University of Gothenburg

The Elisabeth "Bollan" Lindén Stipend

In the testament of Elisabeth Lindén, the University of Gothenburg received a gift of 2.4 million Swedish kronor for medical research. Core Facilities at Sahlgrenska Academy has been assigned by the vice-chancellor to allocate the scholarship, as it is a platform with the opportunity to support medical research from a broad perspective.

Next Application Period: March 1 - April 30, 2025

The scholarship is aimed at young researchers within the Sahlgrenska Academy and provides access to the platforms within Core Facilities. This includes benefiting from the expertise and utilizing the techniques and services available within Core Facilities. You may apply to use multiple facilities in a single application.

Only one application per person is valid, and we will evaluate the most recent application you submit (if you submit more than once).

A total sum of SEK 500,000 is distributed among a maximum of five scholarship recipients every two years (previously SEK 250,000 per year). A researcher may receive the scholarship a maximum of two times. The scholarships are applied for in the spring, awarded in mid-October, and the funds can be utilized until December of the following year. Note that no direct transfer of funds is made to the recipient. As the funds are used within Core Facilities, the costs are deducted from the scholarship.

The scholarship is not intended to cover equipment purchase costs, and expenses for materials or animals may constitute a maximum of one-third of the requested funds.

You are encouraged to contact the responsible personnel for each facility to discuss study design and costs (see the fact box for contact information).

Who can apply?

Young researchers engaged in medical research at the Sahlgrenska Academy. This means that the target group for the scholarship includes doctoral students or researchers who have obtained their doctoral degree no more than five years ago (excluding any parental leave).


The application must be written in English and submitted via the online application form.

The information below is required for a complete application. If the application is not complete or does not follow instructions of maximum pages etc, it will not be evaluated. The file name of each uploaded document has to include the name of the applicant and should also include the applicant's name on each page, e.g. in the header or footer.

  • Motivation/shorter project description (max 150 words), written directly in the application form
  • A research plan in English (attached as a pdf-document). The research plan is to be max 3 pages, including references, pictures, tables, etc. Dedicate half a page of those three in which you describe the value that will be added to your project by the usage of the research infrastructure at the Core Facilities.
  • Curriculum vitae (attached as a pdf-document). Your CV should be max 2 pages and include academic degrees, previous and current appointments and listed scientific publications.
  • An estimated total cost calculation for the project and the amount applied for must be stated (maximum 150,000 kr).

The web-based application form is divided into four steps, each of which must be complete before proceeding to the next step. The four steps are:

  1. Personal data
  2. Research project
  3. Cost calculation
  4. Final review and submission

After submitting the form, a copy of the application is automatically sent to the group leader/supervisor for approval. Once the approval has been received, the examination of the application can begin.


Received applications will be evaluated and ranked by expert group appointed by the Sahlgrenska Academy's Council for Research (FOR). Rules for bias are applied, and bias is defined for these scholarships as ongoing or previous cooperation with the applicant or his/her supervisor (time limit 5 years). Delicacy disqualification is defined as for other government agencies. The fact that the evaluator in question is in the same department as the applicant is therefore not regarded as a bias/disqualification. When prioritizing submitted applications, these will be graded on a scale of 1-5 according to the following criteria:

  • Research question
  • Methodology
  • Competence/Feasibility
  • Medical relevance
  • Delivered report (on renewed application)


Decisions on granted applications are taken by FOR based on the recommendation of the expert group's overall assessments.