
Niklas Pramling


Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande
031-786 23 64
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Pedagogen B Åsikten
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

Om Niklas Pramling

Biosketch: Professor Niklas Pramling

Pramling has a background in studies in Psychology and Literature History, and a PhD in Educational Science. He is Professor at the Department of Education, Communication and Learning at the University of Gothenburg and a member of LinCS. He is Director of the Swedish National Research School on Communication and Relations as Foundations for Early Childhood Education (FoRFa), funded by the Swedish Research Council (2014-2018).

Research interests In his research, and supervision of PhD students, he is engaged in a number of research fields:

Metaphors in learning and knowledge formation One of his primary and continuous interests concerns the role of metaphor in learning and knowledge formation. This interest is pursued through studies of metaphors in scientific knowledge building (Pramling, 2011), the popularization of scientific knowledge to lay audiences (Pramling & Säljö, 2007), in students learning science (Pramling, 2009; Pramling & Säljö, 2014), how children make known that they speak non-literally (Pramling, 2006; Pramling & Säljö, 2015), and how metaphors are used in communication between teachers and children (Fleer & Pramling, 2015; Pramling, 2010; Thulin & Pramling, 2009). This research is carried out within the project Metaphors We Learn By, funded by the Swedish Research Council.

Translanguaging and the promotion of linguistic and meta-linguistic awareness in children His most recent research interest, pursued together with Anne Kultti, focuses on developing ways of promoting linguistic and meta-linguistic awareness through translation activities in preschool. In an on-going study he and his collaborator investigate how learners negotiate meaning and explain linguistic features that come into play when translating song lyrics, particularly features of figurative language (Kultti & Pramling, 2016a). This research is in part funded by Svenska kulturfonden. This research could also be seen as part of an interest concerning how to promote cultural and social sustainability in terms of intercultural teaching and learning (Kultti & Pramling, 2016b).

Play-based early childhood education and digitalization Pramling is the Director of the Swedish National Research School on Communication and Relations as Foundations for Early Childhood Education (FoRFa), funded by the Swedish Research Council. FoRFa is a research school for preschool teachers and teachers in primary school to carry out PhD studies part-time while working in preschool/school part-time. In line with the research school, Pramling pursues an interest in developing, on the basis of empirical research, ways of organizing for children’s learning and development in the institutional setting of preschool with its play-based tradition. For some publications, see Pramling, Doverborg and Pramling Samuelsson (in press), Pramling and Pramling Samuelsson (in press), and Wallerstedt and Pramling (2012). One strand of this research interest concerns how digital technologies may transform how children experience, learn and develop (see e.g., Lagerlöf, Wallerstedt & Pramling, 2013, 2014; Nilsen, Lundin, Wallerstedt & Pramling, 2015; Skantz Åberg, Lantz-Andersson & Pramling, 2014, 2015).

Learning in the arts A recurring interest is in children’s learning in the arts in ECE (Pramling & Wallerstedt, 2009; Wallerstedt, Lagerlöf & Pramling, 2014; Wallerstedt & Pramling, 2012). This interest includes the development of informed listening (Pramling & Wallerstedt, 2009; Wallerstedt, Pramling & Säljö, 2014), the development and pedagogical scaffolding of timing (Wallerstedt, Pramling & Säljö, 2015), learning and knowing songs (Kullenberg & Pramling, 2016), and how digital technologies transform music learning processes (Wallerstedt & Pramling, 2015; poetry and language play (Pramling, 2009, 2010; Pramling & Asplund Carlsson, 2008; Pramling & Pramling Samuelsson, 2013); learning to dance (Pramling & Wallerstedt, 2011).

Pramling’s work has been translated into French, Spanish, Russian, German, and Norwegian. In extension to frequently publishing in international peer-review journals he publishes with Oxford University Press, Springer, Sage, and Routledge. Till Niklas Pramlings presentation (engelska)>>