning in mobile and distributed work? - How can we organize and implement collaborative learning activities in mobile and distributed work? And as a reaction to the lack of empirical studies of learning in mobile and distributed practices: - How is collaborative learning made possible in mobile and distributed work?