University of Gothenburg

MALDI-IMS prices

MALDI imaging mass spectrometry is run as full service with the addition of data analysis training and access to analysis software.

Basic Service

1. Project planning

  • Feasibility/target analytes/throughput
  • #animals, #samples, power analysis
  • tissue collection
  • sample preparation
  • integration with other imaging techniques
  • data analysis workflow

2. Sample preparation

3. IMS data acquisition

4. Initial exploratory data analysis

Additional Services

1. Correlative Multimodal Imaging

  • Integration with other imaging modalities

2. IMS Data Analysis

  • Training and Access to IMS Analysis Software
  • Analysis by CCI researcher

3. Tissue preparation

  • Sectioning (training)
  • Sectioning by CCI staff


1. Pilot project (Proof of principle, 1-2 samples)

  • IMS basic service included
  • Price: 10 000kr

2. Project

  • Prerequisite: Pilot project completed
  • n < 10 samples
  • Price: 2000 kr/sample (ca 3h/sample)

3. Extended Project

  • Larger projects (n > 10) after completion of Pilot project
  • Price: Upon negotiation, dependent on sample type/sample size and integration with other imaging modalities

4. Data analysis

  • 2h Training 2000kr
  • Data Analysis by CCI Researcher (550kr/h) (ca 1000kr/sample)