In case of danger and emergency, call 112 and ask for Ambulance / Fire department / Doctor / Police. Tell your name and that you are at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory. Inform someone in the Crisis management group.
In case of failure on the property contact Akademiska Hus' operations technician at the Tjärnö Laboratory:
Christian Färnlöf
+46 72 209 86 16
Lost key
If you happen to lock up or lose your room key / access card, please contact the Reception during office hours. Other times, contact husvärd or call one of the following:
Gunilla Johansson: +46 31 786 96 37
Kerstin Johannesson: +46 31 786 96 11
In case of fire
You are obliged to inform you of where emergency exits and fire extinguishers are located. Notices are posted on the inside of all the room doors in the residence buildings and in the hallways and in the Education Buildings. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings.
In case of fire
SAVE persons in immediate danger
ALERT call 112 or push any fire alarm button. See evacuation plan.
- where the fire is
- if there are people trapped
- who you are
WARN others who may be threatened by fire
EXTINGUISH the fire if you can
FIRE EXTINGUISHER fire extinguisher (powder) and fire posts (water) are placed in the buildings
outside the Workshop
FIRST AID KIT is centrally located in each building
in the Recycling room in the Lars Afzelius Laboratory.
On alarm, contact
Tjärnö: Christian Färnlöf, +46 72 209 86 16.
Crisis management
The Crisis management group leads and coordinates activities in case of serious accidents, fire or other major activity disruptions. Emergency Services have always overall responsibility at major emergencies.
The Crisis management group consists of:
Marina Panova |
Gunilla Toth |
Helen Veerman |
Olga Ortega-Martinez |
Teresia Martinsson |
Ahmed Alrifaiy |
Gunnar Cervin |
Martin Larsvik |