
Marie Lagerquist


Institute of Medicine
Visiting address
Vita stråket 11, SU CBAR/Klinfarmlab
413 45 Göteborg

Avd-/Sektionschef, bitr, inst

Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition
Visiting address
Vita stråket 11, SU CBAR/Klinfarmlab
413 45 Göteborg
Postal address
Vita stråket 11, SU CBAR/Klinfarmlab
413 45 Göteborg

About Marie Lagerquist

Marie graduated from the University of Gotheburg with a degree in Molecular Biology in 1998. In 2004 she got her PhD degree and in 2005 she started her position as a research assistant, financed by the Swedish research council. In 2012 she was appointed Associate Professor at the Institute of Medicine and in 2023 she was promoted to Professor in Molecular Endocrinology. She is the deputy director at the Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition.

Main Research Topic

Fractures are associated with suffering and increased mortality in patients and great costs for society. It is well established that estrogen protects the skeleton and prevents bone loss. However, the use of this hormone as a therapeutic drug against bone loss is restricted due to adverse effects. Estrogen exerts its effect on the skeleton mainly via estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) and the overall aim of the research is to characterize ERa signaling in bone and other tissues in order to facilitate the development of treatments against bone loss with minimal adverse effects.

Marie recently demonstrated that a substantial part of the bone-protective effects of estrogen is mediated via ERα situated in the cell membrane, involving membrane-initiated ERα signaling mechanisms. This finding, together with her discovery that estrogen signaling in neuronal cells affects bone mass, are the main focus areas of her current research.