University of Gothenburg
LSM980 with Airyscan 2
Photo: Rafael Camacho CCI

LSM980 with Airyscan 2

The Carl Zeiss LSM 980 with Airyscan 2 is a state-of-the-art inverted microscope designed for imaging in both laser scanning confocal and the novel super-resolution technique Airyscan. The system is dedicated to fast and sensitive live cell imaging with a full incubation chamber. Further, the LSM980 is optimized for simultaneous spectral detection of multiple weak labels with the highest light efficiency.

LSM 980

The LSM980 is a confocal microscope optimized for simultaneous detection of multiple weak labels. New multiplexing modalities allow for fast volumetric imaging, live experiments, spectral imaging, and more. 

Airyscan 2

Airyscan is a method for gentle super-resolution imaging based on the Line scanning SIM by Heintzmann and the use of a imaging sensor as demonstrated by Müller and Enderlein. In Airyscan imaging the sample is scanned as in confocal, while the emitted light is captured by a sensor. Further, new multiplexing modalities allow to capture larger fields of view or dynamic processes using shorter acquisition times than previously possible.

Enhanced Software Tools for Productivity

The ZEN software has available several modules that allow to define complex tasks, and achieve reproducible results. The AI Sample Finder helps to quickly define regions of interest in large samples. Smart Setup is able to suggest imaging settings based on the modality of interest and labels present on the sample. Direct Processing enables parallel acquisition and data processing. ZEN Connect can be used to handle complex multimodal and correlative imaging approaches, making it easy to overlay and organize images from any source.

LSM980 with Airyscan 2
LSM980 with Airyscan 2
Photo: ZEISS
LSM980 zen connect example
Example of a project acquired via guided acquisition and visualized via ZEN connect at the LSM980
Photo: Rafael Camacho CCI
LSM980 Airyscan 2 animation
Animation showing the Airyscan 2 light path in the LSM 980
Photo: ZEISS

Imaging modalities of the LSM 980 with Airyscan 2

Multiplex modes of the LSM980 

Airyscan SR SR-4Y SR-8Y CO-8Y
Parallelization 1 4 8 8
Resolution [nm] 120/120 140/140 120/160 Confocal
Max FPS 0.2 (Zoom 1.7) 1.0 (Zoom 1) 2.0 (Zoom 1) 9.6 (Zoom 1)
Fine structures +++++ ++++ +++ ++
Tiling ++ ++++ ++++ +++
Live cell imaging ++ +++ ++++ +++++


LSM980 system characteristics

Objective lenses

Air objectives

Immersion objectives

Widefield module

Confocal module

LSM 980 confocal detectors
LSM 980 confocal detectors
Photo: ZEISS

Airyscan 2 module

Airyscan detector
Airyscan detector
Photo: ZEISS
LSM980 confocal path animation
Animation describing the optical path of the LSM 980 confocal head
Photo: ZEISS