University of Gothenburg
Photo: Matt Hardy/Unsplash


SWERVE (Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research) is a national infrastructure working to strengthen Swedish ship-based marine research. SWERVE is funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the University of Gothenburg is the host organisation.

High vessel costs can currently be an obstacle for researchers to carry out the research needed to better understand the marine environment.

The national collaborative SWERVE is an infrastructure that aims to improve the conditions for Swedish marine research.

A partnership between seven organisations

SWERVE's infrastructure is coordinated by a partnership of seven organisations: SLU, Stockholm University, the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Umeå University, the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, the University of Gothenburg  and SMHI.

Together, these organisations have access to six advanced research vessels (R/V Svea, R/V Electra, SV Ocean Surveyor, KBV 181, IB Oden and R/V Skagerak) as well as data management and support infrastructure through the National Oceanographic Data Centre.

In the autumn of 2024, SWERVE will announce funding for ship time on board one of the six research vessels that are part of SWERVE.

The grant will cover the cost of ship time for Swedish research, support the training and development of on-board technical staff to provide expert technical support, support the collection of key ocean data in a standardised manner, and ensure the delivery and availability of these data to the international research community.