The Quality of Government Institute (QoG) at the University of Gothenburg announces the best paper award for a paper on a QoG-related topic published as an article, book chapter, working paper in a uni-versity, or an otherwise recognizable working paper series, in the period September 2022 to September 2023, or presented at an academic international conference in the period September 2022 to September 2023.
The Quality of Government Institute (QoG) at the University of Gothenburg announces the best paper award for a paper on a QoG-related topic published as an article, book chapter, working paper in a university, or an otherwise recognizable working paper series, in the period September 2022 to September 2023, or presented at an academic international conference in the period September 2022 to September 2023.
The QoG research agenda focuses on impartiality in the exercise of public power. The norm of impartiality is compromised when corruption, clientelism, favoritism, discrimination, patronage, nepotism, or undue support to special interest groups occurs. We invite nominations of papers that research any of these topics, and welcome papers with any methodological approach.
To be eligible, the author(s) must be enrolled in a PhD program or hold a higher academic rank (postdocs, assistant through full professors). Submissions are limited to one paper per author. Papers can be self-nominated or nominated by others. Both self-nominated papers and papers nominated by others should provide a one page motivation for recommending the paper.
Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of referees from the QoG Institute, and the award will be presented to the author(s) of a paper that demonstrates outstanding research based on its theoretical and empirical contributions.
Award: 400 Euros and a visit to the QoG Institute for a week as a guest scholar to present the paper or related research (travel costs to and from Gothenburg and accommodation in Gothenburg are covered).
The submission must:
- Not exceed 12,000 words (exclusive of references and appendices);
- References formatted according to a standard citation style, we accept all formats (PDF, .doc, .docx etc)
- Tables, graphs, images, etc. within the body of the paper;
- Be anonymized (author(s) name(s) should not appear anywhere in the main text);
- Have a separate cover page with title, author name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and an abstract of up 250 words
- Have a one page motivation for recommending the paper
Submissions should be emailed to no later than November 1st, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Best regards,
The QoG Team