
Lillemor Mattsson Hulten

About Lillemor Mattsson Hulten

Professor, adjunct, PhD, Principal Investigator

Lillemor Mattsson Hultén focuses on the role of ischemia-induced lipid accumulation and inflammation in cardiovascular disease. Her team is especially interested in elucidating the mechanisms underlying ischemia-induced lipoxygenases and inflammatory activation and atherothrombotic events as stroke and ischemic heart disease.

Main research

Despite dramatic advances in recent years, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and stroke are still leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The development of therapies for atherosclerosis requires a thorough understanding of the molecules that are involved in its pathogenesis.

Ischemic stroke and ischemic heart disease share common risk factors and show a similar pathophysiology in terms of atherosclerosis. The exact relationship between lesion development in carotid and coronary arteries and acute events has not been clearly determined, but inflammation is associated with atherosclerotic changes in both types of arteries. Evidence suggests that a systemic inflammatory response plays a role in the destabilization of atherosclerotic lesions, initiating lesion rupture and subsequent thrombosis. We have shown that lipoxygenase products increase platelet aggregation and thrombin generation. The identification of a set of biomarkers to indicate patients at risk of ischemic atherothrombotic events would thus be of great advantage.

Group members

  • Mikael Sandstedt, PhD student, MD
  • Aditi Chaudhari, PhD, Research Associate
  • Victoria Rotter Sopasakis, PhD
  • Joakim Sandstedt, MD, PhD


Hjärt-Lungfonden, Vetenskapsrådet, ALF-medel.

Key Publications