
Anders Jeppsson

About Anders Jeppsson

Professor, Group leader

Graduated from Linköping University 1989. Board certified physician 1992, specialist in cardiothoracic surgery 1997, senior consultant 2002. Research fellow Mayo Clinic 1997, PhD 1998, associate professor in cardiothoracic Surgery 2002, full professor 2008. Main supervisor for 12 and co-supervisor for 5 completed PhD projects.

Selected appointments:

  • Vice chairman, Swedish Association of Thoracic Surgery 2015-2016
  • Vice chairman, Swedish Heart Association 2007-2009 Chairman, SWEDEHEART-registry 2009-2011
  • Member, Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation’s Research Council 2010-2015
  • Associate Editor, European Journal of Heart Failure, 2004-2009 Member
  • Circulation editorial board 2016-ongoing.

Honors and Awards

  • Selected awards: C. Walton Lillehei Young Investigator Award. Scandinavian Association of Thoracic Surgery
  • Pfizer´s Fellowship i Cardiovasculaer Research
  • The Ingegärd and Viking Olov Björk Scholarship for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Research
  • Scandinavian Association of Thoracic Surgery

Main Research

Improving outcome after coronary artery bypass surgery: A translational approach

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the recommended treatment for the majority of patients with advanced coronary artery disease. Approximately 2500 CABG procedures are performed in Sweden every year. The total annual number of CABG worldwide has been estimated to more than 700 000. Outcome after CABG has improved steadily over the decades but there is still a considerable early and late complication rate. Thirty-day mortality after CABG is around 2 % and the risk for severe complications like excessive bleeding, myocardial infarction, renal failure, and stroke is approximately 8-10%.

Late complications after CABG are mainly due to worsening of the underlying coronary artery disease, which may cause recurrence of angina, thromboembolic complications including myocardial infarction, and sudden death. Several factors, e.g. high age, impaired cardiac function, female gender, socioeconomic factors and secondary prevention have impact on the long-term results after CABG. The main objective of the group’s research is to reduce complications and improve outcome after cardiac surgery with special focus on 1. Prevention and treatment of perioperative bleeding complications, 2. Prevention of thromboembolic complications, 3. Impact of gender socioeconomic factors. To reach the objective, the group large pursues both large clinical randomized trials, epidemiological studies based on regional and national databases and registries, and mechanistic in-vivo and in-vitro studies. A biobank with blood and tissue samples from the heart collected during surgery has been established in collaboration with the Wallenberg laboratory.

Group members

Senior researchers

  • Anders Jeppsson
  • Birgitta Romlin
  • Martin Karlsson

Postdoctoral fellows

  • Susanne Nielsen
  • Emma C. Hansson
  • Carl Johan Malm

PhD students

  • Caroline Shams Hakimi
  • Sukhi Singh
  • Katarina Waldén
  • Fredrik Söderlund

Research nurses

  • Eva Berg
  • Eva Lysell
  • Anna Börjesson


  • Caroline Ivarsson

Key publications