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- Julie Grantham
Julie Grantham
Department of Chemistry & Molecular BiologyAbout Julie Grantham
Our research is focused upon the interplay between the actin cytoskeleton and the molecular chaperone CCT. Actin is a highly abundant protein that is completely dependent upon CCT for its correct folding, thus placing CCT in a central role for protein quality control.
Using cultured mammalian cells as a model system, we use a combination of biochemistry and cell biology based techniques to address how the role of CCT extends beyond folding newly synthesized actin monomers to include modulating assembled actin structures. This is essential for our full understanding of all cellular events that depend of the actin system such as cell migration.
Group members:
Carmen Cordoba Beldad PhD student
Yovana Cabrera Hernandez Post Doc
Anna Eberhard MSc student
Insights into metabolic changes during epidermal differentiation as revealed by multiphoton microscopy with fluorescence lifetime
Monika Malak, Qianjie Chen, Jeemol James, Syam Nair, Julie Grantham, Marica B Ericson
The CCTδ subunit of the molecular chaperone CCT is required for correct localisation of p150Glued to spindle poles during
Carmen Córdoba-Beldad, Julie Grantham
Distinct dynein complexes defined by DYNLRB1 and DYNLRB2 regulate mitotic and male meiotic spindle
Shuwen He, John P Gillies, Juliana L Zang, Carmen Córdoba-Beldad, Io Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Julie Grantham, Morgan E DeSantis, Hiroki Shibuya
Nature communications - 2023 -
Contribution of autofluorescence from intracellular proteins in multiphoton fluorescence lifetime
Monika Malak, Jeemol James, Julie Grantham, Marica B Ericson
Scientific reports - 2022 -
The Molecular Chaperone CCT Sequesters Gelsolin and Protects it from Cleavage by Caspase-3: CCT-Gelsolin interaction may affect actin
J. Cuéllar, Josefine Vallin, Andreas Svanström, M. Maestro-López, M. T. Bueno-Carrasco, W. G. Ludlam, B. M. Willardson, J. M. Valpuesta, Julie Grantham
Journal of Molecular Biology - 2022 -
Silencing of STE20-type kinase STK25 in human aortic endothelial and smooth muscle cells is
Emmelie Cansby, Sima Kumari, Mara Caputo, Ying Xia, Rando Porosk, Jonathan Robinson, Hao Wang, Britt-Marie Olsson, Josefine Vallin, Julie Grantham, Ursel Soomets, L. Thomas Svensson, Carina Sihlbom, Hanns-Ulrich Marschall, Andreas Edsfeldt, Isabel Goncalves, Margit Mahlapuu
Communications Biology - 2022 -
Correlated fluorescence microscopy and multi-ion beam secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging reveals phosphatidylethanolamine increases in the membrane of cancer cells over-expressing the molecular chaperone subunit CCT
John S. Fletcher, Sanna Sämfors, Josefine Vallin, Andreas Svanström, Julie Grantham
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry - 2021 -
Functional assessment of the V390F mutation in the CCT delta subunit of chaperonin containing tailless complex polypeptide
Josefine Vallin, Julie Grantham
Cell Stress & Chaperones - 2021 -
Monitoring calcium-induced epidermal differentiation in vitro using multiphoton
Monika Malak, Julie Grantham, Marica B Ericson
Journal of Biomedical Optics - 2020 -
The Molecular Chaperone CCT/TRiC: An Essential Component of Proteostasis and a Potential Modulator of Protein
Julie Grantham
Frontiers in Genetics - 2020 -
The role of the molecular chaperone CCT in protein folding and mediation of cytoskeleton-associated processes: implications for cancer cell
Josefine Vallin, Julie Grantham
Cell stress & chaperones - 2019 -
Interactions between monomeric CCTS and p150(Glued): A novel function for CCTS at the cell periphery distinct from the protein folding activity of the molecular chaperone
Meriem Echbarthi, Josefine Vallin, Julie Grantham
Experimental Cell Research - 2018 -
Differential effects of soluble and aggregating polyQ proteins on cytotoxicity and type-1 myosin-dependent endocytosis in
Lisa Larsson Berglund, Xinxin Hao, Beidong Liu, Julie Grantham, Thomas Nyström
Scientific Reports - 2017 -
The molecular chaperone CCT modulates the activity of the actin filament severing and capping protein gelsolin in
Andreas Svanström, Julie Grantham
Cell Stress & Chaperones - 2016 -
A novel function of the monomeric CCT epsilon subunit connects the serum response factor pathway to chaperone-mediated actin
Kerryn Elliott, Andreas Svanström, M. Spiess, R. Karlsson, Julie Grantham
Molecular Biology of the Cell - 2015 -
Over-Expression Analysis of All Eight Subunits of the Molecular Chaperone CCT in Mammalian Cells Reveals a Novel Function for
M. Spiess, Meriem Echbarthi, Andreas Svanström, R. Karlsson, Julie Grantham
Journal of Molecular Biology - 2015 -
Essential Genetic Interactors of SIR2 Required for Spatial Sequestration and Asymmetrical Inheritance of Protein
J. Song, Q. Yang, Junsheng Yang, Lisa C Larsson, Xinxin Hao, Xuefeng Zhu, Sandra Malmgren Hill, Marija Cvijovic, Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, Julie Grantham, Claes M Gustafsson, Beidong Liu, Thomas Nyström
PLoS Genetics - 2014 -
Controlling the cortical actin
Julie Grantham, I. Lassing, R. Karlsson
Protoplasma - 2012 -
Interactions between the actin filament capping and severing protein gelsolin and the molecular chaperone CCT: evidence for nonclassical substrate
Karen I. Brackley, Julie Grantham
Cell Stress and Chaperones - 2011 -
Segregation of protein aggregates involves actin and the polarity
Beidong Liu, Lisa C Larsson, Vanessa Franssens, Xinxin Hao, Sandra Malmgren Hill, Veronica Andersson, Daniel Höglund, Jia Song, Xiaoxue Yang, David Öling, Julie Grantham, Joris Winderickx, Thomas Nyström
Cell - 2011 -
The Polarisome Is Required for Segregation and Retrograde Transport of Protein
Beidong Liu, Lisa C Larsson, Antonio Caballero, Xinxin Hao, David Öling, Julie Grantham, Thomas Nyström
Cell - 2010 -
The Eukaryotic Chaperonin CCT (TRiC): Structure, Mechanisms of Action and Substrate
Julie Grantham
Handbook of Molecular Chaperones. Roles, Structures and Mechanisms. Editors: Piero Durante and Leandro Colucci - 2010 -
Subunits of the chaperonin CCT interact with F-actin and influence cell shape and cytoskeletal
Karen I. Brackley, Julie Grantham
Experimental Cell Research - 2010 -
Activities of the chaperonin containing TCP-1 (CCT): implications for cell cycle progression and cytoskeletal
Karen I. Brackley, Julie Grantham
Cell Stress and Chaperones - 2009 -
Accelerated aging and failure to segregate damaged proteins in Sir2 mutants can be suppressed by overproducing the protein aggregation-remodeling factor
Nika Erjavec, Lisa C Larsson, Julie Grantham, Thomas Nyström
The inter-ring arrangement of the cytosolic chaperonin
Jaime Martín-Benito, Julie Grantham, Jasminka Boskovic, Karen I. Brackley, José L. Carrascosa, Keith R. Willison, José M. Valpuesta
Substantial CCT activity is required for cell cycle progression and cytoskeletal organization in mammalian
Julie Grantham, Karen I. Brackley, Keith R. Willison
Experimental Cell Research - 2006