Bild Breadcrumb Home Core Facilities Infrastructure at Core Facilities Instrumentation Instrumentation Listed below is a selection of instrumentation at OligoNova Hub. Oligonucleotide Chemistry Cytiva OligoPilot 10 oligo synthesizer MerMade 48X oligo synthesizer Bruker Impact II LC/MS Waters Autopurification system Liquid Handling and Sample Preparation Hamilton NGS Star (96-head) Hamilton Starlet (384-head) Labcyte ECHO 650 non-contact liquid handler Certus Flex dispenser BioTek 405 ts plate washer Gene Expression and Related Illumina NextSeq 2000 Sequencer Agilent 5200 Fragment Analyzer Thermo qPCR QuantStudio 7 with Orbitor RS2 microplate mover Qiacube – automated sample purification Imaging and Plate Readers Zeiss LSM 900 Confocal Microscope IncuCyte S3 Live cell microscope NC-3000 Image Cytometer Odyssey XF Imaging System - LICORbio CLARIOstar multi-mode plate reader Lunatic Spectrometer Back to OligoNova Hub start page OligoNova Hub provides state-of-the-art drug discovery infrastructure and expertise to academic researchers, to support the… Infrastructure at Core Facilities Drug Discovery at OligoNova Hub The project application process starts with evaluation of new project ideas, a continuous process throughout the year.