Contact us at MPE
If you want to get help with a project or to get more information about our support or our prices, please contact us by using our common e-mail address. You are also welcome to contact any member of the team if you would like to know more about our research support. Below you can also find a map and instructions to how to find us.
Malin Bäckström, PhD, Head of unit
Area of expertise: project planning, protein biochemistry, expression vector design, protein and glycoprotein production, mammalian cell culture
Elisabeth Thomsson, PhD
Area of expertise: mammalian cell culture in different formats and transfections, bioreactor cultures
Cecilia Wickstrand, PhD
Mammalian cell culture, protein production and purification, protein biochemistry, bioinformatics
Richard Lymer, Technician
Area of expertise: mammalian cell culture and transfections, bioreactor cultures, protein production and purification
Mikael Andersson, M.sci.
Area of expertise: mammalian cell culture and transfections, protein production and purification, DNA sequence handling/vector design
Visiting address: Medicinaregatan 9E, 413 90 Gothenburg
You will find our facility in the new pavillion behind Lundberglab. Walk by the café on ground floor, through the corridor and then up to the third floor into the pavillion.