University of Gothenburg

QRM – School of Quantitative Research Methods in Education

qrm logotyp

Quantitative methodology has developed greatly in the past 30 years, and today is methodological competence in advanced statistical methods a prerequisite for successfully addressing many educational issues. During the same past 30 years, a large portion of educational researchers have chosen to turn their back to this development in favor of qualitative methods. In Sweden, quantitative methodological knowledge has disappeared in many educational institutions. QRM wants to contribute to the rebuilding of this competence.


The main purpose of the QRM is to contribute to the building of the competence within the field of quantitative methods for research within the educational sciences. QRM therefore offers:

  • Research courses in the areas of design, measurement and analysis of quantitative data from both large and small studies within the field of educational sciences
  •  An annual conference
  •  Membership in QRM's network
  •  Some consultancy / expert tutoring for participants of the course

Target group

Researchers who are

  1. Doctoral students, licentiate students, and students admitted to postgraduate studies
  2. Senior lecturers with a Phd-degree, post-docs, researchers and supervisors

Participants from various disciplines with an interest in educational research issues are welcome!


QRM is a collaboration between University of Gothenburg, Umeå University and Uppsala University.