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- Sylvi Vigmo
Sylvi Vigmo
Senior Lecturer
Department of Education, Communication and LearningDeputy Head of Department
Department of Education, Communication and Learning-
Stöttning i flerpartssamtal under
Solveig Sotevik, Niklas Pramling, Sylvi Vigmo
Nordisk Barnehageforskning - 2024 -
Lost opportunities for globalisation, digitalisation, and socially sustainable education? Advocating for digital and global Bildung in Swedish upper secondary
Maria Baecke, Sylvi Vigmo
Frontiers in Education - 2024 -
Learning, digitalization, and social
Maria Bäcke, Sylvi Vigmo
Frontiers in Communication - 2024 -
Students' Reading Strategies at Upper Secondary Level for Active
Susanne Smithberger, Sylvi Vigmo, Maria Bäcke
EARLI SIG 10, 21 & 25 Conference, Walking the Talk: Co-constructing the politics of meaning, diversity and learning - 2024 -
Doing N/Ethnography in the Nexus of Language Learning and Technology: Trends and Looking
Sangeeta Bagga Gupta, Sylvi Vigmo
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology, Eds. Regine Hampel & Ursula Stickler - 2024 -
Students at a crossroad: A cross-sectional survey gauging the impact of COVID-19 on medical and biomedical graduates in the United States and
Stefan Lange, Matus Sotak, C. E. Hagberg, G. Bagunu, Sylvi Vigmo, Emma Börgeson
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education - 2023 -
How subject expertise matters in teaching and learning in higher
Sylvi Vigmo, Margareta Jernås
International society for the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education, ISSOTL Conference, Utrecht, Nov. 8-11 - 2023 -
Reading for pleasure and reading for school – Student agency vs normative
Sylvi Vigmo
EARLI conference 2023, Thessaloniki, Aug. 22-26 - 2023 -
Bihandledarroll - Att navigera i en outtalad
Sylvi Vigmo, Margareta Jernås
Konferens Forskning om högre utbildning, Stockholm 11-12 maj 2023 - 2023 -
Hur blev det med korridorsamtal under
Margareta Jernås, Sylvi Vigmo
NU2022, Nätverk och utveckling i högre utbildning, 15-17 juni, Stockholm - 2022 -
What happened to collegial corridor conversations during the pandemic – and what are the ways
Margareta Jernås, Sylvi Vigmo
Praxis symposium IV, May 16-18 2022, Gothenburg - 2022 -
Vi zoomar in på högskolepedagogiskt
Margareta Jernås, Sylvi Vigmo
Swednets årskonferens 3-4 februari - 2022 -
Lycka och frustration i professionell svenska för utrikesfödda
Ingmarie Skoglund, Sylvi Vigmo
Högskolepedagogisk konferens, HKG2021, 23 november, Göteborgs universitet - 2021 -
Bihandledarens roll och ansvar - Samspel och
Margareta Jernås, Sylvi Vigmo, Erik Andersson, Tomas Grysell
Högskolepedagogisk konferens, HKG2021, 23 november, Göteborgs universitet - 2021 -
Two Steps Forward and One Step Back: Remediating an International Masters' Programme
Sylvi Vigmo, Maria Bäcke
Designs for Learning: Remediation of Learning, May 25-26, University of Stockholm - 2021 -
Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary higher education. Mapping policies of inclusion/integration in the nation-state of
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo
Forskning om högre utbildning, Örebro universitet, 19-20 maj, 2021 - 2021 -
Academic development courses in HE – A retrospective approach for future
Sylvi Vigmo, Margareta Jernås
EARLI2021, University of Gothenburg - 2021 -
Transitions in Higher Education for Migrant Students: Academic Language Support in Italy and
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Alessio Surian
EARLI conference 2021 Theme: Education and citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures. University of Gothenburg - 2021 -
The impact of language teachers' topicalizations in two Facebook
Sylvi Vigmo
Exploring Language Education, June 9-11, University of Oslo - 2021 -
Widening participation? (Re)searching institutional pathways in higher education for migrant students - The cases of Sweden and
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Alessio Surian
Frontline Learning Research - 2021 -
Academic development courses in HE – A retrospective approach for future
Sylvi Vigmo, Margareta Jernås
EARLI conference 2021, 23-27 Aug, 2021 Theme: Education and citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures - 2021 -
Bihandledare: En begränsad eller en obegränsad
Sylvi Vigmo, Margareta Jernås, Erik Andersson, Tomas Grysell
Forskning om högre utbildning, Örebro universitet, 19-20 maj, 2021 - 2021 -
Kollegiala samtal i högskolepedagogisk verksamhet – Varför är det
Anita Synnestvedt, Margareta Jernås, Sylvi Vigmo
Forskning om högre utbildning, Örebro universitet, 19-20 maj, 2021 - 2021 -
Topicalizations of posting and sharing content in Facebook - studying and practicing a new language in the digital
Sylvi Vigmo
Learning, Digitalization and Media Conference, LeaDMe, 13-15 Feb. Mumbai, India - 2020 -
Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary Swedish higher and adult
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo
Learning and teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences - 2020 -
Spaces for action: continuous professional learning for higher
Sylvi Vigmo, Margareta Jernås
Praxis symposium III, 5-6th October, Academic professional and student responsibility for a world worth living in, University of Borås - 2020 -
Widening participation? (Re)searching institutional pathways in higher education for transnational students - The cases of Sweden and
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Alessio Surian
Praxis symposium III, 5-6th October, Academic professional and student responsibility for a world worth living in, University of Borås - 2020 -
Lärares pedagogiska och didaktiska överväganden om hållbar utveckling i
Margareta Jernås, Sylvi Vigmo
NU2020 7-9 October, Hållbart lärande (konferens Nätverk och utveckling i högre utbildning) - 2020 -
Process-oriented research on changing sociomaterial ecologies in HE - In the wake of the
Sylvi Vigmo
Invited symposium, SIG10, 21, 25 Conference, 1-3 July, 2020, EARLI - 2020 -
Widening participation? Institutional pathways in higher education for migrant
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Alessio Surian
Paper, SIG10, 21, 25 Conference, 1-3 July, 2020, EARLI - 2020 -
Topicalizing the pandemic and challenging boundaries of diversity in the digital
Sylvi Vigmo
Invited symposium, SIG10, 21, 25 Conference, 1-3 July, 2020, EARLI - 2020 -
Design principles for on-line master level courses: Expanding access and flexibility through digitally mediated education across the
Sylvi Vigmo, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Lars Almén
28th World Conference on Online Learning, 3-7 Nov, Dublin, Ireland - 2019 -
Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary higher education - Mapping policies of inclusion and integration in the nation-state of
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo
Praxis in Higher Education - With a focus on the Nordic context, 22-24 May, University of Borås - 2019 -
Tio år med högskolepedagogisk utbildning på Göteborgs universitet - Vad har
Sylvi Vigmo
Next Generation Learning, NGL 2019, 16 Oct, Dalarna University (invited keynote) - 2019 -
Öppna lärresurser och öppna lärpraktiker - Utopi eller
Sylvi Vigmo
Digital kompetens för lärare - 2019 -
Goals, challenges and achievements in collaboration between the global South and the global North: Co-creating and developing global, digitally mediated education for teacher training
Ylva Lindberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Praxis in Higher Education - With a focus on the Nordic Context, 22-24 May, University of Borås - 2019 -
The Swedish grade conference: A dialogical study of face-to-face delivery of summative assessment in higher
Janna Meyer-Beining, Sylvi Vigmo, Åsa Mäkitalo
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2018 -
A broader participation - Research issues and challenges related to transitions and inclusions in and across educational settings, Special Interest Group
Sangeeta Bagga Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Johan Malmqvist, Alberto Montebelli
15-16 Maj, Forskning om högre utbildning, Lunds universitet - 2018 -
Widening participation through digitalization? Research issues and challenges related to transitions and inclusion in and across educational
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sangeeta Bagga Gupta, Sylvi Vigmo
Praxis in Higher Education, 27-28 Sept, University of Borås - 2018 -
Introduktionskurs i högskolepedagogik - med kursplanen som strukturerande redskap i mötet mellan didaktik och
Sylvi Vigmo, Margareta Jernås
Det akademiska lärarskapet, NU2018, 9-11 Okt. Västerås - 2018 -
Capturing Children's Knowledge-making Dialogues in
Marina Wernholm, Sylvi Vigmo
E-Research in Educational Contexts: The roles of technologies, ethics and social media - 2017 -
Students' frame shifting - Resonances of social media in
Annika Lantz-Andersson, Sylvi Vigmo, Rhonwen Bowen
Learning, Media & Technology - 2016 -
Pedagogical framing of OER – The case of language
Linda Bradley, Sylvi Vigmo
Open Praxis - 2016 -
Action Lab: Less commonly used languages and
G Titlestad, T Gjelsvik, W Van Valkenburg, Sylvi Vigmo, Linda Bradley
Open Learning - 2016 -
Action Lab: Less commonly used languages and
G Titlestad, T Gjelsvik, W Van Valkenburg, Sylvi Vigmo, Linda Bradley
Open Education Global 2016, 12-14 April, Krakow, Poland - 2016 -
The essence of pedagogical design in OER - teachers' framing in an
Linda Bradley, Sylvi Vigmo
Open Education Global 2016, 12-14 April, Krakow, Poland - 2016 -
Student activity types in social network sites - written bias, digital vernacular and
Sylvi Vigmo
Individuals in Contexts - Psychology of Language Learning 2, 22-24 August, Jyväskylä University, Finland - 2016 -
Contrasting students’ languaging with European policy for languages – changed conditions and
Sylvi Vigmo
BAAL Language Learning and Teaching SIG, Crossing Boundaries: Language Learning and Teaching Inside and Outside the Classroom, 30 June-1 July, Lancaster University, UK - 2016 -
Assessing writers, assessing writing: student performance and teacher expectation in grading
Janna Meyer-Beining, Sylvi Vigmo, Åsa Mäkitalo
The EARLI SIG 10, 21 and 25 conference August 28-29 in Tartu, Estonia - 2016 -
Fluctuating linguistic repertoires - Upper secondary students’ blogging as part of learning English as a second
Rhonwen Bowen, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Sylvi Vigmo
Digital Culture and Education - 2016 -
Open Educational Resources (OER) for Less Used Languages - Calling for Policy
Sylvi Vigmo, Linda Bradley, Monique Lamarque-Udnäs, Öystein Johannesen
Bridging Language Acquisition and Language Policy, Centre for Languages and Literature, 17-18 June, Lund University - 2015 -
Integration of interactive whiteboard in Swedish preschool
Maryam Bourbour, Sylvi Vigmo, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Early Child Development and Care - 2015 -
Capturing children's knowledge-making dialogues in
Marina Wernholm, Sylvi Vigmo
International Journal of Research and Method in Education - 2015 -
An international student collaborative blog: linguistic and cross-cultural
Rhonwen Bowen, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Sylvi Vigmo
EUROCALL Conference, CALL Design: Principles and Practice, 20-23 August 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands - 2014 -
Divergence in student linguistic repertoires online: Performing language in social media and in
Sylvi Vigmo
AILA Conference, 10-15 Aug, Brisbane, Australia - 2014 -
OER: insights into a multilingual
Katerina Zourou, Sylvi Vigmo, Kate Borthwick, Linda Bradley, Tita Beaven
EUROCALL 2014 Conference Programme - 2014 -
Language in the wild - Living the carnival in social
Sylvi Vigmo, Annika Lantz-Andersson
Social Sciences - 2014 -
Mellanrum för
Sylvi Vigmo
Lärare i den uppkopplade skola. A. Lantz-Andersson & R. Säljö (red). - 2014 -
Futures for language learning and teaching
Linda Bradley, Sylvi Vigmo
E. Christiansen, L. Kuure, A. Mørch & B. Lindström (Eds.), Problem-Based Learning for the 21st Century - New Practices and Learning Environments. - 2013 -
Crossing boundaries in Facebook: Students’ framing of language learning activities as extended
Annika Lantz-Andersson, Sylvi Vigmo, Rhonwen Bowen
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - 2013 -
Developing linguistic and intercultural competence in web-based
Linda Bradley, Sylvi Vigmo
WorldCALL, 10-13 July, Glasgow, Scotland - 2013 -
Frontstage and backstage in social networking sites – The case of internationally collaborating language
Annika Lantz-Andersson, Rhonwen Bowen, Sylvi Vigmo
Paper presentation at the NERA (the main association for educational researchers in the Nordic countries) 41st Congress March 7-9. Reykjavik, Iceland. - 2013 -
What and who is behind the curtain - Students’ front and back stage languaging in social
Sylvi Vigmo, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Rhonwen Bowen
Paper presentation at the 2013 Worldcall conference, July 10-13 Glasgow, Scotland. - 2013 -
New spaces for learning - language learning practices in social networking
Annika Lantz-Andersson, Sylvi Vigmo, Rhonwen Bowen
Invited symposium at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction conference, EARLI, August 27-31, Munich, Germany - 2013 -
Elevers gränsöverskridande framträdande på sociala nätverksplatser i ett
Sylvi Vigmo, Annika Lantz-Andersson
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2013 -
Kunskapsbildning om IKT och
Berner Lindström, Anna-Lena Godhe, Thomas Hillman, Sylvi Vigmo
Skoldagarna, invited address. - 2012 -
Students’ framing of language learning practices in new media
Annika Lantz-Andersson, Sylvi Vigmo
Eurocall 2012 Conference: CALL: using, learning, knowing, Gothenburg 22-25 August, 2012. - 2012 -
Linguascapes – language learning in social media
Sylvi Vigmo, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Rhonwen Bowen
Next Generation Learning Conference 2012, Dalarna Univerity, Falun, Sweden. February 21- 23 - 2012 -
Hur IT förändrar
Sylvi Vigmo
Pedagogisk Centrum, GR Utbildning, Göteborg, Ämneskonferens, 17 oktober, Engelska och moderna språk. Invited address. - 2011 -
Language learning in a wiki: Student contributions in a web based learning
Linda Bradley, Berner Lindström, Hans Rystedt, Sylvi Vigmo
Themes in Science and Technology Education - 2010 -
Teaching in English with a dual
Rhonwen Bowen, Sylvi Vigmo
NU2010 Dialog för lärande, Stockholms universitet, 13-15 okt. - 2010 -
Teaching in English in higher education: In-house course
Rhonwen Bowen, Sylvi Vigmo
EUROCALL 2010, Sept 8-11, Bordeaux, France. - 2010 -
När det visuella tar plats i en akademisk
Sylvi Vigmo, Berner Lindström
Didaktikk og teknologi, Högskolen Lillehammer, Norge - 2010 -
New Spaces for Language Learning. A study of student interaction in media production in
Sylvi Vigmo
2010 -
Integrating a wiki in an environment for collaborative language
Linda Bradley, Berner Lindström, Hans Rystedt, Sylvi Vigmo
EUROCALL, Székesfehérvár, Ungern - 2008 -
Language learners as actors, narrators and film
Sylvi Vigmo, Berner Lindström, Hans Rystedt
Eurocall, New competencies and social spaces, Székesfehévar, Hungary, Sep 3-6 - 2008 -
If the language is the tool, what is the
Linda Bradley, Berner Lindström, Hans Rystedt, Sylvi Vigmo
EUROCALL, Ulster, Northern Ireland - 2007 -
Adapt and adopt - New technologies in the modern foreign language learning
Sylvi Vigmo, Berner Lindström
FIPVL World Congress (Federation Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes - 2006 -
Sharing thoughts in computer-mediated
Lars-Erik Jonsson, Sylvi Vigmo, Louise Peterson, Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt
L. Dirkinck-Holmfeld, B. Lindström, M.Svendsen, M. Ponti (red). Conditions for productive learning in networked learning environments. Aalborg, Denmark. Kaleidoscope, Aalborg University. - 2005 -
Towards a deeper understanding of communicative interactions. A European case
Sylvi Vigmo
Forskning om undervisning i främmande språk : rapport från workshop i Växjö 10-11 juni 2004, red. Eva Larsson Ringqvist and Ingela Valfridsson. Växjö: Växjö University Press - 2005 -
European Vocational Students Solve Problem Based Learning Cases Virtually Working in the LENTEC
Anne Dragemark, Sylvi Vigmo
Lingua - 2004 -
Experiences and attitudes in
Sylvi Vigmo
The LENTEC Guide to Learning English : problem-based learning in virtual mobility projects, red. Polly Perkins and Anja van Kleef. Malmö: LENTEC partners - 2004