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- Sverker Lindblad
Sverker Lindblad
Senior Researcher
Department of Education and Special EducationAbout Sverker Lindblad
Research interests The issues I primarily address involve the formation of educational systems and processes and how these are linked to various aspects and tendencies in society. Political aspects of educational phenomena are of special interest. An interest in these aspects makes it important to as questions such as; How should we understand the development and the politics of professional expertise? How are teaching processes governed and how is the political in classroom interaction performed, and what does this imply for social and cultural reproduction? How are categorisations of students or schools developed and sustained – and with what consequences for education and society. In order to deal with these questions I work with research on how teaching and education are governed and what this means for the forming of individuals and institutions today.
Stated otherwise I am working to capture changing intersections between education and society and between educational organisations and processes. Given this, I am working in the areas of teaching and research in curriculum theory, education policy analysis, and school organisation and processes. This I combine with international collaboration in research and research organisations.
Teaching interests I prefer to teach and supervise about the history and development of education sciences and about international and comparative education. I stress the importance of relationships between education and society and issues of social and cultural reproduction. Recent courses in research education are; Education as a science, Comparative Education and in Curriculum Theory.
Keywords school reforms, education policy, curriculum theory, social integration and exclusion, cultural reproduction, studies in the professions, comparative education, dynamic nominalism
Research groups and projects Politics of Education Gothenburg Centre for Globalization and Development
Teacher education between academy and profession: A review of research on relations between teacher education and doctoral
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
ECER conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, August 27-30 - 2024 -
Organising a European Educational Research Area by Research Conversations: Research Fronts and Intellectual Traditions in the European Educational Research
Sverker Lindblad
European Educational Research Conference 2024. Publicerat abstrakt - 2024 -
Lärarutbildningsforskning i Sverige och Internationellt: Om konversationer och nätverkande genom vetenskaplig
Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson, Gustaf Nelhans
Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige - 2024 -
Medborgarnas syn på skolans problem och på skolan som en viktig
Fredrika Lagergren, Sverker Lindblad, Monica Reichenberg, Katarina Samuelsson, Helena Wallström
Andersson, U., Rönnerstrand, B. & Carlander, A. (red). SOM-undersökningen 2023, SOM-rapport nr 83 - 2024 -
Teacher education research in Sweden and internationally – on conversations and networking through scientific
Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson
Contribution to webinar: Research on Teacher Education in the Nordic Countries, Stavanger 2 February, 2024 - 2024 -
Education in a Societal Crisis—A Swedish Exception in Mitigating the COVID-19
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter, Anders Lindqvist
Pädagogik des gesellschaftlichen Ausnahmezustandes. Erziehung Erwachsener in der Corona-Pandemie, Eds. Denise Klinge, Arnd-Michael Nohl & Burkhard Schäffer - 2023 -
"Who are we writing for?": On Research Publishing in Comparative Studies Based on International Large-Scale
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson
Sisyphus - 2023 -
The reconstruction of Swedish doctoral education over the past 50
Britt Marie Apelgren, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Society for Reserach in Higher Education 2023 - 2023 -
Mapping Intellectual Traditions and Research Fronts in International Teacher Education
Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson, Gustaf Nelhans
ECER Conference, Glasgow, August 22-25, 2023. - 2023 -
Doctoral Education as Paradigmatic Formation or Education of a Professional Workforce? An International Research
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at the NERA conference, Oslo, 15 -17 March, 2023 - 2023 -
Screening av barn mot gängkriminalitet: ett tomtebloss i
Sverker Lindblad, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Monica Reichenberg, Katarina Samuelsson
Skola och samhälle - 2023 -
Educational Restructuring in a Nordic Welfare State in the Eyes of the Public
Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson, Helena Wallström
2023 AERA Annual Meeting, April 13 - April 16, 2023, Chicago - 2023 -
Medborgarna om styrningen av den svenska skolan: Stat, marknad eller
Sverker Lindblad, Fredrika Lagergren, Katarina Samuelsson, Helena Wallström
U. Andersson, H. Oscarsson, B. Rönnerstrand & N. Theorin (red.) Du sköra nya värld: SOM-undersökningen 2021, SOM-rapport nr 81 - 2022 -
Vetenskap, profession och politik Om förändring av det pedagogiska kunskapsområdet i
Sverker Lindblad
Nordic Studies in Education - 2022 -
Restructuring Doctoral Education in
Britt Marie Apelgren, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Doctoral Education as If People Matter: Critical Issues for the Future - 2022 -
Curriculum Theorizing the Reforming of Doctoral Education: Reflections on Paradigmatic Changes in Educational Research
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at Nordic Curriculum Theory Conference: Education between Hope and Happening. Linneus University. Oct 20-21, 2022 - 2022 -
Kartläggning av lärarutbildningsforskning i svenska och internationella
Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson
Bidrag vid SWERA Karlstad, 2022, 5-6 oktober 2022 - 2022 -
School lockdown? Comparative analyses of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in European
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Inger Berndtsson, Elsi-Brith Jodal, Anders Lindqvist, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Caroline Runesdotter, Katarina Samuelsson, Jonas Udd, Martina Wyszynska Johansson
European Educational Research Journal - 2021 -
North-South collaboration: On the making of a Center for Comparative Education and Policy Studies at Addis Ababa
Alebachew Kemisso Haybano, Aimee Haley, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education - 2021 -
On the Making of International Competition as Governing Principle: Studies of the Interplay Between Science and Society in
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Daniel Pettersson , Sverker Lindblad
ECER conference, Geneva, online September 6-10, 2021 - 2021 -
Forskning om Lärarutbildning: Kartläggning av ett internationellt
Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson
Utkast som underlag till Rådslag om Lärarutbildning vid SWERA 2021, 7 oktober 2021 - 2021 -
Om tidskriften Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige och intellektuell organisering av det pedagogiska
Sverker Lindblad, Mats Ekholm
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2021 -
In education we trust: on handling the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Swedish welfare
Sverker Lindblad, Anders Lindqvist, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft - 2021 -
On Knowledge Organization and Recognition of Research in and on Teacher Education: Views from
Sverker Lindblad, Gustaf Nelhans, Daniel Pettersson, Thomas Popkewitz, Katarina Samuelsson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
ECER conference, Geneva, online September 6-10, 2021 - 2021 -
Doctoral education making researchers or teaching professionals? Findings from a systematic research
Sverker Lindblad, Anna-Carin Jonsson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
At the panel On Educational Research in Sweden, WERA Virtual Focal Meeting, July 7-9 2021 - 2021 -
Globalisering av lärarutbildning i Sverige? Om OECD:s kunskapsintressen och problemrepresentation och dess betydelser i svenska
Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson
Läroplansteori i och om lärarutbildning; Rapport från den sjunde Nordiska Läroplansteoretiska konferensen - 2020 -
Läroplansteori i och om lärarutbildning. Rapport från den sjunde nordiska läroplansteoretiska
Elsi-Brith Jodal, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter
2020 -
Inledning: Läroplansteori och lärarutbildning – introduktion till ett dynamiskt
Elsi-Brith Jodal, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter
Läroplansteori i och om lärarutbildning. Rapport från den sjunde nordiska läroplansteoretiska konferensen - 2020 -
Om den oumbärliga reflektionen – om införande av läroplansteori i lärarutbildningen. Samtal med Ulf P.
Elsi-Brith Jodal, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter
Läroplansteori i och om lärarutbildning. Rapport från den sjunde nordiska läroplansteoretiska konferensen, - 2020 -
Statistics reasoning and its “acting” in educational
T. S. Popkewitz, Sverker Lindblad
Handbook of Education Policy Studies. Fan G., Popkewitz T. (eds) - 2020 -
School differentiation and re-forming human kinds in Swedish welfare state education after the second world
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Caroline Runesdotter
The international emergence of educational sciences in the post-world war two years: Quantification, visualization, and making kinds of people. Popkewitz, T.S., Pettersson, D. & Hsiao, K. (Eds.) - 2020 -
Os poderes comparativos dos números e o conhecimento antecipado do número na
Sverker Lindblad, D. Pettersson, T. S. Popkewitz
Curriculo sem Fronteiras - 2020 -
Which Problems to Solve by Teacher Education Reforms? On International Organizations and National Policy
Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson
2020 AERA Annual Meeting, April 17 - April 21, 2020, San Francisco, CA - 2020 -
The Public Opinion in Sweden on Educational Restructuring and Governing by International Large-Scale
Sverker Lindblad, Lennart Nilsson, Mårten Lindblad
Proceedings from the Comparative and International Education Society 2019 meeting in San Francisco, USA - 2019 -
On Doctoral Education Research - Paradigms and Politics of Knowledge: A Research
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
ECER conference, 3-6 September 2019 in Hamburg - 2019 -
Ta time-out från striderna om
Sverker Lindblad
Göteborgsposten - 2019 -
Polarisering i skolfrågor: Förändringar i svensk opinion mellan 2014 och
Sverker Lindblad
Storm och stiltje. Ulrika Andersson, Björn Rönnerstrand, Patrik Öhberg & Annika Bergström (red.) - 2019 -
Intellectual and social organisation of international large-scale assessment
Sverker Lindblad
New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education Conducting Empirically Based Research - 2019 -
Society speaks back: On the intimacy and complexity of comparative education research on a welfare state
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education Conducting Empirically Based Research - 2019 -
Science Speaks to Society? Arguments for Research Relevance and Validity in International Large-Scale Assessment
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson
Proceedings of the AERA 2019 conger - 2019 -
Revisiting the Education Policy Agora: On Politics of Knowledge and Evidence 1998 - 2018 in
Sverker Lindblad, Lisbeth Lundahl
Program Book Nordic Educational Research Association Meeting in Uppsala, 6-8 March - 2019 -
Revisiting the education policy agora: Politics of knowledge and evidence 1998 – 2018 in Europe and
Sverker Lindblad, Lundahl Lisbeth, Thomas Popkewitz
Proceeding from the CIES 2019 meeting in San Francisco, USA - 2019 -
Developing the education agora: On the dynamic interplay between science and society in theory and in
Sverker Lindblad
Proceedings from the Comparative and International Education Society meeting 2019 in San Francisco, USA - 2019 -
Education Governance by
Daniel Pettersson, Sverker Lindblad, Thomas Popkewitz
In: Langer R., Brüsemeister T. (eds) Handbuch Educational Governance Theorien. Educational Governance, vol 43. Springer VS, Wiesbaden - 2019 -
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Thomas Popkewitz
2018 -
Co-production of comparative education research and welfare state education
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
The program for the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2018 in Mexico City. - 2018 -
Svensk opinion och skolans omstrukturering: om styrning, förtroende och bedömning av
Sverker Lindblad, Lennart Nilsson, Mårten Lindblad
Sprickor i fasaden - 2018 -
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson
I Mattias Sjöberg (red): Pedagogik som Vetenskap. - 2018 -
Statistics Reasoning, Governing Education and Making Differences as Kinds of
Sverker Lindblad
Education by the Numbers and the Making of Society - 2018 -
Comparative Education Research at the Education Policy Agora: On Globalizing Tandem Processes in Nordic Welfare State Education Policy and
Sverker Lindblad
The program for the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2018 in Mexico City - 2018 -
International Large - Scale Assessments in Education: Social and Intellectual Organization of
a Research
Daniel Pettersson, Sverker Lindblad
NERA 2018 Programme Abstracts Book: http://www.nera2018.uio.no/programme/abstracts-book-completed.pdf - 2018 -
Society speaks back: On the history of comparative education research at a welfare state
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Publicerad i: The program for the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2018 in Mexico City, - 2018 -
Numbers: A history of a style of
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Thomas Popkewitz
Education by the Numbers and the Making of Society - 2018 -
Bekymmersamt om pedagogiska
Sverker Lindblad
Skola och Samhälle - 2018 -
Om kontext och kontextualisering i forskning om skola och bildning: Återblick på en forskningsmiljö och dess
Sverker Lindblad
Karlstad University Studies 2018:3 - 2018 -
Critical Analyses of Educational Reforms in an Era of Transnational
Elisabeth Hultqvist, Sverker Lindblad, Thomas Popkewitz
2018 -
Education Governance by Results? On Communication in a Performative Turn in Swedish
Sverker Lindblad
Hultqvist E., Lindblad S., Popkewitz T. (eds) Critical Analyses of Educational Reforms in an Era of Transnational Governance. Educational Governance Research, vol 7. Springer, Cham - 2018 -
Critical Analyses of Educational Reform - Writing a title and editing a
Elisabeth Hultqvist, Sverker Lindblad, Thomas Popkewitz
Critical Analyses of Educational Reform - 2018 -
In the grey zone: large-scale assessment-based activities betwixt and between policy, research and
Daniel Pettersson, Thomas Popkewitz, Sverker Lindblad
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy - 2017 -
International Comparisons and Dynamics at the Education Policy
Bernard Schneuwly, Thomas S Popkewitz, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Caroline Runesdotter, Daniel Pettersson, Tine S Prøitz, Sølvi Mausethagen , Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
EERA. Emerging Researchers' Conference. Copenhagen, August 2017 - 2017 -
THE PUBLIC OPINION: ON THE MAKINGS ON MODERN EDUCATION. Paper presented at the 2017 NERA Conference in March
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad
Paper presenterat vid NFPFs kongress i Köpenhamn, Mars 2017 - 2017 -
Getting the Numbers right in the Making of Education and
Sverker Lindblad
Invited speech at the 7th Nordic Conference on Curriculum Theory in Gothenburg, November 2017 - 2017 -
Comparative reasoning: curriculum making in the 'grey
Christina Elde Mølstad, Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson
The 45th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), 23-25 March 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2017 -
Okunnigt om pedagogisk
Sverker Lindblad
Dagens Nyheter 2017-03-31 - 2017 -
The "Agora project": International comparisons and the re-modelling of welfare
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
NOCIES (Research in Comparative and International Education in the Nordic Countries) in Copenhagen, March 2017 - 2017 -
Statistics reasoning, governing education, and social inclusion and
Thomas Popkewitz, Sverker Lindblad
Educação & Sociedade - 2016 -
PISA visar inte hela
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson
Göteborgsposten - 2016 -
Slående hur PISA-forskning
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson
Dagens samhälle 6 december 2016 - 2016 -
Higher education and research in a steady state – on changing premises and practices for educational research in
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy - 2016 -
Borders and Boundaries in Changing Educational Landscapes? On the political in refugee migration and the politics of education in
Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter, Ola Lindberg
Online program for the European Educational Resarch Association Annual Meeting 22-26 August 2016 - 2016 -
THE STATE WE NOW ARE IN? On transitions of educational research in a restructuring system of higher education and
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
SWERA 2016 Annual Conference - 2016 -
Into the Greyzone: International entrepreneurial agencies (EA) in-between governmental policy, research and
Daniel Pettersson, Sverker Lindblad, Thomas Popkewitz
ECER 2016 online program - 2016 -
Post-political governing of welfare state education in
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Reimers, E. and Martinsson, L. (Eds) (2016): Education and Political Subjectivities in Neoliberal Times and Places Emergences of norms and possibilities - 2016 -
Educational knowledge and policy discourses in tandem: International comparisons at the education
Sverker Lindblad, Thomas Popkewitz
European Educational Resarch Association Annual Meeting 2016 online program - 2016 -
The Public Opinion on Educational Qualities in Postpolitical Times: International Comparisons in Welfare State
Sverker Lindblad, Lennart Nilsson, Mårten Lindblad
American Educational Research Association Conference Online Program 2016 - 2016 -
Educational careers and public trust in research: Comparative analyses with a focus on educational
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad
Nordic Educational Research Association Book of Abstracts 2016 - 2016 -
The History of International Large-Scale Assessments in
Daniel Pettersson, Sverker Lindblad
American Educational Research Association Conference On Line Program 2016 - 2016 -
Knowledge by the Number: A Systematic Research Review on International Comparisons of School
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson
American Educational Research Association Conference On Line Program 2016 - 2016 -
Higher Education and Research in a Steady State – On changing premises and practices for educational research in
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Elmgren, M.; Folke-Fichtelius, M.; Hallsén, S.; Román, H. & Wemke, W. (Red): Att ta utbildningens komplexitet på allvar - 2016 -
On relevance and norms of science in times of
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Trimmer, K. (Ed): Political Pressures on Educational and Social Research International perspectives - 2016 -
On the Use of Educational Numbers: Comparative Constructions of Hierarchies by Means of Large-Scale
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Thomas Popkewitz
Espacio, Tiemp y Educación - 2016 -
On organizing educational research communication in Europe: Past experiences and possible
Sverker Lindblad
European Educational Research Journal - 2015 -
School management, cultures of teaching and student outcomes: Comparing the cases of Finland and
Katarina Samuelsson, Sverker Lindblad
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies - 2015 -
Därför har han fel om
Sverker Lindblad
Dagens Industri - 2015 -
We need to talk about Europe! Amplifying the voices of refugees EERJ INITIATIVE
Sverker Lindblad, Carlijne Ceulemans, Mathias Decuypere, Sotiria Grek, Edwin Keiner, Eric Mangez, Jan Masschelein, Maarten Simmons
Educational Philosophy and Theory - 2015 -
Delade uppfattningar i den svenska opinionen: Internationella jämförelser av skolresultat och bedömningar av skolans
Sverker Lindblad, Lennart Nilsson, Mårten Lindblad
Annika Bergström, Bengt Johansson, Henrik Oscarsson och Maria Oskarson (Red): Fragment. Göteborg: SOM-institutet - 2015 -
A World Wide Panopticon: on Large Scale International Assessments and Progress in
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad
EERA 2015 Online Program: http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/search-programmes/ - 2015 -
Systemic Review of Research on International Comparisons of School
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Thomas S. Popkewitz
EERA 2015 Online Program: http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/search-programmes/ - 2015 -
Konsulterna som styr
Sverker Lindblad
Sveriges Radio: Vetenskapsradion - 2015 -
Notions from evaluations of study programs in the field of educational sciences - Classifications, discourses and boundary
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Sundberg
NERA 2015 Program and Abstract Book. University of Gothenburg - 2015 -
Konsultinspirerat skolprojekt kritiseras av
Sverker Lindblad
Programserie om Pisadoktrinen - 2015 -
International Comparisons of School Results: A Systematic Review of Research on Large Scale Assessments in
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Thomas Popkewitz
2015 -
Internationella Jämförelser av
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Thomas Popkewitz
2015 -
Pedagogik och
Martin Harling, Elsi-Brith Jodal, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Lindblad, S. & Lundahl, L. (red): Utbildning - makt och politik - 2015 -
Undervisning och makt i
Michael Hansen, Sverker Lindblad, Olof Reichenberg Carlström
Lindblad, S. & Lundahl, L. (red): Utbildning - makt och politik - 2015 -
Politik och makt i och över
Sverker Lindblad, Lisbeth Lundal
Lindblad, S. & Lundahl, L. (red): Utbildning - makt och politik - 2015 -
Utbildning - Makt och
Sverker Lindblad, Lisbeth Lundahl
2015 -
Observations on European Education and Educational Research: The European Educational Research Journal at work
Sverker Lindblad
European Educational Research Journal - 2014 -
Higher Education Policy and Changing Transnational Expertise in
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
The NERA 2014 Session Program - 2014 -
Quality and Relevance in educational research assessments - Some reflections on the role of research in processes of expertizing educational
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad
http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/ - 2014 -
Educational Restructuring and Educational Research in
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad
AERA Annual Program 2014 online http://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aera/aera14/ - 2014 -
Musikpedagogik och
Sverker Lindblad
Kyrkomusikernas Tidning - 2014 -
Curriculum Codes and International
Sverker Lindblad
Pereyra, M. & Franklin, B. (eds): Systems of Reason and the Politics of Schooling. - 2014 -
Changing discourses on qualities of educational research in
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
NERA 2014 Session program - 2014 -
Past, Present and Future of EERA and ECER. Round Table with past Presidents and Secretary
Sverker Lindblad
European Educational Research Conference in Porto 2014. On line program - 2014 -
Educational Research: the State of Sweden and the Australian 2.2
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad
The Australian Educational Researcher - 2013 -
On the Values of Educational Comparisons: On Marketized Education and Post-politics in
Martin Harling, Elsi-Brith Jodal, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
European Conference on Educational Research 2013 Istanbul - 2013 -
Professionalism and New Public Management in Teachers' Work: a comparative study on teachers' work experience in Sweden and
Katarina Samuelsson, Sverker Lindblad
Paper presented at the Emerging Researchers’ Conference at ECER 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2013 - 2013 -
Reflektioner över högre utbildning ur ett pedagogiskt
Sverker Lindblad
Keynote vid konferensen Högskolepedagogikens Utmaningar i Malmö den 14 oktober 2013 - 2013 -
What Matters in Education Governance by Results? On the meanings of a performative turn in Swedish
Sverker Lindblad
Invited contribution to the conference “Critical analyses of educational reforms” organised by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Stockholm University, 17-19 September 2013. - 2013 -
The governance of
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad
Nordic Educational Research Association, Congress 2013. Paper presented at a symposium What is excellence? – Markets, the transnational turn and Nordic higher education policy? Organized by John Benedicto Krejsler and Sverker Lindblad - 2013 -
Evaluering av forskningsprogrammene PRAKSISFOU og
Sverker Lindblad, Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Bente Jensen, Jan O. Jonsson, Trine Myrvold, Sven Persson
2013 -
Läroplanskod och
Sverker Lindblad
Eikset, A. G., Dons, C-F, & Garm, N. (Red): Utdanning mellom Styring og Danning - 2012 -
On the performativity of university ranking lists: commodity aesthetics and
Sverker Lindblad
The university: An institution of Society - 2012 -
On the social and intellectual organization of educational research communication in
Michael Hansen, Sverker Lindblad
http://nera2012.au.dk/scientificprogramme/ - 2012 -
Classroom Interaction in Changing Contexts: Positions and Practices Performed in Recordings from 1960s into
Sverker Lindblad, Olof Reichenberg Carlström, Martin Harling, Michael Hansen
Curriculum and Evaluation: Themes and Territories. Papers from Nordic Curriculum Conference - 2011 -
Europeanization of Higher Education: International Networking and Transnational Governance of Higher Education and Knowledge
Sverker Lindblad
European Conference on Educational Research, Berlin 2011 - 2011 -
Professional Knowledge and Educational Restructuring in
Ivor Goodson, Sverker Lindblad
2011 -
Developing a Conceptual Framework for Understanding Professional
Ivor Goodson, Sverker Lindblad
Professional Knowledge and Educational Restructuring in Europe - 2011 -
The Making of the European Higher Education Area; Politics of Knowledge, Research Assessments and University
Rita Foss Lindblad, Thomas Popkewitz, Sverker Lindblad
European Congress on Educational Research, Berlin 2011 - 2011 -
Teacher’s Working Life under
Peter Sohlberg, Sverker Lindblad, Magdalena Czaplicka
Professional Knowledge and Educational Restructuring in Europe - 2011 -
Researching the Teaching Profession under
Sverker Lindblad, Ivor Goodson
Professional Knowledge and Educational Restructuring in Europe - 2011 -
Classroom Interaction in Changing Contexts: Positions and Practices Performed in Recordings from 1960s into
Martin Harling, Sverker Lindblad, Olof Reichenberg Carlström
AERA 2011 meeting program: Inciting the Social Imagination. - 2011 -
An Informed and Rational Choice: Student Identity and Secondary School
Michael Hansen, Sverker Lindblad
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), September 2011, Berlin - 2011 -
INTERAKTION – LÄRANDE – UNDERVISNING: En plattform för studier av pedagogiska
Sverker Lindblad
Resultatdialog 2012 - 2011 -
Middle-Man Theorizing: Biesta on Rancière and Mouffe into Citizenship
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Bildungsgeschichte, International Journal for the Historiography of Education, - 2011 -
Lindblad, S. (2011): Agora and education in transition: Explorations of significant spaces in the making of education.
Sverker Lindblad
Kusch, J. (ed): Knowledge, differences and identity in the time of globalization. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholas Publication - 2011 -
Constructing Teacher Professionalism between Organizational Decision-making and Work-life
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
AERA 2011 meeting program: Inciting the Social Imagination - 2011 -
Classroom Interaction in Changing Contexts: Positions and Practices Performed in Recordings from 1960s into
Sverker Lindblad, Olof Reichenberg Carlström, Martin Harling, Michael Hansen
AERA 2011 meeting program: Inciting the Social Imagination - 2011 -
Educational Research Communication and Research Organization: International Research Arenas in a Scandinavian Welfare State
Michael Hansen, Sverker Lindblad
Paper presented at the AERA-meeting in New Orleans, April 7-13, 2011 - 2011 -
Studying the political in communication on school results and school
Maria Jarl, Olof Reichenberg Carlström, Sverker Lindblad
Presenterad på NERA 2011 (Nordic Educational Research Association), Jyväskylä, Finland, 10-12 mars. - 2011 -
Turn taking in large-scale reforms: re-modelling welfare state education in
Sverker Lindblad
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft - 2011 -
Forskningskommunikation och publiceringsmönster inom utbildningsvetenskap: En studie av svensk utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid tre lärosäten (Vetenskapsrådets Rapportserie Nr
Politiker struntar i djupare
Sverker Lindblad
Göteborgsposten - 2010 -
Okunnig och ansvarslös skolpolitisk
Sverker Lindblad
Skola och Samhälle - 2010 -
The politics of professionalising
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Svenska Nätverket för Professionsforskning, Götebort 31 oktober - 1 november. - 2010 -
Omstrukturering av skolväsendet - politiska beslut och professionell
Sverker Lindblad
Eriksson, I., V. Lindberg, E. Österlind: Uppdrag undervisning - kunskap och lärande - 2010 -
Invitations to contextualizing teaching and learning: International and comparative studies on classroom
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Presentation at the LPS meeting in Melbourne, December 6-10, 2010 - 2010 -
LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, EN PLENO CAMBIO. Gobierno de la Universidad y tablas internacionales de
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Cuadernos de pedagogía - 2010 -
Welfare State Restructuring in Education and its National Refractions. Finnish, Irish and Swedish Teachers’ Perceptions of Current
Sverker Lindblad, Jarmo Houtsonen, Magdalena Czaplicka, Peter Sohlberg, C Sugrue
Current Sociology - 2010 -
The Politics of Professionalizing Talk on Teaching: Boundary Work and Reconfigurations of Teaching and
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Simons, M., Olsen, M. & Peters, M.P. (Eds): Re-Reading Education Policies: A Handbook Studying the Policy Agenda of the 21st Century. - 2009 -
Transnational governance of higher education: On globalization and international university ranking
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad
Popkewitz, T.,S. & Rizvi, F. (Eds): GLOBALIZATION AND THE STUDY OF EDUCATION - 2009 -
Organising school careers by means of information systems: On differentiating students in a school for
Michael Hansen, Sverker Lindblad, Katarina Samuelsson
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 28-30 September 2009, Vienna, Austria - 2009 -
Narratives on Educational Research Evaluation in
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Thomas S. Popkewitz
Besley, A.C (Ed): Asessing the Quality of Educational Research in Higher Education - 2009 -
Sverker Lindblad, Gustav Erling Karlsen, Hannu Hannu Simula, Stavros Stavros Moutsios, Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson
Nera Abstracts 2009 - 2009 -
Informing about education under a performative turn: What is the Game and what are the Arts of its
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
http://www.eera-ecer.eu/index.php?id=181 - 2009 -
Nurses' working life under
Sverker Lindblad
Epilogue: Teaching professions in restructuring
Sverker Lindblad
Bayer, M.; Brinkkjaer, U.; Plauborg, H. @ Rolls, S. (Eds): Teachers' Career Trajectories and Work Lives - 2009 -
Politik och retorik i svensk utbildning - inte riktigt som man
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Pedagogiska Magasinet - 2009 -
Crossprofessional Studies on Nursing and Teaching in
Sverker Lindblad, Ivor Goodson
2008 -
From teaching to studenting? Politics of learning and classroom interaction: Notes on the making of historical comparative
Martin Harling, Michael Hansen, Sverker Lindblad
Paper presented at ECER, 10-12 september 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2008 -
International University Ranking Lists: What is the Game and what are the arts of its
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad, Tom Popkewitz
AERA 2008 meeting report - 2008 -
Navigating in the Field of University Positioning: on international ranking lists, quality indicators and higher education
Sverker Lindblad
European Educational Research Journal - 2008 -
Evaluering af forskningsprogrammene vid Danmarks Paedagogisk
Sverker Lindblad, Solveig-Alma Lyster
2008 -
Teacher education and teachers as intellectuals: Comments concerning recent policy discourses in
Sverker Lindblad
Zeitschrift für pädagogische Historiographie - 2008 -
PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE IN EDUCATION AND HEALTH: Restructuring work and life between state and citizens in
Sverker Lindblad
2008 -
PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND LITERATURE ASYMMETRIES Contribution to the symposium “Unpacking the backstage of a European Research Project on Professional Knowledge in Education and
Sverker Lindblad
EERA 2008 meeting - 2008 -
Navigating in the Field of Research Driven Universities: On Research Governing and the Making and Using University Ranking
Sverker Lindblad
EERJ Roundtable at the EERA 2008 meeting - 2008 -
Mellan Profession och Akademi: Habitus och Fält under
Sverker Lindblad
Petersen, K-A & Hoyen, M, (Red) (2008): At sætte spor på en vandring fra Aquinas til Bourdieu - æresbog til Staf Callewaert. Copenhagen: Hexis - 2008 -
Peter Sohlberg, Magdalena Czaplicka, Sverker Lindblad, Mark Morgan, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Maeve Dupont
2008 -
Academic ranking lists as re-presentations of higher education
Sverker Lindblad
American Educational Research Association 2008 Meeting - 2008 -
On knowledge societies and epistemic cultures of teaching. A contribution to the symposium “Atlantic Crossings: Comparative Conversations on Professional Cultures of Teaching and Institutional Restructuring as a World Movement” at the AERA 2007 meeting in Chicago, April
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
AERA 2007 meeting in Chicago - 2007 -
Gobernación educativa y exclusión social: dificultades conceptuales y problematicas en la política y en la
Sverker Lindblad, Thomas S. Popkewitz
In Luengo, J.J. (Ed): Paradigmas de Gobernación y de exclusión social en la educación. - 2007 -
X som i
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
I A. Björnsson & B. Rombach (red.) Tidens tecken. Svenska Humanistiska Förbundets skriftserie 121 - 2007 -
Teachers Organising Their Work in an Era of Word-Wide Institutional Restructuring:A Comparative Study of Teachers in Finland, Ireland and Sweden. A contribution to the symposium “Atlantic Crossings: Comparative Conversations on Professional Cultures of Teaching and Institutional Restructuring as a World Movement” at the AERA 2007 meeting in Chicago, April
Sverker Lindblad
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting - 2007 -
On the political and politics of expertise in transition: Paper presented at the symposium “Recent trends and challenges in policy and politics of education” at the NERA 2007 meeting in Turku, March 15-17
Rita Foss Lindblad, Michael Hansen, Sverker Lindblad, Monica Nyvaller, Gun-Britt Wärvik
NERA Annual Meeting in Turku - 2007 -
Teachers at work: Narrating and practising educational restructuring. Presented at European Education Policy Network conference, "Defining the European Education Agenda", 11 January, 2007, Cambridge, United
Sverker Lindblad
http://keelingruth.googlepages.com/onlineworkingpapers - 2007 -
Världsmästerskap i vetenskap?: en granskning av internationella rankinglistor och deras sätt att hantera kvalitet hos
Mats Cavallin, Sverker Lindblad
2006 -
Discoursing Health Care Restructuring and Nurses Professional Expertise in
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the NERA annual meeting in Örebro, Sweden. March 2006 - 2006 -
On the Politics of Knowledge in the Reconfiguring of the Teaching and Nursing Profession. A contribution to the symposium “Comparative Studies on Professional Expertise, Authority and Work Life Organisation in Education and
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
EERA meeting in Geneva, September 13-15, 2006 - 2006 -
The education system and mathematics education in
Sverker Lindblad
Mathematics Classrooms in 12 countries: The Insider's Perspective - 2006 -
Lindblad, S., Houtsonen, J., Lindblad, S., Sugrue, C., Dupont, M. (2007). Teachers Organising Their Work in an Era of Word-Wide Institutional Restructuring: A Comparative Study of Teachers in Finland, Ireland and Sweden. A contribution to the symposium “Atlantic Crossings: Comparative Conversations on Professional Cultures of Teaching and Institutional Restructuring as a World Movement” at the AERA 2007 meeting in Chicago, April
Sverker Lindblad, Jarmo Houtsonen, C Sugrue
AERA 2006 Proceedings - 2006 -
A European perspective on international arenas for educational
Sverker Lindblad
In Coulby, D., Ozga, J.,Popkewitz, T., & Seddon, T. (Eds): World Yearbook in Education 2006: Education Research and Policy. - 2006 -
Läraryrke under omstrukturering. I: A.-K. Boström & Lidholt, B. (red.) Lärares arbete. Pedagogikforskare reflekterar utifrån olika perspektiv. (Forskning i fokus, nr. 29), s.
Sverker Lindblad
2006 -
Knowledge at work: On the politics of knowledge in the reconfiguration of the teaching
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
Popkewitz, T. S. [et al.] (eds). "The Future Is Not What It Appears To Be". Pedagogy, Genealogy and Political Epistemology - 2006 -
Om internationell utbildningsvetenskaplig publicering från svensk
Sverker Lindblad
Utbildningsvetenskap : ett kunskapsområde under formering - 2006 -
Mot bättre vetande : presentationer av forskning vid Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik
A pyrrhic victory: the progressive movement into Swedish welfare state education. Invited contribution to the symposium Policy Making in the Public Interest: The Dream and Its Consequences. Sponsored by the International Relations
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
AERA, in San Francisco, April 7-11, 2006 - 2006 -
Education Research in Sweden. A contribution to the EERA roundtable “The Social Organization of Education Research: a Cross-national
Sverker Lindblad, Lisbeth Lundahl
EERA meeting in Geneva, September 13-15, 2006 - 2006 -
Farväl till partipolitiken i skolans
Sverker Lindblad
Pedagogiska Magasinet - 2006 -
Discoursing Working Life and Professional Expertise in Education and Health Care in Sweden. A contribution to the symposium “National case studies of restructuring in professional work and professional education in health and education
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the EERA annual meeting in Dublin, September 2005. - 2005 -
Knowledge, Governance and Social Inclusion/Exclusion: A report from a European Union research
Sverker Lindblad
Lindahl, R. & Jännebring, B. (eds). Forskning om Europafrågor vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet - 2005 -
Nu var det
Sverker Lindblad, Finn Calander
Pedagogiska Magasinet, 2005, nr 1. sid 15-25. - 2005 -
Yrkesroll i förvandling. Lärarutbildningar, rekrytering och yrkesidentitet under om strukturering. I Utbildningsvetenskap 2005 - Resultatdialog och Framtidsblick. (Vetenskapsrådet: Rapport 13:2005), s.
Sverker Lindblad, Finn Calander, Gustave Callewaert
2005 -
European welfare state education: Social reconstruction in between cultural change and
Sverker Lindblad
Keynote publicerad i proceedings from the 2005 International Symposiumon Curriculum for Social Reconstruction. TMTE, Taiwan - 2005 -
1990-talet och
Sverker Lindblad
Grundskolans ämnen i ljuset av Nationella utvärderingen 2003: nuläge och framåtblickar - 2005 -
Educational Restructuring: International perspectives on travelling
Sverker Lindblad, Thomas S. Popkewitz
2004 -
Educational Restructuring: (Re)Thinking the Problematic of
Sverker Lindblad, Thomas S. Popkewitz
Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (Eds): Educational Restructuring - International Perspectives on Travelling Policies - 2004 -
Lindblad, S., & Marton, F. (2004). What is compared in comparative studies of Maths Education? Paper presented at Psychology of Maths Education meeting, Bergen,
Sverker Lindblad, Ference Marton
http://www.emis.de/proceedings/PME28/ - 2004 -
Internationella arenor för utbildningsvetenskaper : om forskarorganisationer, vetenskapliga tidskrifter och överstatliga organisationer (Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie, 2004:
Sverker Lindblad, Dag Kyndel, Lena Larson
2004 -
Nittiotal : Om Lärarna, Skolan och Samhället av
Sverker Lindblad
2004 -
Historizing the future: Educational reform, systems of reason, and the making of children who are the future
Thomas S. Popkewitz, Sverker Lindblad
Journal of Educational Change - 2004 -
OECD Examiners’ Report on Educational Research and Development in
Stefan Wolter, Edwin Keiner, Donatella Palomba, Sverker Lindblad
European Educational Research Journal - 2004 -
Introducing teacher education under
Sverker Lindblad, Gustave Callewaert
ECER, the European Conference on Educational Research. ECER 2004. Kreta - 2004 -
The way we do things in Sweden: On school cultures and maths lessons from different
Jonas Emanuelsson, Josefin Häggblom, Johan Häggström, Johan Liljestrand, Sverker Lindblad, Ference Marton, Ulla Runesson, Fritjof Sahlström
Paper presented at the NFPF meeting in Copenhagen, march 6-9 2003. - 2003