Scientific publications from the research projects on uterus transplants
On this page, you will find a selection of the scientific publications that have been published from the world-leading research projects on uterus transplants.
Mats Brännström, Pernilla Dahm-Kähler, Niclas Kvarnström, Anders Enskog, Jan I. Olofsson, Michael Olausson, Johan Mölne, Randa Akouri, Stina Järvholm, Lars Nilsson, Lennart Stigson, Henrik Hagberg, Hans Bokström
Reproductive, obstetric, and long-term health outcome after uterus transplantation: results of the first clinical trial
Brännström M. Current status and future direction of uterus transplantation. Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation. October 2018 - Volume 23 - Issue 5 - p 592–597.
Johannesson L, Kvarnström N, Mölne J, Dahm-Kähler P, Enskog AS, Diaz-Garcia C, Olausson M, Brännström M. Uterus transplantation trial: 1-year outcome. Fertil Steril 2015; 103:199-204
Brännström M, Johannesson L, Bokström H, Kvarnström N, Mölne J, Dahm-Kähler P, Enskog A, Milenkovic M, Ekberg J, Diaz-Garcia C, Gäbel M, Hanafy A, Hagberg H, Olausson M, Nilsson L. Live birth after uterus transplantation. Lancet 2015;385:607-616
Tryphonopoulos P, Tzakis AG, Tekin A, Johannesson L, Rivas K, Morales PR, Wagner J, Mölne J, Enskog E, Diaz-Garcia C, Dahm-Kähler P, Berho M, Zimberg S, Falcone T, Ruiz P, Olausson M, Brännström M. Allogeneic uterus transplantation in baboons: surgical technique and challenges to long-term graft survival. Transplantation 2014;98:51-56
Brännström M, Johannesson L, Dahm-Kähler P, Enskog AS, Mölne J, Kvarnström N, Diaz-Garcia C, Hanafy A, Lundmark C, Marcickiewicz J, Gäbel M, Groth K, Akouri R, Eklind S, Holgersson J, Tzakis A, Olausson M. The first clinical uterus transplantation trial: a six months report. Fertil Steril 2014; 101:1228-36
Diaz-Garcia C, Johannesson L, Shao R, Billig H, Brännström M. Pregnancy after allogeneic uterus transplantation in the rat: perinatal outcome and growth trajectory. Fertil Steril 2014; 102:1545-52
Hellström M, El-Akouri RR, Sihlbom C, Olsson BM, Lengqvist J, Bäckdahl H, Johansson BR, Olausson M, Sumitran-Holgersson S, Brännström M. Towards development of a bioengineered uterus: comparison of different protocols for rat uterus decellularization. Acta Biomater 2014, 10:5034-5042
Olausson M, Johannesson L, Brattgård D, Diaz-Garcia C, Lundmark, C, Groth K, Marcickiewizc J, Enskog A, Akouri R, Tzakis A, Rogiers X, Janson PO, Brännström M. Ethics of uterus transplantation with live donors. Fertil Steril 2014;102:40-3
Johannesson L, Dahm-Kähler P, Eklind S, Brännström M. The future of human uterus transplantation. Womens Health (Lond Engl) 2014; 10:456-467
Johannesson L, Enskog A, Mölne J, Diaz-Garcia C, Hanafy A, Dahm-Kähler P, Tekin A, Tryphonopoulos P, Morales P, Rivas K, Ruiz P, Tzakis A, Olausson M, Brännström M. Preclinical report on allogeneic uterus transplantation in non-human primates. Hum Reprod 2013;28: 189-198
Diaz-Garcia C, Akhi SN, Martinez-Varea A, Brännström M. The effect of warm ischemia at uterus transplantation in a rat model. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2013;92:152-159
Akhi SN, Diaz-Garcia C, El-Akouri RR Wranning CA, Mölne J, Brännström M. Uterine rejection after allogeneic uterus transplantation in the rat is effectively suppressed by tacrolimus. Fertil Steril 2013;99:862-870
Del Priore G, Saso S, Meslin EM, Tzakis A, Brännström M, Clarke A, Vianna A, Sawyer R Smith JR. Uterine transplantation – a real possibility? The Indianapolis consensus. Hum Reprod 2013;28:288-291
Brännström M. Uterus transplantation: Fertil Steril 2013;99:348-349
Dancet EA, Brännström M, Brasky K, Chai D et al. The role of scientists and clinicians in raising public support for animal research in reproductive biology and medicine. Biol Reprod 2013;88:33
Diaz-Garcia C, Brännström M. Uterus transplantation: potential patients, fertility and ethics. J Reprod Med Endocrinol 2013;9:1-10
Johannesson L, Enskog A, Kvarnström N, Brännström M. Uterus transplantation: non-human primate research and human cases. J E Fert Soc 2013; 12:12-24
Groth K, Akhi S, Mölne J, Wranning CA, Brännström M. Effects of immunosuppression by cyclosporine A on allogenic uterine transplant in the rat. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2012;91:952-958
Johannesson L, Enskog A, Dahm-Kähler P, Hanafy A, Chai DC, Mwenda JM, Diaz-Garcia C, Olausson M, Brännström M. Uterus transplantation in a non-human primate: long-term follow up after autologous transplantation. Hum Reprod 2012;27:1640-1648
Johannesson L, Diaz-Garcia C, Leonhardt H, Dahm-Kähler P, Marcickiewicz J, Olausson M, Brännström M. Vascular pedicle lengths after hysterectomy: toward future human uterus transplantation. Obstet Gynecol 2012;119:1219-1225
Diaz-Garcia C, Johannesson L, Enskog A, Tzakis A, Olausson M, Brännström M. Uterus transplantation research: laboratory protocols for clinical application. Mol Hum Reprod 2012;18:68-78
Brännström M, Diaz-Garcia C, Olausson M, Tzakis A. Uterus transplantation: animal research and human possibilities. Fertil Steril 2012;97:169-1276
Wranning CA, Akhi SN, Diaz-Garcia C, Brännström M. Pregnancy after syngeneic uterus transplantation and spontaneous mating in the rat. Hum Reprod 2011;26:553-558
Brännström M, Diaz-Garcia C, Transplantation of female genital organs. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2011:37:271-291
Hanafy H, Diaz-Garcia C, Olausson M, Brännström M. Uterine transplantation: one human case followed by a decade of experimental research in animal models. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2011;51:199-203
Groth K, Brännström M, Mölne J, Wranning CA. Cyclosporine A exposure during pregnancy in mice: effects on reproductive performance in mothers and offspring. Hum Reprod 2010;25:697-704
Wranning CA, Marcickiewicz J, Enskog A, Dahm-Kähler P, Hanafy A, Brännström M. Fertility after autologous ovine uterine-tubal-ovarian transplantation by vascular anastomosis to the external iliac vessels. Hum Reprod 2010;25:1973-1979
Enskog A, Johannesson L, Chai DC, Dahm-Kähler P, Marcickiewicz J, Nyachieo A, Mwenda J, Brännström M. Uterus transplantation in the baboon: methodology and long-term function after auto-transplantation. Hum Reprod 2010;25:1980-1987
Diaz-Garcia C, Akhi SN, Wallin A, Pellicer A, Brännström M. First report on fertility after allogeneic uterus transplantation. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2010;89:1491-1494
Brännström M, Wranning CA, Altchek A. Experimental uterus transplantation. Hum Reprod Update 2010;16:329-345
Groth K, El-Akouri RR, Wranning CA, Mölne J, Brännström M. Rejection of allogenic uterus transplant in the mouse: time-dependent and site-specific infiltration of leukocyte subtypes. Hum Reprod 2009;24:2746-2754
Wranning CA, Dahm-Kähler P, Mölne J, Nilsson UA, Enskog A, Brännström M. Transplantation of the uterus in the sheep – oxidative stress and reperfusion injury after short-time cold storage. Fertil Steril 2008;90:817-826
Wranning CA, Akhi SN, Kurlberg G, Brännström M. Uterus transplantation in the rat: model development, surgical learning and morphological evaluation. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2008;87:1239-1247
Dahm-Kähler P, Wranning CA, Lundmark C, Enskog A, Mölne J, Marcickiewicz J, El-Akouri RR, McCracken JA, Brännström M. Transplantation of the uterus in the sheep: methodology and early reperfusion events. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2008;34:784-793
Brännström M, Wranning CA. Uterus transplantation: how far away from human trials? Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2008;87:1097-1100
Wranning CA, El-Akouri RR, Groth K, Mölne J, Parra AK, Brännström M. Rejection of the transplanted uterus is suppressed by cyclosporine A in a semi-allogeneic mouse model. Hum Reprod 2007;22:372-379
Brännström M, Wranning CA. Uterus transplantation – where do we stand today and where should we go? Expert Opin Biol Ther 2007;7:427-429
Brännström M, Wranning CA, Marcickiewicz J, Enskog A, Hanafy A. Uterus transplantation – substantial progress in research but not yet ready for the clinic. MEFS Journal 2007;12:86-95
Brännström M. Uterine transplantation: a future possibility to treat women with uterus factor infertility? Minerva Med 2007;98:211-216
Wranning CA, Mölne J, Racho El-Akouri R, Kurlberg G, Brännström M. Short-term ischaemic storage of human uterine myometrium – basic studies towards uterine transplantation. Human Reprod 2005;20:2736-2744
Dahm-Kähler P, Löfman C, Fujii R, Axelsson M, Janson PO, Brännström M. An intravital microscopy method permitting continuous long-term observations of ovulation in vivo in the rabbit. Human Reprod 2006; 21:624-631
Racho El-Akouri R, Groth K, Kurlberg G, Mölne J, Brännström M. Rejection patterns in allogeneic uterus transplantation in the mouse. Hum Reprod 2006;21:436-442
Wranning CA, Racho El-Akouri R, Lundmark C, Dahm-Kähler P, Mölne J, Enskog A, Brännström M. Autotransplantation of the uterus in the domestic pig: surgical technique and early reperfusion events. J Obstet Gynecol Res 2006;32:358-367
Racho El-Akouri R, Wranning CA, Mölne J, Kurlberg G, Brännström M. Pregnancy in transplanted mouse uterus after long-term cold ischaemic preservation. Hum Reprod. 2003;18:2024-2030
Racho El-Akouri R, Kurlberg G, Brännström M. Successful uterine transplantation in the mouse: pregnancy and postnatal development of offspring. Hum Reprod. 2003;18:2018-2023
Brännström M, El-Akouri RR, Wranning CA. Uterine transplantation. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003;109:121-123
Brännström M, Wranning CA, El-Akouri RR. Transplantation of the uterus. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2003;202:177-184
Racho El-Akouri R, Kurlberg G, Dindelegan G, Mölne J, Wallin A, Brännström M. Heterotopic uterine transplantation by vascular anastomosis in the mouse. J Endocrinol 2002;174:157-166