University of Gothenburg
Johan Edholm

Johan Edholm new research assistant with Polar Gliders

Johan Edholm has taken both his bachelor's and master's degree at the Department, and has just started working as a research assistant in the Polar Gliders group. A difficult and wide-ranging job, but Johan Edholm thinks it’s great to have a job that has "adventure" in the job description.

What are you going to work with here?

I will work in the group Polar Gliders to keep track of our instruments, the data we collect, go on expeditions, some research, and help manage various group activities et cetera. It’s a complex job that will require structure and discipline, but it’s great to have a job that has "adventure" in the job description.

What did you do before?

I have taken both my bachelor's and master's degree at the Department, under the supervision of Sebastiaan Swart, where part of my master's work involved a trip to South Africa and the ice around Antarctica. Before I took the step to start studying again, I worked for six years as deputy store manager in several Lidl stores.

What do you do in your spare time?

When I'm not at work, I often go to my summer cottage in the Southern archipelago, on a small island called Kårholmen. There, I take sauna baths all year round, grow vegetables, do some carpentry and construction, among other things.

Anything else you would like to share?

I learned to ski in the winter of 1990/91 at the age of 2.5, and since then, I haven’t had a single winter without skiing!

Interview: Annika Wall