University of Gothenburg
Lars Voss med havet i bakgrunden
Photo: Martin Larsvik

Lars Voss new technician at the Tjärnö Laboratory

At the turn of the year Lars Voss was hired on a permanent basis as technician at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory. Currently the position is 50 percent, but over the summer he switches to 70 percent. Lars has extensive experience from fishing, construction work and property management.

What will you be working on here?

– As a technician, I'll be making sure that our eight small boats have the right equipment, serviced outboard engines, and full petrol tanks. For students and researchers, it's important to be able to get out in the field with a boat, to observe, measure and collect organisms. I also make sure that we get rid of our many kinds of separated waste, replace light bulbs, and help our house keepers with a variety of things.

What did you do before?

– I was a professional fisherman for 25 years, catching eel, lobster and edible crab. At the public housing company Strömstadsbyggen, I worked as a caretaker (property manager) for 13 years. I have also worked in construction both in Sweden and Norway. During 2024 I had a temporary (fixed-term) job at the Tjärnö Laboratory.

What do you do when you're not working?

– I like catching up with my daughter and her children, who live in Bullaren. With my Skäreleja boat I fish for mackerel in the summer, and lobster during autumn as well as edible crab. I also take regular walks with my dachshund Molly.

Anything else you'd like to share?

– I really enjoy this job. It's close to the sea, the tasks are varied, and I live conveniently close to the Tjärnö Laboratory. My wife has also worked here previously.

Interviewed by: Martin Larsvik
Translation from Swedish: Martin Larsvik and Jon. Havenhand