Protein Production: Cooperation in Sweden and Europe
MPE is part of both Swedish and European networks and co-operations. As researcher, you gain access to various platforms and can receive tailored research support that meets your needs.
PPS: The National infrastructure for Protein Production in Sweden
Protein Production Sweden is a national research infrastructure established in 2022. PPS focuses on the production and purification of (mainly) recombinant protein reagents for all Swedish researchers. The seven participating PPS labs use several different expression systems which allows the production of many types of proteins.
Researchers can access the PPS infrastructure via a common entry-point and obtain individualized support based on their research needs throughout the whole process of protein production and purification. This can include all steps from project counselling and initial design to final quality control, or any single/multiple step(s) of the process.
The five universities that are part of the infrastructure are the University of Gothenburg (host), Lund University, Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Umeå University.
P4EU: European Network for Protein Production
MPE is part of the European network of academic facilities that work with protein production. The network is called P4EU, standing for Protein Production and Purification Partnership in Europe.