University of Gothenburg
Students walking on a shallow sea bottom viewing through an aqua scope
Photo: Martin Larsvik

Price list

This is a list of prices for the most common services when staying at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory, valid from 2024-01-01 until further notice. Prices in Swedish crowns (SEK), excl. VAT and usually per day. Prices are specified at bottom of page.

Researchers, PhD students and other staff
  Bench fee Meals Lodging (single/double) R/V Nereus (per h)
University of Gothenburg visitors, as well as other Swedish and foreign universities 400 312 450/350 2000


Students: courses, degree and applied projects
  Bench fee Meals Lodging (single/double) R/V Nereus (per h)
University of Gothenburg 0 235 0 2000
Other Swedish and foreign universities 400 312 450/350 2000
Primary and secondary education, traineeship and folk schools
  Bench fee Meals Lodging (single/double) R/V Nereus (per h) Marine biologist / guide (per h)
All categories 350 312 450/350 2000 800
Government and local agencies, companies, community groups and clubs as well a private groups
  Bench fee Meals Lodging (single/double) R/V Nereus (per h) Marine biologist / guide (per h)
All categories 700 312 750/650 4500 1500 *

* 800 SEK for community groups and clubs as well as private groups

Bench fee

including lab-/writing space, copying, access to conference rooms, video conference, access to lab equipment and small boats. Cost for fuel when using the small boats is not included in the bench fee. For group only using the conference facilities the fee is 400 SEK/person and day. Groups on shorter visits, as well as individual pupils/students in work experience programme, traineeships, internship or diploma project, do not pay bench fee.


Full board including breakfast (buffet), lunch and light dinner. For prices for coffee and cake as well as our dinner options for conferences and workshops, contact the booking.


In single or double room with access to common rooms and sauna. Rental of bed linen and towels will be added with 100 SEK/set. Cleaning fee will be added of 200 SEK/room for stays up to 2 nights, 400 SEK/room for stays from 3 nights. Students and pupils from school bring their own linen and towel, and clean their rooms before departure. Bachelor och master students at the University of Gothenburg has a number of free nights accordingly:

  • 15 ECT: 9 weeks or 63 overnight stays
  • 30 ECT: 18 weeks or 126 overnight stays
  • 45 ECT: 21 weeks or 147 overnight stays
  • 50–60 ECT: 25 weeks or 175 overnight stays

First cycle and second cycle students, namely those who do not pay for accomodation themselves, are leaving when the Tjärnö Laboratory part of the course ends. Exceptions apply to bachelor’s degree project students and master’s degree projects students, who may stay longer subject to availability and if the supervisor or the student pays for accomodation.


Rental of R/V Nereus including crew and fuel. Vessel minimum usage time is 1,5 hours.

ROV incl. ROV pilot

Rental of remotely operated vehicle.
V8 M500 or V8 Sii: 1500 SEK/h for universities; 2500 SEK/h for government agencies, companies, clubs and private groups.
BlueROV: 500 SEK/h for universities; 1000 SEK/h for government agencies, companies, clubs and private groups.
During 2025 there is no fee for secondary education and folk schools.

Technician, workshop and lab

650 SEK/h. Subsidy for university employees.

Marine biologist / Guide

It is possible for external groups and visitors to book a marine biologist / guide at Tjärnö. Prices in tables above.


Prices for R/V Nereus, ROV and marine biologist/guide refer to ordinary working hours. For prices outside ordinary working hours, please contact the booking.