
Annika Lantz-Andersson


Department of Education, Communication and Learning
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Room number
Pedagogen Hus B
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Annika Lantz-Andersson

Research interests

Annika Lantz-Andersson is Professor in Education and her research is rooted in sociohistorical traditions with a dialogic focus on social interaction, the use of digital technologies and their implications for learning and teaching. She has been involved in several research projects concerning young peoples’ participation and learning in contemporary media ecologies. Her interest is motivated by the expansive digitization implying that children have access to digital texts and tools from an early age, which raises questions about what these changes on a general level mean for their literacy development and learning. This interest has also involved young peoples’ interaction and socialization in social media arenas and the implications for learning in these contexts. Currently, Annika has directed her research towards teachers’ professional digital competence, and one of the latest research projects has had a specific focus on teachers’ professional learning by means of discussions in social media groups, outside common structures and school organizations.

Currently, Annika runs two research projects, targeting the digitalization of professional practices, one is financed by The Swedish Research Council and one is a practice-based project, financed by ULF, a Swedish government research venture.

Annika is also a research coordinator for the Gothenburg group, a long-standing collaboration between the Faculty of Education and the IT Faculty, which serves as a hub for organizing cross-faculty research and mobilizing a network of international expertise concerned with addressing the important societal shifts and challenges brought about by digitalization.

Keywords The digitalization of schooling, professional digital competence, learning, communication, interaction, IT, social media