
Sverker Lindblad


Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
Room number
A3 431
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Sverker Lindblad

Sverker Lindblad's home page

Research interests The issues I primarily address involve the formation of educational systems and processes and how these are linked to various aspects and tendencies in society. Political aspects of educational phenomena are of special interest. An interest in these aspects makes it important to as questions such as; How should we understand the development and the politics of professional expertise? How are teaching processes governed and how is the political in classroom interaction performed, and what does this imply for social and cultural reproduction? How are categorisations of students or schools developed and sustained – and with what consequences for education and society. In order to deal with these questions I work with research on how teaching and education are governed and what this means for the forming of individuals and institutions today.

Stated otherwise I am working to capture changing intersections between education and society and between educational organisations and processes. Given this, I am working in the areas of teaching and research in curriculum theory, education policy analysis, and school organisation and processes. This I combine with international collaboration in research and research organisations.

Teaching interests I prefer to teach and supervise about the history and development of education sciences and about international and comparative education. I stress the importance of relationships between education and society and issues of social and cultural reproduction. Recent courses in research education are; Education as a science, Comparative Education and in Curriculum Theory.

Keywords school reforms, education policy, curriculum theory, social integration and exclusion, cultural reproduction, studies in the professions, comparative education, dynamic nominalism

Research groups and projects Politics of Education Gothenburg Centre for Globalization and Development