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- Mikael Dellborg
Mikael Dellborg
About Mikael Dellborg
Clinical cardiologist who started as a coronary-care physician, PhD in electrocardiographic ischemia monitoring with continuous vectorcardiography, considerable interest in and experience of clinical cardiovascular trials since the late 1980ies, lead several studies in the intersectional field of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Started together with Peter Eriksson the Adult Congenital Heart Unit in 1996 with a growing interest in research in that particular field. Participated in several round as a specialized experts in the National Board of Health and welfares National priority guidelines both in the filed of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as adult congenital heart disease.
Main research:
Clinical Cardiovascular Trials and Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Our reaserch group has a long-lasting interest and activity in the field of clinical cardiovascular trials in a international collaborative network originating from Eugene Braunwalds and the TIMI-group i Boston. The competence and network from that work has in recent years been used to initiate and lead research in adult congenital heart disease. We are now doing observational, registry and interventional trials with the field of congenital heart disease with publications in high-impact journals and external support from the Heart and Lung foundation.
Group Members
- Anders Ahnfeldt, PhD student
- Linda Ashman-Krönström, PhD student
- Anna Björk, PhD student
- Peter Eriksson, Staff scientist
- Maria Fedchenko, PhD student
- Eva Furenäs, PhD student
- Alexia Karagianni, PhD student
- Zacharias Mandalenakis, Post-doctor
- Kristofer Skoglund, Post-doctors
Key Publications
- Mandalenakis Z, Rosengren A, Skoglund K, Lappas G, Eriksson P, Dellborg M. Survivorship in Children and Young Adults With Congenital Heart Disease in Sweden. JAMA Intern Med. Feb 1;177(2):224-230. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.7765 (2017).
- Berghammer MC, Mattsson E, Johansson B, Moons P, Dellborg M. Comparison of participants and non-participants in patient-reported outcome surveys: the case of Assessment of Patterns of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart disease - International Study. Cardiol Young. May 11:1-8. [Epub ahead of print] (2016).
- Mandalenakis Z, Rosengren A, Lappas G, Eriksson P, Hansson PO, Dellborg M. Ischemic Stroke in Children and Young Adults With Congenital Heart Disease. J Am Heart Assoc. 23;5(2). pii: e003071. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.115.003071 (2016).
- Dellborg M, Björk A, Pirouzi Fard MN, Ambring A, Eriksson P, Svensson AM, Gudbjörnsdottir S. High mortality and morbidity among adults with congenital heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Scand Cardiovasc J. 49(6):344-50. doi: 10.3109/14017431.2015.1085595 (2015).
- Vejlstrup N, Sørensen K, Mattsson E, Thilén U, Kvidal P, Johansson B, Iversen K, Søndergaard L, Dellborg M, Eriksson P. Long-Term Outcome of Mustard/Senning Correction for Transposition of the Great Arteries in Sweden and Denmark. Circulation. 25;132(8):633-8. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.114.010770 (2015).
- Skoglund K, Berghammer M, Eriksson P, Svensson G, Thilén U, Dellborg M. Decline in self-reported health (EQ-5D) over time after surgical reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract: a longitudinal cohort study of 103 patients. Congenit Heart Dis. 10(2):E54-9. doi: 10.1111/chd.12208 (2015).
- Bonaca MP, Scirica BM, Creager MA, Olin J, Bounameaux H, Dellborg M, Lamp JM, Murphy SA, Braunwald E, Morrow DA. Vorapaxar in patients with peripheral artery disease: results from TRA2{degrees}P-TIMI 50. Circulation. 9;127(14):1522-9, 1529e1-6. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.000679 (2013).
- Dellborg M. Can ST-segment recovery and myocardial blush predict prognosis? Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med. 2(10):506-7 (2005).
- Svensson AM, McGuire DK, Abrahamsson P, Dellborg M. Association between hyper- and hypoglycaemia and 2 year all-cause mortality risk in diabetic patients with acute coronary events. Eur Heart J. 26(13):1255-61 (2005).
- Eriksson P, Hansson PO, Eriksson H, Dellborg M. Bundle-branch block in a general male population: the study of men born 1913. Circulation. 1;98(22):2494-500 (1998).
Risk and predictors of first-time infective endocarditis in adult patients with congenital heart disease-A nationwide, register-based
Maria Fedchenko, Kok Wai Giang, Ulrika Snygg-Martin, Mikael Dellborg, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Anxiety and Depression in Adults With Congenital Heart
Adrienne H. Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A. Sluman, Chun Wei Lu, Jamie L. Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C. Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Mette Elise Estensen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S. Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M. Jameson, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Erwin Oechslin, Liesbet Van Bulck, Philip Moons
Journal of the American College of Cardiology - 2024 -
Frailty and Cognitive Function in Middle-Aged and Older Adults With Congenital Heart
Bo Daelman, Liesbet van Bulck, Koen Luyckx, Adrienne H. Kovacs, Alexander Van De Bruaene, Magalie Ladouceur, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Ju Ryoung Moon, Andre Schmidt, Birgitte Lykkeberg, Edward Callus, Michele de Hosson, Camilla Sandberg, Bengt Johansson, Joanna Hlebowicz, Maria Emilia Areias, Pascal Amedro, Louise Coats, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Anna Kaneva, Philip Moons, Eva Goossens, Mikael Dellborg
Journal of the American College of Cardiology - 2024 -
Corrigendum to "Risk of cancer in young and older patients with congenital heart disease and the excess risk of cancer by syndromes, organ transplantation and cardiac surgery: Swedish health registry study (1930-2017)" [The Lancet Regional Health-Europe 18 (2022)
Christina Karazisi, Mikael Dellborg, Karin Mellgren, Kok Wai Giang, Kristofer Skoglund, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
The Lancet regional health. Europe - 2024 -
Risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with congenital heart disease: a nationwide, register-based, case-control
Dagmara Cuszynska-Kruk, Maria Fedchenko, Kok Wai Giang, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson, Per-Olof Hansson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
European Heart Journal Open (EHJ Open) - 2024 -
Morbidity Burden in Patients With Ebstein Anomaly: The Natural
Filip Eckerström, Vibeke Elisabeth Hjortdal, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Long-term survival in patients with univentricular heart: A nationwide, register-based cohort
Ayse-Gul Ozturk, Mikael Dellborg, Anna Damlin, Kok Wai Giang, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Peder Sorensson
Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Congenital Heart Disease and Atrial
Arvid Holmgren, Kok Wai Giang, Maria Fedchenko, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Prognostic Significance of Hemodynamics in Patients With Transposition of the Great Arteries and Systemic Right
Nael Aldweib, Payam Deghani, Craig S. Broberg, Alexandra van Dissel, Ahmad Altibi, Joshua Wong, David Baker, Salil Gindi, Paul Khairy, Alexander R. Opotowsky, Sangeeta Shah, Anthony Magalski, Jonathan Cramer, Robert M. Kauling, Mikael Dellborg, Eric V. Krieger, Elizabeth Yeung, Jolien Roos-Hesselink, Jamil Aboulhosn, Jeremy Nicolarsen, Luke Masha, Pastora Gallego, David S. Celermajer, Joseph Kay, Isabelle Vonder Muhll, Susan M. Jameson, Clare O'Donnell, Flavia Fusco, Anitha S. John, Conrad Macon, Petra Antonova, Timothy Cotts, Berardo Sarubbi, Fred Rodriguez III, Christopher Dezorzi, Pavithra S. Jayadeva, Marissa Kuo, Shelby Kutty, Tripti Gupta, Luke J. Burchill, Carla P. Rodriguez Monserrate, Adam M. Lubert, Jasmine Grewal, Stephen Pylypchuk, Mark N. Belkin, William M. Wilson
Circulation: Heart Failure - 2024 -
Breastfeeding in primiparous women with congenital heart disease − a register
Ylva Holstad, Bengt Johansson, Maria Lindqvist, Agneta Westergren, Inger Sundström Poromaa, Christina Christersson, Mikael Dellborg, Aleksandra Trzebiatowska-Krzynska, Peder Sörensson, Ulf Thilén, Anna Karin Wikström, Annika Bay
International Breastfeeding Journal - 2024 -
Heart failure in patients with congenital heart disease after a cancer
Christina Karazisi, Mikael Dellborg, Karin Mellgren, Kok Wai Giang, Kristofer Skoglund, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Adult Congenital Heart
Mikael Dellborg
Circulation - 2024 -
Outcomes after cancer diagnosis in children and adult patients with congenital heart disease in Sweden: a registry-based cohort
Christina Karazisi, Mikael Dellborg, Karin Mellgren, Kok Wai Giang, Kristofer Skoglund, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
BMJ OPEN - 2024 -
Time to childbirth and assisted reproductive treatment in women with congenital heart
Sara Jonsson, Inger Sundstrom-Poromaa, Bengt Johansson, Jenny Alenius Dahlqvist, Christina Christersson, Mikael Dellborg, Alexandra Trzebiatowska-Krzynska, Peder Soerensson, Ulf Thilen, Anna-Karin Wikstrom, Annika Bay
OPEN HEART - 2024 -
Incidence of diabetes mellitus and effect on mortality in adults with congenital heart
Anna Björk, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Kok Wai Giang, Annika Rosengren, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Impact of Down Syndrome on Survival Among Patients With Congenital Heart
Stella Engsner, Kok Wai Giang, Mikael Dellborg, Maria Fedchenko, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Self-rated health in primiparous women with congenital heart disease before, during and after pregnancy–A register
Ylva Holstad, Bengt Johansson, Maria Lindqvist, Agneta Westergren, Inger Sundström Poromaa, Christina Christersson, Mikael Dellborg, Aleksandra Trzebiatowska-Krzynska, Peder Sörensson, Ulf Thilén, Anna Karin Wikström, Annika Bay
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2024 -
Long-term outcome after closure of an atrial shunt in patients aged 60 years or older with ischemic stroke: A nationwide, registry-based, case-control
Alexia Karagianni, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Savvas Papadopoulos, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson
Functional muscle power in the lower extremity in adults with congenital heart
Alva Andersson, Frida Lundahl, Åsa Cider, Mikael Dellborg, Linda Ashman Kröönström
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2023 -
Mortality in Patients With Ebstein
Filip Eckerström, Mikael Dellborg, V. E. Hjortdal, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Journal of the American College of Cardiology - 2023 -
Patient-reported outcomes in the aging population of adults with congenital heart disease: results from
Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Hsiao Ling Yang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Erwin Oechslin, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Adrienne H Kovacs
European journal of cardiovascular nursing - 2023 -
Troponins and
Eva Furenäs, Mikael Dellborg
JAMA cardiology - 2023 -
End-stage heart failure in congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries: a multicentre
A. C. van Dissel, A. R. Opotowsky, L. J. Burchill, J. Aboulhosn, J. Grewal, A. M. Lubert, P. Antonova, S. Shah, T. Cotts, A. S. John, W. A. Kay, C. DeZorzi, A. Magalski, F. Han, D. Baker, J. Kay, Elzb Yeung, I. Vonder Muhll, S. Pylypchuk, M. C. Kuo, J. Nicolarsen, B. Sarubbi, F. Fusco, S. M. Jameson, J. Cramer, T. Gupta, P. Gallego, C. O'Donnell, J. Hannah, Mikael Dellborg, R. M. Kauling, S. Ginde, E. V. Krieger, F. Rodriguez, P. Dehghani, S. Kutty, J. S. Wong, W. M. Wilson, C. P. Rodriguez-Monserrate, J. Roos-Hesselink, D. S. Celermajer, P. Khairy, C. S. Broberg
European Heart Journal - 2023 -
Transcatheter Intervention for Coarctation of the Aorta A Nordic Population-Based Registry With Long-Term
Peter J Eriksson, J. Pihkala, A. S. Jensen, G. Dohlen, P. Liuba, Håkan Wåhlander, G. Sjoberg, J. Hlebowicz, Eva Furenäs, E. Leirgul, M. Settergren, K. Vithessonthi, N. E. Nielsen, C. Christersson, L. Sondergaard, J. Sinisalo, J. E. Nielsen-Kudsk, Mikael Dellborg, S. H. Larsen
Jacc-Cardiovascular Interventions - 2023 -
Survival Trends in Children With Tetralogy of Fallot in Sweden From 1970 to
Johanna Persson, Albert Gyllencreutz Castellheim, Mikael Dellborg, Kok Wai Giang, Christina Karazisi, Araz Rawshani, Zacharias Mandalenakis
JAMA network open - 2023 -
Anticoagulation treatment in adult patients with congenital heart defects and bleeding-related
Sara Al-Khaiat, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Mikael Dellborg
Progress in Pediatric Cardiology - 2023 -
Risk of Heart Failure in Congenital Heart Disease: A Nationwide Register-based Cohort
Niklas Bergh, Kristofer Skoglund, Maria Fedchenko, Entela Bollano, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg, Kok Wai Giang, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Circulation - 2023 -
Adult congenital heart disease training in Europe: current status, disparities and potential
Colin J McMahon, Inga Voges, Petra Jenkins, Margarita Brida, Annemien E van der Bosch, Mikael Dellborg, Ruth Heying, Jörg I Stein, Borislav Georgiev, Senka Mesihovic-Dinarevic, Katja Prokšelj, Gylfi Oskarsson, Alexandra Frogoudaki, Tevfik Karagöz, Antonis Jossif, Gabriela Doros, Dorte Nielsen, Mikko Jalanko, Inmaculada Sanchez Perez, Sílvia Alvares, Mette-Elise Estensen, Andreas Petropoulos, Raili Tagen, Lina Gumbienė, Ina Michel-Behnke, Peter Olejnik, Paul F Clift, Skaiste Sendzikaite, Dimpna C Albert-Brotons, Mark Rhodes, Olli Pitkänen, Pier Paolo Bassareo, Michael A Gatzoulis, Kevin Walsh, Ornella Milanesi, Magalie Ladouceur, Massimo Chessa, Werner Budts
Open heart - 2023 -
Congenital heart disease: changes in recorded birth prevalence and cardiac interventions over the past half-century in
Kok Wai Giang, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Maria Fedchenko, Peter J Eriksson, Annika Rosengren, M. Norman, K. Hanseus, Mikael Dellborg
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2023 -
Healthcare consumption in congenital heart disease: A temporal life-course perspective following pediatric cases to
Salma Pardhan, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Kok Wai Giang, Maria Fedchenko, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2023 -
Adults With Congenital Heart Disease: Trends in Event-Free Survival Past Middle
Mikael Dellborg, Kok Wai Giang, Peter J Eriksson, H. Liden, Maria Fedchenko, A. Ahnfelt, Annika Rosengren, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Circulation - 2023 -
Percutaneous atrial shunt closure and the risk of recurrent ischemic stroke: A register-based, nationwide cohort
Alexia Karagianni, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Savvas Papadopoulos, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases - 2023 -
Risk for first onset depression in adults with congenital heart
Susanne Nielsen, Mikael Dellborg, Margda Waern, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Kok Wai Giang
Cause-Specific Mortality in Patients During Long-Term Follow-Up After Atrial Switch for Transposition of the Great
A. S. Jensen, T. H. Jorgensen, C. Christersson, E. Nagy, J. Sinisalo, Eva Furenäs, O. Gjesdal, Peter J Eriksson, N. Vejlstrup, B. Johansson, J. Hlebowicz, G. Greve, Mikael Dellborg, H. Skulstad, P. Kvidal, E. Jokinen, H. Sairanen, U. Thilen, L. Sondergaard
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2022 -
Pregnancy outcomes in women with a systemic right ventricle and transposition of the great arteries results from the ESC-EORP Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease
Oktay Tutarel, Lucia Baris, Werner Budts, Mohamad Gamal Abd-El Aziz, Csilla Liptai, David Majdalany, Silvana Jovanova, Alexandra Frogoudaki, Heidi M. Connolly, Mark R. Johnson, Aldo P. Maggioni, Roger Hall, Jolien W. Roos-Hesselink, Mikael Dellborg, Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson
Heart - 2022 -
The role of modern cardiovascular imaging in (suspected) coronary artery disease in competitive
P. Sörensson, Mikael Dellborg, Mats Börjesson
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine - 2022 -
Heart Failure and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease from 15
C. W. Lu, J. K. Wang, H. L. Yang, A. H. Kovacs, K. Luyckx, F. J. Ruperti-Repilado, A. Van de Bruaene, J. Enomoto, M. A. Sluman, J. L. Jackson, P. Khairy, S. C. Cook, S. Chidambarathanu, L. Alday, E. Oechslin, K. Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, M. Berghammer, B. Johansson, A. S. Mackie, S. Menahem, M. Caruana, G. Veldtman, A. Soufi, S. M. Fernandes, K. White, E. Callus, S. Kutty, S. Apers, Philip Moons
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2022 -
Interventions in Adults With Repaired Coarctation of the
V. M. Blylod, D. Rinnstrom, J. Pennlert, E. Ostenfeld, Mikael Dellborg, P. Sorensson, C. Christersson, U. Thilen, B. Johansson
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2022 -
Epilepsy in patients with congenital heart disease: A nationwide cohort
J. Zelano, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Brain and behavior - 2022 -
Efficacy and Safety of Dapagliflozin in Type 2 Diabetes According to Baseline Blood Pressure: Observations From DECLARE-TIMI 58
R. H. M. Furtado, I. Raz, E. L. Goodrich, S. A. Murphy, D. L. Bhatt, L. A. Leiter, D. K. McGuire, J. P. H. Wilding, P. Aylward, A. J. Dalby, Mikael Dellborg, D. Dimulescu, J. C. Nicolau, Ajmo Ophuis, A. Cahn, O. Mosenzon, I. Gause-Nilsson, A. M. Langkilde, M. S. Sabatine, S. D. Wiviott
Circulation - 2022 -
Fractures in patients with and without congenital heart disease – A nationwide register-based cohort
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Mikael Dellborg, Kok Wai Giang, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
International journal of cardiology Congenital heart disease - 2022 -
Long-Term Outcomes After Atrial Switch Operation for Transposition of the Great
C. S. Broberg, A. van Dissel, J. Minnier, J. Aboulhosn, R. M. Kauling, S. Ginde, E. V. Krieger, III Rodriguez, T. Gupta, S. Shah, A. S. John, T. Cotts, W. A. Kay, M. Kuo, C. Dwight, P. Woods, J. Nicolarsen, B. Sarubbi, F. Fusco, P. Antonova, S. Fernandes, J. Grewal, J. Cramer, P. Khairy, P. Gallego, C. O'Donnell, J. Hannah, Mikael Dellborg, C. P. Rodriguez-Monserrate, I. V. Muhll, S. Pylypchuk, A. Magalski, F. Han, A. M. Lubert, J. Kay, E. Yeung, J. Roos-Hesselink, D. Baker, D. S. Celermajer, L. J. Burchill, W. M. Wilson, J. Wong, S. Kutty, A. R. Opotowsky
Journal of the American College of Cardiology - 2022 -
Risk of cancer in young and older patients with congenital heart disease and the excess risk of cancer by syndromes, organ transplantation and cardiac surgery: Swedish health registry study
Christina Karazisi, Mikael Dellborg, Karin Mellgren, Kok Wai Giang, Kristofer Skoglund, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Lancet Regional Health-Europe - 2022 -
Patient-Reported Outcomes in the aging population of adults with congenital heart disease: Findings from
Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Jamie Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen Cook, Shanti Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Erwin Oechslin, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Mehanem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Adrienne Kovacs
32nd International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease - Cincinnati, 8-11 June 2022 - 2022 -
Exercise capacity in adult patients with tetralogy of
Anette Sandström, Anna Wikner, Daniel Rinnström, Camilla Sandberg, Christina Christersson, Mikael Dellborg, Niels Erik Nielsen, Peder Sörensson, Ulf Thilén, Bengt Johansson
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2021 -
Effects of exercise training, with or without supplemental oxygen, in adults
with complex congenital heart
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Peter J Eriksson, Anna-Klara Zetterström, Åsa Cider, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2021 -
Pregnancy outcome in thoracic aortic disease data from the Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac
Laurence Campens, Lucia Baris, Nandita S. Scott, Craig S. Broberg, Antione Bondue, Guillaume Jondeau, Jasmine Grewal, Mark R. Johnson, Roger Hall, Julie De Backer, Jolien W. Roos-Hesselink, Mikael Dellborg, Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson
Heart - 2021 -
Burden of Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Congenital Heart Disease: A Nationwide, Case-Control
K. W. Giang, Maria Fedchenko, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2021 -
Does persistent (patent) foramen ovale closure reduce the risk of recurrent decompression sickness in scuba
B. Edvinsson, U. Thilen, N. E. Nielsen, C. Christersson, Mikael Dellborg, Peter Eriksson, J. Hlebowicz
Diving and hyperbaric medicine - 2021 -
Outcome and survival after open heart surgery for adults with congenital heart disease - a single center
Sanin Fazlinovic, Andreas Wallinder, Mikael Dellborg, Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson, Mats J Synnergren, Hans Lidén
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2021 -
Cumulative Incidence of Infective Endocarditis in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease: A Nationwide, Case-Control Study Over Nine
Ulrika Snygg-Martin, Kok Wai Giang, Mikael Dellborg, Josefina Robertson, Zacharias Mandalenakis
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America - 2021 -
Long-term outcomes after myocardial infarction in middle-aged and older patients with congenital heart disease-a nationwide
Maria Fedchenko, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Kok Wai Giang, Annika Rosengren, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
European heart journal - 2021 -
Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease Following Hospitalization (From
Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Erwin Oechslin, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs
The American journal of cardiology - 2021 -
Physical Functioning, Mental Health, and Quality of Life in Different Congenital Heart Defects: Comparative Analysis in 3538 Patients From 15
Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Chun-Wei Lu, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Fouke Ombelet, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs
The Canadian journal of cardiology - 2021 -
Sense of coherence in adults with congenital heart disease in 15 countries: Patient characteristics, cultural dimensions and quality of
Philip Moons, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Erwin Oechslin, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Koen Luyckx
European journal of cardiovascular nursing - 2021 -
Enhanced prediction of atrial fibrillation and mortality among patients with congenital heart disease using nationwide register-based medical hospital data and neural
Kok Wai Giang, Saga Helgadottir, Mikael Dellborg, Giovanni Volpe, Zacharias Mandalenakis
European Heart Journal - Digital Health - 2021 -
Atrial Arrhythmias and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: an International
Benjamin Casteigt, Michelle Samuel, Laurence Laplante, Azadeh Shohoudi, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Chun-Wei Lu, Jamie L Jackson, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Judith Brouillette, Philip Moons, Paul Khairy
Heart rhythm - 2021 -
Phenotypes of adults with congenital heart disease around the globe: a cluster
Edward Callus, Silvana Pagliuca, Sara Boveri, Federico Ambrogi, Koen Luyckx, Adrienne H Kovacs, Silke Apers, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Shelby Kutty, Philip Moons
Health and quality of life outcomes - 2021 -
Post-operative musculoskeletal outcomes in patients with coarctation of the aorta following different surgical
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Peter J Eriksson, Linda Johansson, Anna-Klara Zetterström, Kok Wai Giang, Åsa Cider, Mikael Dellborg
International journal of cardiology - 2021 -
Mortality burden in patients born with Ebstein's anomaly: a 40-year nationwide cohort
Filip Eckerström, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg, Georgios Lappas, Annika Rosengren, Vibeke Elisabeth Hjortdal, Zacharias Mandalenakis
European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes - 2021 -
Implantable cardiac devices in adult patients with repaired tetralogy of
A. Sandstrom, D. Rinnstrom, M. Kesek, U. Thilen, Mikael Dellborg, P. Sorensson, N. E. Nielsen, C. Christersson, B. Johansson
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2021 -
Idrottsrelaterad plötslig
Mats Börjesson, Erik E Solberg, Eva Nylander, Mikael Dellborg
FYSS 2021 - 2021 -
Pregnancy Outcomes in Women After Arterial Switch Operation for Transposition of the Great Arteries: Results From ROPAC (Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac Disease) of the European Society of Cardiology EURObservational Research
Oktay Tutarel, Karishma P Ramlakhan, Lucia Baris, Maria T Subirana, Judith Bouchardy, Attila Nemes, Niels G Vejlstrup, Olga A Osipova, Mark R Johnson, Roger Hall, Jolien W Roos-Hesselink, Mikael Dellborg, Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2021 -
Interleukin 6 and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Chronic Coronary
Gorav Batra, Tatevik Ghukasyan Lakic, Johan Lindbäck, Claes Held, Harvey D. White, Ralph A.H. Stewart, Wolfgang Koenig, Christopher P. Cannon, Andrzej Budaj, Emil Hagström, Agneta Siegbahn, Lars Wallentin, Mikael Dellborg
JAMA Cardiology - 2021 -
High prevalence of ascending aortic dilation in adults with repaired coarctation of the
D. Rinnström, Mikael Dellborg, U. Thilén, P. Sörensson, N. E. Nielsen, C. Christersson, B. Johansson
Cardiology in the Young - 2021 -
Pain in adults with congenital heart disease - An international
Allison Leibold, Erin Eichler, Sukyung Chung, Philip Moons, Adrienne Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Silke Apers, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen Cook, Shanti Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Erwin Oechslin, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Susan Fernandes
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2021 -
Self-rated health status (EQ-5D) in adults with congenital heart defect around the
Goedele Belaen, Philip Moons, Eva Goossens, Koen Luyckx, Silke Apers, Adrienne Kovacs, Erwin Oechslin, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke Sluman, Chun-Wei Lu, Jamie Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen Cook, Shanti Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Marianne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Liesbet Van Bulck
EuroGUCH 2021, the 12th European Meeting on Adult Congenital Disease, 4-5 May, 2021. - 2021 -
Fractures in children and young adults with and without congenital heart
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Mikael Dellborg, Åsa Cider, Peter J Eriksson, Annika Rosengren, Zacharias Mandalenakis
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2021 -
Exercise capacity, physical activity, and health-related quality of life in adults with
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Åsa Cider, Anna Klara Zetterström, Linda Johansson, Peter J Eriksson, Lars Brudin, Mikael Dellborg
Cardiology in the Young - 2020 -
Brief recommendations for participation in leisure time or competitive sports in athletes-patients with coronary artery disease: Summary of a Position Statement from the Sports Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, J. Niebauer, A. LaGerche, C. Schmied, E. E. Solberg, M. Halle, P. E. Adami, A. Biffi, F. Carre, S. Caselli, M. Papadakis, A. Pressler, H. Rasmusen, L. Serratosa, S. Sharma, F. van Buuren, A. Pelliccia
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2020 -
Caffeinated Beverage Intake, Dyspnea With Ticagrelor, and Cardiovascular Outcomes: Insights From the PEGASUS-TIMI 54
R. H. M. Furtado, R. V. Venkateswaran, J. C. Nicolau, Y. Gurmu, D. L. Bhatt, R. F. Storey, P. G. Steg, G. Magnani, S. Goto, Mikael Dellborg, G. Kamensky, D. Isaza, P. Aylward, P. Johanson, M. P. Bonaca
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2020 -
TO the
Alexia Karagianni, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Annals of Internal Medicine - 2020 -
Survival in Children With Congenital Heart Disease: Have We Reached a Peak at
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Kok Wai Giang, Peter J Eriksson, Hans Lidén, Mats Johansson-Synnergren, Håkan Wåhlander, Maria Fedchenko, Annika Rosengren, Mikael Dellborg
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2020 -
Incidence of Type 1 diabetes mellitus and effect on mortality in young patients with congenital heart defect – A nationwide cohort
Anna Björk, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Kok Wai Giang, Annika Rosengren, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology - 2020 -
Health behaviours reported by adults with congenital heart disease across 15
Christina E Holbein, James Peugh, Gruschen R Veldtman, Silke Apers, Koen Luyckx, Adrienne H Kovacs, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Chun-Wei Lu, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Philip Moons
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2020 -
Healthcare system inputs and patient-reported outcomes: a study in adults with congenital heart defect from 15
Liesbet Van Bulck, Eva Goossens, Koen Luyckx, Silke Apers, Erwin Oechslin, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Chun-Wei Lu, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Philip Moons
BMC health services research - 2020 -
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: an International
Valérie Lévesque, Laurence Laplante, Azadeh Shohoudi, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Chun-Wei Lu, Jamie L Jackson, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Judith Brouillette, Benjamin Casteigt, Philip Moons, Paul Khairy
Heart rhythm - 2020 -
Effect of medical treatment in patients with systemic right
Kristofer Skoglund, Joel Heimdahl, Zacharias Mandalenakis, U. Thilén, B. Johansson, C. Christersson, P. Sörensson, Mikael Dellborg
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2020 -
Pregnancy in a healthy population: dynamics of NTproBNP and hs-cTroponin
Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, Mikael Dellborg
Open Heart - 2020 -
Cardiac Complications during Pregnancy Related to Parity in Women with Congenital Heart
Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, Mikael Dellborg
Cardiology - 2020 -
Secular trends in cardiovascular risk factors among women aged 45-54years in Gothenburg, Sweden, from 1980 to
Carina Ulla Persson, Anna-Clara Collen, Annika Rosengren, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Tatiana Zverkova Sandström, Michael Fu, Mikael Dellborg, Saga Johansson, Per-Olof Hansson
BMC Public Health - 2020 -
Recurrent cerebrovascular events in patients after percutaneous closure of patent foramen
A. Karagianni, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Mikael Dellborg, Naqibullah Mirzada, Magnus C Johansson, Peter J Eriksson
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases - 2020 -
Exercise in specific diseases: Coronary artery
Mats Börjesson, Josef Niebauer, Mikael Dellborg
Textbook of Sports and Exercise Cardiology - 2020 -
Validation of myocardial infarction diagnosis in patients with congenital heart disease in
Maria Fedchenko, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Görel Hultsberg Olsson, Helena Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
BMC cardiovascular disorders - 2020 -
Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease who are Recovering after
Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen Cook, Shanti Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Apers Silke, Adrienne Kovacs
30th International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease - Virtual, 5-9 Oct 2020. - 2020 -
NOACs in adult congenital heart disease - Still limited
Mikael Dellborg, Zacharias Mandalenakis
International journal of cardiology - 2020 -
Adrenaline Improves Platelet Reactivity in Ticagrelor-Treated Healthy
Sukhi Singh, Tor Damén, Andreas Nygren, Caroline Andersson Shams Hakimi, Sofia Ramström, Mikael Dellborg, Tomas L Lindahl, Camilla Hesse, Anders Jeppsson
Thrombosis and haemostasis - 2019 -
Prevalence and Effects of Cigarette Smoking, Cannabis Consumption, and Co-use in Adults From 15 Countries With Congenital Heart
Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Adrienne H Kovacs, Christina E Holbein, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Silke Apers
The Canadian journal of cardiology - 2019 -
Efficacy and safety with ticagrelor in patients with prior myocardial infarction in the approved European label: insights from PEGASUS-TIMI
Mikael Dellborg, Marc P Bonaca, Robert F Storey, P Gabriel Steg, Kyung A Im, Marc Cohen, Deepak L Bhatt, Ton Oude Ophuis, Andrezej Budaj, Christian Hamm, Jindrich Spinar, Roberg G Kiss, Jose Lopez-Sendon, Gabriel Kamensky, Frans Van de Werf, Diego Ardissino, Fredceric Kontny, Gilles Montalescot, Per Johanson, Olof Bengtsson, Anders Himmelmann, Eugene Braunwald, Marc S Sabatine
European heart journal. Cardiovascular pharmacotherapy - 2019 -
Patient-reported outcomes of adults with congenital heart disease from eight European countries: scrutinising the association with healthcare system
Liesbet Van Bulck, Koen Luyckx, Eva Goossens, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Maayke A Sluman, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Maryanne Caruana, Alexandra Soufi, Edward Callus, Philip Moons
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2019 -
Perceived Health Mediates Effects of Physical Activity on Quality of Life in Patients With a Fontan
Christina E Holbein, Gruschen R Veldtman, Philip Moons, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Silke Apers, Shanti Chidambarathanu, Alexandra Soufi, Katrine Eriksen, Jamie L Jackson, Junko Enomoto, Susan M Fernandes, Bengt Johansson, Luis Alday, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Shelby Kutty, Andrew S Mackie, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Kamila White, Maayke A Sluman, Edward Callus, Stephen C Cook, Paul Khairy, Ari Cedars
The American journal of cardiology - 2019 -
Education as important predictor for successful employment in adults with congenital heart disease
Maayke A Sluman, Silke Apers, Judith K Sluiter, Karen Nieuwenhuijsen, Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Adrienne H Kovacs, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Raghavan Subramanyan, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Eva Mattsson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Kathy Gosney, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila S White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Berto J Bouma, Barbara J M Mulder
Congenital heart disease - 2019 -
Geographical variation and predictors of physical activity level in adults with congenital heart
Lena Larsson, Bengt Johansson, Camilla Sandberg, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Gwen Rempel, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Martha Tomlin, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Philip Moons
International journal of cardiology. Heart & vasculature - 2019 -
Risk of Cancer Among Children and Young Adults With Congenital Heart Disease Compared With Healthy
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Christina Karazisi, Kristofer Skoglund, Annika Rosengren, Georgios Lappas, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Jama Network Open - 2019 -
Intraoperative infusion of noradrenaline improves platelet aggregation in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: a randomized controlled
Sukhi Singh, Tor Damén, Mikael Dellborg, Anders Jeppsson, Andreas Nygren
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis - 2019 -
Factors associated with health-related quality of life among adults with tetralogy of
Anette Sandström, Camilla Sandberg, Daniel Rinnström, Gunnar Engström, Mikael Dellborg, Ulf Thilén, Peder Sörensson, Niels-Erik Nielsen, Christina Christersson, Bengt Johansson
Open heart - 2019 -
Recommendations for participation in leisure time or competitive sports in athletes-patients with coronary artery disease: a position statement from the Sports Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, J. Niebauer, A. LaGerche, C. Schmied, E. E. Solberg, M. Halle, E. Adami, A. Biffi, F. Carre, S. Caselli, M. Papadakis, A. Pressler, H. Rasmusen, L. Serratosa, S. Sharma, F. van Buuren, A. Pelliccia
European Heart Journal - 2019 -
Religion and spirituality as predictors of patient-reported outcomes in adults with congenital heart disease around the
Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Jessie Dezutter, Adrienne H Kovacs, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Raghavan Subramanyan, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Silke Apers
International journal of cardiology - 2019 -
Development of heart failure in young patients with congenital heart disease: a nation-wide cohort
Thomas Gilljam, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Mikael Dellborg, Georgios Lappas, Peter J Eriksson, Kristofer Skoglund, Annika Rosengren
Open heart - 2019 -
Physical activity and leisure-time exercise prescription in sedentary/untrained
Massimo Piepoli, Mikael Dellborg, Mats Börjesson
ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology - 2019 -
Physical functioning and quality of life in different congenital heart defects: Comparative analysis in 3,589 patients from 15
Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke Sluman, CW Lu, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanti Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Fouke Ombelet, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs
Circulation 2019; 140 suppl 1: A16534. - 2019 -
Congenital heart disease: the children will become
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Kristofer Skoglund, Mikael Dellborg
Aging - 2019 -
Cardiovascular risk factors in adults with coarctation of the
Maria Fedchenko, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Helena Dellborg, Görel Hultsberg Olsson, Anna Björk, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Congenital heart disease - 2019 -
Unraveling the role of healthcare system factors for continuing care of adolescents with congenital or rheumatic heart disease: Rationale and methods of the international
Ewa-Lena Bratt, Sandra Skogby, Liesl Zühlke, Bongani Mayosi, Bengt Johansson, Mikael Dellborg, Christina Christersson, Edit Nagy, Per Winberg, Ulf Thilén, Katarina Hanseus, Aleksandra Krzynska, Shalan Fadi, Eva Fernlund, Kalliopi Kazamia, Annika Rydberg, Jan Sunnegårdh, Eva Goossens, Philip Moons
Abstract book of the 99th Berzelius conference, 21-22 February 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, p31-32. - 2019 -
Differential impact of physical activity type on depression in adults with congenital heart disease: A multi-center international
Jong Mi Ko, Kamila S White, Adrienne H Kovacs, Kristen M Tecson, Silke Apers, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Philip Moons, Ari M Cedars
Journal of psychosomatic research - 2019 -
Dapagliflozin and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2
Stephen D Wiviott, Itamar Raz, Marc P Bonaca, Ofri Mosenzon, Eri T Kato, Avivit Cahn, Michael G Silverman, Thomas A Zelniker, Julia F Kuder, Sabina A Murphy, Deepak L Bhatt, Lawrence A Leiter, Darren K McGuire, John P H Wilding, Christian T Ruff, Ingrid A M Gause-Nilsson, Martin Fredriksson, Peter A Johansson, Anna-Maria Langkilde, Marc S Sabatine, Mikael Dellborg
The New England journal of medicine - 2019 -
Although Coronary Mortality Has Decreased, Rates of Cardiovascular Disease Remain High: 21 Years of Follow-Up Comparing Cohorts of Men Born in 1913 With Men Born in
Michael Fu, Annika Rosengren, Erik Thunström, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Lennart Welin, Kenneth Caidahl, A. Pivodic, Y. Zhong, Constantinos Ergatoudes, David Morales, Catharina Welin, K. Svardsudd, Mikael Dellborg, Per-Olof Hansson
Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) - 2018 -
Multidisciplinary approach and treatment options in right ventricular outflow tract
Kristofer Skoglund, Ludvig Clase, Mikael Dellborg
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare - 2018 -
Long-Term Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke in Young Patients With Congenital Heart
Kok Wai Giang, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Mikael Dellborg, Georg Lappas, Peter J Eriksson, Per-Olof Hansson, Annika Rosengren
Stroke - 2018 -
The incidence of atrial fibrillation and the added value of thumb ECG for detecting new
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Sandra Tahrodi Lennartsson, Michael Fu, Georgios Lappas, Shijun Li, Annika Rosengren, Mikael Dellborg, Erik Thunström, Kenneth Caidahl, Per-Olof Hansson
Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ - 2018 -
Physical Activity-Related Drivers of Perceived Health Status in Adults With Congenital Heart
J. M. Ko, K. S. White, A. H. Kovacs, K. M. Tecson, S. Apers, K. Luyckx, C. Thomet, W. Budts, J. Enomoto, M. A. Sluman, J. K. Wang, J. L. Jackson, P. Khairy, S. C. Cook, R. Subramanyan, L. Alday, K. Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, B. Johansson, A. S. Mackie, S. Menahem, M. Caruana, G. Veldtman, A. Soufi, S. M. Fernandes, E. Callus, S. Kutty, A. Gandhi, Philip Moons, A. M. Cedars
Am J Cardiol - 2018 -
Atrial Fibrillation Burden in Young Patients with Congenital Heart
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Annika Rosengren, Georg Lappas, Peter J Eriksson, Thomas Gilljam, Per-Olof Hansson, Kristofer Skoglund, Maria Fedchenko, Mikael Dellborg
Circulation - 2018 -
A multinational observational investigation of illness perceptions and quality of life among patients with a Fontan
Christina E Holbein, Nicholas D Fogleman, Kevin Hommel, Silke Apers, Jessica Rassart, Philip Moons, Koen Luyckx, Maayke A Sluman, Junko Enomoto, Bengt Johansson, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Mikael Dellborg, Raghavan Subramanyan, Jamie L Jackson, Werner Budts, Adrienne H Kovacs, Stacey Morrison, Martha Tomlin, Kathy Gosney, Alexandra Soufi, Katrine Eriksen, Corina Thomet, Malin Berghammer, Luis Alday, Edward Callus, Susan M Fernandes, Maryanne Caruana, Samuel Menahem, Stephen C Cook, Gwen R Rempel, Kamila White, Paul Khairy, Shelby Kutty, Gruschen Veldtman
Congenital heart disease - 2018 -
Quality of life after percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale in patients after cryptogenic stroke compared to a normative
Naqibullah Mirzada, Per Ladenvall, Per-Olof Hansson, Peter J Eriksson, Charles Taft, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology - 2018 -
Patient-reported outcomes in adults with congenital heart disease: Inter-country variation, standard of living and healthcare system
Philip Moons, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Raghavan Subramanyan, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Liesbet Van Bulck, Silke Apers
International journal of cardiology - 2018 -
Cardiovascular risks of
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Exercise and Sports Cardiology: Volume 3: Exercise Risks, Cardiac Arrhythmias and Unusual Problems in Athletes, - 2018 -
Exploration of disagreement between the patient’s self-reported limitations and limitations assessed by caregivers in adults with congenital heart
Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Eva Mattson, Philip Moons, Mikael Dellborg
European Heart Journal. Vol. 39, suppl 1. 2406 - 2018 -
Healthcare system characteristics and their relationship with patient-reported outcomes in adults with congenital heart disease of 14
Liesbet Van Bulck, Eva Goossens, Koen Luyckx, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke Sluman, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen Cook, Shanti Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Philip Moons
Circulation. 138 (suppl 1): A14480 - 2018 -
Age and quality of life in adults with congenital heart disease worldwide: Evidence for a non-linear
Philip Moons, Silke Apers, Koen Luyckx, Adrienne H Kovacs, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen Cook, Shanti Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Eva Goossens
Circulation. 138 (suppl 1): A14623 - 2018 -
Rivaroxaban with or without aspirin in patients with stable coronary artery disease: an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Stuart J Connolly, John W Eikelboom, Jackie Bosch, Gilles Dagenais, Leanne Dyal, Fernando Lanas, Kaj Metsarinne, Martin O'Donnell, Anthony L Dans, Jong-Won Ha, Alexandr N Parkhomenko, Alvaro A Avezum, Eva Lonn, Liu Lisheng, Christian Torp-Pedersen, Petr Widimsky, Aldo P Maggioni, Camilo Felix, Katalin Keltai, Masatsugu Hori, Khalid Yusoff, Tomasz J Guzik, Deepak L Bhatt, Kelley R H Branch, Nancy Cook Bruns, Scott D Berkowitz, Sonia S Anand, John D Varigos, Keith A A Fox, Salim Yusuf, Mikael Dellborg
Lancet (London, England) - 2018 -
Rivaroxaban with or without aspirin in patients with stable peripheral or carotid artery disease: an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Sonia S Anand, Jackie Bosch, John W Eikelboom, Stuart J Connolly, Rafael Diaz, Peter Widimsky, Victor Aboyans, Marco Alings, Ajay K Kakkar, Katalin Keltai, Aldo P Maggioni, Basil S Lewis, Stefan Störk, Jun Zhu, Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo, Martin O'Donnell, Patrick J Commerford, Dragos Vinereanu, Nana Pogosova, Lars Ryden, Keith A A Fox, Deepak L Bhatt, Frank Misselwitz, John D Varigos, Thomas Vanassche, Alvaro A Avezum, Edmond Chen, Kelley Branch, Darryl P Leong, Shrikant I Bangdiwala, Robert G Hart, Salim Yusuf, Mikael Dellborg
Lancet (London, England) - 2018 -
Relationship of C-reactive protein reduction to cardiovascular event reduction following treatment with canakinumab: a secondary analysis from the CANTOS randomised controlled
Paul M Ridker, Jean G MacFadyen, Brendan M Everett, Peter Libby, Tom Thuren, Robert J Glynn, Mikael Dellborg
Lancet (London, England) - 2018 -
Reduction in subtypes and sizes of myocardial infarction with ticagrelor in PEGASUS-TIMI
M. P. Bonaca, S. D. Wiviott, D. A. Morrow, P. G. Steg, C. Hamm, D. L. Bhatt, R. F. Storey, M. Cohen, J. Kuder, K. Im, G. Magnani, A. Budaj, J. C. Nicolau, A. Parkhomenko, J. L. Sendón, Mikael Dellborg, R. Diaz, F. V. D. Werf, R. Corbalán, A. Goudev, E. C. Jensen, P. Johanson, E. Braunwald, M. S. Sabatine
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2018 -
Moderate increase in gender representation in major secondary prevention trials over 4
Helena Dellborg, Görel Hultsberg Olsson, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Mikael Dellborg
American Heart Association, kongress Chicago - 2018 -
Successful transfer to adult care: A nationwide study in patients with complex congenital heart lesions in
Sandra Skogby, Philip Moons, Bengt Johansson, Christina Christersson, Mikael Dellborg, Shalan Fadl, Eva Fernlund, Katarina Hanseus, Kalliopi Kazamia, Aleksandra Krzynska, Edit Nagy, Annika Rydberg, Jan Sunnegårdh, Ulf Thilen, Per Winberg, Eva Goossens, Ewa-Lena Bratt
Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology - AEPC 2018, Aten - 2018 -
Home-based interval training increases endurance capacity in adults with complex congenital heart
C. Sandberg, M. Hedstrom, K. Wadell, Mikael Dellborg, Anders Ahnfelt, A. K. Zetterstrom, A. Ohrn, B. Johansson
Congenital Heart Disease - 2018 -
Coronary Artery Fistulas: Case Series and Literature
C. Karazisi, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Cardiology - 2017 -
Type 1 diabetes mellitus and associated risk factors in patients with or without CHD: a case-control
Anna Björk, A. M. Svensson, M. N. P. Fard, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Cardiology in the Young - 2017 -
Adjunctive use of anticoagulants at the time of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with an acute coronary syndrome treated with fondaparinux: a multinational retrospective
J. E. Abell, S. M. Laing, T. C. Barker, E. C. Norry, K. Starzyk, S. G. Goodman, Mikael Dellborg, P. G. Steg, R. P. Giugliano
European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy - 2017 -
Prognosis is better, still not good, and variable, for adults with congenital heart
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Mikael Dellborg
Journal of thoracic disease - 2017 -
Ischemic heart disease in children and young adults with congenital heart disease in
Maria Fedchenko, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Annika Rosengren, Georg Lappas, Peter J Eriksson, Kristofer Skoglund, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology - 2017 -
Illness perceptions in adult congenital heart disease: A multi-center international
Jessica Rassart, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Philip Moons, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Raghavan Subramanyan, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Gwen R Rempel, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Susan M Fernandes, Kamila S White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Koen Luyckx
International journal of cardiology - 2017 -
Long-term outcome after right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit surgery and
Kristofer Skoglund, Gunnar Svensson, Ulf Thilén, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson
Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ - 2017 -
Effect of maternal age and cardiac disease severity on outcome of pregnancy in women with congenital heart
Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology - 2017 -
Red Flags for Maltese Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: Poorer Dental Care and Less Sports Participation Compared to Other European Patients-An APPROACH-IS
Maryanne Caruana, Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Maayke Sluman, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Alexandra Soufi, Edward Callus, Philip Moons, Victor Grech
Pediatric cardiology - 2017 -
RV to PA conduits: impact of transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement in adults - a national register
Kristofer Skoglund, Gunnar Svensson, U. Thilen, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2017 -
Ability of noninvasive criteria to predict hemodynamically significant aortic obstruction in adults with coarctation of the
Marco Astengo, Caroline Berntsson, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Congenital heart disease - 2017 -
Comparison of participants and non-participants in patient-reported outcome surveys: the case of Assessment of Patterns of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart disease - International
Malin Berghammer, Eva Mattsson, Bengt Johansson, Philip Moons, Mikael Dellborg
Cardiology in the young - 2017 -
Quality of life in Maltese adults with congenital heart disease: a second look – An APPROACH-IS
Maryanne Caruana, Philip Moons, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Maayke Sluman, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Alexandra Soufi, Edward Callus, Victor Grech, Silke Apers
International Cardiovascular Forum Journal - 2017 -
Antiinflammatory therapy with canakinumab for atherosclerotic
P. M. Ridker, B. M. Everett, T. Thuren, J. G. MacFadyen, W. H. Chang, C. Ballantyne, F. Fonseca, J. Nicolau, W. Koenig, S. D. Anker, J. J. P. Kastelein, J. H. Cornel, P. Pais, D. Pella, J. Genest, R. Cifkova, A. Lorenzatti, T. Forster, Z. Kobalava, L. Vida-Simiti, M. Flather, H. Shimokawa, H. Ogawa, Mikael Dellborg, P. R. F. Rossi, R. P. T. Troquay, P. Libby, R. J. Glynn
New England Journal of Medicine - 2017 -
Platelet function recovery after ticagrelor withdrawal in patients awaiting urgent coronary
Emma C. Hansson, Carl Johan Malm, Camilla Hesse, Björn Hornestam, Mikael Dellborg, Helena Rexius, Anders Jeppsson
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery - 2017 -
Past and current cause-specific mortality in Eisenmenger
C. M. S. Hjortshoj, A. Kempny, A. S. Jensen, K. Sorensen, E. Nagy, Mikael Dellborg, B. Johansson, V. Rudiene, G. Hong, A. R. Opotowsky, W. Budts, B. J. Mulder, L. Tomkiewicz-Pajak, M. D'Alto, K. Prokselj, G. P. Diller, K. Dimopoulos, M. E. Estensen, H. Holmstrom, M. Turanlahti, U. Thilen, M. A. Gatzoulis, L. Sondergaard
European Heart Journal - 2017 -
Patient-reported outcomes are associated with physical activity level in adults with congenital heart
Annika Bay, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Camila Sandberg, Eva Mattson, G Engström, Philip Moons, Bengt Johansson
Swedish Cardiovascular Spring Meeting – Vårmöte 2017, Malmö, Sweden (26-28 April 2017) - 2017 -
Differences in Patient-Reported Outcomes are partly explained by religion in adults with congenital heart disease: An APPROACH-IS
Philip Moons, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Hsiao-Ling Yang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, R Subramanyan, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Andrew Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Susan M Fernandes, Kamilla White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Silke Apers
27th International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, 14-16 September 2017, Cincinnati (OH), USA - 2017 -
Epidemiological changes in Eisenmenger syndrome in the Nordic region in
C. S. Hjortshoj, A. S. Jensen, K. Sorensen, E. Nagy, B. Johansson, T. Kronvall, Mikael Dellborg, M. E. Estensen, H. Holmstrom, M. Turanlahti, U. Thilen, L. Sondergaard
Heart - 2017 -
Poor blood pressure control in adults with repaired coarctation of the aorta and hypertension: a register-based study of associated
D. Rinnstrom, Mikael Dellborg, U. Thilen, P. Sorensson, N. E. Nielsen, C. Christersson, M. Ugander, B. Johansson
Cardiology in the young - 2017 -
Secular changes in cardiovascular risk factors in Swedish 50-year-old men over a 50-year period: The study of men born in 1913, 1923, 1933, 1943, 1953 and
You Zhong, Annika Rosengren, Michael Fu, Lennart Welin, Catharina Welin, Kenneth Caidahl, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Mikael Dellborg, K. Svardsudd, Per-Olof Hansson
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2017 -
Regional variation in quality of life in patients with a Fontan circulation: A multinational
Nicholas D. Fogleman, Silke Apers, Philip Moons, Stacey Morrison, Samuel G. Wittekind, Martha Tomlin, Kathy Gosney, Maayke A. Sluman, Bengt Johansson, Junko Enomoto, Mikael Dellborg, Chun Wei Lu, Raghavan Subramanyan, Koen Luyckx, Werner Budts, Jamie Jackson, Adrienne Kovacs, Alexandra Soufi, Katrine Eriksen, Corina Thomet, Malin Berghammer, Edward Callus, Susan M. Fernandes, Maryanne Caruana, Stephen C. Cook, Andrew S. Mackie, Kamila S. White, Paul Khairy, Shelby Kutty, Gruschen Veldtman
American Heart Journal - 2017 -
Patient reported outcomes are associated with physical activity level in adults with congenital heart
Annika Bay, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Camilla Sandberg, Gunnar Engström, Philip Moons, Bengt Johansson
International journal of cardiology - 2017 -
The patients’ view compared with the caregivers assessment – alternative
Malin Berghammer, Bengt Johansson, Eva Mattson, Philip Moons, Mikael Dellborg
Swedish Cardiovascular Spring Meeting – Vårmöte 2017, Malmö, Sweden (26-28 April 2017) - 2017 -
Vorapaxar in patients with coronary artery bypass grafting: Findings from the TRA 2 degrees P-TIMI 50
E. C. Kosova, M. P. Bonaca, Mikael Dellborg, P. He, J. Morais, T. Oude Ophuis, B. M. Scirica, M. Tendera, P. Theroux, E. Braunwald, D. A. Morrow
European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care - 2017 -
High-Sensitivity Troponin I in Stable Patients with Atherosclerotic Disease in the TRA 2 degrees P - TIMI 50
A. Eisen, M. P. Bonaca, P. Jarolim, B. M. Scirica, H. D. White, M. Tendera, Mikael Dellborg, J. C. Nicolau, J. Morais, K. A. A. Fox, E. A. Bohula, S. A. Murphy, E. Braunwald, D. A. Morrow
Clinical Chemistry - 2017 -
Survivorship in Children and Young Adults With Congenital Heart Disease in
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Annika Rosengren, Kristofer Skoglund, Georg Lappas, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
JAMA internal medicine - 2017 -
Ischemic Stroke in Children and Young Adults With Congenital Heart
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Annika Rosengren, Georg Lappas, Peter J Eriksson, Per-Olof Hansson, Mikael Dellborg
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2016 -
Ticagrelor for Prevention of Ischemic Events After Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Peripheral Artery
Marc P Bonaca, Deepak L Bhatt, Robert F Storey, Ph Gabriel Steg, Marc Cohen, Julia Kuder, Erica Goodrich, José C Nicolau, Alexander Parkhomenko, José López-Sendón, Mikael Dellborg, Anthony Dalby, Jindřich Špinar, Philip Aylward, Ramón Corbalán, Maria Teresa B Abola, Eva C Jensen, Peter Held, Eugene Braunwald, Marc S Sabatine
Journal of the American College of Cardiology - 2016 -
Quality of Life of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease in 15 Countries: Evaluating Country-Specific
Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Corina Thomet, Werner Budts, Junko Enomoto, Maayke A Sluman, Jou-Kou Wang, Jamie L Jackson, Paul Khairy, Stephen C Cook, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Luis Alday, Katrine Eriksen, Mikael Dellborg, Malin Berghammer, Eva Mattsson, Andrew S Mackie, Samuel Menahem, Maryanne Caruana, Gruschen Veldtman, Alexandra Soufi, Anitra W Romfh, Kamila White, Edward Callus, Shelby Kutty, Steffen Fieuws, Philip Moons
Journal of the American College of Cardiology - 2016 -
Catheter closure of atrial septal defect in the elderly (>/=65years). A worthwhile
M. Thilen, C. Christersson, Mikael Dellborg, E. Mattsson, A. Trzebiatowska-Krzynska, U. Thilen
International journal of cardiology - 2016 -
Left ventricular hypertrophy in adults with previous repair of coarctation of the aorta; association with systolic blood pressure in the high normal
D. Rinnstrom, Mikael Dellborg, U. Thilen, P. Sorensson, N. E. Nielsen, C. Christersson, B. Johansson
International journal of cardiology - 2016 -
Effect of Losmapimod on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized Clinical
M. L. O'Donoghue, R. Glaser, M. A. Cavender, P. E. Aylward, M. P. Bonaca, A. Budaj, R. Y. Davies, Mikael Dellborg, K. A. Fox, J. A. Gutierrez, C. Hamm, R. G. Kiss, F. Kovar, J. F. Kuder, K. A. Im, J. J. Lepore, J. L. Lopez-Sendon, T. O. Ophuis, A. Parkhomenko, J. B. Shannon, J. Spinar, J. F. Tanguay, M. Ruda, P. G. Steg, P. Theroux, S. D. Wiviott, I. Laws, M. S. Sabatine, D. A. Morrow
Jama - 2016 -
Reduction in Total Cardiovascular Events With Ezetimibe/Simvastatin Post-Acute Coronary Syndrome The IMPROVE-IT
S. A. Murphy, C. P. Cannon, M. A. Blazing, R. P. Giugliano, J. A. White, Y. Lokhnygina, C. Reist, K. Im, E. A. Bohula, D. Isaza, J. Lopez-Sendon, Mikael Dellborg, U. Kher, A. M. Tershakovec, E. Braunwald
Journal of the American College of Cardiology - 2016 -
Randomized trials of closure of persistent foramen ovale (PFO) vs medical therapy for patients with cryptogenic stroke - Effect of lost-to-follow-up and withdrawal of
Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson
International journal of cardiology - 2016 -
Why do patients participate in long-term cardiovascular trials? - a questionnaire-based
Helena Dellborg, Görel Hultsberg Olsson, Mikael Dellborg
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2016 -
Efficacy and safety of ticagrelor for long-term secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events in relation to renal function: insights from the PEGASUS-TIMI 54
G. Magnani, R. F. Storey, G. Steg, D. L. Bhatt, M. Cohen, J. Kuder, K. Im, P. Aylward, D. Ardissino, D. Isaza, A. Parkhomenko, A. R. Goudev, Mikael Dellborg, F. Kontny, R. Corbalan, F. Medina, E. C. Jensen, P. Held, E. Braunwald, M. S. Sabatine, M. P. Bonaca
European heart journal - 2016 -
Management of Abnormal Physical Examination Findings in
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, V Watt
In; IOC Manual of Sports Cardiology. Eds: Sharma S, Wilson M, Drezner J - 2016 -
Idrott och
High incidence of infective endocarditis in adults with congenital ventricular septal
E. Berglund, B. Johansson, Mikael Dellborg, P. Sorensson, C. Christersson, N. E. Nielsen, D. Rinnstrom, U. Thilen
Heart - 2016 -
Hypertension in adults with repaired coarctation of the
D. Rinnström, Mikael Dellborg, U. Thilén, P. Sörensson, N. E. Nielsen, C. Christersson, B. Johansson
American Heart Journal - 2016 -
Homograft reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract in adults with congenital heart disease: a systematic
Kristofer Skoglund, Peter J Eriksson, Gunnar Svensson, Mikael Dellborg
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery - 2016 -
Genetic variation at the human connexin 43 locus but not at the connexin 40 locus is associated with left bundle branch
Per Ladenvall, Björn Andersson, Mikael Dellborg, Per-Olof Hansson, Henry Eriksson, Dag Thelle, Peter J Eriksson
Open heart - 2015 -
High mortality and morbidity among adults with congenital heart disease and type 2
Mikael Dellborg, Anna Björk, M. N. Pirouzi Fard, Anneli Ambring, Peter J Eriksson, A. M. Svensson, Soffia Gudbjörnsdottir
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2015 -
Studien 1913 års män visar på konsten att bli 100 år. Icke-rökning, måttlig kaffekonsumtion och bra inkomst hjälper
Lars Wilhelmsen, Mikael Dellborg, Lennart Welin, K. Svardsudd
Lakartidningen - 2015 -
Long-Term Outcome of Mustard/Senning Correction for Transposition of the Great Arteries in Sweden and
N. Vejlstrup, K. Sorensen, E. Mattsson, U. Thilen, P. Kvidal, B. Johansson, K. Iversen, L. Sondergaard, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson
Circulation - 2015 -
Men born in 1913 followed to age 100
Lars Wilhelmsen, Mikael Dellborg, L. Welin, K. Svärdsudd
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2015 -
Committed to Life: Adolescents' and Young Adults' Experiences of Living with Fontan
Malin Berghammer, Eva Brink, Rydberg Annika, Mikael Dellborg, Inger Ekman
Congenital Heart Disease - 2015 -
The risk of atrial fibrillation in the general male population: a lifetime follow-up of 50-year-old
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Lotta Von Koch, Henry Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg, Kenneth Caidahl, Lennart Welin, Annika Rosengren, Per-Olof Hansson
Europace - 2015 -
Decline in Self-reported Health (EQ-5D) over Time after Surgical Reconstruction of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract: A Longitudinal Cohort Study of 103
Kristofer Skoglund, Malin Berghammer, Peter J Eriksson, Gunnar Svensson, Ulf Thilén, Mikael Dellborg
Congenital heart disease - 2015 -
Recurrent stroke in patients with patent foramen ovale: An observational prospective study of percutaneous closure of PFO versus
Naqibullah Mirzada, Per Ladenvall, Per-Olof Hansson, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology - 2015 -
Height, weight and body mass index in adults with congenital heart
C. Sandberg, D. Rinnstrom, Mikael Dellborg, U. Thilen, P. Sorensson, N. E. Nielsen, C. Christersson, K. Wadell, B. Johansson
International Journal of Cardiology - 2015 -
Hjärtstopp bland unga och idrottare särskiljer
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, Thomas Gilljam, Aase Wisten
Läkartidningen - 2015 -
Vorapaxar in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus and Previous Myocardial Infarction Findings From the Thrombin Receptor Antagonist in Secondary Prevention of Atherothrombotic Ischemic Events-TIMI 50
M. A. Cavender, B. M. Scirica, M. P. Bonaca, D. J. Angiolillo, A. J. Dalby, Mikael Dellborg, J. Morais, S. A. Murphy, T. O. Ophuis, M. Tendera, E. Braunwald, D. A. Morrow
Circulation - 2015 -
The level of physical exercise is associated with self-reported health status (EQ-5D) in adults with congenital heart
C. Sandberg, Karl Gunnar Engström, Mikael Dellborg, U. Thilen, K. Wadell, B. Johansson
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2015 -
Assessment of Patterns of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart disease - International Study (APPROACH-IS): Rationale, design, and
Silke Apers, Adrienne H Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Luis Alday, Malin Berghammer, Werner Budts, Edward Callus, Maryanne Caruana, Shanthi Chidambarathanu, Stephen C Cook, Mikael Dellborg, Junko Enomoto, Katrine Eriksen, Susan M Fernandes, Jamie L Jackson, Bengt Johansson, Paul Khairy, Shelby Kutty, Samuel Menahem, Gwen Rempel, Maayke A Sluman, Alexandra Soufi, Corina Thomet, Gruschen Veldtman, Jou-Kou Wang, Kamila White, Philip Moons
International journal of cardiology - 2015 -
Muscle function in adults with congenital heart
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Linda Johansson, Anna-Klara Zetterström, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson, Åsa Cider
International Journal of Cardiology - 2014 -
Heart failure in young adults: 20-year trends in hospitalization, aetiology, and case fatality in
Anders Barasa, Maria Schaufelberger, Georg Lappas, Karl Swedberg, Mikael Dellborg, Annika Rosengren
European Heart Journal - 2014 -
A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Comparison of Immediate-Release Metoprolol and Extended-Release Metoprolol CR/XL in Patients with Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized, Open-Label
Björn W. Karlson, Mikael Dellborg, L. Gullestad, J. Aberg, J. Sugg, J. Herlitz
Cardiology - 2014 -
Atrial natriuretic peptide as a predictor of atrial fibrillation in a male population study. The Study of Men Born in 1913 and
Zacharias Mandalenakis, Henry Eriksson, Lennart Welin, Kenneth Caidahl, Mikael Dellborg, Annika Rosengren, Georg Lappas, Jan A Hedner, Saga Johansson, K. Svardsudd, Per-Olof Hansson
International Journal of Cardiology - 2014 -
Effects of ex vivo platelet supplementation on platelet aggregability in blood samples from patients treated with acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, or
Emma C. Hansson, C Shams Hakimi, K Aström-Olsson, Camilla Hesse, H Wallén, Mikael Dellborg, Per Albertsson, Anders Jeppsson
British journal of anaesthesia - 2014 -
Coronary artery bypass grafting-related bleeding complications in real-life acute coronary syndrome patients treated with clopidogrel or
Emma C. Hansson, Helena Rexius, Mikael Dellborg, Per Albertsson, Anders Jeppsson
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery - 2014 -
Prevalence, indications and appropriateness of antiplatelet therapy in patients operated for acute aortic dissection: associations with bleeding complications and
Emma C. Hansson, Mikael Dellborg, Vincenzo Lepore, Anders Jeppsson
Heart (British Cardiac Society) - 2013 -
Self-reported health status (EQ-5D) in adults with congenital heart
Malin Berghammer, Jan Karlsson, Inger Ekman, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
International journal of cardiology - 2013 -
Vorapaxar in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease Results From TRA2 degrees P-TIMI
M. P. Bonaca, B. M. Scirica, M. A. Creager, J. Olin, H. Bounameaux, Mikael Dellborg, J. M. Lamp, S. A. Murphy, E. Braunwald, D. A. Morrow
Circulation - 2013 -
Seven-year follow-up of percutaneous closure of patent foramen
Naqibullah Mirzada, Per Ladenvall, Per-Olof Hansson, Magnus C Johansson, Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
IJC Heart and Vessels - 2013 -
Multidisciplinary management of patent foramen ovale (PFO) and cryptogenic
Naqibullah Mirzada, Per Ladenvall, Per-Olof Hansson, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare - 2013 -
Öppetstående foramen ovale kan ge kryptogen stroke. - Kateterburen slutning som alternativ till läkemedel måste utvärderas
Per Ladenvall, Mikael Dellborg
Läkartidningen - 2013 -
Is there evidence for mandating electrocardiogram as part of the pre-participation
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine - 2011 -
Closure of persistent foramen ovale with the BioSTAR biodegradable PFO closure device: Feasibility and long-term
Alexia Karagianni, Putte Abrahamsson, Eva Furenäs, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ - 2011 -
Cost and health outcome of primary percutaneous coronary intervention versus thrombolysis in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction-Results of the Swedish Early Decision reperfusion Study (SWEDES)
Mikael Aasa, Martin Henriksson, Mikael Dellborg, Lars Grip, Johan Herlitz, Lars-Åke Levin, Leif Svensson, Magnus Janzon
American heart journal - 2010 -
Pitfalls in diagnosing PFO: characteristics of false-negative contrast injections during transesophageal echocardiography in patients with patent foramen
Magnus C Johansson, Peter J Eriksson, Cecilia Wallentin Guron, Mikael Dellborg
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography - 2010 -
Myeloperoxidase is not useful for the early assessment of patients with chest
K. M. Eggers, Mikael Dellborg, N. Johnston, J. Oldgren, E. Swahn, P. Venge, B. Lindahl
Clinical Biochemistry - 2010 -
[Aortic coarctation--important differential diagnosis in hypertension in young
Mikael Dellborg, Eva Furenäs, Björn Söderberg, Peter J Eriksson
Läkartidningen - 2010 -
Risk Reduction for Cardiac Events After Primary Coronary Intervention Compared With Thrombolysis for Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (Five-Year Results of the Swedish Early Decision Reperfusion Strategy [SWEDES]
Mikael Aasa, Mikael Dellborg, Johan Herlitz, Leif Svensson, Lars Grip
The American journal of cardiology - 2010 -
Medfött hjärtfel - hinder för
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Svensk Idrottsforskning - 2010 -
Apixaban, an oral, direct, selective factor Xa inhibitor, in combination with antiplatelet therapy after acute coronary syndrome: results of the Apixaban for Prevention of Acute Ischemic and Safety Events (APPRAISE)
J. H. Alexander, R. C. Becker, D. L. Bhatt, F. Cools, F. Crea, Mikael Dellborg, K. A. Fox, S. G. Goodman, R. A. Harrington, K. Huber, S. Husted, B. S. Lewis, J. Lopez-Sendon, P. Mohan, G. Montalescot, M. Ruda, W. Ruzyllo, F. Verheugt, L. Wallentin
Circulation - 2009 -
Evaluation of a novel antiplatelet agent for secondary prevention in patients with a history of atherosclerotic disease: design and rationale for the Thrombin-Receptor Antagonist in Secondary Prevention of Atherothrombotic Ischemic Events (TRA 2 degrees P)-TIMI 50
DA Morrow, BM Scirica, KA Fox, G Berman, j Strony, E Veltri, MP Bonaca, P Fish, CH McCabe, E Braunwald, Mikael Dellborg
American Heart Journal - 2009 -
Rivaroxaban versus placebo in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ATLAS ACS-TIMI 46: a randomised, double-blind, phase II
JL Mega, E Braunwald, S Mohanavelu, P Burton, R Poulter, F Misselwitz, V Hricak, ES Barnathan, P Bordes, A Witkowski, V Markov, L Oppenheimer, C M Gibson, Mikael Dellborg
Lancet - 2009 -
PCI-related myocardial infarction. The princess on the pea or routine benchmarking of
Mikael Dellborg
Scand Cardiovasc J - 2009 -
Letter by Johansson et al regarding article, "Migraine Intervention With STARFlex Technology (MIST)
Magnus C Johansson, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson
Circulation - 2009 -
The significance of patent foramen ovale: a current review of associated conditions and
Magnus C Johansson, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology - 2009 -
The girl with a systolic murmur on left sternal
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Sports Cardiology Casebook. Pelliccia A (Ed). Springer Verlag (London) - 2009 -
[Long-term prognosis in myocardial infarction worse than expected. A study of a hospital-treated population of infarction patients gives new
Johan Herlitz, Mikael Dellborg, Thomas Karlsson
Läkartidningen - 2008 -
Perkutan behandling av aortastenos här för att stanna. Värdefullt tillskott i den interventionella
Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Läkartidningen - 2008 -
Rationale and design of IMPROVE-IT (IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial): comparison of ezetimbe/simvastatin versus simvastatin monotherapy on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with acute coronary
CP Cannon, R. P. Giugliano, MA Blazing, RA Harrington, JL Peterson, CM Sisk, j Strony, TA Musliner, CH McCabe, E Veltri, E Braunwald, RM Califf, Mikael Dellborg
American Heart Journal - 2008 -
Ivabradine for patients with stable coronary artery disease and left-ventricular systolic dysfunction (BEAUTIFUL): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
K Fox, I Ford, PG Steg, M Tendera, R Ferrari, Mikael Dellborg
Lancet - 2008 -
The BEAUTIFUL study: andomized trial of ivabradine in patients with stable coronary artery disease and left ventricular systolic dysfunction - baseline characteristics of the study
R Ferrari, I Ford, K Fox, PG Steg, M Tendera, Mikael Dellborg
Cardiology - 2008 -
Treatment and outcome in acute myocardial infarction in a community in relation to
Johan Herlitz, Mikael Dellborg, Thomas Karlsson, Maria Haglid Evander, Marianne Hartford, Elisabeth Perers, Kenneth Caidahl
International Journal of Cardiology - 2008 -
Risk prediction in chest pain patients by biochemical markers including estimates of renal
K. M. Eggers, Mikael Dellborg, J. Oldgren, E. Swahn, P. Venge, B. Lindahl
Internationl Journal of Cardiology - 2008 -
Sensitivity for detection of patent foramen ovale increased with increasing number of contrast injections: a descriptive study with contrast transesophageal
M. C. Johansson, H. Helgason, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography - 2008 -
Epidemiology of acute myocardial infarction with the emphasis on patients who did not reach the coronary care unit and non-AMI
Johan Herlitz, Mikael Dellborg, Thomas Karlsson, Maria Haglid Evander, A. Berger, R. Luepker
International Journal of Cardiology - 2008 -
Telmisartan, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk for vascular
Salim Yusuf, Koon K Teo, Janice Pogue, Leanne Dyal, Ingrid Copland, Helmut Schumacher, Gilles Dagenais, Peter Sleight, Craig Anderson, Mikael Dellborg, Lars Wilhelmsen
The New England journal of medicine - 2008 -
High prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with clinical unstable angina and known coronary artery
Tomas Schultz, Clas Mannheimer, Mikael Dellborg, Martin Pilhall, Mats Börjesson
Acute Card Care - 2008 -
The influence of a history of diabetes on treatment and outcome in acute myocardial infarction, during two time periods and in two different
Ann-Marie Svensson, Mikael Dellborg, Putte Abrahamsson, Thomas Karlsson, Johan Herlitz, S. J. Duval, A. K. Berger, R. V. Luepker
Int J Cardiol - 2007 -
Diabetes, revascularization and CABG: When there is smoke, there is a
Mikael Dellborg, Anders Jeppsson
Scand Cardiovasc J - 2007 -
Temporal changes in TIMI myocardial perfusion grade in relation to epicardial flow, ST-resolution and left ventricular function after primary percutaneous coronary
M. Aasa, A. J. Kirtane, Mikael Dellborg, M. C. Gibson, Ulrica Prahl, L. Svensson, Lars Grip
Coron Artery Dis - 2007 -
Universal definition of myocardial
Kristian Thygesen, Joseph S Alpert, Harvey D White, Allan S Jaffe, Fred S Apple, Marcello Galvani, Hugo A Katus, L Kristin Newby, Jan Ravkilde, Bernard Chaitman, Peter M Clemmensen, Mikael Dellborg, Hanoch Hod, Pekka Porela, Richard Underwood, Jeroen J Bax, George A Beller, Robert Bonow, Ernst E Van der Wall, Jean-Pierre Bassand, William Wijns, T Bruce Ferguson, Philippe G Steg, Barry F Uretsky, David O Williams, Paul W Armstrong, Elliott M Antman, Keith A Fox, Christian W Hamm, E Magnus Öhman, Maarten L Simoons, Philip A Poole-Wilson, Enrique P Gurfinkel, José-Luis Lopez-Sendon, Prem Pais, Shanti Mendis, Jun-Ren Zhu, Lars C Wallentin, Francisco Fernández-Avilés, Kim M Fox, Alexander N Parkhomenko, Silvia G Priori, Michal Tendera, Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki, Alec Vahanian, A John Camm, Raffaele De Caterina, Veronica Dean, Kenneth Dickstein, Gerasimos Filippatos, Christian Funck-Brentano, Irene Hellemans, Steen Dalby Kristensen, Keith McGregor, Udo Sechtem, Sigmund Silber, M. Tendera, Petr Widimsky, José Luis Zamorano, Joao Morais, Sorin Brener, Robert Harrington, David Morrow, Michael Lim, Marco A Martinez-Rios, Steve Steinhubl, Glen N Levine, W Brian Gibler, David Goff, Marco Tubaro, Darek Dudek, Nawwar Al-Attar
Circulation - 2007 -
Inga vinster med insulintillförsel
Mikael Dellborg
Läkartidningen - 2007 -
[Sympathomimetics in ADHD. Cardiovascular risks, FDA
Ingegerd Östman-Smith, Mikael Dellborg
Lakartidningen - 2007 -
Artificial neural network algorithms for early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction and prediction of infarct size in chest pain
K. M. Eggers, J. Ellenius, Mikael Dellborg, T. Groth, J. Oldgren, E. Swahn, B. Lindahl
Int J Cardiol - 2007 -
Comment to text by Leif Thuesen, "PCI-the ugly
Mikael Dellborg
Scand Cardiovasc J - 2007 -
Comparison of very early treatment with either fibrinolysis or percutaneous coronary intervention facilitated with abciximab with respect to ST recovery and infarct-related artery epicardial flow in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: the Swedish Early Decision (SWEDES) reperfusion
L. Svensson, M. Aasa, Mikael Dellborg, C. M. Gibson, A. Kirtane, Johan Herlitz, A. Ohlsson, Thomas Karlsson, Lars Grip
Am Heart J - 2006 -
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) associated with sports in young
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, E. Nylander
Scand J Med Sci Sports - 2006 -
Young adults experiences of living with congenitala heart
Malin Berghammer, Mikael Dellborg, Inger Ekman
International Journal of Cardiology - 2006 -
Rationale and design of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of ivabradine in patients with stable coronary artery disease and left ventricular systolic dysfunction: the morBidity-mortality EvAlUaTion of the I(f) inhibitor ivabradine in patients with coronary disease and left ventricULar dysfunction (BEAUTIFUL)
K Fox, R Ferrari, M Tendera, G Steg, I Fort, Mikael Dellborg
Am Heart J - 2006 -
Screening eller inte av släktingar till patienter med dilaterad
Mikael Dellborg
Läkartidningen - 2006 -
Lågdos acetylsalicylsyra. Till några få utvalda eller som tillsats i
Mikael Dellborg
Läkartidningen - 2006 -
[High blood glucose in diabetics a risk factor in acute myocardial infarction. Intensive insulin therapy--an interesting but not functioning
Mikael Dellborg, Ann-Marie Svensson
Läkartidningen - 2006 -
Admission N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and its interaction with admission troponin T and ST segment resolution for early risk stratification in ST elevation myocardial
E. Bjorklund, T. Jernberg, Per Johanson, P. Venge, Mikael Dellborg, L. Wallentin, B. Lindahl
Heart - 2006 -
PCI in ST-elevation infarction -- one flew over the cuckoo's
Mikael Dellborg
Scand Cardiovasc J - 2006 -
Unga vuxna med medfödda hjärtfel- jag tror jag ser mig själv som
Medfödda hjärtfel hos
Exercise testing post-MI: still worthwhile in the interventional
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Eur Heart J - 2005 -
An Academic ECG Core Lab perspective of the FDA initiative for digital ECG capture and data management in large-scale clinical
Per Johanson, PW Armstrong, NA Barbagelata, BR Chaitman, P Clemmensen, Mikael Dellborg, J French, SG Goodman, CL Green, MV Krucoff, A Langer, O Pahlm, P Reilly, GS Wagner
Drug Information Journal - 2005 -
Association between hyper- and hypoglycaemia and 2 year all-cause mortality risk in diabetic patients with acute coronary
Ann-Marie Svensson, D. K. McGuire, Putte Abrahamsson, Mikael Dellborg
Eur Heart J - 2005 -
A dynamic model forecasting myocardial infarct size before, during, and after reperfusion therapy: an ASSENT-2 ECG/VCG
Per Johanson, Y. Fu, S. G. Goodman, Mikael Dellborg, P. W. Armstrong, M. W. Krucoff, L. Wallentin, G. S. Wagner
Eur Heart J - 2005 -
Continuous ST-segment monitoring of patients with right bundle branch block and suspicion of acute myocardial
Gunnar Gunnarsson, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol - 2005 -
Can ST-segment recovery and myocardial blush predict
Mikael Dellborg
Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med - 2005 -
Angiographic and clinical outcomes in patients receiving low-molecular-weight heparin versus unfractionated heparin in ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with fibrinolytics in the CLARITY-TIMI 28
M. S. Sabatine, D. A. Morrow, G. Montalescot, Mikael Dellborg, J. L. Leiva-Pons, M. Keltai, S. A. Murphy, C. H. McCabe, C. M. Gibson, C. P. Cannon, E. M. Antman, E. Braunwald
Circulation - 2005 -
Medfödda hjärtfel hos
Medfödda hjärtfel hos vuxna. Del
Long term risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndromes: characteristics of troponin T testing and continuous ST segment
B. L. Norgaard, Karl Andersen, K. Thygesen, J. Ravkilde, Putte Abrahamsson, Lars Grip, Mikael Dellborg
Heart - 2004 -
Admission Troponin T and measurement of ST-segment resolution at 60 min improve early risk stratification in ST-elevation myocardial
E. Bjorklund, B. Lindahl, Per Johanson, T. Jernberg, Ann-Marie Svensson, P. Venge, L. Wallentin, Mikael Dellborg
Eur Heart J - 2004 -
Association of diabetes mellitus and glycemic control strategies with clinical outcomes after acute coronary
D. K. McGuire, L. K. Newby, M. V. Bhapkar, D. J. Moliterno, J. S. Hochman, W. W. Klein, W. D. Weaver, M. Pfisterer, R. Corbalan, Mikael Dellborg, C. B. Granger, F. Van de Werf, E. J. Topol, R. M. Califf
Am Heart J - 2004 -
Continuous ST-segment monitoring of patients with left bundle branch block and suspicion of acute myocardial
Gunnar Gunnarsson, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
J Intern Med - 2004 -
ST-segment analyses and residual thrombi in the infarct-related artery: a report from the ASSENT PLUS ST-monitoring
Per Johanson, L. Wallentin, T. Nilsson, L. Bergstrand, B. Lindahl, Mikael Dellborg
Am Heart J - 2004 -
Outcome of ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with thrombolysis in the unselected population is vastly different from samples of eligible patients in a large-scale clinical
E. Bjorklund, B. Lindahl, U. Stenestrand, E. Swahn, Mikael Dellborg, K. Pehrsson, F. Van de Werf, L. Wallentin
Am Heart J - 2004 -
Influence of diabetes on long-term outcome among unselected patients with acute coronary
Ann-Marie Svensson, Putte Abrahamsson, D. K. McGuire, Mikael Dellborg
Scand Cardiovasc J - 2004 -
[Observation for the assessment of acute chest pain is required. Analysis of case published in Annals of Internal Medicine and measures relevant for Swedish
Mikael Dellborg
Lakartidningen - 2004 -
Clinical utility of serial and continuous ST-segment recovery assessment in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction: assessing the dynamics of epicardial and myocardial
M. W. Krucoff, Per Johanson, R. Baeza, S. W. Crater, Mikael Dellborg
Circulation - 2004 -
Comparison of treatment and outcomes for patients with acute myocardial infarction in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, and Göteborg,
Mikael Dellborg, Paul McGovern, Johan Herlitz, Thomas Karlsson, Susan Duval, Björn W. Karlson, Seungmin Lee, Russell V Luepker
American heart journal - 2003 -
Medfödda hjärtfel hos vuxna. Del
Prognostic value of ST-segment resolution-when and what to
Per Johanson, Tomas Jernberg, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Bertil Lindahl, Lars Wallentin, Mikael Dellborg
European heart journal - 2003 -
ST-segment monitoring in patients with acute coronary
Per Johanson, Galen S Wagner, Mikael Dellborg, Mitchell W Krucoff
Current cardiology reports - 2003 -
Prognosis after acute myocardial infarction continues to improve in the reperfusion era in the community of
Johan Herlitz, Mikael Dellborg, Björn W. Karlson, Thomas Karlsson
American heart journal - 2002 -
Continuous multilead ST-monitoring identifies patients with unstable coronary artery disease who benefit from extended antithrombotic
T Jernberg, Putte Abrahamsson, B Lindahl, Per Johanson, L Wallentin, Mikael Dellborg
European heart journal - 2002 -
Changes in the use of medications after acute myocardial infarction: possible impact on mortality after myocardial infarction and long-term
Johan Herlitz, Mikael Dellborg, Björn W. Karlson, Jonny Lindqvist, Thomas Karlsson, W Sandén, M Sjölin, Hans Wedel
Coronary artery disease - 2001 -
Clinical implications of early ST-segment variability. A report from the ASSENT 2 ST-monitoring
Per Johanson, Ann-Marie Svensson, Mikael Dellborg
Coronary artery disease - 2001 -
Continuous ST monitoring: a bedside instrument? A report from the Assessment of the Safety of a New Thrombolytic (ASSENT 2) ST monitoring
Per Johanson, J Rössberg, Mikael Dellborg
American heart journal - 2001 -
ST variability during the first 4 hours of acute myocardial infarction predicts 1-year
Per Johanson, Karl Swedberg, Mikael Dellborg
Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology : the official journal of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Inc - 2001 -
Long-term survival after development of acute myocardial infarction has improved after a more widespread use of thrombolysis and
Johan Herlitz, Putte Abrahamsson, Mikael Dellborg, Björn W. Karlson, Thomas Karlsson, J Lindqvist
Cardiology - 1999 -
Time-trends in thrombolytics: women are catching
Per Johanson, Putte Abrahamsson, Annika Rosengren, Mikael Dellborg
Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ - 1999 -
One-year mortality after acute myocardial infarction prior to and after the implementation of a widespread use of thrombolysis and aspirin. Experiences from the community of Göteborg,
Johan Herlitz, Marianne Hartford, Björn W. Karlson, Mikael Dellborg, G Källström, Thomas Karlsson
Cardiology - 1998 -
Occurrence, characteristics, and outcome of patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction who do not fulfill traditional
Johan Herlitz, Thomas Karlsson, Mikael Dellborg, Björn W. Karlson, Johan Engdahl, Wanja Sandén
Clinical cardiology - 1998 -
Comparison of medical care and one- and 12-month mortality of hospitalized patients with acute myocardial infarction in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, United States of America and Göteborg,
P G McGovern, Johan Herlitz, J S Pankow, Thomas Karlsson, Mikael Dellborg, E Shahar, R V Luepker
The American journal of cardiology - 1997 -
Continuation of CPR on admission to emergency department after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Occurrence, characteristics and
Johan Herlitz, L Ekström, Åsa B. Axelsson, Angela Bång, Bertil Wennerblom, L Waagstein, Mikael Dellborg, S Holmberg
Resuscitation - 1997 -
Diagnostic accuracy of physicians for identifying patients with acute myocardial infarction without an electrocardiogram. Experiences from the TEAHAT
Johan Herlitz, Björn W. Karlson, Thomas Karlsson, Mikael Dellborg, Marianne Hartford, R Luepker
Cardiology - 1995 -
Impact of early thrombolysis on chest pain score reflecting myocardial ischemia in relation to various markers of ischemic damage. TEAHAT Study
Johan Herlitz, Mikael Dellborg, Marianne Hartford, Björn W. Karlson, Thomas Karlsson
International journal of cardiology - 1993 -
Mortality and morbidity 1 year after early thrombolysis in suspected AMI: results from the TEAHAT
Johan Herlitz, Mikael Dellborg, Marianne Hartford, Thomas Karlsson, Martin Risenfors, Björn W. Karlson, Russel Luepker, Stig Holmberg, Karl Swedberg, Åke Hjalmarson
Journal of internal medicine. Supplement - 1991