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- Ulrika Islander
Ulrika Islander
Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation ResearchAbout Ulrika Islander
Title: PhD, Associate Professor
Ulrika Islander graduated 2002 from the University of Lund with a MSc degree in molecular biology with focus on immunology. In 2007 she received a PhD in rheumatology at the University of Gothenburg, and in 2015 she became Associate Professor in immunology at the Sahlgrenska academy. During 2017-2018 she performed a sabbatical research period at the Institute of Immunobiology in St Gallen, Switzerland to learn about research concerning the role of stromal cells in the regulation of immune responses during viral infections. In addition to her position as Researcher and group leader at the University of Gothenburg, she also holds a part-time position as Guest researcher at Chalmers University of Technology.
Research interests
Sex hormones have major effects on the immune system, which influences the risk to develop certain diseases. Women have an increased risk to develop autoimmune disease, but a decreased risk for severe pathology following infections compared to men. The mechanisms behind the sex differences in these conditions are unclear and the overall aim of Ulrika Islanders research is to identify the effects of estrogen on cellular and molecular processes in the immune system during autoimmunity and infection. Revealing these mechanisms will provide opportunities to develop new and better therapies for several estrogen responsive conditions. Ongoing projects in the group include:
- To identify the mechanisms that underlie the opposing effects of estrogen on immune responses in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematous (SLE).
- To define whether the protective effects of estrogen on osteoporosis development in RA and SLE are mediated by bone marrow stromal cells.
- To determine the importance of stromal cells in primary and secondary lymphoid organs for the estrogen-mediated regulation of immune responses.
- To identify the mechanisms involved in the protective effects of estrogen on immune responses during infection with influenza virus.
The projects range from basic research (in vivo and in vitro), to clinical studies in collaboration with physicians at the Sahlgrenska University hospital.
Group members:
- Julia Scheffler, PhD, researcher
- Aidan Barrett, MSc, PhD student
- Piotr Humeniuk, post-doc, 2020–2022
- Alicia Del Carpio Pons, research assistant, 2020–2022
- Carmen Corciulo, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow, 2019–2023
- Louise Henningsson, research engineer, 2019
- Christina Drevinge, post-doc, 2018–2022
- Julia Scheffler, post-doc, 2017–2020
- Catalin Koro-Arvidsson, post-doc, 2016–2017
- Jauquline Nordqvist, PhD student, 2015–2021
- Angelina Bernardi, PhD student, 2013–2015
- Louise Grahnemo, post-doc, 2012–2014
- Annica Andersson, PhD student, 2011–2016
- Alexandra Stubelius, PhD student, 2008–2014
- 2024-2025: Course leader for the course "Supervision in Postgraduate Programmes" at the unit for Pedagogical development and Interactive Learning (PIL201 SA).
- 2016-2022: Course leader for the PhD course ”Immunological and molecular biology laboratory techniques - 5hec (SM00034).
- 2021 - 2022: Member of the Permanent Examination Board, Inst. of medicine
- 2018 - 2024: Member of the Department Council, Inst. of medicine
- 2015 - cont: Member of the Management Council, Dept. of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research
- 2015 - cont: Member of the Committe for Doctoral Education, Inst. of medicine
Some of the funding agencies
- ALF (grant from the Swedish state under the agreement between the Swedish government and the county councils)
- Emil and Wera Cornell foundation
- King Gustaf V 80-year foundation
- Hasselblad foundation
- IngaBritt and Arne Lundberg foundation
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action
- Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Professor Nanna Swartz foundation
- Swedish Research Council
- Swedish society of Rheumatism
Key publications
Profiling of innate and adaptive immune cells during influenza virus infection reveals sex bias in invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells
Humeniuk P, Barrett A, Axelsson H, Corciulo C, Drevinge C, Del Carpio Pons AM, Angeletti D, Scheffler JM, Islander U
Immunity, Inflammation and Disease. 2023 Mar, doi.org/10.1002/iid3.837
ERa signaling in a subset of CXCL12-abundant reticular cells regulates trabecular bone in mice
Scheffler JM, Gustafsson KL, Barrett A, Corciulo C, Drevinge C, Del Carpio Pons AM, Humeniuk P, Engdahl C, Gustafsson J-Å, Ohlsson C, Carlsten H, Lagerquist MK, Islander U
JBMR plus. 2022 May 30. doi.org/10.1002/jbm4.10657
A tissue-selective estrogen complex as treatment of osteoporosis in experimental lupus
Nordqvist J, Engdahl C, Scheffler JM, Gupta P, Gustafsson KL, Lagerquist MK, Carlsten H, Islander U
Lupus. 2022 Feb;31(2):143-154. doi: 10.1177/09612033211067984.
Intermediate monocytes correlate with CXCR3+ Th17 cells but not with bone characteristics in untreated early rheumatoid arthritis
Drevinge C, Scheffler JM, Karo-Arvidsson C, Sundh D, Carlsten H, Gjertsson I, Lindholm C, Lorentzon M, Rudin A, Hultgard-Ekwall AK, Islander U
PLoS One. 2021 Mar 26;16(3)
Type I interferon signaling in fibroblastic reticular cells prevents exhaustive activation of antiviral CD8+ T cells
Perez-Shibayama C, Islander U, Lütge M, Cheng HW, Onder L, Ring S, de Martin A, Novkovic M, Colston J, Gil-Cruz C, Ludewig B
Science Immunology. 2020 Sep 11;5(51):eabb7066.
Related information
Group leader for the research group “Women and Inflammation”
Group leader at SciLifeLab
IngaBritt and Arne Lundberg foundation:
Circulating Baseline CXCR3+Th2 and Th17 Cell Proportions Correlate With Trabecular Bone Loss After 48 Weeks of Biological Treatment in Early Rheumatoid
Julia Scheffler, Christina Drevinge, Catharina Lindholm, Inger Gjertsson, Kristina Lend, Merete Lund Hetland, Mikkel Ostergaard, Till Uhlig, Marte Schrumpf Heiberg, Espen A. Haavardsholm, Michael T. Nurmohamed, Jon Lampa, Tuulikki Sokka-Isler, Dan Nordstrom, Kim Horslev-Petersen, Bjorn Gudbjornsson, Gerdur Grondal, Ronald van Vollenhoven, Hans Carlsten, Mattias Lorentzon, Anna-Karin Hultgård Ekwall, Anna Rudin, Ulrika Islander
Role of estrogen signaling in fibroblastic reticular cells for innate and adaptive immune responses in antigen-induced
Aidan Barrett, Karin Horkeby, Carmen Corciulo, Hans Carlsten, Marie K Lagerquist, Julia Scheffler, Ulrika Islander
Immunology and Cell Biology - 2024 -
Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping: Minimal Differences in Fresh and Cryopreserved Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells versus Whole
Andrea Tompa, Junko Johansson, Ulrika Islander, Maria Faresjoe
Treatment with a tissue-selective oestrogen complex does not affect disease pathology but reduces pre-BI cells in lupus-prone
Christina Drevinge, Julia Scheffler, Jauqueline Nordqvist, Cecilia Engdahl, Hans Carlsten, Ulrika Islander
Scandinavian journal of rheumatology - 2024 -
The Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin LecB modulates intracellular reactive oxygen species production in human
F. P. S. Klose, Agnes Dahlstrand Rudin, Linda Bergqvist, Julia Scheffler, Katarina Jönsson, Ulrika Islander, Anna Karlsson-Bengtsson, Johan Bylund, V. Venkatakrishnan
European Journal of Immunology - 2024 -
Physiological estrogen levels are dispensable for the sex difference in immune responses during allergen-induced airway
Aidan Barrett, Piotr Humeniuk, Christina Drevinge, Carmen Corciulo, Julie Weidner, Madeleine Rådinger, Hans Carlsten, Julia M. Scheffler, Ulrika Islander
Immunobiology - 2023 -
Sex and gender in infection and immunity: addressing the bottlenecks from basic science to public health and clinical
C. Pasin, C. R. Consiglio, J. S. Huisman, A. M. G. de Lange, H. Peckham, E. Vallejo-Yaguee, I. A. Abela, Ulrika Islander, N. Neuner-Jehle, M. Pujantell, O. Roth, M. Schirmer, B. Tepekule, M. Zeeb, A. Hachfeld, K. Aebi-Popp, R. D. Kouyos, S. Bonhoeffer
Royal Society Open Science - 2023 -
Profiling of innate and adaptive immune cells during influenza virus infection reveals sex bias in invariant natural killer T (iNKT)
Piotr Humeniuk, Aidan Barrett, Hannes Axelsson, Carmen Corciulo, Christina Drevinge, Alicia M. del Carpio Pons, Davide Angeletti, Julia M. Scheffler, Ulrika Islander
Immunity, Inflammation and Disease - 2023 -
Physiological levels of estradiol limit murine osteoarthritis
Carmen Corciulo, Julia M. Scheffler, Piotr Humeniuk, Alicia M. del Carpio Pons, Alexandra Stubelius, U. Von Mentzer, Christina Drevinge, Aidan Barrett, Sofia Wüstenhagen, Matti Poutanen, Claes Ohlsson, Marie K Lagerquist, Ulrika Islander
Journal of Endocrinology - 2022 -
A tissue-specific role of membrane-initiated ERα signaling for the effects of
Karin L. Gustafsson, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, Helen H. Farman, Cecilia Engdahl, Petra Henning, Karin H. Nilsson, Julia M. Scheffler, Edina Sehic, Ulrika Islander, E. Levin, Claes Ohlsson, Marie K Lagerquist
Journal of Endocrinology - 2022 -
A tissue-selective estrogen complex as treatment of osteoporosis in experimental
Jauqueline Nordqvist, Cecilia Engdahl, Julia M. Scheffler, Priti Gupta, Karin L. Gustafsson, Marie K Lagerquist, Hans Carlsten, Ulrika Islander
Lupus - 2022 -
Reduction of Mature B Cells and Immunoglobulins Results in Increased Trabecular
Marie K Lagerquist, P. Gupta, E. Sehic, Karin L Horkeby, Julia M. Scheffler, Jauqueline Nordqvist, Lina Lawenius, Ulrika Islander, Carmen Corciulo, Petra Henning, Hans Carlsten, Cecilia Engdahl
Jbmr Plus - 2022 -
ER alpha Signaling in a Subset of CXCL12-Abundant Reticular Cells Regulates Trabecular Bone in
Julia M. Scheffler, Karin L. Gustafsson, Aidan Barrett, Carmen Corciulo, Christina Drevinge, Alicia M. del Carpio Pons, Piotr Humeniuk, Cecilia Engdahl, J. A. Gustafsson, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten, Marie K Lagerquist, Ulrika Islander
JBMR Plus - 2022 -
Mild stimulatory effect of a probiotic mix on bone mass when treatment is initiated 1.5 weeks after ovariectomy in
Claes Ohlsson, Lina Lawenius, Annica Andersson, Karin L. Gustafsson, Jianyao Wu, Marie Lagerquist, Sofia Moverare-Skrtic, Ulrika Islander, Klara Sjögren
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism - 2021 -
Intermediate monocytes correlate with CXCR3(+) Th17 cells but not with bone characteristics in untreated early rheumatoid
Christina Drevinge, Julia M. Scheffler, Catalin Koro-Arvidsson, Daniel Sundh, Hans Carlsten, Inger Gjertsson, Catharina Lindholm, Mattias Lorentzon, Anna Rudin, Anna-Karin Hultgård Ekwall, Ulrika Islander
Plos One - 2021 -
Pulsed administration for physiological estrogen replacement in
Carmen Corciulo, Julia M. Scheffler, Karin L. Gustafsson, Christina Drevinge, Piotr Humeniuk, Alicia M. del Carpio Pons, Matti Poutanen, Claes Ohlsson, Marie K Lagerquist, Ulrika Islander
F1000Research - 2021 -
Pasteurized Akkermansia muciniphila protects from fat mass gain but not from bone
Lina Lawenius, Julia M. Scheffler, Karin L. Gustafsson, Petra Henning, Karin H. Nilsson, Hannah Colldén, Ulrika Islander, H. Plovier, P. D. Cani, W. M. de Vos, Claes Ohlsson, Klara Sjögren
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism - 2020 -
Type I interferon signaling in fibroblastic reticular cells prevents exhaustive activation of antiviral CD8+ T
Christian Perez-Shibayama, Ulrika Islander, Mechthild Lütge, Hung-Wei Cheng, Lucas Onder, Sandra S Ring, Angelina De Martin, Mario Novkovic, Julia Colston, Cristina Gil-Cruz, Burkhard Ludewig
Science immunology - 2020 -
Phosphorylation site S122 in estrogen receptor α has a tissue-dependent role in female
Claes Ohlsson, Karin L. Gustafsson, Helen H. Farman, Petra Henning, Vikte Lionikaite, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, Klara Sjögren, Anna E Törnqvist, Annica Andersson, Ulrika Islander, Angelina I Bernardi, Matti Poutanen, Pierre Chambon, Marie K Lagerquist
FASEB Journal - 2020 -
Interleukin 17A: a Janus-faced regulator of
Julia M. Scheffler, Louise Grahnemo, Cecilia Engdahl, Christina Drevinge, Karin L. Gustafsson, Carmen Corciulo, Lina Lawenius, Y. Iwakura, Klara Sjögren, Marie Lagerquist, Hans Carlsten, Claes Ohlsson, Ulrika Islander
Scientific Reports - 2020 -
Osteoporosis in a murine model of postmenopausal
Jauqueline Nordqvist, Marie K Lagerquist, Louise Grahnemo, A. Koskela, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten
Lupus - 2020 -
ER alpha expression in T lymphocytes is dispensable for estrogenic effects in
Karin L. Gustafsson, Karin H. Nilsson, Helen H. Farman, Vikte Lionikaite, Petra Henning, Jianyao Wu, Sara H Windahl, Ulrika Islander, Sofia Moverare-Skrtic, Klara Sjögren, Hans Carlsten, Claes Ohlsson, Marie Lagerquist
Journal of Endocrinology - 2018 -
Roles of activating functions 1 and 2 of estrogen receptor α in
Annica Andersson, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, Angelina I Bernardi, Helen H. Farman, Pierre Chambon, Cecilia Engdahl, Marie Lagerquist, Sara H Windahl, Hans Carlsten, Claes Ohlsson, Ulrika Islander
The Journal of endocrinology - 2018 -
Ovarian hormones in innate
Alexandra Stubelius, Annica Andersson, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten
Immunobiology - 2017 -
Effects of a tissue-selective estrogen complex on B lymphopoiesis and B cell
Jauqueline Nordqvist, Angelina I Bernardi, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten
Immunobiology - 2017 -
Selective oestrogen receptor modulators lasofoxifene and bazedoxifene inhibit joint inflammation and osteoporosis in ovariectomised mice with collagen-induced
Annica Andersson, Angelina I Bernardi, Alexandra Stubelius, Merja Nurkkala Karlsson, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten, Ulrika Islander
Rheumatology (Oxford, England) - 2016 -
Suppression of Experimental Arthritis and Associated Bone Loss by a Tissue-Selective Estrogen
Annica Andersson, Angelina I Bernardi, Merja Nurkkala Karlsson, Alexandra Stubelius, Louise Grahnemo, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten, Ulrika Islander
Endocrinology - 2016 -
Enzalutamide Reduces the Bone Mass in the Axial but not the Appendicular Skeleton in Male
Jianyao Wu, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, Anna E Börjesson, Marie K Lagerquist, Klara Sjögren, Sara H Windahl, Antti Koskela, Louise Grahnemo, Ulrika Islander, Anna S K Wilhelmson, Åsa Tivesten, Juha Tuukkanen, Claes Ohlsson
Endocrinology - 2016 -
Ncf1 affects osteoclast formation but is not critical for postmenopausal bone
Alexandra Stubelius, Annica Andersson, R. Holmdahl, Claes Ohlsson, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2016 -
IL-17-producing γδT cells are regulated by estrogen during development of experimental
Annica Andersson, Louise Grahnemo, Cecilia Engdahl, Alexandra Stubelius, Marie K Lagerquist, Hans Carlsten, Ulrika Islander
Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) - 2015 -
Trabecular bone loss in collagen antibody-induced
Louise Grahnemo, Annica Andersson, Merja Nurkkala Karlsson, Alexandra Stubelius, Marie K Lagerquist, Mattias Svensson, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten, Ulrika Islander
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2015 -
Selective estrogen receptor modulators in T cell development and T cell dependent
Angelina I Bernardi, Annica Andersson, Alexandra Stubelius, Louise Grahnemo, Hans Carlsten, Ulrika Islander
Immunobiology - 2015 -
Estrogen regulates T helper 17 phenotype and localization in experimental autoimmune
Annica Andersson, Alexandra Stubelius, Merja Nurkkala Karlsson, Cecilia Engdahl, Malin Erlandsson, Louise Grahnemo, Marie K Lagerquist, Ulrika Islander
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2015 -
Possible role of lymphocytes in glucocorticoid-induced increase in trabecular bone mineral
Louise Grahnemo, Caroline Jochems, Annica Andersson, Cecilia Engdahl, Claes Ohlsson, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten
The Journal of endocrinology - 2015 -
Effects of lasofoxifene and bazedoxifene on B cell development and
Angelina I Bernardi, Annica Andersson, Louise Grahnemo, Merja Nurkkala Karlsson, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten, Ulrika Islander
Immunity, inflammation and disease - 2014 -
alpha 7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Is Expressed in Human Atherosclerosis and Inhibits Disease in Mice-Brief
Maria E Johansson, Marcus A Ulleryd, Angelina I Bernardi, A. M. Lundberg, Annica Andersson, L. Folkersen, Linda Fogelstrand, Ulrika Islander, Z. Q. Yan, G. K. Hansson
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology - 2014 -
The role of total and cartilage-specific estrogen receptor alpha expression for the ameliorating effect of estrogen treatment on
Cecilia Engdahl, Anna E Börjesson, Huamei Forsman, Annica Andersson, Alexandra Stubelius, Andree Krust, Pierre Chambon, Ulrika Islander, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten, Marie K Lagerquist
Arthritis research & therapy - 2014 -
Probiotics protect mice from ovariectomy-induced cortical bone
Claes Ohlsson, Cecilia Engdahl, Frida Fåk, Annica Andersson, Sara H Windahl, Helen H. Farman, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, Ulrika Islander, Klara Sjögren
PloS one - 2014 -
Immunomodulation by the estrogen metabolite
Alexandra Stubelius, Malin Erlandsson, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten
Clinical Immunology - 2014 -
The role of activation functions 1 and 2 of estrogen receptor-alpha for the effects of estradiol and selective estrogen receptor modulators in male
Anna E Börjesson, Helen H. Farman, Cecilia Engdahl, A. Koskela, Klara Sjögren, Jenny Kindblom, Alexandra Stubelius, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten, M. C. Antal, A. Krust, P. Chambon, J. Tuukkanen, Marie K Lagerquist, Sara H Windahl, Claes Ohlsson
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research - 2013 -
Sexual dimorphisms in the immune system of catechol-O-methyltransferase knockout
Alexandra Stubelius, Anna S K Wilhelmson, J. A. Gogos, Åsa Tivesten, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten
Immunobiology - 2012 -
Role of 2-methoxyestradiol as inhibitor of arthritis and osteoporosis in a model of postmenopausal rheumatoid
Alexandra Stubelius, Emil Andréasson, Anna Karlsson, Claes Ohlsson, Åsa Tivesten, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten
Clinical Immunology - 2011 -
Response to Letter by X. Li, Q. Y. Zhou, F. L. Yuan. Galectin-3 as a novel therapeutic target in rheumatoid arthritis: comment on the article by Forsman et
Huamei Forsman, Ulrika Islander, Anna Karlsson
Arthritis and Rheumatism - 2011 -
Effects of oestradiol and raloxifene on the induction and effector phases of experimental postmenopausal arthritis and secondary
Caroline Jochems, Ulrika Islander, Malin Erlandsson, Cecilia Engdahl, Marie Lagerquist, Claes Ohlsson, Kutty Selva Nandakumar, Rikard Holmdahl, Hans Carlsten
Clinical and Experimental Immunology - 2011 -
Roles of transactivating functions 1 and 2 of estrogen receptor-alpha in
Anna E Börjesson, Sara H Windahl, Marie Lagerquist, Cecilia Engdahl, B Frenkel, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, Klara Sjögren, Jenny Kindblom, Alexandra Stubelius, Ulrika Islander, Mc Antal, A Krust, P Chambon, Claes Ohlsson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2011 -
Estrogens in rheumatoid arthritis; the immune system and
Ulrika Islander, Caroline Jochems, Marie Lagerquist, Helena Forsblad d'Elia, Hans Carlsten
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology - 2011 -
Combined treatment with Dexamethasone and Raloxifene totally abrogates osteoporosis and joint destruction in experimental postmenopausal
Ulrika Islander, Caroline Jochems, Alexandra Stubelius, Annica Andersson, Marie Lagerquist, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten
Arthritis Research and Therapy - 2011 -
Galectin-3 aggravates joint inflammation and destruction in antigen-induced
Huamei Forsman, Ulrika Islander, Emil Andréasson, Annica Andersson, Karin Önnheim, Alexandra Karlström, Karin Sävman, Mattias Magnusson, Kelly Brown, Anna Karlsson
Arthritis and rheumatism - 2011 -
Role of endogenous and exogenous female sex hormones in arthritis and osteoporosis development in B10.Q-ncf1*/* mice with collagen-induced chronic
Caroline Jochems, Ulrika Islander, Malin Erlandsson, Cecilia Engdahl, Marie Lagerquist, Inger Gjertsson, Claes Ohlsson, Rikard Holmdahl, Hans Carlsten
BMC musculoskeletal disorders - 2010 -
Superantigenic Staphylococcus aureus stimulate production of IL-17 from memory but not naive T
Ulrika Islander, Annica Andersson, Erika Lindberg, Ingegerd Adlerberth, Agnes E Wold, Anna Rudin
Infection and immunity - 2010 -
17Beta-estradiol expands IgA-producing B cells in mice deficient for the mu
Marie Lagerquist, Malin Erlandsson, L Svensson, Ulrika Islander, R Holmdahl, Hans Carlsten
Scandinavian journal of immunology - 2008 -
Ethanol prevents development of destructive
Ing-Marie Jonsson, Margareta Verdrengh, Mikael Brisslert, Sofia Silfverswärd Lindblad, Maria Bokarewa, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten, Claes Ohlsson, K. S. Nandakumar, R. Holmdahl, Andrej Tarkowski
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A - 2007 -
Role of raloxifene as a potent inhibitor of experimental postmenopausal polyarthritis and
Caroline Jochems, Ulrika Islander, Anna Kallkopf, Marie Lagerquist, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten
Arthritis Rheum - 2007 -
Immunomodulation by estrogen and
Ulrika Islander
2007 -
Estren promotes androgen phenotypes in primary lymphoid organs and submandibular
Ulrika Islander, Bengt Hasséus, Malin Erlandsson, Caroline Jochems, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, Marie Lindberg, J. A. Gustafsson, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten
BMC Immunology - 2005 -
Estren-mediated inhibition of T lymphopoiesis is estrogen receptor-independent whereas its suppression of T cell-mediated inflammation is estrogen
Ulrika Islander, Malin Erlandsson, Tina Chavoshi, Caroline Jochems, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, S. Nilsson, Claes Ohlsson, J. A. Gustafsson, Hans Carlsten
Clin Exp Immunol - 2005 -
Osteoporosis in experimental postmenopausal polyarthritis: the relative contributions of estrogen deficiency and
Caroline Jochems, Ulrika Islander, Malin Erlandsson, Margareta Verdrengh, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten
Arthritis Res Ther - 2005 -
Investigation of central versus peripheral effects of estradiol in ovariectomized
Niklas Andersson, Ulrika Islander, Emil Egecioglu, Elin Löf, Charlotte Swanson, Sofia Movérare-Skrtic, Klara Sjögren, Marie Lindberg, Hans Carlsten, Claes Ohlsson
J Endocrinol - 2005 -
Estrogenic agonism and antagonism of the soy isoflavone genistein in uterus, bone and lymphopoiesis in
Estren is a selective estrogen receptor modulator with transcriptional
Sofia Movérare, Johanna Dahllund, Niklas Andersson, Ulrika Islander, Hans Carlsten, Jan-Ake Gustafsson, Stefan Nilsson, Claes Ohlsson
Molecular pharmacology - 2003 -
Influence of oestrogen receptor alpha and beta on the immune system in aged female
Ulrika Islander, M C Erlandsson, Bengt Hasséus, C A Jonsson, Claes Ohlsson, J-A Gustafsson, Ulf Dahlgren, Hans Carlsten
Immunology - 2003 -
Oestrogen receptor specificity in oestradiol-mediated effects on B lymphopoiesis and immunoglobulin production in male
M C Erlandsson, C A Jonsson, Ulrika Islander, Claes Ohlsson, Hans Carlsten
Immunology - 2003