About us
Tjärnö Marine Laboratory is located by Sweden's most species-rich marine area in the northern part of Bohuslän province. Ships, laboratories, sea water systems, accommodation, dining hall, as well as skilled and helpful staff exist for university education and research. In total, about 70 persons are working all year around. Also school classes and the general public are welcome.
Name of the station
In English the name is Tjärnö Marine Laboratory, with Tjärnö Laboratory as short form.
In Swedish the station is called Tjärnö marina laboratorium, with the short form Tjärnölaboratoriet.
A part of the Marine Infrastructure
Tjärnö Marine Laboratory is a part of the Marine Infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg. This also includes the larger research vessel Skagerak. The Department of Marine Sciences is the host department for the Marine Infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg.
The Department of Marine Sciences is also host organisation for the national marine infrastructure Kristineberg Center for marine research and innovation. Kristineberg Center is managed jointly by the partners Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, KTH, and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.