Ongoing research projects at GPCC
Person-centredness is the point of departure for all our research projects. These are all of our ongoing research projects in alphabetical order. Click on the project’s title to visit its web page.
Certification opportunities of standard for patient participation in healthcare
Connecting macro, meso and micro levels to develop person-centred care
Conversation with the patient about life in connection with serious illness
Development and testing of an observation-based method to assess person-centred care
Digital home monitoring after lung transplantation
EAPER-P –Early, accessible, person-centred rehabilitation for people with long-term pain
FaciLitating Implementation of Person-Centred Care - the FLIP-project
Foresight! Person-centred Health and Care
Health economic aspects of person-centred care
IHOP-e - Integrating Health promotion with and for Older People-eHealth
Intensive vs. Traditional Format with Patient Involvement in PTSD
Involvement of frail older people in research
Learnings from five controlled trials of person-centred care
Legal governance to enable person-centred care
LGBTQ persons perceptions on person-centred care on Twitter
Medicines taking – a person-centred approach
MOSAIC – a Rasch analysed item bank to measure person-centred care
Myths and conceptions about person-centred care
PAS-SAP – My Pain Survey – for support and partnership
Patient and public involvement in health care: A systematic mapping
PCC@Work – A person-centred approach to health and social care: how does it affect staff’s work-related health and job satisfaction?
Person-centred Care and Disasters
Person-centred care as an evolving field of research: A mixed-methods systematic review project
PicPecc – Pictorial support in person-centred care for children
PROMISE - Person-centred care via e-Health for people with mental illness
PROTECT - Person-centred care at a distance
Stepstones-DIAB: Transitional care models for adolescents with Type 1 diabetes
Support for a Person-centred Care Toolbox
Swedes view on personcentredness in Swedish health care
The Gothenburg Pituitary Tumour Study (The GoPT-study)
The PCC game and the online education programme Mutual Meetings - development and impact
Transition towards person-centred care – evaluation of a leadership program
Will municipal health and social care become more person-centred after a training initiative?
Young adult survivors of childhood cancer - through the lens of a person-centred approach