University of Gothenburg

Biobank Väst (BVCF)

Do you, as a researcher, need support regarding the handling of human biological material? Or do you need to sign a biobank agreement? At Biobank Väst, we have experts who can help you.

Regional and national collaborations

University of Gothenburg (UGOT) and the Region Västra Götaland (VGR) collaborate on biobank issues through Biobank Väst, which operates as a unit within both the university's Core Facilities and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Together, we offer regulatory and operational support for research projects.

The joint administrative biobank, Biobank Väst, is registered with number 890 at the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO). Biobank Väst is also one of the nodes within Biobank Sweden, which is a national infrastructure for biobanking.

Research support and advice

  • At the biobanks, you can get help with:
  • Advice
  • Biobank agreements and material transfer agreements
  • Sample handling
  • Storage and traceability of biobank samples
  • DNA extraction
  • PBMC extraction

Advice and biobank agreements

The biobanks provide advice, information, and education about the Biobank Act and biobank samples. We provide you with support for applications and establishment of biobank agreements as well as Material Transfer Agreements (MTA). We also offer guidance on formulating biobank-related parts in applications for ethical review, clinical trial applications, and information for research participants.

Support with sample handling

Biobank Väst offers services to facilitate the collection of high-quality biobank samples for research. We can assist with the handling, storage, and processing of samples. We can also provide information on existing sample collections, analysis platforms, sample quality, and how to transport biological material.

Within Biobank Sweden, appointed sample service coordinators (at universities or university hospitals) have the task to simplify research and harmonize biobank activities across the country. Contact us if you need advice and support for planning, collecting, and retrieving biobank samples in national studies.

VGR logotyp
Biobank Sverige logotype
We have a national role through Biobank Sverige

Contact us

At Gothenburg University, as well as other universities in Sweden, there is a project manager/sample service coordinator with a national role with aim to facilitate national biobank research in Sweden. The project manager/ sample service coordinator in Västra Götaland has an affiliation with Sahlgrenska University Hospital. 

Elin Stenfeldt
Project Manager and National Sample service-coordinator

Åsa Torinsson Naluai
Associate professor and University biobank-coordinator

About us

The Biobank Core Facility, together with Biobank West, constitutes one of the nodes within Biobank Sweden. We provide advice on biobanking and conduct research on sample quality.