QRM Conference 2023
The school of Quantitative Research Methods in Education is delighted to invite educational researchers, PhD students, and senior researchers with an interest in quantitative research methods to our annual conference
"Using Geometric Data Analysis to Reveal Fields of Education" by Mikael Börjesson, Professor of Educational Sociology at the Department of Education,
Uppsala University

Workshop A
A longitudinal approach – is it possible? Yes!
Workshop leaders
- Alli Klapp, IPS, University of Gothenburg, alli.klapp@ped.gu.se
- Victoria Rolfe, IPS, University of Gothenburg, victoria.rolfe@gu.se
Target group
- Researchers
- PhD students
Previous knowledge requirements
- Familiarity with large-scale data
Learning outcomes
- Design a longitudinal study
The workshop is targeted towards researchers (in a wide sense!) interested in using a longitudinal design. Of course, this approach requires data that is longitudinal, offering repeated measures over time. The database Evaluation through Follow-up (UGU) is a longitudinal database meaning that we follow the same individuals through the educational system and repeat almost the same questionnaires in Grade 6, 9 and 12. We also have repeated measures of tests and grades through the education system which makes it possible to estimate growth over time. The workshop will start in basic prerequisites for longitudinal analyses and use the study Does grading affect educational attainment? A longitudinal study as an example on how to go about it! Taking part in this workshop will hopefully inspire you to design a longitudinal study of your own. A warm welcome!
Workshop B
Getting started with R in R Studio
Workshop leaders
- Håkan Forsberg , EDU, Uppsala University, hakan.forsberg@edu.uu.se
- Erika Majoros, IPS, University of Gothenburg, erika.majoros@gu.se
Target group
- Researchers
- PhD students
- Teachers
Previous knowledge requirements
- Working knowledge of basic statistics is required
Learning outcomes
- Install R and RStudio
- Describe the key characteristics of the R environment
- Download and apply R packages of their interest
- Perform basic data management tasks completed during the workshop on their data
- Evaluate the applicability of the R environment in their research
The workshop provides an introduction to R, which is an increasingly used statistical environment maintained by an international team of developers, as well as RStudio, a software application that makes R easier to use. The overall aim is that participants will acquire knowledge and understanding of the basic elements of the statistical environment R, data management operations, and basic statistical analyses.
Workshop C
Performing Geometric Data Analysis (GDA)
Workshop leaders
- Mikael Börjesson, EDU, Uppsala University, mikael.borjesson@edu.uu.se
- Emil Bertilsson, EDU, Uppsala University, emil.bertilsson@edu.uu.se
- Tobias Dalberg, EDU, Uppsala University, tobias.dalberg@edu.uu.se
Target group
- Researchers
- PhD students
- Teachers
Previous knowledge requirements
- Basic statistical knowledge is required
Learning outcomes
- Be able to perform GDA
The workshop Performing Geometric Data Analysis (GDA) is consecrated to learning how to perform Geometric Data Analysis on two types of materials, contingency tables and survey data (individuals x variables). Geometric Data Analysis is a family of statistical methods originating from the work of French mathematician Jean-Paul Benzécris in the 1960s and 1970s. Best known are simple correspondence analysis, multiple correspondence analysis and Euclidean classification. More recently, the leading French representatives have been Henry Rouanet and Brigitte Le Roux. It is sufficient with basic statistical knowledge. The course targets researchers, PhD-students and teachers.
Workshop D
Latent variable modelling with lavaan in R
This workshop has been cancelled.
Please find the conference program including abstracts in pdf format by following this link.
Monday, 12 June 2023
09:30-12:00 |
Conference registration |
10:00-12:00 |
Workshop A (AK2 134) |
Workshop B (AK2 135) |
12:00-13:00 |
Lunch |
13:00-14:00 |
Keynote presentation (AK2 136, K-G Stukát) |
14:00-14:30 |
Coffee |
14:30-16:00 |
Session 1A (AK2 134) |
Session 1B (AK2 135) |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee and snacks |
16:30-18:00 |
Poster session (AK2 136, K-G Stukát) |
19:00 |
Conference dinner |
Tuesday, 13 June 2023
09:00-10:30 |
Session 2A (AK2 134) |
Session 2B (AK2 135) |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee |
11:00-12:30 |
Session 3A (AK2 134) |
Session 3B (AK2 135) |
12:30-13:15 |
Lunch |
13:15-14:30 |
Panel discussion (AK2 136, K-G Stukát) |
14:30:15:00 |
Coffee |
15:00-17:00 |
Workshop C (AK2 134) |
The submissions can address a large variety of educational research questions using quantitative research methods relevant to e.g., national or international large-scale assessments, as well as matters of social recruitment, segregation, and inequality throughout the educational system. We also welcome submissions that target methodological considerations and challenges.