University of Gothenburg
Custom made fluidic chambers for microscopy, CAT drawings
Photo: Karl Zhang


During the last decades, different microfabrication techniques and 3D-print technologies have been extensively used in biological and pharmaceutical research, e.g. for microfluidic devices. The Centre for Cellular Imaging provides service in designing and manufacturing such devises.

The aim of the microfabrication service at CCI is to support researchers from both academia and industry by providing various prototypes and devices, e.g. microfluidic systems, to answer scentific questions in biological, biomedical,  and pharmaceutial research.

CCI has a microfabrication workshop with a high resolution 3D printer. This 3D printer has many proven advantages, such as precise time and flow volume control, high efficiency and low cost. In addition, we also support researchers with the experimental setup using the fabricated devices.

Examples of microscope sample carriers
An example of a 3D-printed imaging chamber

Full service includes:

  • We provide guidance with ideal experimental set up.
  • We will then take care of the technical side of designing and fabricating the components.
  • This service is subject to availability of our resources.

For the 3D printing service, we currently offer following materials:

  • PLA (Polylactic acid)
  • Tough PLA
  • PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol)
  • TPU 95 (Thermoplastic polyurethane)

  • CPE (Co-polyester)

  • PP (Polypropylene)

  • PC (Polycarbonate )

On request, other materials can be supplied

Ultimaker S5 3D printer