
Photo: NN
BlueROV (Little Blue)
”Liittle Blue” is a flexible mini-ROV, yet durable with advanced technology. It is used for minor studies from small boats, docks and piers.
Manufacturer: Blue Robotics, Torrance (Los Angeles), USA
Model: BlueROV2
Length • width • height (cm): 57 • 34 • 25
Weight: 12 kg
Thrusters: 8 pcs • 44 W/pc
Battery driven, approx. 2-3 h normal run
Maximum speed: 2 knots
Maximum depth: 100 metres
Length of existing cable: 150 metres
Equipped with:
- Video camera HD, enables viewing 90° upwards and 90° downwards
- 4 dimmable lights, max 1500 lumens each
- Depth sensor
- Thermometer
- Claw (=one-function manipulator)
- Acoustic positioning system
- Side-scan sonar
Used on: R/V Nereus, Doris and from land
Purchased: 2019