Sea water systems
Through-flowing filtered sea water is one of the most important facilities at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory. We have deep water, with relatively high and stable salinity, and surface water, in which both salinity and temperature varies. Thanks to water reservoir and alarm to caretaker, the sea water systems are quite reliable.
For both deep and surface water entering the Tjärnö Lasse lab, salinity and temperature are continuously measured. It can be seen on the Water and weather data web page.
Deep water
The water intake is at 45 metre depth. In the Pump House incoming water is flowing through a 10 mm coarse sieve and is pumped through filter with sand in three layers (6-8 mm, 3-4 mm and 1-2 mm) to the water reservoir above White Residence. From there the water flows to the Education Building, Lars Afzelius' Laboratory, White Laboratory, Yellow Laboratory and Ecotron. In total there are deep or surface water available from about 800 taps. Compiled measurement results from 2009-2018 are shown in diagrams below.

Surface water
In frost-free season (often April-November) there is through-flowing surface water. It is pumped from 1.5 metre depth. The pump is protected by a 2 mm filter, but otherwise there is no filtering. Water can be cooled to 4 °C, and heated to 30 °C. Surface water is available in Education Building, Lars Afzelius' Laboratory, Yellow Laboratory and Ecotron. In total there are deep or surface water available from about 800 taps. Compiled measurement results from 1980-2013 are shown in diagrams below.