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- Helena Forsblad D´elia
Helena Forsblad D´elia
Professor/ Chief Physician
Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation ResearchAbout Helena Forsblad D´elia
About Helena Forsblad d’Elia
Professor in rheumatology, head of Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, deputy responsible of semester 6, Internal medicine at the new Medical programme, GU. Helena has a combined position as a rheumatologist at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital as university senior consultant in rheumatology.
Helena conducts clinical and translational research. The studies focus on searching for factors that are important for the development of rheumatic disease, in particular axial spondyloarthritis (ax-SpA), the severity of the disease, comorbidity and how the disease affects patients' lives.
The basis for the research comes from clinically well-characterized cohorts of patients with collected biological material, imaging and questionnaire results. Matched control materials are used for comparison.
Helena leads the research group SpondyloArthritis Research Group https://www.gu.se/en/research/sparg-spondyloarthritis-research-group
· Previous main supervisor of four graduated PhD students, co-supervisor of three PhD students and two post docs.
· Present main supervisor of one PhD student, co-supervisor of four PhD students and of two post docs.
- MD, University of Gothenburg, 1988
- Licensed physician, 1991
- Specialist of rheumatology, 1996
- PhD in rheumatology, University of Gothenburg, 2003
- Associate professor in rheumatology, University of Gothenburg, 2009
- Adjunct senior assistant master in rheumatology, University of Gothenburg, 2010
- University senior consultant in rheumatology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, 2011
- Professor in rheumatology, Umeå University, 2015
- Senior assistant master in rheumatology, University of Gothenburg, 2020
- Professor in rheumatology, University of Gothenburg, 2021
Aortic regurgitation in ankylosing spondylitis-an echocardiography follow-up
Karin Bengtsson, Georgios Mourtzinis, Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, Margareta Scharin Täng, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Lennart Bergfeldt, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Clinical rheumatology - 2025 -
Work loss in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with abatacept, rituximab, tocilizumab or TNF inhibitors: a nationwide direct drug-to-drug
Gustaf Magnus Bruze, Thomas Frisell, Carl Turesson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Jonas Soderling, Johan Askling, Martin Neovius
RMD OPEN - 2025 -
A high polygenic risk score is associated with SSA/SSB antibody positivity and early onset in primary Sjögren's
Cecilia Fugmann, Sarah Reid, Pascal Pucholt, Marika Kvarnstrom, Albin Bjork, Johannes Mofors, Christopher Sjowall, Per Eriksson, Peter Olsson, Thomas Mandl, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Sara Magnusson Bucher, Svein Joar Johnsen, Katrine Braekke Norheim, Silke Appel, Daniel Hammenfors, Janicke Liaaen Jensen, Oyvind Palm, Roald Omdal, Roland Jonsson, Eva Baecklund, Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Dag Leonard, Juliana Imgenberg-Kreuz, Gunnel Nordmark
The lipid paradox is also present in early axial spondyloarthritis: results from the Swedish part of the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE)
Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, T. Husmark, J. Lopis Soler, N. Nilsson, Ulf Lindström, E. Klingberg, M. Linnerud Keshvarz, M. Rizk, P. Larsson, F. A. van Gaalen, C. Turesson, S. Exarchou
Unraveling the Genetics of Shared Clinical and Serological Manifestations in Patients With Systemic Inflammatory Autoimmune
Matteo Bianchi, Sergey V. Kozyrev, Antonella Notarnicola, Johanna K. Sandling, Mats Pettersson, Dag Leonard, Christopher Sjowall, Iva Gunnarsson, Solbritt Rantapaa-Dahlqvist, Anders A. Bengtsson, Andreas Jonsen, Elisabet Svenungsson, Helena Enocsson, Marika Kvarnstrom, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Sara Magnusson Bucher, Katrine B. Norheim, Eva Baecklund, Roland Jonsson, Daniel Hammenfors, Per Eriksson, Thomas Mandl, Roald Omdal, Leonid Padyukov, Helena Andersson, Oyvind Molberg, Louise Pyndt Diederichsen, Ann-Christine Syvanen, Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Gunnel Nordmark, Ingrid E. Lundberg, Lars Ronnblom, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh
Effectiveness of JAK Inhibitors Compared With Biologic Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs on Pain Reduction in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results From a Nationwide Swedish Cohort
Anna Eberhard, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Johan Askling, Stefan Bergman, Hannah Bower, Katerina Chatzidionysiou, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Alf Kastbom, Tor Olofsson, Thomas Frisell, Carl Turesson
Long-term ambient air pollution exposure and renal function and biomarkers of renal
Karl Kilbo Edlund, Yiyi Xu, Eva M. Andersson, Anders Christensson, Mats Dehlin, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Florencia Harari, Stefan Ljunggren, Peter Molnár, Anna Oudin, Magnus Svartengren, Petter Ljungman, Leo Stockfelt
Increased carotid intima-media thickness in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis compared to controls and associations with markers of
Lucy Law, Per Lindqvist, Per Liv, Urban Hellman, Kristina Lejon, Mats Geijer, Stefan Soderberg, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
The ASAS Health Index and Environmental Factors Item Set: validity and reliability of the Swedish translations in Swedish patients with ankylosing
Caroline Feldthusen, Magnus Hallström, A. d'Elia, Anna Deminger, U. Kiltz, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology - 2024 -
Physical function and sex differences in radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: a cross-sectional analysis on Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional
Magnus Hallström, Eva Klingberg, Anna Deminger, Jeannette Beckman Rehnman, Mats Geijer, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis Research and Therapy - 2023 -
Are JAKis more effective among elderly patients with RA, smokers and those with higher cardiovascular risk? A comparative effectiveness study of b/tsDMARDs in
Hannah Bower, Thomas Frisell, Daniela di Giuseppe, Benedicte Delcoigne, Ulf Lindström, Carl Turesson, Katerina Chatzidionysiou, Elisabet Lindqvist, Ann Knight, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Johan Askling
RMD open - 2023 -
Patients with radiographic axial spondylarthritis have an impaired dietary intake-a cross-sectional study with matched controls from northern
Erik Hulander, Tatiana Zverkova Sandström, Jeannette Beckman Rehnman, Lucy Law, Stefan Söderberg, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis research & therapy - 2023 -
Decreased levels of T follicular helper (CD4+CXCR5+) cells and CD27+CD38+and CD27+CD38-B cells in ankylosing spondylitis patients correlate with markers of
K. Lejon, U. Hellman, A. Kumar, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology - 2023 -
Safety of biological and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs for rheumatoid arthritis as used in clinical practice: results from the ARTIS
T. Frisell, H. Bower, M. Morin, E. Baecklund, D. Di Giuseppe, B. Delcoigne, N. Feltelius, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, E. Lindqvist, Ulf Lindström, J. Askling
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases - 2023 -
Occurrence and relative risks for non-vertebral fractures in patients with ankylosing spondylitis compared with the general population: a register-based study from
Karin Bengtsson, J. Askling, Mattias Lorentzon, B. Rosengren, Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Rmd Open - 2023 -
Strong Association of Combined Genetic Deficiencies in the Classical Complement Pathway With Risk of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Primary Sjogren's
C. Lundtoft, C. Sjowall, S. Rantapaa-Dahlqvist, A. A. Bengtsson, A. Jonsen, P. Pucholt, Y. L. Wu, E. Lundstrom, M. L. Eloranta, I. Gunnarsson, E. Baecklund, R. Jonsson, D. Hammenfors, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, P. Eriksson, T. Mandl, S. Bucher, K. B. Norheim, S. J. A. Johnsen, R. Omdal, M. Kvarnstrom, M. Wahren-Herlenius, L. Truedsson, B. Nilsson, S. V. Kozyrev, M. Bianchi, K. Lindblad-Toh, C. Y. Yu, G. Nordmark, J. K. Sandling, E. Svenungsson, D. Leonard, L. Ronnblom
Arthritis & Rheumatology - 2022 -
Complement C4 copy number variation is linked to SSA/Ro and SSB/La autoantibodies in systemic inflammatory autoimmune
Christian Lundtoft, Pascal Pucholt, Myriam Martin, Matteo Bianchi, Emeli Lundström, Maija-Leena Eloranta, Johanna K Sandling, Christopher Sjöwall, Andreas Jönsen, Iva Gunnarsson, Solbritt Rantapää-Dahlqvist, Anders A Bengtsson, Dag Leonard, Eva Baecklund, Roland Jonsson, Daniel Hammenfors, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Per Eriksson, Thomas Mandl, Sara Magnusson Bucher, Katrine B Norheim, Svein Joar Auglaend Johnsen, Roald Omdal, Marika Kvarnström, Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Antonella Notarnicola, Helena Andersson, Øyvind Molberg, Louise Pyndt Diederichsen, Jonas Almlöf, Ann-Christine Syvänen, Sergey V Kozyrev, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Bo Nilsson, Anna M Blom, Ingrid E Lundberg, Gunnel Nordmark, Lina Marcela Diaz-Gallo, Elisabet Svenungsson, Lars Rönnblom
Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.) - 2022 -
Distinctive gut microbiomes of ankylosing spondylitis and inflammatory bowel disease patients suggest differing roles in pathogenesis and correlate with disease
P. R. Sternes, L. Brett, J. Phipps, F. Ciccia, T. Kenna, E. de Guzman, K. Zimmermann, M. Morrison, G. Holtmann, Eva Klingberg, D. Mauro, C. McIvor, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, M. A. Brown
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2022 -
Genome-wide association study identifies Sjogren's risk loci with functional implications in immune and glandular
B. Khatri, K. L. Tessneer, A. Rasmussen, F. Aghakhanian, T. R. Reksten, A. Adler, I. Alevizos, J. M. Anaya, L. A. Aqrawi, E. Baecklund, J. G. Brun, S. M. Bucher, M. L. Eloranta, F. Engelke, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, S. B. Glenn, D. Hammenfors, J. Imgenberg-Kreuz, J. L. Jensen, S. J. A. Johnsen, M. V. Jonsson, M. Kvarnstrom, J. A. Kelly, H. Li, T. Mandl, J. Martin, G. Nocturne, K. B. Norheim, O. Palm, K. Skarstein, A. M. Stolarczyk, K. E. Taylor, M. Teruel, E. Theander, S. Venuturupalli, D. J. Wallace, K. M. Grundahl, K. S. Hefner, L. Radfar, D. M. Lewis, D. U. Stone, C. E. Kaufman, M. T. Brennan, J. M. Guthridge, J. A. James, R. H. Scofield, P. M. Gaffney, L. A. Criswell, R. Jonsson, P. Eriksson, S. J. Bowman, R. Omdal, L. Ronnblom, B. Warner, M. Rischmueller, T. Witte, A. D. Farris, X. Mariette, M. E. Alarcon-Riquelme, C. H. Shiboski, M. Wahren-Herlenius, W. F. Ng, K. L. Sivils, I. Adrianto, G. Nordmark, C. J. Lessard
Nature Communications - 2022 -
Prevalence and factors related to sleep apnoea in ankylosing
A. Wiginder, C. Sahlin-Ingridsson, Mats Geijer, A. Blomberg, K. A. Franklin, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Clinical Rheumatology - 2022 -
Increased proportions of inflammatory T cells and their correlations with cytokines and clinical parameters in patients with ankylosing spondylitis from northern
K. Lejon, U. Hellman, L. Do, A. Kumar, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology - 2022 -
Factors associated with changes in volumetric bone mineral density and cortical area in men with ankylosing spondylitis: a 5-year prospective study using
Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, Mattias Lorentzon, M. Hedberg, Hans Carlsten, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Osteoporosis International - 2022 -
Effectiveness of baricitinib and tofacitinib compared with bDMARDs in RA: results from a cohort study using nationwide Swedish register
A. Barbulescu, J. Askling, K. Chatzidionysiou, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, A. Kastbom, Ulf Lindström, C. Turesson, T. Frisell
Rheumatology - 2022 -
Author Correction: Genome-wide association study identifies Sjögren's risk loci with functional implications in immune and glandular
Bhuwan Khatri, Kandice L Tessneer, Astrid Rasmussen, Farhang Aghakhanian, Tove Ragna Reksten, Adam Adler, Ilias Alevizos, Juan-Manuel Anaya, Lara A Aqrawi, Eva Baecklund, Johan G Brun, Sara Magnusson Bucher, Maija-Leena Eloranta, Fiona Engelke, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Stuart B Glenn, Daniel Hammenfors, Juliana Imgenberg-Kreuz, Janicke Liaaen Jensen, Svein Joar Auglænd Johnsen, Malin V Jonsson, Marika Kvarnström, Jennifer A Kelly, He Li, Thomas Mandl, Javier Martín, Gaétane Nocturne, Katrine Brække Norheim, Øyvind Palm, Kathrine Skarstein, Anna M Stolarczyk, Kimberly E Taylor, Maria Teruel, Elke Theander, Swamy Venuturupalli, Daniel J Wallace, Kiely M Grundahl, Kimberly S Hefner, Lida Radfar, David M Lewis, Donald U Stone, C Erick Kaufman, Michael T Brennan, Joel M Guthridge, Judith A James, R Hal Scofield, Patrick M Gaffney, Lindsey A Criswell, Roland Jonsson, Per Eriksson, Simon J Bowman, Roald Omdal, Lars Rönnblom, Blake Warner, Maureen Rischmueller, Torsten Witte, A Darise Farris, Xavier Mariette, Marta E Alarcon-Riquelme, Caroline H Shiboski, Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Wan-Fai Ng, Kathy L Sivils, Indra Adrianto, Gunnel Nordmark, Christopher J Lessard
Nature communications - 2022 -
Genetic and clinical basis for two distinct subtypes of primary Sjögren's
Guðný Ella Thorlacius, Lina Hultin-Rosenberg, Johanna K Sandling, Matteo Bianchi, Juliana Imgenberg-Kreuz, Pascal Pucholt, Elke Theander, Marika Kvarnström, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Sara Magnusson Bucher, Katrine B Norheim, Svein Joar Auglænd Johnsen, Daniel Hammenfors, Kathrine Skarstein, Malin V Jonsson, Eva Baecklund, Lara A Aqrawi, Janicke Liaaen Jensen, Øyvind Palm, Andrew P Morris, Jennifer R S Meadows, Solbritt Rantapää-Dahlqvist, Thomas Mandl, Per Eriksson, Lars Lind, Roald Omdal, Roland Jonsson, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Lars Rönnblom, Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Gunnel Nordmark
Rheumatology - 2021 -
Biomechanical properties of common carotid arteries assessed by circumferential two-dimensional strain and beta stiffness index in patients with ankylosing
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lucy Law, Karin Bengtsson, Johan Smeds, Maria Ketonen, Björn Sundström, Lotta Ljung, Mats Geijer, Stefan Söderberg, Per Lindqvist
Journal of Rheumatology - 2021 -
Comment on: Incidence of extra-articular manifestations in AS, PsA and undifferentiated SpA-results from a national register-based cohort study.
Karin Bengtsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, Mats Dehlin, Sofia Exarchou, Ulf Lindström, Johan Askling, Lennart Jacobsson
Rheumatology (Oxford, England) - 2021 -
Anti-CD74 IgA autoantibodies in radiographic axial spondyloarthritis; a longitudinal Swedish
Lan Do, Gabriel Granåsen, Urban Hellman, Kristina Lejon, Mats Geijer, Xenofon Baraliakos, Torsten Witte, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Rheumatology (Oxford, England) - 2021 -
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on morbidity and mortality in patients with inflammatory joint diseases and in the general population: a nationwide Swedish cohort
Hannah Bower, Thomas Frisell, Daniela Di Giuseppe, Bénédicte Delcoigne, Gerd-Marie Ahlenius, Eva Baecklund, Katerina Chatzidionysiou, Nils Feltelius, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Alf Kastbom, Lars Klareskog, Elisabet Lindqvist, Ulf Lindström, Carl Turesson, Christopher Sjöwall, Johan Askling
Annals of the rheumatic diseases - 2021 -
Incidence of extra-articular manifestations in ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis: results from a national register-based cohort
Karin Bengtsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, Mats Dehlin, Sofia Exarchou, Ulf Lindström, Johan Askling, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Rheumatology (Oxford, England) - 2021 -
Elevated serum level of hepatocyte growth factor predicts development of new syndesmophytes in men with ankylosing
Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, Merja Nurkkala, Mats Geijer, Hans Carlsten, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Rheumatology - 2021 -
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with inflammatory joint diseases in Sweden: from infection severity to impact on care
H. Bower, T. Frisell, D. di Giuseppe, B. Delcoigne, G. M. Ahlenius, E. Baecklund, K. Chatzidionysiou, N. Feltelius, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, A. Kastbom, L. Klareskog, E. Lindqvist, Ulf Lindström, C. Turesson, C. Sjowall, J. Askling, Artis Study Grp Artis Study Grp
Rmd Open - 2021 -
Characteristics and outcome of a first acute myocardial infarction in patients with ankylosing
A. Sodergren, J. Askling, Karin Bengtsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, T. Jernberg, Ulf Lindström, L. Ljung, A. Mantel, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Clinical Rheumatology - 2021 -
Anterior uveitis in patients with spondyloarthritis treated with secukinumab or tumour necrosis factor inhibitors in routine care: does the choice of biological therapy
Ulf Lindström, Karin Bengtsson, T. Olofsson, D. Di Giuseppe, B. Glintborg, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, J. Askling
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases - 2021 -
Genomewide Association Study of Acute Anterior Uveitis Identifies New Susceptibility
X. F. Huang, Z. X. Li, E. De Guzman, P. Robinson, L. Gensler, M. M. Ward, M. H. Rahbar, M. Lee, M. H. Weisman, G. J. Macfarlane, G. T. Jones, Eva Klingberg, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, P. McCluskey, D. Wakefield, J. S. Coombes, M. A. F. Singh, Y. Mavros, N. Vlahovich, D. C. Hughes, H. Marzo-Ortega, I. Van der Horste-Bruinsma, F. O'Shea, T. M. Martin, J. Rosenbaum, M. Breban, Z. B. Jin, P. Leo, J. D. Reveille, B. P. Wordsworth, M. A. Brown
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science - 2020 -
Association between serum level of urate and subclinical atherosclerosis: results from the SCAPIS
Panagiota Drivelegka, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Oskar Angerås, Göran Bergström, Caroline Schmidt, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Mats Dehlin
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2020 -
Consequences of Gout and
Mats Dehlin, M. Kapetanovic, A. Svärd, Kristina Bengtsson Boström, P. Wändell, Valgerdur Sigurdardottir, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Läkartidningen - 2020 -
O Hofstedt, D Di Giuseppe, G-M Alenius, N Stattin, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, L Ljung
Scandinavian journal of rheumatology - 2020 -
Increased risk of multiple myeloma in primary Sjögren's syndrome is limited to individuals with Ro/SSA and La/SSB
Johannes Mofors, Albin Björk, Karin E Smedby, Marika Kvarnström, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Sara Magnusson-Bucher, Per Eriksson, Thomas Mandl, Eva Baecklund, Gunnel Nordmark, Marie Wahren-Herlenius
Annals of the rheumatic diseases - 2020 -
Gout - a common and well known
Valgerdur Sigurdardottir, Anna Svärd, Kristina Bengtsson Boström, Per Wändell, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Meliha Kapetanovic, Mats Dehlin
Läkartidningen - 2020 -
Increased chronic pain in patients with ulcerative colitis is mostly associated to increased disease activity. A cross-sectional case-control
Nina Pettersson, Fredrik Kragsbjerg, Arvid Hamrin, Stefan Bergman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Pontus Karling
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2020 -
Cigarette smoking patterns preceding primary Sjögren's
Johannes Mofors, Albin Björk, Elina Richardsdotter Andersson, Marika Kvarnström, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Sara Magnusson-Bucher, Leonid Padyukov, Ingrid Kockum, Jan Hillert, Per Eriksson, Thomas Mandl, Gunnel Nordmark, Lars Alfredsson, Marie Wahren-Herlenius
RMD Open - 2020 -
Hepatocyte growth factor is a potential biomarker for osteoproliferation and osteoporosis in ankylosing
Linda Torres, Eva Klingberg, Merja Nurkkala, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Osteoporosis International - 2019 -
Weight loss improves disease activity in patients with psoriatic arthritis and obesity: an interventional
Eva Klingberg, Annelie Bilberg, Sofia Björkman, M. Hedberg, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten, Björn Eliasson, Ingrid Larsson
Arthritis Res Ther - 2019 -
A distinct gut microbiota composition in patients with ankylosing spondylitis is associated with increased levels of fecal
Eva Klingberg, Maria K Magnusson, Hans Strid, Anna Deminger, Arne Ståhl, Johanna Sundin, Magnus Simrén, Hans Carlsten, Lena Öhman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2019 -
Concomitant Ro/SSA and La/SSB antibodies are biomarkers for the risk of venous thromboembolism and cerebral infarction in primary Sjögren's
J Mofors, M Holmqvist, L Westermark, A Björk, M Kvarnström, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, S Magnusson Bucher, P Eriksson, E Theander, T Mandl, M Wahren-Herlenius, G Nordmark
Journal of internal medicine - 2019 -
Infections increase the risk of developing Sjögren's
J. Mofors, E. V. Arkema, A. Björk, L. Westermark, M. Kvarnström, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, S. Magnusson Bucher, P. Eriksson, T. Mandl, G. Nordmark, M. Wahren-Herlenius
Journal of Internal Medicine - 2019 -
Comparison of agreement between internet-based registration of patient-reported outcomes and clinic-based paper forms within the Swedish Rheumatology Quality
O Hofstedt, D Di Giuseppe, G-M Alenius, N Stattin, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, L Ljung
Scandinavian journal of rheumatology - 2019 -
Cardiac conduction disturbances in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: results from a 5-year follow-up cohort
Karin Bengtsson, Eva Klingberg, Anna Deminger, Hanna Wallberg, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Lennart Bergfeldt, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
RMD open - 2019 -
Factors related to health-related quality of life in ankylosing spondylitis, overall and stratified by
L. Law, J. B. Rehnman, Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2018 -
A five-year prospective study of spinal radiographic progression and its predictors in men and women with ankylosing
Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, M. Geijer, J. Gothlin, M. Hedberg, E. Rehnberg, Hans Carlsten, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2018 -
Patient characteristics influence the choice of biological drug in RA, and will make non-TNFi biologics appear more harmful than TNFi
T. Frisell, E. Baecklund, Karin Bengtsson, D. Di Giuseppe, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, J. Askling
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases - 2018 -
Uptake of rheumatology biosimilars in the absence of forced
D. Di Giuseppe, T. Frisell, S. Ernestam, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, E. Lindqvist, Ulf Lindström, C. Sjowall, J. Askling
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy - 2018 -
Patterns of comorbidity and disease characteristics among patients with ankylosing spondylitis-a cross-sectional
Lotta Ljung, Björn Sundström, Johan Smeds, Maria Ketonen, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Clinical rheumatology - 2018 -
Estrogen induces St6gal1 expression and increases IgG sialylation in mice and patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A potential explanation for the increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis in postmenopausal
Cecilia Engdahl, A. Bondt, U. Harre, J. Raufer, R. Pfeifle, Alessandro Camponeschi, M. Wuhrer, M. Seeling, Inga-Lill Mårtensson, F. Nimmerjahn, G. Krönke, H. U. Scherer, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, G. Schett
Arthritis Research and Therapy - 2018 -
Risk of cardiac rhythm disturbances and aortic regurgitation in different spondyloarthritis subtypes in comparison with general population: a register-based study from
Karin Bengtsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Elisabeth Lie, Eva Klingberg, Mats Dehlin, Sofia Exarchou, Ulf Lindström, Johan Askling, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases - 2018 -
A longitudinal study of fecal calprotectin and the development of inflammatory bowel disease in ankylosing
Eva Klingberg, Hans Strid, Arne Ståhl, Anna Deminger, Hans Carlsten, Lena Öhman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2017 -
Which measuring site in ankylosing spondylitis is best to detect bone loss and what predicts the decline: results from a 5-year prospective
Anna Deminger, Eva Klingberg, Mattias Lorentzon, Mats Geijer, Jan Göthlin, Martin Hedberg, Eva Rehnberg, Hans Carlsten, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2017 -
Are ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events? A prospective nationwide population-based cohort
Karin Bengtsson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Elisabeth Lie, Eva Klingberg, Mats Dehlin, Sofia Exarchou, Ulf Lindström, Johan Askling, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Arthritis research & therapy - 2017 -
Long-term follow-up in primary Sjögren's syndrome reveals differences in clinical presentation between female and male
Jorge I Ramírez Sepúlveda, Marika Kvarnström, Per Eriksson, Thomas Mandl, Katrine Brække Norheim, Svein Joar Johnsen, Daniel Hammenfors, Malin V Jonsson, Kathrine Skarstein, Johan G Brun, Lars Rönnblom, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Sara Magnusson Bucher, Eva Baecklund, Elke Theander, Roald Omdal, Roland Jonsson, Gunnel Nordmark, Marie Wahren-Herlenius
Biology of sex differences - 2017 -
Comparisons between comorbid conditions and health care consumption in rheumatoid arthritis patients with or without biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs: a register-based
Karin Bengtsson, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Barbro Rydberg, Göran Kvist, Tomas Torstenson, Mats Dehlin, Elisabet Hilme, Anna Lindhé, Susanna Maria Wallerstedt, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
BMC musculoskeletal disorders - 2016 -
Childhood hospitalisation with infections and later development of ankylosing spondylitis: a national case-control
Ulf Lindström, S. Exarchou, Elisabeth Lie, Mats Dehlin, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, J. Askling, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2016 -
Caroline Feldthusen, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2016 -
Seasonal variations in fatigue in persons with rheumatoid arthritis: a longitudinal
Caroline Feldthusen, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2016 -
Perinatal characteristics, older siblings, and risk of ankylosing spondylitis: a case-control study based on national
Ulf Lindström, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, J. Askling, L. E. Kristensen, Elisabeth Lie, S. Exarchou, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2016 -
Mortality in ankylosing spondylitis: results from a nationwide population-based
S. Exarchou, Elisabeth Lie, Ulf Lindström, J. Askling, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, C. Turesson, L. E. Kristensen, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases - 2016 -
Effects of Person-Centered Physical Therapy on Fatigue-Related Variables in Persons With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Randomized Controlled
Caroline Feldthusen, Elizabeth Dean, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation - 2016 -
The vitamin D status in ankylosing spondylitis in relation to intestinal inflammation, disease activity, and bone health: a cross-sectional
Eva Klingberg, Göran Oleröd, Ola Hammarsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Osteoporosis International - 2016 -
Drug adherence, response and predictors thereof for tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from the Swedish biologics
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Karin Bengtsson, Lars Erik Kristensen, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Rheumatology - 2015 -
Aortic Regurgitation Is Common in Ankylosing Spondylitis: Time for Routine Echocardiography
Eva Klingberg, Bente Grüner Sveälv, Margareta Scharin Täng, Odd Bech-Hanssen, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart Bergfeldt
Journal of the American Medical Association - 2015 -
Prevalence of diastolic dysfunction in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a cross-sectional
Bente Grüner Sveälv, Margareta Scharin Täng, Eva Klingberg, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart Bergfeldt
Scandinavian journal of rheumatology - 2015 -
Validity of ankylosing spondylitis and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis diagnoses in the Swedish National Patient
Ulf Lindström, S. Exarchou, V. Sigurdardottir, B. Sundström, J. Askling, J. K. Eriksson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, C. Turesson, L. E. Kristensen, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology - 2015 -
The effect of comedication with conventional synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs on TNF inhibitor drug survival in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis: results from a nationwide prospective
Elisabeth Lie, Lars Erik Kristensen, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Tatiana Zverkova Sandström, J. Askling, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases - 2015 -
The prevalence of clinically diagnosed ankylosing spondylitis and its clinical manifestations: a nationwide register
S. Exarchou, Ulf Lindström, J. Askling, J. K. Eriksson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, M. Neovius, C. Turesson, L. E. Kristensen, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2015 -
Variations of fatigue in persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis- a 1 year longitudinal
Caroline Feldthusen, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-eular.3502. Ann Rheum Dis - 2014 -
Biomarkers of Bone Metabolism in Ankylosing Spondylitis in Relation to Osteoproliferation and
Eva Klingberg, Merja Nurkkala, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Journal of Rheumatology - 2014 -
Role of Androgen and Estrogen Receptors for the Action of Dehydroepiandrosterone
Cecilia Engdahl, Marie K Lagerquist, Alexandra Stubelius, Annica Andersson, Erik Studer, Claes Ohlsson, Lars Westberg, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Endocrinology - 2014 -
Perception, consequences, communication, and strategies for handling fatigue in persons with rheumatoid arthritis of working age—a focus group
Caroline Feldthusen, Mathilda Björk, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Clinical Rheumatology - 2013 -
NCR3/NKp30 contributes to pathogenesis in primary Sjogren's
Sylvie Rusakiewicz, Gaetane Nocturne, Thierry Lazure, Michaela Semeraro, Caroline Flament, Sophie Caillat-Zucman, Damien Sène, Nicolas Delahaye, Eric Vivier, Kariman Chaba, Vichnou Poirier-Colame, Gunnel Nordmark, Maija-Leena Eloranta, Per Eriksson, Elke Theander, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Roland Jonsson, Lars Rönnblom, Joanne Nititham, Kimberly E Taylor, Christopher J Lessard, Kathy L Moser Sivils, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, Lindsey A Criswell, Corinne Miceli-Richard, Laurence Zitvogel, Xavier Mariette
Science translational medicine - 2013 -
Soluble E-cadherin in Systemic Lupus
Tao Jin, Katarina Almehed, Yihong Zhu, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
The Journal of rheumatology - 2013 -
Bone microarchitecture in ankylosing spondylitis and the association with bone mineral density, fractures and
Eva Klingberg, Mattias Lorentzon, Jan Göthlin, Dan Mellström, Mats Geijer, Claes Ohlsson, Elizabeth J. Atkinson, Sundeep Khosla, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2013 -
Infliximab Dose Reduction Sustains the Clinical Treatment Effect in Active HLAB27 Positive Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Two-Year Pilot
Boel Mörck, Rille Pullerits, Mats Geijer, Tomas Bremell, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Mediators of Inflammation - 2013 -
Genetic variants in CARD8 but not in NLRP3 are associated with ankylosing
A. Kastbom, Eva Klingberg, D. Verma, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, J. Wesamaa, J. Cedergren, P. Eriksson, P. Soderkvist
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology - 2013 -
Cardiac conduction system abnormalities in ankylosing spondylitis: a cross-sectional
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hanna Wallberg, Eva Klingberg, Hans Carlsten, Lennart Bergfeldt
BMC musculoskeletal disorders - 2013 -
Association of Genes in the NF-kappa B Pathway with Antibody-Positive Primary Sjogren's
G. Nordmark, C. Wang, L. Vasaitis, P. Eriksson, E. Theander, M. Kvarnstrom, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, H. Jazebi, C. Sjowall, T. R. Reksten, J. G. Brun, M. V. Jonsson, S. J. Johnsen, M. Wahren-Herlenius, R. Omdal, R. Jonsson, S. Bowman, W. F. Ng, M. L. Eloranta, A. C. Syvanen
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology - 2013 -
Disease Course, Outcome, and Predictors of Outcome in a Population-based Juvenile Chronic Arthritis Cohort Followed for 17
Lennart Bertilsson, Boel Andersson-Gäre, Anders Fasth, Ingemar F Petersson, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
The Journal of rheumatology - 2013 -
[Cardiovascular risk in inflammatory systemic disease should be assessed regularly. The Swedish Society of Rheumatology has formulated guidelines for primary
Solveig Wållberg Jonsson, Lotta Ljung, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Dan Henrohn, Carl Turesson, Elisabet Svenungsson
Lakartidningen - 2012 -
Calprotectin in ankylosing spondylitis - Frequently elevated in feces, but normal in
Eva Klingberg, Hans Carlsten, Elisabet Hilme, Martin Hedberg, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2012 -
Exosomal secretion of death bullets: a new way of apoptotic
N. Trokovic, R. Pollanen, P. Porola, V. Stegaev, U. Hetzel, Åsa Tivesten, Cecilia Engdahl, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Johan Bourghardt Fagman, Marie Lagerquist, Y. T. Konttinen
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism - 2012 -
Vertebral fractures in ankylosing spondylitis are associated with lower bone mineral density in both central and peripheral
Eva Klingberg, Mats Geijer, Jan Göthlin, Dan Mellström, Mattias Lorentzon, Elisabet Hilme, Martin Hedberg, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
The Journal of rheumatology - 2012 -
Osteoporosis in ankylosing spondylitis - prevalence, risk factors and methods of
Eva Klingberg, Mattias Lorentzon, Dan Mellström, Mats Geijer, Jan Göthlin, Elisabet Hilme, Martin Hedberg, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis research & therapy - 2012 -
A 5-year prospective population-based study of juvenile chronic arthritis: onset, disease process, and
L Bertilsson, B Andersson-Gäre, Anders Fasth, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Scandinavian journal of rheumatology - 2012 -
Decreased Serum Levels of TGF-β1 are associated with Renal Damages in Female Patients with Systemic Lupus
Tao Jin, Katarina Almehed, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Lupus - 2012 -
Bone mineral density by digital X-ray radiogrammetry is strongly decreased and associated with joint destruction in long-standing Rheumatoid Arthritis: a cross-sectional
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten
BMC musculoskeletal disorders - 2011 -
Estrogens in rheumatoid arthritis; the immune system and
Ulrika Islander, Caroline Jochems, Marie Lagerquist, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology - 2011 -
Serum levels of HMGB1 in postmenopausal patients with rheumatoid arthritis: associations with proinflammatory cytokines, acute-phase reactants, and clinical disease
Rille Pullerits, Vilma Urbonaviciute, Reinhard E Voll, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten
The Journal of rheumatology - 2011 -
Hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis stabilises bone mineral density by digital x-ray radiogrammetry in a randomised controlled
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten
Annals of the rheumatic diseases - 2011 -
Prevalence and risk factors of vertebral compression fractures in female SLE
Katarina Almehed, Szabolcs Hetenyi, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Arthritis research & therapy - 2010 -
Health-related quality of life in systemic lupus erythematosus and its association with disease and work
Katarina Almehed, Hans Carlsten, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Scandinavian journal of rheumatology - 2010 -
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) substitution treatment for severe fatigue in DHEA-deficient patients with primary Sjögren's
Liisa M Virkki, Pauliina Porola, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Sigridur Valtysdottir, Svetlana A Solovieva, Yrjö T Konttinen
Arthritis care & research - 2010 -
The use of complementary and alternative medicine in outpatients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases in
Eva Klingberg, Susanna Maria Wallerstedt, T Torstenson, G Håwi, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
Scandinavian journal of rheumatology - 2009 -
The decrease of soluble RAGE levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients following hormone replacement therapy is associated with increased bone mineral density and diminished bone/cartilage turnover: a randomized controlled
Rille Pullerits, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Andrej Tarkowski, Hans Carlsten
Rheumatology (Oxford, England) - 2009 -
Low serum levels of sex steroids are associated with disease characteristics in primary Sjogren's syndrome; supplementation with dehydroepiandrosterone restores the
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten, Fernand Labrie, Yrjö T Konttinen, Claes Ohlsson
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism - 2009 -
Interleukin 6 and its soluble receptor in a central role at the neuroimmunoendocrine interface in Sjogren syndrome: an explanatory interventional
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Christian Bjurman, E Rehnberg, G Kvist, Y T Konttinen
Annals of the rheumatic diseases - 2009 -
Fatigue and blood pressure in primary Sjogren's
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, E Rehnberg, G Kvist, Anna Ericsson, Yt Konttinen, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Scandinavian journal of rheumatology - 2008 -
Salivary resistin reflects local inflammation in Sjögrens
Elisabeth Almer Boström, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Ulf Dahlgren, Charlotte Simark-Mattsson, Bengt Hasséus, Hans Carlsten, Andrej Tarkowski, Maria Bokarewa
Journal of Rheumatology - 2008 -
The Impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Humoral and Cell-mediated Immune Responses In Vivo in Post-menopausal Women with Rheumatoid
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology - 2008 -
Resistin in serum is associated with higher levels of IL-1Ra in post-menopausal women with rheumatoid
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Rille Pullerits, Hans Carlsten, Maria Bokarewa
Rheumatology (Oxford, England) - 2008 -
Role of estrogen deficiency in osteoporosis in postmenopausal rheumatoid
Caroline Jochems, Helena Forsblad d'Elia
European Musculoskeletal Review - 2008 -
Role of resistin as a marker of inflammation in systemic lupus
Katarina Almehed, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Maria Bokarewa, Hans Carlsten
Arthritis research & therapy - 2008 -
Prevalence and risk factors of osteoporosis in female SLE patients-extended
Katarina Almehed, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, G. Kvist, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten
Rheumatology (Oxford) - 2007 -
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Rheumatoid
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten
Current Rheumatology Reviews - 2006 -
Hormone replacement therapy, calcium and vitamin D3 versus calcium and vitamin D3 alone decreases markers of cartilage and bone metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, S. Christgau, Lars-Åke Mattsson, T. Saxne, Claes Ohlsson, Elisabeth Nordborg, Hans Carlsten
Arthritis Res Ther - 2004 -
Hormone replacement therapy in rheumatoid arthritis - Drs. Forsblad d'Elia Carlsten
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten
Hormone replacement therapy in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with lower serum levels of soluble IL-6 receptor and higher insulin-like growth factor
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Lars-Åke Mattsson, Claes Ohlsson, Elisabeth Nordborg, Hans Carlsten
Arthritis research & therapy - 2003 -
Hormone replacement therapy in rheumatoid
Influence of hormone replacement therapy on disease progression and bone mineral density in rheumatoid
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Arvi Larsen, Lars-Åke Mattsson, Eva Waltbrand, Göran Kvist, Dan Mellström, Tore Saxne, Claes Ohlsson, Elisabeth Nordborg, Hans Carlsten
The Journal of rheumatology - 2003 -
Radiographic joint destruction in postmenopausal rheumatoid arthritis is strongly associated with generalised
Helena Forsblad d'Elia, A Larsen, Eva Waltbrand, G. Kvist, Dan Mellström, T. Saxne, Claes Ohlsson, Elisabeth Nordborg, Hans Carlsten
Annals of the rheumatic diseases - 2003