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- Niklas Pramling
Niklas Pramling
Department of Education, Communication and Learning-
Responding to Children’s Semiotic Repertoires in Collaborative Digital
Sofije Shengjergji, Jenny Myrendal, Niklas Pramling
Early Childhood Education Journal - 2024 -
Engaging children in what-if thinking through readaloud
conversations in early childhood education
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2024 -
Stöttning i flerpartssamtal under
Solveig Sotevik, Niklas Pramling, Sylvi Vigmo
Nordisk Barnehageforskning - 2024 -
Microgenetic development of a primary school child’s argumentative participation in a small-group
Lea Eldstål-Ahrens, Malin Nilsen, Niklas Pramling
Classroom Discourse - 2024 -
Cross-linguistic Interpretation of Figurative Expressions in Collaborative Language Learning: Gaps as Instances for
Daniela Karlsson, Anne Kultti, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Åsa Mäkitalo, Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
English Language Teaching - 2024 -
Negotiating agency in teacher-children triads of collaborative (re)storytelling: Empirical study and methodological
Niklas Pramling, Jenny Myrendal, Sofije Shengjergji
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2024 -
Professionell högläsning i förskolan: förskollärares resonemang om en samtida
Cecilia Lindström, Niklas Pramling, Maria Simonsson
Nordisk Barnehageforskning - 2024 -
Strukturerade barnsamtal: synliggörande och
Niklas Pramling, Anne Kultti, Ingrid Pramling
Den utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnan för förskolan, Red. Susanne Kjällander, Bim Riddersporre & Jonas Stier - 2023 -
Lek och lärande på
Niklas Pramling
Läsfrämjandelyft för folkbibliotek / Digiteket och Kulturrådet / - 2023 -
Participation and responsiveness: children’s rights in play from the perspective of play-responsive early childhood education and care and the
Pernilla Lagerlöf, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Oxford Review of Education - 2023 -
The Importance and Functions of
Niklas Pramling
Springer Briefs in Education - 2023 -
Scientific Language
Niklas Pramling
Springer Briefs in Education - 2023 -
Coda: Summary and the Importance of Being Mindful of
Niklas Pramling
Springer Briefs in Education - 2023 -
Some Notes on Normativity and
Niklas Pramling
Springer Briefs in Education - 2023 -
Niklas Pramling
Springer Briefs in Education - 2023 -
Niklas Pramling
Springer Briefs in Education - 2023 -
Teacher self-correction of conceptual error: Fictionalisation and shifting epistemological stance in early childhood education
J. Frejd, Niklas Pramling
Learning Culture and Social Interaction - 2023 -
Förskolans arbete på vetenskaplig grund: exemplet lekresponsiv
Niklas Pramling
M. Magnusson & I. Pramling Samuelsson (Red.), Den lekande undervisande förskolläraren: Lekresponsiv undervisning i praktiken - 2023 -
Methodology for early childhood education and care research: Premises and principles of scientific knowledge
Niklas Pramling
2023 -
Terminological and Conceptual Meta-commentaries on Practices-Developing
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
Methodology for Research with Early Childhood Education and Care Professionals - 2023 -
The Importance of De-reifying Language in Research with Early Childhood Education and Care Professionals: A Critical Feature of Workshop
Niklas Pramling, Louise Peterson
Methodology for Research with Early Childhood Education and Care Professionals - 2023 -
Methodology for Research with Early Childhood Education and Care
Cecilia Wallerstedt, E. Brooks, E. Eriksen Ødegaard, Niklas Pramling
2023 -
Supporting Multilingualism in Preschool: A Play Responsive Teaching Approach Mediated by Digital
Sofije Shengjergji, Niklas Pramling, Jenny Myrendal
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022 (pp. 1822-1823). - 2022 -
Premising and arguing: The variety in 9- to 10-year-old children taking on an equity/equality task in the context of group
Lea Eldstål-Ahrens, Malin Nilsen, Niklas Pramling
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2022 -
Educating Early Childhood Education Teachers for Play-Responsive Early Childhood Education and Care
Niklas Pramling
E. Loizou & J. Trawick-Smith (Eds.), Teacher Education and Play Pedagogy: International Perspectives - 2022 -
Vygotsky and Piaget as Twenty-First-Century critics of early childhood education
Niklas Pramling
Piaget and Vygotsky in XXI century: Discourse in early childhood education - 2022 -
Teaching activities with toddlers: Considerations on theoretical and empirical
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Niklas Pramling
Nordisk Barnehageforskning - 2022 -
Premising and arguing: The variety in 9/10-year-old children taking on an equity/equality issue in the context of group
Lea Eldstål-Ahrens, Niklas Pramling, Malin Nilsen
DGfE (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft) Kongress 2022 - 2022 -
Micro-genetic development of argumentation: Analysis of a primary school child's participation in a small-group
Lea Eldstål-Ahrens, Malin Nilsen, Niklas Pramling
European Conference on Argumentation (ECA) 2022 - 2022 -
Socioculturally-informed Interaction Analysis (SIA): Methodology and theoretical and empirical contributions of an emerging research program in early childhood
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Anne Kultti, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Mona Lundin, Malin Nilsen, Louise Peterson, Ewa Skantz Åberg, Niklas Pramling
International Research in Early Childhood Education - 2022 -
Evolving and re-mediated activities when preschool children play analogue and digital Memory
Malin Nilsen, Mona Lundin, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Early years - 2021 -
Children's socialisation into literate practices through engaging in translation activities in immersion
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy - 2021 -
Early childhood education in
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Oxford Bibliographies - 2021 -
Taking on a task: Children handling the premises of group discussions about democratic
Lea Eldstål-Ahrens, Niklas Pramling, Malin Nilsen
EARLI 2021 Online - 2021 -
Triggering in play: Opening up dimensions of imagination in adult-child
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling, Pernilla Lagerlöf
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2021 -
Traditions of Argumentation in Teachers’ Responses to Multilingualism in Early Childhood
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Childhood - 2020 -
Förskolan och barns utveckling: Grundbok för förskollärare (2:a rev.
Anne-Li Lindgren, Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
2020 -
Metodologi – för studier i, om och med
Students’ Repertoire of Ways of Responding to Translation Challenges in Bilingual Education and its Implications for Language
Daniela Karlsson, Anne Kultti, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Niklas Pramling
ECER 2020, Glasgow - European Conference on Educational Research, August 25-28, 2020 (Conference cancelled) - 2020 -
Niklas Pramling
Förskolan och barns utveckling: Grundbok för förskollärare (2:a rev. utg.). A.-L. Lindgren, N. Pramling & R. Säljö (Red.) - 2020 -
Praktiknära forskning: Forskning i samverkan med pedagogisk
Annika Åkerblom, Anette Hellman, Niklas Pramling
Metodologi – för studier i, om och med förskolan. A. Åkerblom, A. Hellman & N. Pramling (Red.) - 2020 -
Översiktsstudier: Studier av
Annika Åkerblom, Anette Hellman, Niklas Pramling
Metodologi – för studier i, om och med förskolan. A. Åkerblom, A. Hellman & N. Pramling (Red.) - 2020 -
Metod och metodologiska utgångspunkter för att designa en
Annika Åkerblom, Anette Hellman, Niklas Pramling
Metodologi – för studier i, om och med förskolan. A. Åkerblom, A. Hellman & N. Pramling (Red.) - 2020 -
Teoretiska utgångspunkter för att designa en
Annika Åkerblom, Anette Hellman, Niklas Pramling
Metodologi – för studier i, om och med förskolan. A. Åkerblom, A. Hellman & N. Pramling (Red.) - 2020 -
Annika Åkerblom, Anette Hellman, Niklas Pramling
Metodologi – för studier i, om och med förskolan. A. Åkerblom, A. Hellman & N. Pramling (Red.) - 2020 -
Vad utmärker vetenskaplig
Niklas Pramling
Metodologi – för studier i, om och med förskolan. A. Åkerblom, A. Hellman & N. Pramling (Red.) - 2020 -
Utvecklingspotentialen i spänningsfältet mellan som om och som
Niklas Pramling
Att bli förskollärare. Mångfacetterad komplexitet (2 rev. utg.). I. Engdahl & E. Ärlemalm-Hagsér (red.) - 2020 -
Introduktion - forskning, verksamhetsutveckling och kollektiv
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Förskollärares egen forskning - Praktiska exempel. N. Pramling & I. Pramling Samuelsson (red.) - 2020 -
Att arbeta med tema i förskolan - en
Elisabet Doverborg, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
2020 -
Children’s understanding of representations of basic chemistry after participating in an early childhood drama pedagogical
Annika Åkerblom, Niklas Pramling
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research - 2020 -
Förskollärares egen forskning. Praktiska
Preschool children’s conceptions of water, molecule, and chemistry before and after participating in a playfully dramatized early childhood education
Annika Åkerblom, Daniela Součková, Niklas Pramling
Cultural Studies of Science Education - 2019 -
The Letter Thief: From Playing to Teaching to Learning to
Niklas Pramling, C. Wallerstedt, Pernilla Lagerlöf, C. Björklund, A. Kultti, H. Palmér, M. Magnusson, S. Thulin, A. Jonsson, I. Pramling Samuelsson
Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education - 2019 -
The Magical Fruits: Establishing a Narrative Play Frame for Mutual Problem
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt, P. Lagerlöf, C. Björklund, A. Kultti, H. Palmér, M. Magnusson, S. Thulin, A. Jonsson, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education - 2019 -
Learning, Teaching, and
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Camilla Björklund, Anne Kultti, H. Palmér, M. Magnusson, S. Thulin, A. Jonsson, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education - 2019 -
The Lion and the Mouse: How and Why Teachers Succeed in Becoming Participants in Children’s Ongoing
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Camilla Björklund, Anne Kultti, H. Palmér, M. Magnusson, S. Thulin, A. Jonsson, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education - 2019 -
Dramatisering i spänningsfältet mellan som om och som är och sexåringars meningsskapande av kemiska begrepp och
Annika Åkerblom, Niklas Pramling
Educare - Vetenskapliga Skrifter - 2019 -
Scaffolding 5-year-old children in Japanese kindergarten collaboratively retelling a
Aiko Oshiro, Agneta Pihl, Louise Peterson, Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Years Education - 2019 -
Att undervisa barn i
Elisabet Doverborg, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
2019 -
Play-responsive teaching in early childhood
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Camilla Björklund, Anne Kultti, Hanna Palmér, Maria Magnusson, Susanne Thulin, Agneta Jonsson, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
2019 -
Lekresponsiv undervisning – ett undervisningsbegrepp och en didaktik för
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
Forskning om undervisning och lärande - 2019 -
Lekresponsiv undervisning i
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
Forskning om undervisning och lärande - 2019 -
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
Forskning om undervisning och lärande - 2019 -
Play, Learning, and Teaching in Early Childhood
Niklas Pramling, Anne Kultti, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
P.K. Smith & J.L. Roopsnarine (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Play: Developmental and disciplinary perspectives - 2019 -
Språkundervisning i förskolan: Teoretiska principer och empiriska
Polly Björk-Willén, Niklas Pramling, Maria Simonsson
Barn - 2018 -
Children remembering and reshaping stories in
Agneta Pihl, Louise Peterson, Niklas Pramling
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research - 2018 -
In 'Numberland': play-based pedagogy in response to imaginative
M. Magnusson, Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Years Education - 2018 -
Pedagogies in Early Childhood
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
International Handbook of Early Childhood Education, Volume II. M. Fleer & B. van Oers (Eds.) - 2018 -
Epilogue. Conceptualizing Early Childhood Education and Care for a Global Community. New Directions in Policy
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
J.L. Roopnarine, J.E. Johnson, S.F. Quinn & M.M. Patte (Eds.), Handbook of International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education - 2018 -
Förskolans utveckling och barns tidiga
Jan-Erik Johansson, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
W. Klintberg & G. Nyberg (red.), Lärande och bildning. Hundra år i Göteborg - 2018 -
Undervisning och lärande i förskolan för social och kulturell
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Mångfald i tidiga åldrar. Interkulturellt lärande - 2018 -
“Behind the Words”: Negotiating Literal/Figurative Sense When Translating the Lyrics to a Children’s Song in Bilingual
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2018 -
"I feel that too": Musical problem-solving and mediation through cultural tools in year-nine pop-ensemble
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook - 2018 -
Discerning and Supporting the Development of Mathematical Fundamentals in Early
Camilla Björklund, Niklas Pramling
Phillipson et al (Eds), Engaging Families as Children's First Mathematics Educators - 2017 -
Narratives in early childhood education: Communication, sense making and lived
Susanne Garvis, Niklas Pramling
2017 -
Re-metaphorizing Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Education Beyond the Instruction - Social Fostering
Niklas Pramling, Elisabet Doverborg, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
In C. Ringsmose & G. Kragh-Müller (Eds.), Nordic Social Pedagogical Approach to Early Years - 2017 -
Children's Musical and Emotional Meaning Making: Dialogicality in Instructional
T. Kullenberg, Niklas Pramling
Mind Culture and Activity - 2017 -
Young Children’s Participation in a New Language Context: A Synthesising Analysis for a Holistic
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
A. C. Gunn & C. A. Hruska (Eds.), Interactions in Early Childhood Education. Recent Research and Emergent Concepts - 2017 -
Children's re-storying as a responsive
Agneta Pihl, Louise Peterson, Niklas Pramling
Narratives in Early Childhood Education - 2017 -
Understanding the psychology of a trickster tale: 5-year-old Japanese kindergarten children collaboratively retelling a kitsune
A. Oshiro, Agneta Pihl, Louise Peterson, Niklas Pramling
International Research in Early Childhood Education - 2017 -
"Det är grå som en sill": Om lärande, frihet och begränsningar i konstpedagogisk
Pernilla Lagerlöf, Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Konstnärligt seende och vad barn kan lära på museum - 2017 -
In the order of words. Teacher-children negotiation about how to translate song lyrics in bilingual early childhood
Yumi Jidai, Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Research on Children and Social Interaction - 2017 -
Vorschuldidaktik für das spielend-lernende
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
P. Erath, F-M. Konrad & M. Rossa (Eds.), Der Kindergarten als Bildungseinrichtung - 2017 -
Barn, lärande och digitala
Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
Förskolan och barns utveckling : grundbok för förskollärare - 2017 -
Translation activities in bilingual early childhood education: Children's perspectives and teachers'
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Multilingua - Journal of Cross-cultural and Interlanguage Communiciation - 2017 -
Att identifiera och kommunicera intention - ett vygotskijanst perspektiv på lärande och
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Förskolans yngsta barn: perspektiv på omsorg, lärande och lek - 2017 -
Visuell kultur för, med och av barn - En konstpedagogisk vandring på en konsthall och sökandet efter en försvunnen
Anna Berglund, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Konstnärligt seende & Vad barn kan lära på museum - 2017 -
Estetiska uttrycksformer och
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Förskolan och barns utveckling: Grundbok för förskollärare - 2017 -
Ramar, utmaningar och
Anne-Li Lindgren, Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
Förskolan och barns utveckling : Grundbok för förskollärare - 2017 -
Förskolan och barns utveckling : Grundbok för
Anne-Li Lindgren, Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
2017 -
Barns rätt till rötter och fötter. Berättande för samverkan i mångfaldens
Konstnärligt seende och vad barn kan lära på
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Anna Berglund, Niklas Pramling
2017 -
Översättningsaktiviteter i
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Undervisning i flerspråkig förskola - 2017 -
Communication between teacher and child in early child education: Vygotskian theory and educational practice / La comunicación entre profesor y alumno en la educación infantil: la teoría vygotskiana y la práctica
Nickolay Veraksa, Olga Shiyan, Igor Shiyan, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Infancia y Prendizaje / Journal for the Study of Education and Development. - 2016 -
Sign making, coordination of perspectives, and conceptual
M. Magnusson, Niklas Pramling
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2016 -
Variation theory of learning and developmental pedagogy: Two context-related models of learning grounded in
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2016 -
Learning and knowing songs: a study of children as music
Tina Kullenberg, Niklas Pramling
Instructional Science - 2016 -
Att synliggöra språklig karaktäristik och komplexitet i lekfulla
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Lisetten - 2016 -
Responsive teaching, informal learning and cultural tools in year nine ensemble practice: a lost
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Instructional Science - 2016 -
Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood Education: Teaching and Learning for Social and Cultural
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Diversity in the Early Years. Intercultural Learning and Teaching - 2016 -
Responsive teaching, informal learning and cultural tools in year nine ensemble practice: A lost
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
the NERA 44th Congress: Social justice, equality and solidarity in education? Helsinki, Finland - 2016 -
Engaging children in translating song lyrics in bilingual play school: Negotiating how to understand metaphorical
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
the NERA 44th Congress: Social justice, equality and solidarity in education? Helsinki, Finland. - 2016 -
Children’s digital storymaking - The negotiated nature of instructional literacy
Ewa Skantz Åberg, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Niklas Pramling
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy - 2015 -
'I think it should be a little kind of exciting': A technology-mediated story-making activity in early childhood
Ewa Skantz Åberg, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Niklas Pramling
Understanding digital technologies and young children - 2015 -
A cultural-historical study of children learning science: Foregrounding affective imagination in play-based
Marilyn Fleer, Niklas Pramling
2015 -
Bring Your Own Toy: Socialisation of Two-Year-Olds Through Tool-Mediated Activities in an Australian Early Childhood Education
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
Early Childhood Education Journal - 2015 -
Limes and Lemons: Teaching and Learning in Preschool as the Coordination of Perspectives and Sensory
Anne Kultti, Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Childhood - 2015 -
Playing by “the connected ear”: An empirical study of adolescents learning to play a pop song using Internet-accessed
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Research Studies in Music Education - 2015 -
Micro-genetic development of timing in a
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
Mind, Culture and Activity - 2015 -
The tablet computer as a mediational means in a preschool art
Malin Nilsen, Mona Lundin, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Understanding Digital Technologies and Young Children: An international perspective - 2015 -
The clinical interview: the child as a partner in conversations versus the child as an object of
Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
Robson, S., & Flannery Quinn, S. The Routledge international handbook of young children´s thinking and understanding - 2015 -
Å undervise barn i
Elisabet Doverborg, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
2015 -
'Once upon a time there was a mouse':children's technology-mediated storytelling in preschool
Ewa Skantz Åberg, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Niklas Pramling
Early Child Development and Care - 2014 -
Technological design and children’s
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
In S. Robson & S. Flannery Quinn, The Routledge International Handbook of Young Children's Thinking and Understanding - 2014 -
Pattern discernment and pseudo-conceptual development in early childhood mathematics
Camilla Björklund, Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Years Education - 2014 -
Children's Play and Learning and Developmental
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
L. Brooker, M. Blaise & S. Edwards (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Play and Learning in Early Childhood - 2014 -
Lärarens roll i barns lärande med en ny musikteknologi. Svenska bidraget till europeiska forskningsprojektet
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Niklas Pramling, Bengt Olsson, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Forskning om undervisning och lärande - 2014 -
The educational nature of various ways teachers communicate with children about natural
Laila Gustavsson, Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Years Education - 2014 -
Grupp och individ i
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Man ser inte gruppen för alla barn - individer, grupper och kommunikativa möten i förskolan - 2014 -
Berättande och
Niklas Pramling, Elin Ödegaard Eriksen
B. Riddersporre & B. Bruce (Red.), Berättande i förskolan - 2014 -
Den blivande förskollärarens formering. En studie av verksamhetsförlagda handledningssamtal, argumentationstraditioner och
Marie-Louise Hjort, Niklas Pramling
Nordisk Barnehageforskning - 2014 -
Man ser inte gruppen för alla barn: individer, grupper och kommunikativa möten i
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Man ser inte gruppen för alla barn - 2014 -
Playing, new music technology and the struggle with achieving
Pernilla Lagerlöf, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Journal of Music, Technology and Education - 2014 -
À propos de terre et de toutes sortes. L'apprentissage de la catégorisation chez des jeunes enfants en classe de
Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
C. Moro, N. Muller Mirza & P. Roman (Eds.), L'Intersubjectivité en questions. Agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur pour la psychologie? - 2014 -
Reasoning about evolution: Metaphors in teacher students’ rendering of Darwinian
Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
T. Zittoun & A. Iannaccone (Eds.), Activities of thinking in social spaces - 2014 -
Learning to discern and account: The trajectory of a listening skill in an institutional
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
Psychology of Music - 2014 -
Lärande i musik - barn och lärare i tongivande
Language Play: The Development of Linguistic Consciousness and Creative Speech in Early Childhood
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
I. Schousboe & D. Winther-Lindqvist (red.), Children's Play and Development. Cultural-Historical Perspectives - 2013 -
Orchestrating and studying children's and teachers' learning: Reflections on developmental research
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Education Inquiry - 2013 -
Engaging children’s participation in and around a new music technology through playful
Pernilla Lagerlöf, Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Years Education - 2013 -
Play and
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development - 2013 -
New technologies in early childhood
Niklas Pramling
23rd EECERA Conference: Values, culture and contexts. Tallinn, Estonia, 28-31 August 2013 - 2013 -
Jouer et
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Encyclopédie sur le development des jeunes enfants - 2013 -
Liknelser och metaforer i samtal mellan barn och
Niklas Pramling
I. Pramling Samuelsson & I. Tallberg Broman (Red.), Barndom, lärande och ämnesdidaktik - 2013 -
Early childhood education in
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
L. Meyer (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in education - 2013 -
The arts in early childhood
Niklas Pramling, Susie Garvis
L. Meyer (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in education - 2013 -
Winnie-the-Pooh sat in a tree, or did he? A contemporary notion of early childhood education beyond teaching and free
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
O. F. Lillemyr, S. Docket & B. Perry (Eds.), Varied perspectives of play and learning: Theory and research on early years education - 2013 -
Att undervisa barn i
Elisabet Doverborg, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
2013 -
Conceptualising early childhood arts education: The cultivation of synesthetic transduction
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Childhood - 2012 -
Metaforik och andra former av figurativt språk i kommunikation mellan barn och lärare i naturorienterade
Niklas Pramling
Resultatdialog 2012 (Vetenskapsrådets rappportserie 7:2012 - 2012 -
School readiness and school’s readiness: On the child’s transition from preschool to
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
In S. P. Suggate & E. Reese (Eds.), Contemporary debates in childhood education and development. - 2012 -
Learning to play in a goal-directed
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Early Years - 2012 -
Possibilities as limitations: A study of the scientific uptake and moulding of G. A. Miller’s metaphor of
Niklas Pramling
Theory & Psychology - 2011 -
Gender learning in preschool
Educational Encounters: Nordic Studies in Early Childhood
Commentary to Sheila Degotardi: Two steps back: Using Bourdieu’s theory of practice to explore observer identity and
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Educational research with our youngest: Voices of infants and toddlers - 2011 -
Embodied voices and voicing embodied knowing: Accessing and developing young children’s aesthetic movement
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Educational research with our youngest: Voices of infants and toddlers - 2011 -
Signs of knowledge: The appropriation of a symbolic skill in a
Niklas Pramling, Maria Magnusson
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2011 -
Didactics in Early Childhood Education: Reflections on the
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
N. Pramling & I. Pramling Samuelsson (Eds.), Educational encounters: Nordic Studies in Early Childhood Didactics - 2011 -
Introduction and Frame of the
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
N. Pramling & I. Pramling Samuelsson (Eds.) Educational encounters: Nordic Studies in Early Childhood Didactics - 2011 -
Mind your step: Representation and the trajectory of a circle-dance project with 6-8-year-old
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
Educational encounters: Nordic studies in early childhood didactics - 2011 -
Learning to narrate: Appropriating a cultural mould for sense-making and
Niklas Pramling
Educational encounters: Nordic studies in early childhood didactics - 2011 -
Educational encounters: Nordic studies in early childhood
Metaforik för minne och lärande och dess konsekvenser för produktion av kusnkap om människors
Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
R. Säljö (Ed.), Lärande och minnande som social praktik - 2011 -
En tvärdisciplinär studie av utvecklingen av barns kunnande inom estetiska
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
I M. Lindgren, A. Frisk, I. Henningsson & J. Öberg (Red.) Musik och kunskapsbildning. En festskrift till Bengt Olsson - 2011 -
In tune with the learner’s perspective in music: Theoretical and analytical considerations when interviewing
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Researching young children’s perspectives: Debating the ethics and dilemmas of educational research with children - 2011 -
En korpus av kunskap – förhandling mellan lärare och barn om att representera den mänskliga kroppen i en
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Barnehagens grunnsteiner. Formålet med barnehagen - 2011 -
Unearthing metaphors: Figurativeness in teacher-child talk about soil and related
Niklas Pramling
Early Childhood Education Journal - 2010 -
Evolving activities and semiotic mediation in teacher-child interaction around simple
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Educational & Child Psychology - 2010 -
Vad betyder barns perspektiv för utvärdering och
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Bedömning för lärande - en grund för ökat kunnande. Forskning om undervisning och lärande. - 2010 -
Glittrig diamant dansar. Små barn och
Kommunikation i (nya)
Niklas Pramling
Förskoletidningen - 2010 -
Att lära och undervisa i musik – mot nya didaktiska
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Niklas Pramling
Forskning om undervisning och lärande - 2010 -
The sound and the sense: Exploring the collaborative construction of free-form poetry in the 6-year-old
Niklas Pramling
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood - 2010 -
Utvärdering och utveckling - nedslag i
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Didaktik i förskolan - 2010 -
The role of metaphor in Darwin and the implications for teaching
Niklas Pramling
Science Education - 2009 -
Anthropomorphically speaking: On communication between teachers and children in early childhood biology
Niklas Pramling
International Journal of Early Years Education - 2009 -
The art of teaching children the arts: Music, dance, and poetry with children 2-8 years
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Maj Asplund Carlsson, Bengt Olsson, Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
International Journal of Early Years Education - 2009 -
Barns lärande inom musik, poesi och
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Maj Asplund Carlsson, Bengt Olsson, Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
Resultatdialog 2009. Aktuell forskning om lärande. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie 2:2009. - 2009 -
Ett nedslag i tiden. Om utvärdering och
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Förskoletidningen - 2009 -
Introducing poetry-making in early years
Niklas Pramling
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2009 -
External representation and the architecture of music: Children inventing and speaking about
Niklas Pramling
British Journal of Music Education - 2009 -
Children's perspectives as 'touch downs' in time: assessing and developing children's understanding
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Early Child Development and Care - 2009 -
Making musical sense: The multimodal nature of clarifying musical
Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
Music Education Research - 2009 -
Konsten att lära barn estetik. En utvecklingspedagogisk studie av barns kunnande inom musik, poesi och
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Maj Asplund Carlsson, Bengt Olsson, Niklas Pramling, Cecilia Wallerstedt
2008 -
Från görande till lärande och förståelse. En studie av lärares lärande inom
Maj Asplund Carlsson, Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Nordisk Barnehageforskning - 2008 -
Rhyme and reason: developing children's understanding of
Niklas Pramling, Maj Asplund Carlsson
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood - 2008 -
Erfarenheter från genomförandet i
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Niklas Pramling
Didaktiska studier från förskola och skola - 2008 -
The prosaics of figurative language in preschool: Some observations and suggestions for
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Metacognitive approaches to developing oracy: Developing speaking and listening with young children. - 2008 -
Didaktiska studier från förskola och
Att skapa betingelser för att följa små barns
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Didaktiska studier från förskola och skola - 2008 -
Identifying and solving problems: A case study of learning basic mathematics through storytelling in the preschool
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
International Journal of Early Childhood - 2008 -
Scientific knowledge, popularisation, and the use of metaphors: Modern genetics in popular science
Niklas Pramling, Roger Säljö
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2007 -
The prosaics of figurative language in preschool: Some observations and suggestions for
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Early Child Development and Care - 2007 -
Minding metaphors : using figurative language in learning to
Niklas Pramling
2006 -
‘The clouds are alive because they fly in the air as if they were birds’: A re-analysis of what children say and mean in clinical interviews in the work of Jean
Niklas Pramling
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2006 -
"It's floating 'cause there is a hole." A young childs first experience of natural
Niklas Pramling, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Early Years - 2001