University of Gothenburg
Collage of pictures from Core facilities and map
Photo: Johan Wingborg

National Research Infrastructures and Networks

All Core Facilities units have strong national and international profiles and are part of national research infrastructures such as SciLifeLab and international infrastructures such as EuroBioimaging. This ensures the highest quality services also for our local researchers. On this page you can find an overview and links for further reading.


SciLifeLab is a national infrastructure within life science with a wide range of advanced technology and expertise. It was started in 2010, and today there are SciLifeLab units spread over a large part of Sweden.

SciLifeLab Gothenburg

In 2021, the local SciLifelab site in Gothenburg was formed as a resource for researchers to easily access the SciLifeLab infrastructure. The Gothenburg site is coordinated by Core Facilities but include units at both the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. We also have a strong connection to Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

Core Facilities Units that are part of SciLifeLab

Several of our units at Core Facilities are part of SciLifeLab platforms and form national units that can handle research projects from across Sweden. Below is a short presentation with links to each unit's page at

Core Facility: Center for Cellular Imaging (CCI)

The CCI is part of the two SciLifeLab units below. We are specialized in three-dimensional correlative multimodal imaging: the sequential combination of two or more imaging techniques to gain holistic and complementary knowledge across multiple scales.

SciLifeLab Unit: Integrated Microscopy Technologies
SciLifeLab Unit: Cryo-EM

Both units are part of the SciLifeLab Platform: Cellular and molecular imaging.

Core Facility: Bioinformatics and Data Centre (BDC)

The CGG unit provides support to facilitate translational research and help bridge the gap from research to clinical routine. We provide sequencing and bioinformatics support for clinical research and clinical implementation projects.

SciLifeLab Unit: Clinical Genomics Gothenburg (CGG)

The unit is part of the SciLifeLab Platform: Clinical Genomics.

Core Facility: Proteomics Core Facility (PCF)

Similar to proteomics, glycoproteomics is based on advanced mass spectrometry technologies that has evolved as the method of choice for global or directed analysis of glycoproteins and proteoglycans in biological tissue.

SciLifeLab Unit: Glycoproteomics

The unit is part of the SciLifeLab Platform: Clinical Proteomics and Immunology.

Core Facility: OligoNova Hub

OligoNova Hub is a national resource for discovery and development of therapeutic oligonucleotides. OligoNova Hub provide academic researchers with the full complement of expertise and capabilities needed to transform scientific discoveries into new oligonucleotide therapies.

SciLifeLab Unit: OligoNova Hub

The unit is part of the SciLifeLab Platform: Drug Discovery and Development (DDD).

National and Regional Biobank

Core Facility: Biobank Core Facility
Regional Collaboration: Biobank Väst
National infrastructure: Biobank Sweden

Biobank Sweden is a national infrastructure for biobanking where healthcare, academia, industry, and patient organisations collaborate to attain good healthcare and research. 

In Västra Götaland Region, through Biobank Väst, there is also a close collaboration between the University of Gothenburg and the Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

All regional biobank collaborations in Sweden, which involves the medical faculties in Gothenburg, Linköping, Uppsala, Lund, Umeå, Örebro and Stockholm, are a part of the national biobank infrastructure.

Protein Production

Core Facility: Mammalian Protein Expression (MPE)
National Infrastructure: Protein Production Sweden (PPS)

Protein Production Sweden (PPS) is a national research infrastructure focused on the production and purification of protein reagents of excellent quality for Swedish researchers.

The universities that are part of the infrastructure are the University of Gothenburg, Lund University, KTH, Umeå University and Karolinska Institute. The infrastructure is financed by the Swedish Research Council, and hosted and coordinated by the MPE Core Facility at University of Gothenburg.

National and International Imaging Infrastructure

Core Facility: Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI)
National Infrastructure: National Microscopy Infrastructure (NMI)
Nordic Infrastructure: Nordic Microscopy Infrastructure (BNMI)
European Infrastructure: Eurobioimaging

The Centre for Cellular Imaging is part of, and cooperates with, several national and European networks and infrastructures. This allows you as a researcher to access advanced techniques. At the CCI website you can learn more about the above and other infrastructures and networks.

Biological Mass Spectrometry

Core Facility: Proteomics Core Facility (PCF)
National Infrastructure: BioMS

The Swedish National Infrastructure for Biological Mass Spectrometry (BioMS) enables cutting-edge mass spectrometry and related advanced technology to be part of research projects. BioMS is a nationally distributed infrastructure. Each node offers specialized analytical techniques and experimental knowledge to meet the Swedish life science community demands.

The infrastructure is a cooperation between Lund University, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg and Karolinska Institutet, funded by the Swedish Research Council and the participating universities.

Genomic Medicine

Core Facility: Bioinformatics and Data Centre (BDC)
National Collaboration: Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS)
Regional Collaboration: Genomic Medicine Center Väst (GMC)

Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) is a collaboration between the Swedish Regions that have university health care and the medical faculties working with precision medicine. The collaboration also includes patient organisations and industry.

On regional level, the collaboration is handled through a genomic medicine center.

Animal Research

Core Facility: Experimental Biomedicine (EBM)
National Collaboration: Swedish Research Council

We work closely with the Swedish Research Council through the national initiative The website gathers information from all medical faculties in Sweden concerning animal based reserach and is coordinated by the Swedish Research Council.

We also work with the Swedish 3R-center which is a forum for knowledge-sharing and an important national actor for reducing, refining and replacing animal research in Sweden.