University of Gothenburg
Ombord på R/V Skagerak
Photo: Agnes Faxén

Education on board

R/V Skagerak is all about knowledge and research. We offer a number of opportunities for you as a student to come on board and carry out field work at sea. The Bachelor's Programme in Marine Science as well as several free standing courses gives you the chance to combine practice and theory on board this modern research vessel.

How about doing fieldwork on board a state-of-the-art research vessel? R/V Skagerak gives you a unique opportunity to experience working with marine research at sea. 

Education on board R/V Skagerak

Fieldwork aboard R/V Skagerak is included in both the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Marine Science. 

If you are on the undergraduate programme, several courses have components on board R/V Skagerak. These are 'The History of the Blue Planet' (three days), 'The Open Water - Sampling Methodology' (half a day) and 'The Open Water II: Interactions between Air, Water and Sediment' (one day). The MSc programme and several stand-alone courses also include field studies aboard the R/V Skagerak. See below for details. 

Marine science at the University of Gothenburg