University of Gothenburg
EBM Byggnad
EBM Byggnad
Photo: Göteborgs universitet

Experimental Biomedicine (EBM)

At the University of Gothenburg, research is conducted in many fields. Some of the research use laboratory animals. For example in biomedicine, animal research is crucial for the development of treatments and new medication for diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. At Experimental Biomedicine (EBM), we offer service, expertise and support for research using animals.

If you are conducting research and have access to EBM, please login here to find useful information concerning your work. If you have questions, you are welcome to contact EBM.

Ethical Approval

Animal research is regulated by Swedish law, and needs ethical approval, which can be given by an ethical committee appointed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The Swedish Board of Agriculture is also responsible for governing animal testing activities in Sweden. Read more about this on the Swedish Agricultural Agency's website and at the Swedish Research Council.

EBM offers support for research

The majority of research studies conducted at EBM are done on small rodents such as mice and rats, but EBM also has a large animal department and a surgery department that is unique to Sweden.

At EBM, the animals are cared for by qualified personnel, and the animal welfare is monitored and controlled by veterinarians. In addition, everyone who works and conducts research at EBM needs to fulfill a special education required by law.

At EBM, we provide support for research in several medical fields such as research on cancer, nervous diseases, rheumatism, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and vaccine development. There is a strong connection to the hospitals in the Västra Götaland region, especially the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, where many doctors divide their time between research on EBM and clinical work at the hospital.

Get Access to the Facility

To gain access to work and conduct research at the EBM facility, you need to fulfill and pass the animal research education, and participate in the introduction to EBM. The education, which is regulated by Swedish law, is both practical and theoretical. Some of the education is web based while some is seminars and hands-on trainings.

Please contact us for further information on the courses and how to gain access to EBM.

X-account at the University of Gothenburg

In September 2022, the University of Gothenburg decided that all non-employed staff and students must have an x-account and a GU email address when working within the University of Gothenburg.

EBM usually created x-accounts for users at EBM, but this is no longer something we can provide you with. X-accounts are now created via your home institution.

In short, this means: 
• The research group who brings a new member without an x-account (e.g. a student), is responsible for creating an x-account and GU email address via their Authorisation Administrators. 
• GU email address is not the same as a address.  
• The GU email address must be managed and monitored. – This is the address EBM will use as a contact channel.
• X-account gives access to Microsoft365, as well as a number of systems e.g. Time Edit and tick@lab.
• Access to EBM is only possible to people with an active x-account. 

If the employee does not already have a GU card, this is ordered after logging in via the Staff Portal.

Creation of an x-account for companies/staff with no connection to the University of Gothenburg; Contact