- GPCC's strategic focus areas
- 1. Development, adaptation and evaluation of person-centred care
- 2. Enable transitioning to person-centred health care and care
- 3. Development of partnerships between patient representatives, the general public and healthcare organizations and decision-making systems
- Management of the three strategic focus areas
- List of research projects sorted by focus area
GPCC's strategic focus areas
GPCC's research can be sorted into three strategic focus areas.
GPCC's strategic focus areas
On this page you can find out more about our three strategic focus areas. At the bottom of the page, our on-going research projects are listed according to the area they primarily belong to.
1. Development, adaptation and evaluation of person-centred care
We intend to carry out empirical studies and syntheses of international research on person-centred care of significance for regional, national, international care, treatment and care guidelines. These will include explanatory models for the extent to which person-centred care is generic and can be applied to promote health and reduce ill health, as well as how they can be adapted to specific health and medical care situations and living circumstances (such as ages - children and adolescents and the elderly). Specifically, we intend to contribute with the adaptation of person-centred care to improve continuity in the care chain. We will also have a special initiative to strengthen the ability for person-centering through digitization, such as person-centred med-tech and studies focusing on how AI/Big Data can be utilized. Through this research, the implementation of person-centred care will range from physical meetings between patients and staff to digital practice and tools for person-centred care, both enitrely digital care solutions and hybrid practice that combine digital tools with personal care meetings. The implementation will also include collaboration between formal care providers and informal care and care within the family, networks and civil society.
2. Enable transitioning to person-centred health care and care
We intend to contribute with knowledge about design, implementation, impact and effects in terms of strategies for implementation of and learning about person-centred care in the health care and care establishments as well as in professional education. This research ranges from specific measures for health promotion and inclusive health care and care, to studies of the transition to person-centred care at micro, meso and macro levels. The intention is that the research will thus contribute to national, Nordic and European transition to person-centred care in both care in commonly occurring societal situations and in stressful situations (time-critical events, increased work load and deployment of reinforcement resources in for example pandemics and other extensive societal challenges).
3. Development of partnerships between patient representatives, the general public and healthcare organizations and decision-making systems
This part of the research programme is intended to provide explanations for forms of partnership with patients and the general public within healthcare organizations and what can be seen as optimal for favorable decision-making in relation to organizations' assignments. We intend to shed light on the significance that inclusion of patients' and family carers' perspectives, in addition to research-based evidence, can have for decision-making in health care. GPCC has a unique ability to implement this as we have established well-functioning forms of collaboration with national patient organizations and in that we systematically include patient and user participation in the projects.
Management of the three strategic focus areas
Each focus area is led by a researcher who is a member of the GPCC's Steering Committee together with an additional researcher and one or more of the advisors (more information about these persons is available on the web page GPCC's organisation). Additional researchers associated with the management of the focus areas are recruited from researchers active within the GPCC.
Development, adaptation and evaluation of person-centred care
Leaders: Hanna Gyllensten and Tomas Lindroth
Advisors: Philip Moons and Richard Sawatzky
Enable transitioning to person-centred health care and care
Leaders: Mari Lundberg and Ulf Petrusson
Advisor: David Edvardsson
Development of partnerships between patient representatives, the general public and healthcare organizations and decision-making systems
Leader: Jana Bergholtz
Advisor: Maria Santana
List of research projects sorted by focus area
With links to the projects' pages.
1. Development, adaptation and evaluation of person-centred care:
Conversation with the patient about life in connection with serious illness
Development and testing of an observation-based method to assess person-centred care
Digital home monitoring after lung transplantation
EAPER-P Early, accessible, person-centred rehabilitation for people with long-term pain
Health economic aspects of person-centred care
IHOP-e - Integrating Health promotion with and for Older People-eHealth*
Intensive vs. Traditional Format with Patient Involvement in PTSD
Learnings from five controlled trials of person-centred care
Medicines taking – a person-centred approach
MOSAIC – a Rasch analysed item bank to measure person-centred care
PAS-SAP – My Pain Survey – for support and partnership
PERHIT - PERson-centredness in Hypertension management using Information Technology (completed)
Person-centred Care and Disasters
Person-centred care as an evolving field of research: A mixed-methods systematic review project
PicPecc – Pictorial support in person-centred care for children
PROTECT - Person-centred care at a distance*
Quality indicators for person-centred care
Sound and Light Design in Intensive Care Units (SoLiDe – ICU)
STEPSTONES (Swedish Transition Effect Project Supporting Teenagers with Chronic Medical Conditions
Support for a Person-centred Care Toolbox
The Gothenburg Pituitary Tumour Study (The GoPT-study)
Will municipal health and social care become more person-centred after a training initiative?
2. Enable transitioning to person-centred health care and care:
Connecting macro, meso and micro levels to develop person-centred care
FaciLitating Implementation of Person-Centred Care - the FLIP-project
Implementation of person-centred care in the health profession university degree courses in Sweden
Myths and conceptions about person-centred care
Legal governance to enable person-centred care
The PCC game and the online education programme Mutual Meetings - development and impact
Transition towards person-centred care – evaluation of a leadership program
3. Development of partnerships between patient representatives, the general public and healthcare organizations and decision-making systems:
Certification opportunities of standard for patient participation in healthcare
Collaboration to reduce involuntary loneliness in older citizens
Foresight! Person-centred Health and Care
Connecting macro, meso and micro levels to develop person-centred care
Patient and public involvement in health care: A systematic mapping