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- Åsa Mäkitalo
Åsa Mäkitalo
Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärandeProfessor
Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärandeOm Åsa Mäkitalo
Åsa Mäkitalo är professor i pedagogik med bakgrund i personal, organisation och arbetslivsfrågor. Hon disputerade i pedagogik 2002, blev docent 2005 och året därpå en av forskningsledarna inom Linnémiljön LinCS (2006-2018). Hon etablerade The University of Gothenburg LETStudio som sedan 2010 engagerat forskare, doktorander och professionella i tvärvetenskapliga samarbeten med intressen för hur kunskaper organiseras och transformeras i samhället.
Forskningsintressen Åsa Mäkitalo har ett intresse för hur människor utvecklar kunnande, hur de tar till sig, kollektivt upprätthåller och genererar kunskaper och förhållningssätt inom ramen för olika organisationer och institutioner i samhället. Intresset omfattar hur kontroverser och dilemman konkret hanteras av samhällets institutioner och innefattar även de aktiviteter som arrangeras för att integrera och aktivera individer eller grupper i en normativt prefererad samhällsgemenskap. Åsas forskningsintressen omfattar:
• Teknikskiften och omvandling av professionell kompetens • Social organisering av lärande och kunskap • Institutionella dokumentationsformer och minnespraktiker • Socialt, moraliskt och kognitivt ansvar i interaktion • Former av deltagande och samproduktion av kunskap
Undervisningsintressen Sociokulturell och dialogisk teoribildning, metod- och analysfrågor, kommunikation, organisation och digitalisering, kunskapsbildning och lärande.
Nyckelord kommunikation, organisation, institutionalisering, kategorisering, kunskapsutveckling, lärande
Care with assistive technologies: Professional responsibility when learning to navigate the unforeseen in homecare
Isabel Alexandra Brandenberger, Åsa Mäkitalo
Journal of Workplace Learning - 2025 -
Cross-linguistic Interpretation of Figurative Expressions in Collaborative Language Learning: Gaps as Instances for
Daniela Karlsson, Anne Kultti, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Åsa Mäkitalo, Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
English Language Teaching - 2024 -
Contested Platforms: Parent Resistance Positions and Shadow
Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Mona Lundin, Åsa Mäkitalo, Mikaela Åberg
Paper for the European Conference for Education Research, 26-30 August 2024, Nicosia Cyprus - 2024 -
Learning by stabilizing. Health care work in the multi-layeredness of digital
Monika Nerland, Åsa Mäkitalo
Symposia presentation at the 12th biennial conference of EARLI SIG 14, August 21-23 in Jyväskylä, Finland. - 2024 -
Brit Ross Winthereik, Margunn Aanestad, Åsa Mäkitalo
2024 -
Conditioning the work of colleagues. Health professionals’ explorative work in technology
Christopher Sadorge, Monika Nerland, Åsa Mäkitalo
Vocations and Learning - 2024 -
The invisible professional helper: Encounters at the digital frontline of public
Mikaela Åberg, Mona Lundin, Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Åsa Mäkitalo
5th Street-level Bureaucracy Conference, June 18-20 in Copenhagen. - 2024 -
Inclusion challenges of digital public services in the Nordic Welfare
Margunn Aanestad, Åsa Mäkitalo, Brit Ross Winthereik
Presentation in pre-workshop at European Conference on Information Systems “Current Issues in the digital society”, IFIP 9.4 & 9.5, 13 June 2023, Kristiansand, Norway. - 2023 -
Going the extra mile: to secure home-school
Mikaela Åberg, Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Mona Lundin, Åsa Mäkitalo
Nordic STS Conference 7-9 June 2023 in Oslo. Symposium: Repair work in the encounter between ‘the partially digital citizen’ and digital public sector services Co-convenors: Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt & Brit Ross Winthereik - 2023 -
Teachers’ enactment of policy in classrooms: making students accountable through inscriptions from the curriculum in classroom
Kenneth Silseth, Magnus Hontvedt, Åsa Mäkitalo
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2023 -
Young activists: Engaging with global climate change in a networked
Anne Solli, Åsa Mäkitalo
Nordic childhoods in the digital age: Insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and education - 2022 -
The interactive work of narrative elicitation in person-centred care: Analysis of phone conversations between health care professionals and patients with common mental
Matilda Cederberg, Andreas Fors, Lilas Ali, A. Goulding, Åsa Mäkitalo
Health Expectations - 2022 -
Learning and development in a designed
Roger Säljö, Åsa Mäkitalo
N. Veraksa & I. Pramling Samuelsson (Eds.), Piaget and Vygotsky in the XXI century. Discourse in early childhood education - 2022 -
Nordic childhoods in the digital age: Insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and
Kristiina Kumpulainen, Anu Kajamaa, Ola Erstad, Åsa Mäkitalo, Kirsten Drotner, Sólveig Jakobsdóttir
2022 -
Our business is problem solving: Learning, remembering and inscriptions at the IT
Åsa Mäkitalo, Ann-Charlotte Bivall, Roger Säljö
G. Kress, S. Selander, R. Säljö, C. Wulf (Eds.), The social significance of learning. Beyond education as an individual enterprise - 2021 -
Transforming trash to treasure Cultural ambiguity in foetal cell
A. Wiszmeg, S. Lundin, Åsa Mäkitalo, H. Widner, K. Hansson
Philosophy Ethics and Humanities in Medicine - 2021 -
A state-of-the-art review of direct observation tools for assessing competency in person-centred
Nina Ekman, Charles Taft, Philip Moons, Åsa Mäkitalo, Boström Eva, Andreas Fors
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 2020 -
Approaching writing and learning as interdependent
Åsa Mäkitalo
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2020 -
Designs for Experimentation and Inquiry. Approaching Learning and Knowing in Digital
Åsa Mäkitalo, Todd Nicewonger, Mark Elam
2019 -
Navigating the Complexity of Socio-scientific Controversies—How Students Make Multiple Voices Present in
Anne Solli, Thomas Hillman, Åsa Mäkitalo
Research in Science Education - 2019 -
Socioscientific issues via controversy mapping: bringing actor-network theory into the science classroom with digital
Mark Elam, Anne Solli, Åsa Mäkitalo
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education - 2019 -
Learning and expertise in support for parents of children at risk: a cultural-historical analysis of partnership
N. Hopwood, Åsa Mäkitalo
Oxford Review of Education - 2019 -
Textures of experience in professional practice: Learning from working with material
Åsa Mäkitalo
EARLI Conference, Aachen, Germany, 12-16 August 2019. Invited SIG10 Symposium presentation. Book of abstracts, p. 254 - 2019 -
Digital inquiry into emerging issues of public concern: Controversy mapping in a Swedish school
Åsa Mäkitalo, Mark Elam, Anne Solli, Sandra Ferraz Freire
Designs for experimentation and inquiry. Approaching learning and knowing in digital transformation. Åsa Mäkitalo, Todd E. Nicewonger, Mark Elam (red.) - 2019 -
Åsa Mäkitalo, Todd Nicewonger, Mark Elam
Designs for experimentation and inquiry. Approaching learning and knowing in digital transformation - 2019 -
E-hälsa och självrapportering – ett pedagogiskt
Åsa Mäkitalo
På tal om eHälsa - 2019 -
The Swedish grade conference: A dialogical study of face-to-face delivery of summative assessment in higher
Janna Meyer-Beining, Sylvi Vigmo, Åsa Mäkitalo
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2018 -
Rendering controversial socioscientific issues legible through digital mapping
Anne Solli, Åsa Mäkitalo, Thomas Hillman
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - 2018 -
Using collective intelligence to identify barriers to teaching 12–19 year olds about the ocean in
Geraldine Fauville, Patricia McHugh, Christine Domegan, Åsa Mäkitalo, Lene Friis Møller, Martha Papathanassiou, Carla Alvarez Chicote, Susana Lincoln, Vanessa Batista, Evy Copejans, Fiona Crouch, Susan Gotensparre
Marine Policy - 2018 -
Effects of a person-centred telephone-support in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or chronic heart failure - A randomized controlled
Andreas Fors, Elin Blanck, Lilas Ali, Ann Ekberg-Jansson, Michael Fu, Irma Lindström Kjellberg, Åsa Mäkitalo, Karl Swedberg, Charles Taft, Inger Ekman
Plos One - 2018 -
From Drama Text to Stage Text: Transitions of Text
Understanding in a Student Theatre
Martin Göthberg, Cecilia Björck, Åsa Mäkitalo
Mind, Culture and Activity - 2018 -
Collaborative development in transforming drama text to stage
Martin Göthberg, Cecilia Björck, Åsa Mäkitalo
Contribution to Symposia at the EARLI SIG 10/21 conference 30-31 of August 2018 in Luxembourg. - 2018 -
Renderings of an invisible condition: Graphs as objects and means of communication in hypertension
Åsa Mäkitalo, Karin I Kjellgren, Roger Säljö
Contribution to Symposia arranged at the EARLI SIG14 Learning and Professional Development conference on September 12-14 in Geneva - 2018 -
A dialogical approach to students’ meaning making in complex
Åsa Mäkitalo
Symposia paper at EARLI conference SIG10/21 in Luxembourg 30-31 of August 2018. - 2018 -
Patient contributions during primary care consultations for hypertension after self-reporting via a mobile phone self-management support
Ulrika Bengtsson, Karin I Kjellgren, Inger Hallberg, Mona Lundin, Åsa Mäkitalo
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2018 -
Epilogue: Memory practices writ large and
Per Linell, Åsa Mäkitalo
Å. Mäkitalo., P. Linell & R. Säljö (Eds.), Memory practices and learning – interactional, institutional and sociocultural perspectives. - 2017 -
Socioscientific Issues via Controversy Mapping: Bringing Actor-Network Theory into the Science Classroom with Digital
Mark Elam, Anne Solli, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper prepared for the Third Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference, University of Gothenburg, May 31st – June 2nd 2017 - 2017 -
Struggling with powerful conceptual reifications: cognitive socialization when learning to reason as an
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Å. Mäkitalo., P. Linell & R. Säljö (Eds.), Memory practices and learning – interactional, institutional and sociocultural perspectives. - 2017 -
Memory practices and learning. Interactional, institutional and sociocultural
Åsa Mäkitalo, Per Linell, Roger Säljö
2017 -
Integration work as a situated communicative practice: Assuming, establishing and modifying cultural
Linnea Åberg, Åsa Mäkitalo
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2017 -
Knowledge translation, professional communication and learning in the context of chronic
Åsa Mäkitalo, Mona Lundin
Symposia presentation on Researching professional learning in changing epistemic environments. 17th Biennal EARLI Conference, August 29 – September 2, Tampere, Finland. - 2017 -
Controversy mapping: Navigating and mediating issues of
Anne Solli, Mark Elam, Åsa Mäkitalo
17th Biennal EARLI Conference on Research on Learning and Instruction. Tampere, Finland: 27 august - 2 september - 2017 -
Students Exploring Online Information On Socio-scientific Controversies Using Digital Mapping
Anne Solli, Thomas Hillman, Åsa Mäkitalo
ESERA conference, august 21 - 25, Dublin, Irland - 2017 -
Documentary practices revised: How patient-generated data transform consultations in hypertension
Åsa Mäkitalo
Keynote at the conference "Knowledge translation and self-management in chronic diseases: contexts, tools and practices" May 18-19th 2017, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.. - 2017 -
Co-designing technologies in the context of hypertension care: Negotiating participation and technology use in design
Mona Lundin, Åsa Mäkitalo
Informatics for Health and Social Care - 2017 -
Embedding Citizen Science in Research: Forms of engagement, scientific output and values for science, policy and
Dick Kasperowski, Christopher Kullenberg, Åsa Mäkitalo
SocArXiv - 2017 -
On the notion of agency in studies of interaction and
Åsa Mäkitalo
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2016 -
Att navigera i komplexa frågor: introduktion av digitala metoder i
Anne Solli, Åsa Mäkitalo
Forskning pågår. Göteborgs universitet den 2 november 2016, - 2016 -
Engaging with controversy maps in a school science
Anne Solli, Thomas Hillman, Åsa Mäkitalo
Fostering deliberative argumentation in schools towards the constitution of a deliberative democracy. 12th ICLS conference June 20-24 2016 in Singapore. - 2016 -
Assessing writers, assessing writing: student performance and teacher expectation in grading
Janna Meyer-Beining, Sylvi Vigmo, Åsa Mäkitalo
The EARLI SIG 10, 21 and 25 conference August 28-29 in Tartu, Estonia - 2016 -
Holding multiple perspectives in a dialogical space: Mapping and negotiating controversial issues in an upper secondary school
Anne Solli, Åsa Mäkitalo
The EARLI SIG 10, 21 and 25 conference August 28-29 in Tartu, Estonia - 2016 -
Considering external resource use in forum discussions as an indicator of citizen scientist
Thomas Hillman, Åsa Mäkitalo
European Citizen Science Association Conference - 2016 -
The Carbon Footprint as a Mediating Tool in Students’ Online Reasoning about Climate
Geraldine Fauville, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Åsa Mäkitalo, Samuel Dupont, Roger Säljö
Learning across Contexts in the Knowledge Society - 2016 -
Deciphering the anatomy of scientific argumentation: The emergence of science
Emma Edstrand, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Roger Säljö, Åsa Mäkitalo
Learning across Contexts in the Knowledge Society - 2016 -
Learning across context in the knowledge
Ola Erstad, Kristiina Kumpulainen, Åsa Mäkitalo, Pille Pruulmann-Vengereldt, Kim Schrøder, Thuridur Jóhannsdóttir
2016 -
Tracing learning experiences within and across contexts: A nordic
Ola Erstad, Kristiina Kumpulainen, Åsa Mäkitalo, Kim Schrøder, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Thuridur Jóhannsdóttir
Learning across contexts in the knowledge society - 2016 -
Supervision at the outline stage: introducing and encountering issues of sustainable development through academic writing
Ann-Marie Eriksson, Åsa Mäkitalo
Text & Talk - 2015 -
Teachers’ dilemmatic decision-making: reconciling coexisting policies of increased student retention and
Charlotte Jonasson, Åsa Mäkitalo, Klaus Nielsen
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice - 2015 -
Artefacts mediating practices across time and space: Sociocultural studies of material conditions for learning and
Kai Hakkarainen, Beatrice Ligorio, Giuseppe Ritella, Hans Christian Arnseth, Alfredo Jornet Gil, Ingeborg Krange, Geraldine Fauville, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Roger Säljö, Mona Lundin, Åsa Mäkitalo
Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015 - 2015 -
Referencing as practice: Learning to write and reason with other people's
Ann-Marie Eriksson, Åsa Mäkitalo
Writing Research Across Borders Conference, Paris February 19-22, 2014 - 2014 -
A technology shift and its challeges to professional conduct. Mediated vision in
Åsa Mäkitalo, Claes Reit
In T. Fenwick & M. Nerland (Eds.) Reconceptualising professional learning. Sociomaterial knowledges, practices, and responsibilities - 2014 -
Re-mediated vision in endodontic practice: Experiences and challenges to professional
Åsa Mäkitalo, Claes Reit
Invited presentation at the PropEL Conference in Stirling 25-27, UK. - 2014 -
Researching professional learning in transformation: Challenges and emerging
Åsa Mäkitalo
Keynote speech at The EARLI SIG14 conference on “Transformations in knowledge and professional learning” in Oslo 27-29 of August 2014. - 2014 -
Changing Relations? Participation, interaction and accountability in hypertension
Åsa Mäkitalo, Mona Lundin
Paper presented at International Conference ICIP14 on Interactional competences in institutional practices. November 21-22, 2014 at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland - 2014 -
Learning to make a case in law school: categorising events and actions in legal discourse: Exploring legal texts as tools for professional practice and
Åsa Mäkitalo
The ProPEL Conference in Stirling June 25-27 in the Symposia: Exploring legal texts as tools for professional practice and learning. - 2014 -
Phases in development of an interactive mobile phone-based system to support self-management of
Inger Hallberg, Charles Taft, Agneta Ranerup, Ulrika Bengtsson, Mikael Hoffman, Stefan Höfer, Dick Kasperowski, Åsa Mäkitalo, Mona Lundin, Lena Ring, Ulf Rosenqvist, Karin I Kjellgren
Integrated blood pressure control - 2014 -
Analysing social work interaction. Premises and
Kirsi Juhila, Åsa Mäkitalo, Martine Noordegraaf
Analysing social work communication. Discourse in practice - 2014 -
Åsa Mäkitalo
Analysing social work communication. Discourse in practice - 2014 -
Referencing as practice: Learning to write and reason with other people's texts in environmental engineering
Ann-Marie Eriksson, Åsa Mäkitalo
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2013 -
Visualisering av osynliga risker: optimering av strålskydd för säkrare
Viktor Sandblom, Hans Rystedt, Anja Almén, Magnus Båth, Åsa Mäkitalo, Karin Zachrisson, Kajsa Lindberg, Charlotta Lundh
Röntgenveckan 2013, 3-6 september 2013, Uppsala - 2013 -
Socioscientific issues and access points to knowing: Exploring students' meaning making in
Åsa Mäkitalo
Symposia paper presented at the 15th EARLI conference 27-31 August in Münich, Germany - 2013 -
Re-visiting the past: How documentary practices serve as means to shape team performance at an IT help
Ann-Charlotte Bivall, Åsa Mäkitalo
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2013 -
Learning to make a case in law school: Categorizing events and actions in legal
Åsa Mäkitalo
Psicologia Culturale. Contesto, cultura, diritto (a cura di J. Bruner, F. Di Donato & A. Smorti) - 2013 -
Controversy Mapping and the Re-staging of Socio- Scientific Issues in Science
Åsa Mäkitalo
The annual Ecsite conference, 6-8 of June 2013 in Gothenburg. - 2013 -
Professional learning and the materiality of social
Åsa Mäkitalo
Journal of Education and Work - 2012 -
Pursuing trust in child protection meetings: Familiarisation and
Christopher Hall, Åsa Mäkitalo, Stephaan Slembrouck, Paula Doherty
In C. Candlin & J. Crichton (Eds.), Discourses of trust - 2012 -
Co-production in the context of Person Centred Care. On professional transformation in current health care
Åsa Mäkitalo, Mona Nilsen
Symposia presentation at the EARLI SIG14 conference Learning and Professional Development August 22-24 in Antwerpen, Belgium. - 2012 -
Participatory research and the transformation of 'the professional' and the 'patient' in current healthcare
Mona Nilsen, Åsa Mäkitalo
Symposia presentation at ProPEL International Conference, May 9-11 at the University of Stirling. - 2012 -
Dorothy E. Smith Interview of October 2011 in
Åsa Mäkitalo, Michael Seltzer, Åse Vagli
Sosiologisk Årbok 2012 - 2012 -
Professional learning and the materiality of social
Åsa Mäkitalo
Professions and Professional Learning in Troubling Times: Emerging Practices and Transgressive Knowledges, Propel conference in Stirling May 9-11, 2012 - 2012 -
Academic writing projects as a way into environmental issues. How does writing mediate disciplinary genre in an educational
Ann-Marie Eriksson, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented At the 4th International conference Writing Research Across Borders II in Washington D.C., USA. - 2011 -
Att förädla information till kunskap: lärande och klassrumsarbete i
Roger Säljö, Anders Jakobsson, Patrik Lilja, Åsa Mäkitalo, Mikaela Åberg
2011 -
Access points to knowing: Arguing and learning about "real world" issues in the school
Åsa Mäkitalo
Symposia paper presented at the 14th Biennal EARLI conference, Exeter, United Kingdom - 2011 -
Action in retrospect: Re-visiting case documentation at the IT
Åsa Mäkitalo, Ann-Charlotte Eklund
Symposia paper presented at the ISCAR conference, Rome, Italy - 2011 -
The Gothenburg University LETStudio: Developing research and learning arrangements in the areas of radiology and
Åsa Mäkitalo, Hans Rystedt
Presented at the “New tools and practices for seeing and learning in medicine” conference at the University of Turku, Finland, June 26-29 - 2011 -
Shaping mind and action: on the materiality of ICTs in social
Åsa Mäkitalo
Symposia paper presented at the European Conference for Social Work Research, Oxford, UK March 23-26. - 2011 -
Minnande och responsivitet: Att transformera information till
Åsa Mäkitalo
R. Säljö (Ed.), Lärande och minnande som social praktik - 2011 -
Appropriering genom argumentation: Kontroverser, mångtydighet och tillägnande av redskap för
Roger Säljö, Åsa Mäkitalo, Anders Jakobsson
R. Säljö (Ed.), Lärande och minnande som social praktik - 2011 -
Knowing and arguing in a panel debate: speaker roles and responsivity to
Mikaela Åberg, Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
In K. Littleton & C. Howe (Eds.), Educational dialogues. Understanding and promoting productive interaction - 2010 -
Approaching medical contexts and expertise from a sociocultural
Åsa Mäkitalo
Keynote speech at the "Learning research meets medicine" conference, University of Turku, April 26-27, Finland - 2010 -
Towards a conversational culture? How participants establish strategies for co-ordinating chat postings in the context of in-service
Mona Nilsen, Åsa Mäkitalo
Discourse Studies - 2010 -
Noticing the past to manage the future: on the organization of shared knowing in IT-support
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
In S. Ludvigsen, A. Lund, I. Rasmussen & R. Säljö (Eds.), Learning across sites. New tools, infrastructures and practices. - 2010 -
Re-visiting the past. A meta-activity for learning in the IT
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo
Symposia paper presented at the EARLI SIG 14 meeting on Diversity in vocational and professional education and training, München, Germany. - 2010 -
Making professional vision visible: displaying and articulating diagnostic work in medical
Hans Rystedt, Jonas Ivarsson, Åsa Mäkitalo
Symposia paper presented at the EARLI SIG 14 meeting on Diversity in vocational and professional education and training, München, Germany. - 2010 -
Arranging for
Jonas Ivarsson, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the European Association for the study of Science and Technology conference, Trento, Italy - 2010 -
Wrestling with globalisation and international justice in the classroom. Discursive challenges for students and teachers when bringing in arguments from the world wide
Patrik Lilja, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at 13th Biennal EARLI conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - 2009 -
Learning for citizenship through classroom
Åsa Mäkitalo, Mikaela Åberg
Symposia paper presented at the 13th Biennal EARLI conference - 2009 -
Conceptions of knowledge in research on students' understanding of the greenhouse effect: Methodological positions and their consequences for representations of
Anders Jakobsson, Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Science Education - 2009 -
The art and skill of engraving: Craftsmanship and the evolution of knowing and
Åsa Mäkitalo, Christer Carlsson, Roger Säljö
F. Oser, U. Renold, E. G. John, E. Winter & S. Weber (Eds.). VET Boost:Towards a Theory of Professional Competencies. - 2009 -
Arenas for learning and the road to
Contextualizing social dilemmas in institutional practices: Negotiating objects of activity in labour market
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
In A. Sannino, H. Daniels & K. Gutierrez (Eds.), Learning and expanding with activity theory - 2009 -
Learning to reason in the context of socioscientific problems. Exploring the demands on students in 'new' classroom
Åsa Mäkitalo, Anders Jakobsson, Roger Säljö
In K. Kumpulainen, C. Hmelo-Silver & M. Cesar (Eds.), Investigating classroom interaction. Methodologies in action - 2009 -
Learning to reason and argue: academic discourse as cognitive and communicative
Åsa Mäkitalo
International Symposia at The ISCAR Conference in September 2008, La Jolla, San Diego, USA. - 2008 -
Organisera för lärande - IT-support som
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Rystedt, H. & Säljö, R. (Eds.), Kunskap och människans redskap: teknik och lärande - 2008 -
På vems premisser? Institutionell argumentation och socialisering av barn och
Eva Hjörne, Åsa Mäkitalo
I M. Molin, A. Gustavsson & H.-E. Hermansson (Eds.), Meningsskapande och delaktighet - vår tids socialpedagogik. - 2008 -
Chatt som samtalskultur: hur yrkesverksamma lär sig koordinera interaktion i webbaserad
Mona Nilsen, Åsa Mäkitalo
I H. Rystedt & R. Säljö (Red.), Kunskap och människans redskap: teknik och lärande. - 2008 -
Learning to mathematise: Linguistic openness and mathematical precision when learning to model in the context of everyday
Roger Säljö, Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the 4th Nordic ISCAR-meeting, Hønefoss. - 2007 -
Electronic patient records in everyday care. Dealing with tensions between standardized information and local
Åsa Mäkitalo, Hans Rystedt
Paper presented at the E-society conference on Information sharing, assessment and e-technology in social care, York, UK - 2007 -
What is left unsaid. A study of moral accountability in vocational guidance
Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the 12th Biennal EARLI conference, Budapest, Hungary - 2007 -
Filling in the missing text. On discourse and learning in economics
Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research, Oslo, Norway - 2007 -
Accomplishing intersubjectivity: Learning to co-ordinate in synchronous text-based
Mona Nilsen, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research, Oslo, Norway - 2007 -
Learning as work in IT-support. On the institutionalization of activities for learning in work
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the 12th Biennal EARLI Conference, Budapest, Hungary - 2007 -
Learning IT-support: Institutionalized learning activities at
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research, Oslo, Norway - 2007 -
Effort on display: Unemployment and the interactional management of moral
Åsa Mäkitalo
Symbolic Interaction - 2006 -
Arbetslöshet och institutionell
Åsa Mäkitalo
Mäkitalo, Å. (red) Att hantera arbetslöshet. Om social kategorisering och identitetsformering i det senmoderna - 2006 -
Att hantera arbetslöshet. Om social kategorisering och identitetsformering i det
Åsa Mäkitalo
2006 -
Developing collective knowing in 'high tech' work settings: The case studio as an arranged activity for
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Paper presented at the JURE, Tartu, Estonia - 2006 -
Reasoning with mental tools and physical artefacts in everyday
Roger Säljö, Åsa Mäkitalo, Ann-Charlotte Eklund
In L. Verschaffel, Dochy, F., Boekaerts, M. & Vosniadou, S. (eds). Instructional psychology. Past, present and future trends: sixteen essays in honour of Eric de Corte - 2006 -
New interactional requirements: Learning to co-ordinate synchronous text-based
Mona Nilsen, Åsa Mäkitalo
Data presention CSCL SIG Workshop: Analysis of interaction and learning, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2005 -
Data production as a moral practice: questions and answers as accounting
Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at Symposia: The hidden asymmetries: a methodological concern. First ISCAR Congress, 20–24 September 2005, Seville, Spain - 2005 -
Organizing change: accomplishing continuity and knowledgeability in an IT support
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the First ISCAR Congress, 20–24 September, 2005, Seville, Spain - 2005 -
Dokumentation som formerande resurs. Om institutioners immanenta
Åsa Mäkitalo
Nordisk Pedagogik - 2005 -
Learning to reason in the context of socioscientific problems. Exploring the demands on students in 'new' classroom
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
EARLI (European Association for Research on Learing and Instruction) conference 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus - 2005 -
Reasoning, categorising and conceptualisation in situated
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) conference 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus - 2005 -
The record as a formative tool. A study of immanent pedagogy in the practice of vocational
Åsa Mäkitalo
Qualitative Social Work - 2005 -
Learning strategy - Reasoning and arguing in a workplace
Mona Nilsen, Åsa Mäkitalo
In Proceedings of 7th Conference of Network for the Junior Researchers of EARLI, JURE, Istanbul, Turkey - 2004 -
Mécanismes socio-cognitifs et
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Les catégories techniques dans le discours Hermés: Critique dela raison numérique - 2004 -
Mécanismes socio-cognitifs et communication. Les catégories techique dans le
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
HERMÉS : Cognition, Communication, Politique. Critique de la raison numérique - 2004 -
Graverande kunskap: Teknik- och kunskapsbildning inom
Åsa Mäkitalo, C Carlsson
Jernström, E. & Säljö, R. (red). Lärande i arbetsliv och vardag - 2004 -
"-På söndag har vi meintenans på ipass sex" om kunnande och lärande i
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo
Jernström, E. & Säljö, R. (red). Lärande i arbetsliv och vardag - 2004 -
Dokumentation som formerande resurs: om institutioners immanenta
Åsa Mäkitalo
Nordisk konferens Socialpedagogiken i samhället (SPIS) 2004. Linköpings universitet, Campus Norrköping - 2004 -
Categories as constitutive tools: some analytical suggestions for the study of institutional
Åsa Mäkitalo
NSU, The Nordic Summer University. Section 1. Listening to the welfare state. Laugarvatn, Island - 2004 -
Achieving continuity in IT-support practices: Some analytical suggestions for studying knowing-in-action in complex work
Åsa Mäkitalo, Ann-Charlotte Eklund
Paper presented at the 3rd Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR) - 2004 -
Categories in reasoning and interaction: analysing cognition and communication in social
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
EARLI, the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Special interest group meeting on Social Interaction. Lisbon, Portugal - 2004 -
Kategorier i tänkande och samtal: att studera kognition och kommunikation i sociala
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Perspektiv på kvalitativ metod, red. Carl Martin Allwood. Lund: Studentlitteratur - 2004 -
Achieving continuity in IT-support practises: Some analytical suggestions for studying knowing-in-action in complex work
Åsa Mäkitalo
ISCAR, the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research. 3rd Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR). Köpenhamn - 2004 -
Att överbrygga "vi" och "dom". Om konsten att ta andras perspektiv i samtal om
Mona Nilsen, Åsa Mäkitalo
Lärande i arbetsliv och var dag, red. Elisabet Jernström and Roger Säljö. Jönköping: Brain Books - 2004 -
Learning strategy: Management ideology and the voice of
Mona Nilsen, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the Multidisciplinary Approaches to Learning conference, InterLearn, Helsinki, Finland - 2003 -
Accounting practices as situated knowing: dilemmas and dynamics in institutional
Åsa Mäkitalo
Discourse Studies - 2003 -
Keeping the System Up: Reasoning and Diagnosing in IT Support
Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Paper presented at the InterLearn, Helsinki, Finland - 2003 -
Att lära sig underförstå: om kommunikativ socialisation i det komplexa
Roger Säljö, Åsa Mäkitalo
I P. Linell & A. K (Eds.), Jagen och rösterna: Goffman, Viveka och samtalet. - 2002 -
Invisible people: institutional reasoning and reflexivity in the production of services and 'social facts' in public employment
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Mind, Culture, and Activity - 2002 -
Talk in institutional context and institutional context in talk: Categories as situated
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
Text - 2002 -
Kommunikation som materiell
Åsa Mäkitalo, Roger Säljö
I J. Lindén, G. Westlander & G. Karlsson (Red.), Kvalitativa metoder i arbetslivsforskning. - 1999