Whether it’s intravital imaging, long-term observation of developmental processes, or high-resolution 3D imaging the LSM 710 NLO from Carl Zeiss delivers high-contrast images. The outstanding sensitivity of the system is combined with improved non-descanned detectors (NDD) with extraordinary light collection efficiency and the GaAsP technology also guarantee excellent imaging results in thick tissue samples and living animals.
The Axio Examiner microscope
This upright microscope platform is ideal for intravital microscopy since the stage can be lowered to offer a lot of space for the specimen. With a sample area up to 10 cm, the Axio Examiner is especially suited for dealing with living animals. The components are controlled via the separate TFT Remote Control Panel or via controls positioned at the very front of the stand.
The LSM 710 scan module
This scanning module has 34 simultaneous confocal fluorescence channels (34-channel QUASAR) with highly sensitive low dark noise PMTs. The spectral detection range can be easily adjusted and has a resolution down to 3 nm. You can simultaneously image up to ten labels in channel mode. The maximal scan resolution is 6144 × 6144 pixels. The maximum scanning speed is 77 frames/sec for a frame size of 512 × 32. At 256 × 256 pixels you can get up to 12.5 frames/sec and at 512 × 512 pixels you can get up to 8 frames/sec.
All objectives are highly corrected for chromatic and spherical aberrations.
- Water Plan-Apochromat 20x/1.0 DIC 75mm (WD=1.9 mm), ∞/0
- Water Plan-Apochromat 20x/1.0 DIC 75mm (WD=1.9 mm),∞/0.17
- Plan-Apochromat 10x/0.45 (WD= 2.1 mm), ∞/0.17
- Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8 (WD= 0.55 mm), ∞/0.17
- Plan-Apochromat 40x/1.4 Oil DIC (WD= 0.13 mm), ∞/0.17

Laser lines for confocal imaging
- Laser diode 405 nm (25 mW)
- Ar-laser 458, 488, 514 nm (25 mW)
- Laser diode 561nm
- HeNe-laser 633 nm (5 mW)
Laser for multiphoton imaging
The InSight DeepSee from Spectra-Physics is our ultrafast laser system that takes multiphoton imaging to new depths! This femtosecond pulsed laser has a wide tunable range between 680 nm to 1300 nm. There is an integrated dispersion pre-compensator, which makes sure that short pulses reach the sample for maximum fluorescence. A second output beam, with a fixed wavelength at 1040 nm, complements the main tuneable output, is available for advanced imaging techniques including uncaging, CARS imaging and multimodal imaging.
Non-Descanned Detectors (NDDs)
Fluorescence light excited by a multiphoton (non-linear) process originates only from the focus. Thus, no confocal pinhole is needed, and the signal can be projected directly from the specimen onto the detector. Our LSM 710 NLO has four standard non-descanned detection channels for reflection mode and two for transmission. The installed emission filters are SP 485 for blue fluorophores, BP 500-550 for green fluorophores, BP 560-610 for orange-red fluorophores, and BP 640-710 for far-red fluorophores.
GaAsP Non-Descanned Detector
The challenge of intra-vital imaging is the need to visualize very fine details in tissue that may be extremely light-scattering. The GaAsP Non-descanned detector with its high efficiency detection and low dark noise is the ideal tool for such tasks. This detector not only increases the flexibility but provides an up to 2-fold better signal-to-noise ratio and correspondingly a higher sensitivity.