University of Gothenburg
The gothenburg bioinformatics network aims to bring bioinformaticians toghether


The Gothenburg Bioinformatics Network – GOTBIN – is intended to bring together all Gothenburg researchers for whom bioinformatics is a part of their research.


GOTBIN is a local research-oriented network launched on December 2011. It is organized on a voluntary basis without any funding.

Our primary goals:

  • Maintain a voluntary registry of Gothenburg researchers who practice bioinformatics as a component in their work, and where their primary expertise lies. It should be straightforward to find other local researchers tackling the same research problems as you are. Visit our Google group and slack channel.

  • Promote and forward bioinformatics in Gothenburg. This includes offering services such as a mailing list, discussion forum, and organizing relevant seminars and get-togethers. To ask a question, or find people willing to help you out with any given task, must be easy.

GOTBIN Annual Workshop

December 11th, Wednesday,  from 8.30-11.30
Birgit Thilander (Academicum, Medicinaregatan 3)

       * 2 scientific presentations
       * short PhD student presentations
       * networking activities
       * and fika


Previous events