University of Gothenburg
Hand on red, yellow and green stones

Basic statistics for educational research, 7.5 credits

The course on basic statistics is a course that prepares participants for further studies within the framework of graduate school. The course can also be read independently by those who want to learn more about the theory and practice of statistical analysis in the educational sciences and gain an understanding of why and how statistics and quantitative analysis can be valuable to many educational research questions.

The contents of the course aim at giving students an understanding of descriptive vs inferential statistics, univariate and bivariate analysis, data management and analysis in the statistics program SPSS, and the importance of using statistical methods appropriate for the research question and the data at hand. In a simple and applied way, we review basic statistical concepts and work on analysing data using the SPSS statistics program.

The course provides a foundation for the more advanced courses in the QRM research school but can also be read independently. It is well suited for doctoral students, researchers, and supervisors who want to refresh and further develop the knowledge they acquired long ago.

The course is open to Swedish and international participants. It comprises 7.5 higher education credits and runs at a 50% study rate during the first half of each fall and spring semester. The course is mainly conducted as a distance course online via the learning platform CANVAS and includes two days on campus.

Entry Requirements


Practical Information

Course code

Application period
Fall 2024:  2024-04-01 - 2024-05-15